A Survey Of Physical Working Conditions And Their Effects On Productivity Of The Secretaries In Some Business Establishments  

A Survey Of Physical Working Conditions And Their Effects On Productivity Of The Secretaries In Some Business Establishments


Title                                                                          i

Approval                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgement                                                  iv

Table of Content                                                      v

Abstract                                                                    ix



  • Background of the Study                          1
  • Statement of the Problem                        3
  • Purpose of the study                                 4
  • Significance of the Study
  • Delimitation
  • Research Questions                                  5
  • Definition of terms



2.1   Physical in offices

2.2   Effect of physical working condition on the secretary’s productivity

2.3   Summary of the literature review



  • Design of the Study 35
  • Population of the Study
  • Sample size and method of sampling
  • Instrument used for data collection
  • Method of data collection
  • Method of data analysis


4.0   Presentation and Analysis of Data



  • Conclusions                                         59
  • Recommendations


Appendix                                                         66

Questionnaire                                                 67


This was a survey of physical working and their effects on productivity of the in some establishments in Enugu .

The population of the study consisted of 150 secretaries from the selected business establishments in Enugu urban. The sample for the study was to secretaries out of 150. Four research questions were formulated which guided the study.

The major findings of the study were lack of adequate physical working conditions, affects the productivity of the secretary, improper planning, lack of funds and managers, indifference, etc were also discovered to affect the secretary’s productivity.

This study, therefore, recommended that: proper location should be chosen and secretary should be provided with a swivel chair, table and computer, making them comfortable in the office. In addition, the managers should make judicious use of allocation funds.


The score of today’s business is seriously widening and becoming dynamic challenging sophisticated and highly competitive for any establishment to cope with the demanding nature of modern business and eventually accomplish its set objectives, it must practice art of scientific management.

This means that managers of these business establishments must have insight or vision which will enable them to plan and work towards achieving their economic objectives using all available resources effectively or efficiently.

The manager’s accomplishment of these objectives is a demanding task. The manager will require the services of someone who will help him to achieve or accomplish this great task which is the services of a secretary.

According to Elendu, O. (2001) it is necessary to refer to the definition given earlier and adopted by the National – Secretaries Association Missouri, the USA which says that the secretary is an assistant to an executive,

possessing mastery of office skills and ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision, who displays initiative, exercises judgment and makes a decision within the scope of her authority.

According to Okolo (2009), a secretary is a person who directly assists the chairman in the conduct of the meeting. The secretary is in charge of the secretariat and is responsible for all the secretariat functions of the meeting.

According to White Head (1979), a secretary is one who must act as the alter ego of the chief executive. The secretary must be able to render such services as desired by the chief executive and also assist him to realize the organizational goals based on competence and efficiency.

The secretary plays an essential role in any establishment/office. This means that a secretary must be a person of high responsibility and even qualified by training experience and temperament to perform these essential duties.

A secretary being able to carry out his/her duties perfectly, physical working condition is mandatory to provide. It is so because this helps to make secretaries comfortable.


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Denyer, J.C. (1999) Office Management (3rd edition) London: The English Language book society.

Elendu, E.O. (1985) Office Practice for Colleges Owerri: New African Publishing Company Limited (2nd edition).

Elendu, O. (2000) Office Practice for College Owerri: Published by Mac- Elendu and Co. Nigeria (3rd edition).

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Okolo, A.N. (2009) Office Practice and Technology For Tertiary Institutions Awka, First Fountain – Publishers (Nig.) 1st edition.

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