Act Dumb Play Smart Quotes

Acting dumb and playing smart is a line that will long remain in society. It has different meanings to different people but there is one common thing when you look at the quotes about acting dumb and playing smart. That is whatever way you take this quote, it is used negatively or positively depending on the situation.

It is important to act dumb and to play stupid but, do you know why? If you crave success in your life, then you will strive hard to achieve it. There are many people who would like to achieve their goals but have the wrong concepts about how they can achieve those.

Acting dumb most of the time to win over people’s hearts and then playing smart when necessary is said to be a good thing. You have to block all the negative thoughts that come your way and be ready all the time. Well, here are some quotes about acting dumb and playing smart from real people.

Acting dumb and playing smart is a sophisticated way to remind others that acting dumb can be a smart thing. We are all capable of great things. But when you act dumb and play smart, you have a chance to not only achieve big things but also have an impact on the people around you.

1. Act Dumb and Play Smart. Life is too short to be anything else but yourself.

2. Act dumb, play smart. Act stupid, play smart. Act like a fool, play-wise. Stand out and you’ll always be noticed.

3. Act dumb. Play smart. Always think out of the box. Act dumb, play smart, and don’t take yourself too seriously.

4. It’s important to act dumb, play smart, and never take yourself too seriously.

5. We aren’t experts at everything. So, use your talents to act dumb and play smart.

6. Sometimes, it’s better to act dumb, play smart and just be yourself.

7. Act dumb. Play smart. Act as if you’re on fire. When you can do that, you are lit.

8. When you think of all the ways you can act dumb, play smart will be right up there.

9. You’re never too old to act dumb, play smart and learn a new word every day.

10. Nothing is impossible when you act dumb. Play smart, and your dreams will come true.

11. The best way to act dumb play smart. The worst way is to try and act normal when you’re anything but.

12. To be successful, you must act dumb and play smart. To be smart, you must play dumb.

13. Act dumb play smart. If you play dumb, then really smart people will take advantage of you.

14. Act dumb, play smart and never forget to drink water.

15. The smartest thing you can do is act dumb and play smart. But always remember: It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

16. You’ll never see the world the same way again after you’ve gone through a dumb act and played a smart program. We think it’s pretty wild stuff, too.

17. Act Dumb and Play Smart. Live the life of your dreams.

18. Act dumb and play smart. That’s the theme of our new campaign. Act dumb, play smart, and succeed.

19. If you act dumb, play smart. If you play smart, act dumb.

20. The dumbest thing you can do is simply play it safe. Act dumb, play smart.

21. In order to play smart, you have to act dumb. Act dumb play smart always.

22. Dumb is a verb. Dumb people do dumb things. Play smart, not dumb. Act dumb, play smart.

23. Life’s hard. It’s easy to give up, but giving up is not an option. Act dumb, play smart.

24. We’re all in this together. Act dumb, play smart. The best way to act dumb is to play smart. Or at least act like you’re playing hard.

25. What’s the difference between acting dumb and smart? It’s all in the timing.

26. Life isn’t just about being smart, it’s also about acting dumb and playing smart.

27. Don’t be afraid to act dumb. Just play smart. The more you act dumb the smarter you get.

28. It doesn’t matter if you’re smart or dumb, just act dumb and play smart.

29. This is called act dumb, play smart. Making smart decisions is really the only way to get where you want to go in life.

30. The most important thing for me to remember is to act dumb and play smart.

31. At Act Dumb, we believe that when we act dumb, we enhance our creativity and play smart. The more we act like ourselves, the better we can be.

32. Act dumb and play smart. Always keep your options open.

33. We are here to make sure you act dumb and play smart.

34. Sometimes, in life, the best decisions are made by acting dumb and playing smart.

35. The best way to avoid mistakes is to act dumb and play smart.

36. Working smarter, not harder. Act dumb and play smart. Always.

37. Act dumb. Play smart. And you’ll succeed when it counts the most.

38. Which is the smarter move, to act dumb or play smart? The harder you work, the more successful you become.

39. Anybody can act smart, but it takes a real pro to play dumb.

40. Don’t be too serious, be boring! Keep it fun, act dumb and play smart.

41. We all want to be smart, but we must first act dumb in order to play smart.

42. The smartest people in the room are those who aren’t there. Act dumb, play smart.

43. Being smart is not about knowing everything, it’s about having the confidence to ask questions when others don’t know. Act dumb play smart.

44. If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re just trying to be perfect. Act dumb, play smart.

45. Be genuinely interested in everything, and you will be interested in everything. Act dumb,

46. Act dumb, play smart. Be the first one to figure it out.

47. We all have to be able to act dumb in order to play smart.

48. Act dumb and play smart, your life will be a lot easier.

49. To be a smart person means you have to act dumb sometimes. To be a dumb person means you have to play smart sometimes.

50. Act dumb, play smart. In other words: be yourself but never fake it

51. Act dumb, play smart. The key to success is being a jack of all trades and a master of none.

52. Act dumb, play smart. The best way to learn is to try something new.

53. If you act dumb, play smart. If you play dumb, act smart.

54. I believe it’s important to act dumb sometimes. You should play smart, but be a little bit dumb at times.

55. Don’t be so serious all the time. Don’t be afraid to act dumb sometimes, and play smart at other times. Do something stupid every now and then.

56. Act dumb, play smart. Nothing is as rewarding as a brilliant idea that fools people into thinking it’s your own.

57. Act dumb, play smart. Never be afraid to try something new.

58. Self-education is the key to success. Act dumb and play smart.

59. Act dumb and play smart. And don’t try to be someone you’re not.

60. Act dumb. Play smart. Learn something new every day. When in doubt, act dumb. Play smart.

61. You can’t always be smart, but you can act dumb every now and again and play smart.

62. The best way to be uneducated and look smart is to act dumb and play smart.

63. Act dumb, play smart. Act like a kid and you’ll be one. Play Smart and you’ll avoid most mistakes.

64. Don’t be afraid to act dumb. Play smart, and watch your creativity flourish.

65. Never tell yourself you can’t do something because if it’s important to you, you will find a way to make it happen. Act dumb, play smart.

66. Act dumb, play smart. That’s how you get ahead in life, with confidence and purpose, not attitude.

67. You are a comedian when you act dumb, play smart and make people laugh.

68. We act dumb to be smart. Play it cool to get what you want. Act dumb play smart.

69. The best form of advertising is to simply act dumb and play smart.

70. Act like you don’t know anything, but play as you do. Act dumb, play smart.

71. Playing dumb gives you a chance to think faster and make better decisions. Act dumb, play smart.

72. When you act dumb, play smart. It’s the best way to avoid getting hurt.

73. There’s always a moment of truth in every interview. Make it count, and you’ll be fine. Act dumb, play smart.

74. Act dumb, play smart. If you want to make a difference in this world and do something good, you’ll have to be able to express yourself clearly.

75. For all the players out there, you need to act dumb and play smart.

76. This is the kind of creativity that makes us want to act dumb, play smart and tell stories.

77. Act dumb play smart. Act your age and play by the rules. Don’t be afraid to go where others won’t because you’re one of a kind, original and exceptional. Be brave and follow your heart!

78. Act dumb play smart: Inspire someone else to act dumb, not yourself. Show up and play smart.

79. Act dumb play smart. Nothing is more important than acting dumb, playing smart and never taking yourself too seriously.

80. Don’t overthink it. Act dumb, play smart. That’s how you make decisions and create new opportunities for yourself every day.

81. If you act dumb, people will think you’re smart. But if you play smart, they’ll think you’re dumb. Only by acting dumb can you play smart.

82. Don’t be afraid to act dumb, play smart and think big.

83. Act dumb until you get smart. Play smart until you can laugh at yourself.

84. Dumb is smart and smart is dumb. Act dumb and play smart, you’ll win every time.

85. Act dumb. Play smart. Don’t bet your whole future on one decision.

86. When you act dumb, play smart. When you’re playing smart, act dumb. Either way, they won’t know what hit them.

87. Act dumb. Play smart. Be original. Be curious. Always ask questions and leave room for discovery.

88. Never take yourself too seriously. Act dumb and play smart.

89. The best way to act dumb is to be smart. The best way to play smart is to be dumb.

90. Live your life in a way that is authentic to yourself and the people around you. Act dumb play smart.

91. The only dumb question is the one you don’t ask. Act dumb play smart.

92. If you want to do something, do it. If you want to be someone, prove it. If you want to go somewhere, get out of your own way.

93. Market-driven by the need to make smart investments. Act dumb, play smart.

94. Act dumb to play smart. Learn new things and get out of your comfort zone.

95. If you act dumb and play smart, you’ll never be broke. We act dumb, but we play smart.

96. Dumb plays smart and smart plays dumb. Always remember to act dumb, play smart and think outside of the box.

97. How do you act dumb in the real world? Play dumb. Play smart. Act like a kid and don’t get caught up in big grown-up things. You’ll be just fine.

98. Be dumb, play smart. When it comes to your online presence, do something that nobody else is doing.

99. Living life to the fullest means being a little dumb and a lot smart. You can’t control people’s actions, but you can control how you react. Act dumb, play smart.

100. Act dumb, play smart. Always act like you don’t know what you’re doing, and then do it right. Life is a beautiful game to play, perfect for those who act dumb and play smart.

Basically, acting dumb while playing smart means quite the opposite! Rather than be overly witty, you pretend to be slow and act stupid. What you do is that when the time comes, you impress them with your knowledge. So if you want to succeed, act dumb and play smart.

I hope that you have been inspired after reading the above quotes about acting dumb and playing smart. This post is just a preview of what you can get from using these quotes. I highly recommend you get your copy today.

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