Add Color to Your Life Quotes

Life is meant to be colourful, fun and exciting. A little bit of colour every now and then can make a huge difference, both on your inside and on your outside.

As humans, we can choose to make our days more colourful by choosing to be happy and grateful for all the blessings in our life.

To add colour to your life, you need to stop thinking about your frightful past and don’t waste a moment worrying about an uncertain future. Enjoy each moment, for it has its own beauty. Don’t let difficulties crush you as they are meant to discipline you and make you stronger.

Life is full of exciting, challenging and scary moments. The only difference is how you look at them. If you want to enjoy life every moment and live it to the fullest, then, these add colour to your life quotes is meant for you. Whether you are feeling down or upset, the quotes below can easily lift your spirit up. Enjoy!

Life is about adding colour to your life. So don’t ever feel bored and stuck with repetitive activities. Add a new shine to your life by trying to do something new each day because life is beautiful when it is colourful.

1. Life is too beautiful to be plain, it has to be colourful. My life is full of colours and so can your life be, If you just get up and decide to be.

2. See the world in a different hue don’t be like others and don’t be blue. There’s an ocean of colours for you, so let your heart be a rainbow of joy.

3. Add some colour to your life, add colour to your dreams, add colour to your smiles, add colour to your tears, and add colour to your fears,

4. Add some colour to your life, and forget that you ever have strife, forget your worries and your strife, forget the tears and the pain, and live a colourful life.

5. I want to add colour to life, I want to be the sun on a sunny day, I want to be the moon on a dark night, I want to be the smile when you feel down.

6. If you have a dull life, add some colour to change it up a bit. There’s no need to be so dull and bland because it is easy to add colour to your life.

7. Life is a struggle, but don’t ever let it get you down! Live your life in colours and the colours will brighten up your day.

8. Life is a painting, each of us is a brush. The meaning of life is to add colours to it and to mix them so smoothly that the colours intermingle.

9. When life is full of colour And everything is all right, all the shades of life will be wonderful bringing joy to your very heart

10. If you’re feeling blue, Don’t be sad or depressed, just change your mind, be happy, and add colour to your life.

11. Life’s a ball, you have to roll with the fall and in the end, you’ve got to let the colours of your heart escape into the world, for it’s the only way to live.

12. Add colour to your life, and you’ll see it’s no more a mundane scene.

13. Add colour to your life, add colour to a drab life, and make everyone wonder what you are up to.

14. Add colour to your life, add happiness, joy, love, peace, mix them all, and live your life in a rainbow.

15. Add colour to your life, add love and lots of light. It’s a beautiful thing to do, and it’s something you must try.

16. Add colours to your life, and smile like you’re never sad. Show the world that you’re alive, and laugh like you’re never mad.

17. Add colour to your life and a smile to your face, dance in the rain and love everyone. Life is no race, so laugh and be glad, and add some colour, To everyone’s face,

18. Don’t be afraid to add colour to your life, it’s your life, you can do and say whatever you like don’t be afraid to say what you think.

19. Take a deep breath, spin around and see the colours of everything you do. Every colour is a part of you.

20. Life without colours is a grey, boring life. But you can make it amazing, colourful and bright if you add colours to your life.

21. Don’t let anyone steal it from you, don’t let anyone steal your colours. Don’t let anyone steal your paint, and don’t let anyone take your joy.

22. Don’t just add colour to life, let it flow, add a dash of spice and fun and see your world as it should be – A happy place with lots of blue.

23. Add colour to your life, so when people look at you, their eyes will sparkle.

24. Add colour to your life, insert different shades, adorn yourself with pretty rings, and paint your mind into a rainbow.

25. Add colour to your life, spice it up and you’ll feel sublime.

26. Life is for living, it’s for adding colours too. If you are a rainbow, then you must be colourful too.

27. If you want colours in your life, it’s not about what you wear or the colour of your hair, but about how you live your day, and how you make others feel.

28. Colour your life with lots of fun, don’t let boring days cloud the sun, grab your friends and the perfect fun, and add colours to your life.

29. Add colour to your life and be the star of the show. The way that you can is by smiling and being true, so make your life colourful

30. Add colour to your life and make it all so right, see those colours surrounding you and you’ll be just fine.

31. Take a leap of faith, live a colourful life, take all of your favourite songs and sing them out loud.

32. Liven up your life, add colour to the grey. Life is too precious to be so dreary.

33. Add colours to life. Life is a canvas, so start painting with the colours you want and watch the canvas turn into a place you’d love to be.

34. Add colour to your life, for you are what you eat. Live like you’re in a play, and do things you would see if you were in the audience.

35. Add colour to your life and your life will become a beautiful painting.

36. Add colour to your life, don’t be afraid to try new things and if it doesn’t work out, then at least you know you have tried.

37. Life’s a little dull without you, so add some colours to your life.

38. Add colour to your life, it’s a choice you need to decide. It’ll help you lead a happier life and practically add spice to your life.

39. Life is full of colours, and you can add your own. If you want to, add them today, and watch your life become a beautiful play.

40. Add colours to your life, like the rainbow in the sky, live life to the fullest, and enjoy every single bit of it.

41. I’m here to remind you, to live life in all beautiful colours, don’t be afraid to show who you are and when you do, be a rainbow.

42. Add colours to your life, wear colours that you like, don’t be afraid to shine, but be afraid of being plain

43. Colour your world with a smile, colour your life with glee, with hope, and with a dream.

44. Life is one big colour wheel, so follow your heart and let it lead you around to add colour to your life.

45. Add colour to your life, add colour to your soul, add colour to your friends and add colour to the whole world.

46. Life is full of colours, some you want, some you don’t. It’s a rainbow that comes your way, just mix it.

47. Let others be the pretty colours, let others be the pretty flowers, but you be the rainbow, and add colours to life.

48. Life is black and dull without colours. Don’t let the colourless flowers fade away.

49. Add colour to your life, be bold, be free, be you. Don’t be afraid to try every colour of the rainbow and add colour to your life.

50. Add colour to your life now and enjoy the fun you’ll see. The taste of excitement will take you on a ride you’ll never believe.

Life is the ultimate gift and I’ve realized that it comes with a time limit. It’s like a bonus in a video game. So you have got to live every day as if it was your last. You need to add colour to your life, get lost in pleasure, and make the earth more glittery.

51. Sometimes, life is hard, sometimes sad, sometimes blue, but I try to add colours to life and to every day that I live.

52. Add colour to your life, add colour to your heart, add colour to each day, and let the magic start.

53. Add colours to your life, because if you don’t add colours to your life, your life will look dull and boring, And that’s not the life I want for you, So go on, add colour to your

54. Add some colour to your life, don’t make it dull, add some paint to your life, and add some sparkle.

55. Add colour to your life, as you walk down the street and as you raise your hand to meet a new day as it comes.

56. Add colour to your life, add colour to your day, add colour to your smile and add colour to your way.

57. Get out there and add colour to your life. Life has too much grey do what makes you happy and live like you mean it.

58. These colours bring red and spread laughter, so add colour to your life, and you’ll find it hard to believe how you’ll smile and fill the skies up with glee.

59. There is no need to be sad, it turns out this was just a bad day. Remember that the sun always rises, add colours to your life, and you will see, that the sun will always rise.

60. Add Colour to your life, enjoy the colours you bring, make sure you are happy too, follow your soul, your heart and your mind.

61. Add colours to your life, add the brightest colours you can find, add colours to your days, and add colours to your nights.

62. You can add colour to your life, you can paint a masterpiece. Just try to keep it all in line, and you’ll add colour to your life.

63. Life is like a canvas, so let’s paint it with colours, add life to it and make it beautiful. So go on, do it!

64. Add colour to your life, live a life you love, do things you love, do things for others and make a friend smile.

65. Throw away your dull and boring clothes, dress up in the colours of the rainbow, sing the songs of your joy, come out of your comfort zone, and live the life of your dreams.

66. Add colours to your life, add colours to all your strife, and let all your troubles be guided by the light.

67. The more colour, the more fun. The more colour, the more sun. The more colour the more laughter, so bring colour to your life.

68. Life is best when you add colour to it, you’ll be surprised as to how colourful it becomes. The world is yours for the taking so get started and make it an adventure.

69. Add colour to your life and give your life a new direction.

70. Add colour to your life and live a colourful life. Don’t be black and white, be a rainbow and shine, come out of your shell and live a colourful life.

71. Add colour to your life, add colour to your soul, add colour to your dreams, and add colour to your goals.

72. If you can add colour to life and be that beautiful butterfly, the world will want to listen to you.

73. You have the choice to be bland & boring or colourful and pretty, adding colours to life will make it even more worthwhile.

74. Life is colourful. Colours come and colours go, they bring joy and they bring sorrow, but if life was black and white, Where would the fun be?

75. Add colours to your life and never let it be dreary, for there are colours within you, and colours without you, so let your colours flow and be and be happy.

76. If you can colour it, colour it out. If you can paint a picture, paint your lot. Life is beautiful when it’s colourful.

77. Feel colour, feel happiness, see colour, see light, live colour, live now, forget grey, be the rainbow of hope.

78. Add colour to your life, as you would to a canvas, but don’t make it a mess, instead, make it an artwork.

79. Add colour to your life, go out and make a difference, don’t just sit around and stare you have all the right colours in your crayon box.

80. Add a touch of colour to your life and never be afraid to try to be the special you, wearing your colour with pride.

81. If you believe, add colour to your life, if you dream, add colour to your night. For me, I wanna add colour to my life by living it with vibrant light.

82. You can’t paint life black or white, you have to add colours to it. When life is grey and dull, and nothing seems to go your way, you have to fight, for what is rightfully yours.

83. Don’t be boring, add colour to your life, make it as fun and exciting as you can. Life is a dream and when you add colour to it, it’s like a rainbow on a very sunny day

84. The world around me is so boring with no colour, no humour, no drama, but I have all of these colours inside me, so let me add some colour to your life!

85. If you have colour in your life, then your world would be a whole lot brighter, and your life would be a lot more fun.

86. You can add colours to your life and live a colourful life if you want to, and you can be a butterfly and soar as high as you can if you want to.

87. Add colour to your life, make it vivid like a tie-dye, with drops of rain.

88. Take a look around you, you’ll find the world is changing all around, so add some colour, to make it all worthwhile, add colour to your life and you’ll feel much better if you do this.

89. Colour is the most beautiful thing in the whole world. It makes the world a better place and adds joy to your life.

90. Add colours to your life, add colours to your soul, add colours to your heart, and add colours to those who are cold.

91. Make your dreams a reality, add colour to your life and make it as colourful as you want it to be. Let your imagination run free, it’s your life, colour it however you see fit.

92. Add colours to your life by living it with zest, turn up the volume of your life and add much to your experience.

93. Life is meant to be colourful, so add colours to your life with rainbow hues.

94. Add colour to your life, there’s so much you can do to make others smile, So let the colours flow.

95. To add colour to your life is to add meaning to your strife. You see, when you add colour to your life, you give it something to have pride in.

96. You may have to add colour to your life, but don’t forget who you are, Keep your head up when the world is pulling you down.

97. If you can add colours to life, you can add flavours to your taste. If you can add spice to your life, you can add spice to your taste.

98. Add colour to your life, and let the colours never die, bring colour to your world, and show the world who you really are.

99. Add colour to your life, because now is the time, so make a choice to brighten up your life.

100. The world is full of grey, but don’t be sad. For I say, add colour to your life, and you will see, that there are many reasons to be glad today.

101. Your life should be filled with colours, it’s not about choosing the colours, it’s about adding colours to life and making it the best.

102. Pull out all the stops and add a little colour to your life. The world is yours and if you choose, you can paint it any shade you like.

103. When you create a splash, you add colours to life.

104. The colours you see around, have been created especially for you and me so that we can live with passion, and add colour to our lives.

105. If you feel like saying I am done with life, don’t stop, put colour to your life.

106. Add colour to your dull grey life, add life to your dull grey love, add some zest to your boring routine and make it worthwhile for you.

107. It’s time to add colour to your life and just take the colours that you like and paint the world with so much joy.

108. The world is full of colours, but I can’t see them all, they are there to make you smile, just like the sun makes us glow.

109. My mind is my canvas, my heart is my brush, and I can create a masterpiece. I can colour my life.

110. I will add colour to my life and never be afraid of what I find, though I may stumble, I will get back up and add colour to my life.

111. If you feel your life is empty, then add colour to it, if you feel your life is bland, then add a dash of spice, if you feel your life is dull, then add some glitter and shine to make your life more beautiful.

112. Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, it’s in the colours you add to your world. Go out and make a beautiful life, and watch the world in awe.

113. Life is often a bore until you add colour to it. There is only one way, that I know to do so, you have to add colour to your soul.

114. Dream in colour, live in colour, but most of all, don’t ever be scared to follow your own colour.

115. Colour your life with joy. it will keep you glowing with a smile upon your face.

116. Add colour to your life, don’t leave it bland and white, be bold and fearless. Never hide from the night but be calm and collected and let your thoughts ignite.

117. Add colour to your life, drink from the cup of life, because without living, life will get boring and dull.

118. Add colour to your life, and make every way you move, a little more like a dance.

119. Add colours to your life, add colours to your day, add colours to your existence and you’ll never be out of the fray.

This amazing collection of add colour to your life quotes listed above will surely spur you to add some colour and live your life to its fullest. Which of the quotes above is your favourite, let me know in the comment section. Thank you.

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