Adverse Effect of Fruoroquinolones – Antibiotic Drug

Fluoroquinolones are antibacterial drugs that exhibit concentration- dependent bactericidal activity by inhibiting the activity of dna gyrase and topoisomerase enzymes essential for bacterial dna replication. The older drug; nalidixi acid, is a non-flurinated quinolone and its not effective against systematic infections.

Adverse effects.

Cns effects – the visible adverse effects are mild headache, drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, mood alterationnausea. Seizures (epilepsy) are rear, but flouroquinolones should not be given to patients with cns disorders
Phototoxicity- the patients are advised to avoid excessive sunlight and to use sunscreen. However, even sunscreen or sun blocks may not protect against the phototoxicity and the drug should be discontinued at the first sign of this toxicity.

Nephrotoxicity – crystalluria has been reported in patients receiving excessive doses

Coatraindication- fluoroquinolones has been associated with clostridium difficile- associated diarrhea and should be avoided in pregnant women, in nursing mothers and in children under 18years of age, since articular cartilage erosion (arthropathy occurs in immature exp)


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