Aim for Progress Not Perfection Quotes

We all want to be successful at something, and to achieve it; we must strive to reach our goals. But unfortunately, our human nature often leads us to set unrealistic goals for ourselves. Instead of being the best we can be at something, we should aim to be a little better than we were yesterday. You must not set yourself up for failure by setting unattainable goals.

This makes you ends up being about reaching your goals rather than reaching perfection. Setting your sights on success allows you to work steadily toward it instead of giving up if you have a few setbacks. Aim for progress, not perfection quotes reminders to never give up, no matter how bad your setback.

However, perfectionism has benefits, such as helping to recall information, be motivated, and strive for goals, but perfectionism can also get in the way of the important things in our lives. Everyone has some perfectionism, and even those who strive for success still struggle when it hampers their endeavours.

Are you struggling with your perfectionist streak? Do you care to let down your hair and enjoy the visible changes you’ve made in your goals? Need a reason to give yourself a huge pat on the back for a job well done even though you’re yet to reach your goal? Here are lovely aim for progress not perfection quotes I collected that can help you focus your mindset on progress, not perfection:

‘Always aim for progress, not perfection. It’s not a quote; it’s life’s major hack. Mistakes are made when perfection is sought. Don’t worry about perfection. Enjoy the journey. It’s not about “making it all perfect” but “making it better”. It’s about getting work done and not letting your ego get in the way.

1. The goal is to achieve progress in little or great measure, not perfection.

2. Personal growth is always a work in progress; seeking perfection is courting dissatisfaction and disaster.

3. If you want to excel in life, focus on progress, not perfection.

4. Perfection is a lofty goal you may never achieve in life. It’s the shortest path to frustration because the more perfection you attain for yourself, the more you demand. Aim for progress; it’s measurable and satisfactory.

5. You can’t be perfect in everything, but you can make appreciable progress.

6. Don’t be hard on yourself by demanding anything but perfection. Be kind to yourself by seeking progress.

7. Perfection is a deluding illusion, while progress is realistic attainment.

8. Aim for progress, not perfection, because then you’ll always have
new goals to achieve. Always strive to become a better person, and one day, you’ll realise that you’ve done enough.

9. Aim for progress, not perfection. Perfection is a myth, Only achieve what’s right, and fill your life with happiness and joy!

10. Stop trying too hard to aim for perfection. Do your best; never give up. Make progress here and there.

11. Aim for progress, not perfection, On the road to success, you’ll get there.

12. Although I can see the imperfections in my world, I’m not quitting or giving up because I can’t wait to reach my goal and applaud my progress.

13. Celebrate your little wins. It’s progress. Stop allowing your quest for perfection to blindfold you to your commendable efforts.

14. Aim for progress, not perfection; progress is way better.

15. Progress is an endless course that never ends. Progress means growth. Therefore, progress in life not perfection.

16. Aim for progress, not perfection. Achieve only a little at a time. Don’t worry about how far you’ve come; be grateful for what you’ve learned.

17. Every day is a battle with a million little things that bother me and make me mad. But, I should not let these little things get in the way of achieving my goals and reaching my potential.

18. Aim for progress, not perfection. Look to the better, not what is worse. Sometimes, you can not make everything right. Don’t worry; keep trying because, in the end, you are always right.

19. Aim for progress, not perfection, so that you do not give up on life. The failure you experience will help you grow stronger with each bruise.

20. Aim for progress, not perfection. Work is not perfect, and not everyone will agree. But dedicated work never dies.

21. Aim for progress, resist perfection. It feels so good being human. A life full of trials to one bound is a blessing.

22. Aim for progress and do not give in to the perfection urge. Mistakes are part of life, don’t allow these to dim your light, for it is your light which will shine bright.

23. Perfection robs you of joy found in simple things. Aim for progress daily, in little or great things. Never look back. Life is a journey; never stop walking.

24. Aim for progress, not perfection, because when you aim for perfection, you will fail. if you aim for progress, success will follow. So take off your hat, and reach for the stars because the moment you take your eyes off your goal, you’ll fall.

25. Choose progress, not perfection. Aim for progress, not perfection. Mistakes are okay only if you learn from them.

26. Aim for progress, not perfection, You’ll never reach perfection, but you will achieve progress often.

27. Aim for progress, shun perfection. I have always done things my way. I am a perfectionist. My way of teaching is my way of doing my own thing. I would share my knowledge from the way I’ve done things. I’ve always got messed up, but it’s alright to get things done progressively.

28. Aim for progress, not perfection. Make progress through your efforts and be the best version of yourself. Try, try again, don’t ever let fear get in your way. Dream big and keep on pushing.

29. Aim for progress; excuse your perfection traits. You know that goal and strive for it. You will grow and perfection. You’ll achieve your best yet.

30. Life isn’t perfect, and huge goals like success take time and hard work. Aim for progress, not perfection, to avoid burnout.

31. Aiming for the future, we aim for progress while moving on to perfection. We are meeting people along the way and making lots of mistakes.

32. Perfection gives little or no room for errors; hence it’s fallible and fatalistic. Aim for progress, not perfection, because if you succeed you’ll be happy, and if not, you’ll be learning.

33. Aim for progress, not perfection, because then you’ll be happy you’re improving gradually, getting better than the day.

34. Progress tells you you are a better person; you aren’t where you used to be even though you’re yet to get to where you desire. Perfection says you’re nowhere close and can never measure up. Aim for progress, not perfection. Perfection is the enemy of progress.

35. Aim for progress, not perfection. The way you try to live each day is perfect to me. But it’s your ups and downs that show me how strong you are.

36. Aim for progress, not perfection. Only you can accomplish that. Never give up the battle; progress is never-ending.

37. Progress is a journey; perfection is a destination. Aim for progress, not perfection; progress will take you to perfection without frustrating your efforts. Be your best and strive to be your best every day.

38. The moment you realise you can’t ever have everything under control, just the way you want it at all times, you’ll aim for progress, not perfection.
The universe has a say.

39. Progress, not perfection; that’s my goal in life—no fear of failure, no fear of no returns.

40. Aim for progress, not perfection; mistakes are progress in process. Let go of the fear of failure and embrace the need for change.

41. Aim for progress, not perfection. When you shoot for the moon, you might land among the stars.

42. With hard work, our efforts produce our dream. The trick to achieving our goals is to strive to reach them constantly.

43. There is a time for everything. A time for action and a time for thinking. A time for in-action and a time for action. A time for perfection and a time for progress. Above all, aim for progress and own your perfectionist streak.

44. Progress: the nicer you own, the nicer it shines, the more you’ll get.

45. If you strive for perfection, you’ll never reach it. But, if you strive for progress, your whole life will be a masterpiece.

46. Aim for progress, not perfection. We all have our battles. Sometimes you will receive a setback, but never lose faith because progress is on the way. Take one small step at a time.

47. When the rain falls on the lush grass, brisk winds blow gently. Progress comes quickly when times are not kind.

48. Be kind to yourself; aim for progress, not perfection. Aim to attain progress and success.

49. Aim for progress, not perfection. That way, you’ll never go wrong.

50. In all you do or pursue, aim for progress, not perfection, because each day brings something new, and new efforts are made every day, and their end is nowhere in sight, But for better or worse, we continue trying and making progress.

51. We have progress, we have a purpose, we have hope, we have love and all we need to rise above this sadness, this pain.

52. Aim for progress, not perfection. Otherwise, your life will be too short to care for.

53. Aim for progress, not perfection, because perfection is boring.

54. Aim for progress, not perfection. The correct path may not always be straight, but it’s full of wonder and beauty.

55. Aim for progress, not perfection. Perfection is the enemy of development.

56. Aim for progress, not perfection. Each day brings you closer to an end. Not the days your number grows, but the day you stand tall before them.

57. Aim for progress, not perfection. Sometimes, we get things wrong, and that’s okay, for we will know better next time.

58. Aim for progress, not perfection. While you are at it, make mistakes and make them quickly. Don’t let them make you zig zag.

59. The world is changing, and so are we. Don’t mistake change for wrong. Change is progress, not perfection.

60. It’s that time of year when the unfulfilled strive for perfection, and the simple, focused and smart strive for progress.

61. Aim for progress, not perfection. It’s not always easy, but never give up. Never give in.

62. Aim for progress, not perfection, Keep striving for your goal. Don’t give up; keep working hard because you can’t always be perfect.

63. Aim for progress, not perfection. If life is a competition, I win each day you show me, love.

64. Aim for progress, not perfection. Think positive, think big. Don’t give up, and never give in to defeat.

65. Progress, not perfection; believe in yourself to reach that star.

66. One day, while gazing at my reflection, my eyes I see imperfections. In my mind, I see flaws. But in my heart, I see the beauty of strength to never give up on myself. I know in my heart of hearts I’m beautiful just as they are.

67. Aim for progress, not perfection. A life full of mistakes will be filled with life’s rewards

68. Aim for progress, not perfection. With each step you take, you get closer to your goal.

69. Aim for progress, not perfection. Life is long, and there’s time to make mistakes and amends.

70. Life isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect to me because I celebrate the progress I see in my journey.

71. Aim for progress, not perfection. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Just do your best because you dont have time to make it right.

72. Little by little, day by day, we build our boat, our dreams, our empires. We make progress spurring us on to perfection.

73. Aim for progress, not perfection. If you make a mistake, you’ll pick yourself up and start again.

74. Aim for progress, not perfection. Life’s not a race, so enjoy each step along the way.

75. Aim for progress, not perfection. Become a better person,
and strive for excellence. When things get tough, don’t give up or stop.

76. Aim for progress, not perfection, because the only perfect flower is the one that’s already bloomed.

77. Aim for progress, not perfection. Never be discouraged, and never give up, for life is a journey. It keeps revolving.

78. Mistakes will always be made, and failures will trouble you. Hope will diminish, but never give up. Be strong and forever brave.

79. Aim for progress, not perfection Work hard, but don’t burn yourself out. Make mistakes, but learn from them. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.

80. Aim for progress, not perfection. Progress is what we are made of, progress is what we need.

81. To whom it may concern, this is to commend you on your efforts and accomplishments. I hope you try your best, but don’t beat yourself up if you fail. Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, you have to try again, but never give up hope.

82. When my prayer is answered, I see progress, not perfection. This gives me hope to believe that God will reward my efforts.

83. Aim for progress, not perfection. The road to success is always hard, never give up and keep going. The hardest battle you will ever face is yourself. Conquer the world, and it’s yours.

84. Aim for progress, not perfection. The struggle is real, but it gets easier with time. Though you fall, get up again and try again.

85. Aim for progress, not perfection. Like an archer, you place your arrow, readying yourself to aim for the prize. But you know there’s always a chance you might hit the wrong target, so you keep aiming and shooting till you make a perfect hit.

86. Progress, not perfection, marks every page filled with marks of pleasure and pain.

87. Aim for progress, not perfection. Just do your best, and you’ll never go wrong.

88. So we keep moving forward, opening new doors, and taking new steps. Even though sometimes we fall, we get back up. There is no failure, only lessons to be learned.

89. Aim for progress, not perfection. When you’re not perfect, love will shine through.

90. Aim for progress, not perfection, where failure is a lesson learned,
not a reason to quit.

91. Progress, not perfection. And after countless tries, we reach our goals. To love, care for, and cherish each other as partners in life.

92. Aim for progress, not perfection. Mistakes happen to everyone. The more you try, the better you’ll do. Perseverance is never a mistake.

93. Aim for progress, not perfection. And strive each day to craft your life to critical acclaim.

94. Progress, not perfection; this is the message that I proclaim. Make mistakes, but always learn from your mistakes. Do not be defined by your mistakes.

95. Aim for progress, not perfection and never judge a book by its cover. Get on with your life, and never look back.

96. Aim for progress, not perfection; tomorrow is never promised. Someone told me once that it’s all about progress, not perfection.

97. Life’s a journey through hopes and dreams. Face your challenges and never give up. Only focus on progress, not perfection.

98. Aim for progress, not perfection. But keep reaching for the stars. Keep on trying until you succeed. Then you can enjoy your life.

99. Life is a journey of ups and downs, and for many of us, it’s a downhill ride. But if you aim for progress, not perfection, you’ll succeed and surpass all your fears.

100. Aim for progress, not perfection. Keep plugging away. If things go wrong, take a deep breath and start again.

In summary, nobody is perfect; aim for progress, not perfection. If, at first, you don’t succeed, try again—set goals. It’s all about continuous improvement and not being afraid of making mistakes. Don’t do yourself a great disservice by being a killjoy who does not enjoy appreciable progress in pursuing perfection!

I hope you had an awesome and liberating time reading these lovely aim for progress not perfection quotes! Kindly comment and share with your family, friends, and colleagues. Thank you.

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