Always Behave Like a Duck Quotes

Duck is an idiomatic expression used as a metaphor to describe a person or behaviour that exhibits calmness and caution while facing potential dangers or threats. It is a popular thing to describe someone’s personality as being like that of a duck as it means they have some generally desirable character traits.

To behave like a duck can be as simple as following the lesson “don’t get it wet,” which happens to be one of the best general rules for survival in life. It’s easy to argue that ducks are accurate and reliable, but the opposite case is also true.

The most important lesson we can get from ducks is that they never behave as if they were 100 % sure of themselves: Whether swimming, flying or resting, they’re always doing it with understated elegance.

Below are some always behave like a duck quotes about having the character and traits of a duck which are staying calm and feeling threatened in the face of challenges.

A duck is someone who can be trusted to always come through, who is methodical, thorough, and makes every effort to do a good job every time. You should behave like a duck, always maintaining calmness and composure, no matter what happens.

1. No matter what the world says, always be kind and honest. Always behave like a duck.

2. There’s no better time than the present to be a little more like a duck. Always behave like a duck and you will never go astray.

3. You’re not just a face in the crowd. You’re a duck, and you represent all things to do with grace under pressure.

4. The key to being a successful duck is to always behave like one.

5. Always behave like a duck. Because if you act like an elephant, no one will believe it when you claim to be a small bird.

6. Always behave like a duck, and you’ll end up looking like one.

7. Don’t be scared to be different. The world needs more ducks. Always behave like a duck, if it is not your nature to be a swan.

8. Be a little bit like a duck. When you walk, swim and fly with grace, people will know that you are happy and positive.

9. What you do can make or break your dreams. Always behave like a duck and fly like an eagle.

10. Be more like a duck. You’ll always float on the surface, but you’ll also get to where you’re going.

11. Always behave like a duck. You’ll go far in life, if only you will submerge yourself in the water.

12. Always behave like a duck, people will think you are one.

13. Always behave like a duck. Even when the water is calm, you never know what’s going to fly by your neck.

14. Never be afraid to swim in the pond of life. Always behave like a duck and keep on paddling!

15. Always behave like a duck, no matter how crazy or weird it seems. You’re just being yourself and that’s the most important thing.

16. Always behave like a duck when you are in the water and it will make you very calm and avoid problems.

17. Always be a duck and swim on the surface of life—it is swankier that way.

18. Be like a duck, it’s not just because you’re wet and cool, but because you don’t care what people think.

19. Ducks don’t get caught in the headlights. They keep on moving forward.

20. A duck is calm in a thunderstorm because it doesn’t get rained on. Always behave like a duck.

21. If you want to be a successful duck, stay calm, be efficient and work hard.

22. Always behave like a duck, and you’ll move through life happily.

23. Always behave like a duck, and your friends and relatives will think you are doing it.

24. Be a little bit different, a little bit special and always behave like a duck.

25. The best way to get your message across is to keep it simple, but always behave like a duck.

26. The most important thing in life is to never take yourself too seriously. Always behave like a duck

27. Always behave like a duck, swish your tail and be happy.

28. Be sure to always behave like a duck, except when you’re in traffic

29. Being a duck is the best way to be a human. In the world of business, the best way to get ahead is to get started.

30. Always behave like a duck, and the world will respect you as a swan.

31. Always act like a duck and others will treat you as a duck.

32. Acting like a duck is how you win the respect and admiration of your fellow swimmers.

33. As a duck swims, so shall you swim. Always behave like a duck!

34. Because when you act like a duck, then everybody will think you’re one.

35. When life seems like a jungle and you’re lost in its undergrowth, always remember that you are a duck.

36. Be like a duck: calm on the surface, but always paddling hard underneath.

37. Always behave like a duck. Quack like one.

38. Always behave like a duck, and you’ll go far in life.

39. As a duck, you’re always being watched and judged. But if you just keep paddling away, eventually they’ll stop.

40. Be like a duck: calm in the storm, but always paddling your way.

41. Always behave like a duck and people will think you’re smart.

42. Always behave like a duck and you’ll never be shot by a hunter.

43. If you behave like a duck and quack like a duck, people will think you’re a duck.

44. Be like a duck. She lays an egg every day and calls it quack.

45. When you’re nervous, act like a duck. When you’re happy, act like a penguin. And when you’re confused, act like a penguin with a foot-long beak.

46. Live like you are a duck and the world will be better for it. Do like ducks, and the world will be your pond.

47. No matter what kind of a day you’ve had, always behave like a duck. That’s the secret to getting through it.

48. If you always behave like a duck, people will think you’re a duck.

49. Be happy, be helpful, be active and always behave like a duck.

50. The more you act like a duck the more people will think you’re a duck.

51. I try to be a duck and go forward, just like the water’s moving. But you know what? I’m not even halfway there.

52. Always behave like a duck. If you act like a duck, people will think you are a duck. But if you act like a submarine and behave underwater, they will think you are a submarine.

53. Always behave like a duck. You’ll be surprised how many people treat you like one.

54. Always behave like a duck, that way people will be attracted to you like flies.

55. I can’t wait to grow old. I hope I die before then! But in the meantime, I’m going to behave like a duck and try to make the best out of this ride.

56. A good rule of thumb: always behave like a duck, and you’ll be just fine.

57. Always behave like a duck and you will always be a ducky. Be a duck!

58. Be the best version of yourself, and always behave like a duck.

59. Always behave like a duck and you’ll always know where you stand.

60. Be like a duck, calm on the surface but paddling like mad underneath.

When in life do you need to act like a duck? When you need to be calm and collected. Still, understanding what it means to be like this animal will help you understand your qualities as well. When your sense of values is strong and deep enough, nobody can shake them up.

I hope these always behave like a duck quotes were inspiring, let me know your opinion in the comment section below and please, don’t forget to share this post, you might be inspiring someone if you do. Thank you for reading.

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