Always On My Mind Quotes for Him

When everyday life gets too busy or too stressful, it can be easy to forget about the sweet things in life. But sometimes, all you need is a reminder, and that’s where these always on my mind quotes for him come in. There is always that one person that leaves an imprint on your heart, no matter how far they are. It could be someone you know, a friend, a lover or a family member, and their absence hits you hard.

You’re always on my mind quotes are the most precious things a person can hear. It’s even sweeter when they know you’re being honest. It reminds someone special of how you feel when you’re together in person and while they are away. Is there a special someone on your mind, and you want to let them know that you think of them a lot? Are there moments when something reminds you of him, and your heart skips as you remember something he said to you or did for you?

Expressing your feelings and emotions in words can be hard, but it is one of the simplest ways to let someone know how you feel. I hope these quotes will help you find your way to express how you feel. Sometimes, it takes only a single expression to speak volumes of love. Use these always on my mind quotes to let him know they are always on your mind, especially when he isn’t with you.

You’re constantly in my thoughts and dreams, sometimes when I’m awake. Being with you is one of the things I like most. Whether we’re together or far apart, I think about you more than anything else. I would never trade your presence for anything else in this world.

1. You’re always on my mind. I think about you every day, wishing we could be together. I will never stop loving you and thinking about you. You mean everything to me and make me so happy. I want the world to know that I love you, my darling.

2. You are always on my mind, and I’m always thinking about you. Every time the clock strikes and my eyes look down at my wristwatch, I miss you.

3. I think about you all the time. I love your smile, your laugh and your eyes. You’re my best friend, and I love being in love with you. You light up my day every time you come over, and I can’t wait to be in your arms again tomorrow.

4. I thought about you all day. Not because I wanted to, but because I couldn’t help myself. You’re always on my mind. Every single day you still take my breath away.

5. Every time I think of you, I smile. You’re adorable and fun to be around. Whenever I’m sad or need someone to talk to, all I have to do is close my eyes, think of you, and improve my day. I hope we can hold each other under the stars one day and make sweet love while looking up at the moon.

6. I think about you all the time. I imagine myself kissing you, hugging you and whispering how much I love you. A simple text message from you can make my whole day! I wish only the best for you and want to share everything with you. You’re my soul mate — I love you so much!

7. I constantly think about how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love your goofiness, your kind heart and how much you care for me. Every time we kiss, the world around us disappears. You’ve made me a better person, and I love that about you.

8. I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. How much you brighten my day, or how much joy and happiness you bring to my life. I know I have never been happier than when we are together. You make me feel like our time is endless, and we will always be in love.

9. You are the man of my dreams, and I love everything about you. I think of you every day, especially when I hear a sound that makes me think of you. Every song reminds me of an experience we shared and every laugh we had together. I miss you terribly and can’t wait to see you again soon.

10. I wish you were here to hold me tight. I wish I had the strength to say what I want to say. And most of all, I wish I knew why I felt the way I did. Being away from you was hard, but it’s okay because our paths will cross again.

11. I know sometimes we fight. I know that we fight way too much. We enjoy pushing each other’s buttons and playing Russian roulette in our relationship. I miss you every day.

12. Having thoughts of you is like second nature now. You are my very best friend, biggest supporter, and best comforter. I know everything will be all right when you are near. I love you so much!

13. I know it may seem silly to always think about you. And I know it may be silly to get giddy over the fact that you’re always on my mind. But I can’t help the way I think, and I can’t help my feelings for you. I love you more each day.

14. You’re always on my mind. On the way to school, when I wake up in the morning, passing every car on the road. You are always on my mind, little man.

15. I didn’t think I would find someone to love after many heartbreaks. It’s been hard, but you make it easier knowing that there is someone who loves me. You’re always on my mind, and I hope to be able to see you soon.

16. I’m thinking about you so much today. You are always on my mind, but I don’t want to give you a reason to worry about me. You always bring a smile to my face, and I can’t wait to see you again. I hope your working day went well and that tonight we can enjoy each other’s company!

17. You’re always in my thoughts. I can’t stop thinking about you and how much I love you. You mean so much to me, and it would be an honour to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so very much, honey!

18. It’s crazy how, after being with you, I can never get you off my mind. You’re in all my dreams, and when we’re apart, I’m constantly thinking about you. I love you.

19. No matter how far you are, I’ll always remember all the moments we shared, the dreams we agreed on. I can’t get you off my mind. You’re the man of my dreams, and I can’t wait for us to meet again.

20. You are my strength, and I love you so much. Thank you for being you, thank you for loving me! I can’t imagine my life without you; you’re always in my heart. Even when we are apart, I feel I am never alone because a part of you is also in my heart.

21. You are the love of my life. I want you to know how much I cherish our love and all our memories and all the memories we will make. You light up my life like no one else ever could. I couldn’t ask for anything more than we already have together. I wish it could last forever.

22. I often find myself thinking about you. Sometimes it almost hurts because all I want to do is see you or just talk to you. Whether it be a casual conversation or even fighting with one another, I still can’t wait to hear your voice and laugh at your silly jokes. I miss you so much.

23. I am the luckiest woman in this world. That I have met you, that I have found you, that you treat me like a princess and always take care of me, that you kiss me with such passion and tenderness. With each passing day, I feel blessed for being in your life. Our love is my heart’s treasure.

24. My wonderful boyfriend. You are always on my mind, and with every passing day, I fall more in love. Thank you for being such a special man and being my best friend. I love you!

25. I think of you every day, and I want you to know that you’re always on my mind. I know things haven’t been perfect, but we can make it through anything together. I still think about when we took our lunch outside and sat under the fading sun. You made me feel like the luckiest girl alive!

26. Baby, you’re always in my thoughts. Even when I can’t think about anything else, you are still there with me. You’ve always been so kind to me, and I know we will no longer be apart one day soon. I am looking forward to spending my life with you and creating our own little family.

27. I think about you every day. Your smile makes my heart skip a beat every time, and your laugh is beautiful. You’re the most amazing of all the people I’ve met in my lifetime.

28. You’re such an awesome guy and always have a smile. I wish there were some way to express how much you mean to me. I think about you. I think about your eyes, how gorgeous they are and how beautiful you look when you smile. I miss you so much it hurts.

29. I love how you hold my hand, how we cuddle up on the couch to watch movies, how you support me in everything I do, and how much you love me. You are my greatest joy, and I think about you every day.

30. You’ve been an amazing person, and I am grateful. You have helped me through a lot in my life, and I owe you so much. Thank you for being there no matter what; your support means the world. I will be here for you too. When life gets tough, know that I am here and always be by your side.

31. I think about you more than you know. I find myself daydreaming about how wonderful our life will be when we are together again. I miss everything about you, especially your arms around me and your kisses. I love you!

32. Every day, I miss you. I hope to see you soon and give you a kiss on the cheek, forehead or anywhere else you’d like. Hope to see you soon! -Love, Your Wife.

33. You are the man I love and the one I can’t live without. You are the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, knowing that we share something so special. I miss you so much.

34. Sweetheart, I’ve been missing you since we last talked. And ever since the first time I saw you, our relationship has grown so strong, and I still can’t believe that we are here now, but the one thing that rings true is the love and the bond between us.

35. I miss your smile, your touch, how you hold me close, and how you smell. I miss the dimple on your cheek when you smile, and it breaks my heart in a million pieces that I can’t be in your arms 24 hours a day. But please know that you’re always on my mind at any given moment of the day.

36. You’re always in my thoughts, dreams, and heart. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve shown me what love is, taught me how to love myself, and made me the happiest woman.

37. You’re always on my mind. I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re everything to me, and I want you to know that I love you more than words express. Have a good day, sweetie.

38. I can’t stop thinking about you; I miss you so much. When I see your name on my phone, I smile instantly. You’re always on my mind, and I love you.

39. I think about you all the time. You’re always on my mind, wondering what you’re doing. I love you so much and miss you terribly. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend.

40. You are always on my mind; I love you. I think about our future together and could not imagine us apart. I hope we will be happy for many years to come.

41. I can’t get you off my mind. You are always there near the front of my thoughts. You are the only thing that consumes me, the only person I think about in the daylight and through the long lonely nights. I miss you dearly.

42. Your thoughts consume me every moment, so all I want is to be with you and be happy as we were in the beginning. I know I am lucky because I love a good man who knows how to treat a girl right.

43. I’m always on your mind and in your heart, but I need to let
I hope you’ve had a good day, and I wanted to let you know that you are always in my thoughts. You might not know it, but you mean the world to me. I love you and always will.

44. When you cross my mind, you always bring a smile to my face. You are so caring and selfless that sometimes I cry because I am in awe of your love and devotion. I am a better, happier person because you came into my life. Thank you for being there for me and never failing to love me no matter what.

45. I think about you all the time, every day. I can’t get you out of my mind. You are in my heart, in my very soul. You mean the world to me, and I love you more than ever. I won’t stop thinking about you or loving you.

46. I think about you all the time. I’m always thinking about something you said or did. There is never a day when I don’t think about you and our many adventures together. The memories are forever in my heart, and I couldn’t be more thankful!

47. You’re always on my mind. I constantly think about you and miss you. I can’t help but imagine what we will do when we meet again. You are one of a kind, you are special, so I love you!

48. My love, you’re always on my mind. I miss you and can’t wait to hear your voice again. I’m thinking of you now, along with everything we did together. I’ll never forget everything we’ve been through and every moment we’ve shared. You are perfect for me, and I can’t wait for us to be together again.

49. Life is too short without you, and I miss your face and smile, so I thought I could send you a note to remind you that I’m thinking about you. Have a good day!

50. I think of you almost every day; I miss you more than words could say. When we aren’t together, my heart aches for you to hold your hand, kiss your cheek and grab a bite to eat with you. Thank you for being by my side and always being there whenever needed.

You are always on my mind. I think and dream about you all the time. My whole world revolves around you, and it scares me sometimes because I live for your touch. Every moment that passes is another where I breathe in but never exhale because I want to hold those memories inside me forever. You are so amazing.

51. Thinking about you gives me butterflies and brightens my day. You are my one true love and the man of my dreams. Whenever I am in your arms, my body feels at ease and weak with joy. I cherish you and our love above everything else in the world. I miss you so much, and I can’t wait to see you again!

52. I think about you more often than I like to admit. It feels like forever until I see you again whenever we’re apart. I love you with all of my heart and soul.

53. Every time I am with you makes me a better person. We’ve been together for a while, and the feelings only grow stronger. I love you, and I miss you so much.

54. You’re always on my mind. I always find myself thinking about you all the time. I think about your beautiful brown eyes or how loving your smile is. Then I think about how much love we could share. I miss you tenderly.

55. I felt blue, but then I thought of you, and right away, I smiled. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, you’re always on my mind, and I love you more than you can imagine.

56. I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You are the best boyfriend I could ask for, and I love you so much. Every day when I wake up, it’s a beautiful day knowing I get to spend it with you. You’re always on my mind, and I never want you to leave. We have something special between us that words can’t describe. Love you!

57. It never fails; every day, I think about you. Every night I dream about you. You mean the world to me, and I would do anything for you. You are on my mind all the time, your smile makes me laugh, and the love in your eyes melts my heart.

58. You are always in my thoughts. Even when we’re apart, my mind is filled with memories of you and our times together. I can’t imagine life without you. I love you, and I will always think of you.

59. I keep your picture close to my heart. Your face is the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning. You’ve captured me with your charm and warmth. You are the only one that matters to me; nothing and no one will ever get in the way of us.

60. I can’t stop thinking about you! You are such a man and so sexy. I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever lose you. It makes me want to scream! I can’t stop smiling, even now as I just write this. You are my world, my everything. You’ve made me happier than words could ever express, and I don’t know where I’d be without you.

61. I hope you know how special you are to me. There isn’t a single day that I don’t think about you, miss you or look forward to seeing your beautiful face. Your smile, face, and eyes are embedded in my heart forever.

62. What can I say? You’re always on my mind. There is never a time when I’m not thinking about you. I adore you and your wonderful personality, your warm and loving ways. You are always so sweet to me, and I adore you.

63. You’re always on my mind, and as much as I hate that, it’s the truth. But even more true is, I don’t think I can live without you now. You’ve overstayed your welcome, stuck around a bit too long, and completely invaded all my thoughts each day. I love you forever.

64. You’re always on my mind and in my heart. I want you to know that you will always be the love of my life, and no one could ever compare to everything great about our relationship. Even though it didn’t work out, I will never forget the amazing times we shared.

65. I think about you all the time, almost every second. You are always on my mind, in my thoughts. My mind works overtime when it comes to you, and I marvel at how someone so special can be with me, love me, and accept me.

66. I’m always thinking about you; my heart fills with joy when I see you, and my stomach butterflies when we talk. I’ll never stop loving and holding you close to my heart.

67. You entered my life like a whirlwind and surprised me. Finally, I met someone who does not play games with my heart, honest and truthful, even if the truth hurts sometimes. We might have ups and downs, but I will never leave your side. I will always stand by you.

68. You’re special to me, someone I cannot live without. You are always in my thoughts, constant and steady. You’re in the very fabric of my soul, woven among my days. Your heart is one of a kind, and from me, you’ll always get love and more.

69. My love, my life. I wish you were right here with me right now. I miss your warm embrace, your scent, and everything about you. You are all I ever think about. You are the man of my dreams, and I will always cherish every moment I have with you, no matter how far apart we may be.

70. I miss you a lot. I wish I could see you, text or talk to you. I love talking to you because my heart rate speeds up whenever we’re together. Love isn’t how I feel about you but how I feel when I’m with you.

71. I think about you all the time. This year has been one I’ll always remember, and surprisingly it’s not because of anything bad. It’s been filled with amazing memories, thanks to you. I hope you are having a wonderful day today. I couldn’t be luckier to have you in my life.

72. I miss you so much. I am thinking about you as I write this, and I wish you were still here. Thinking of everything, thinking of you.

73. I think about you all the time. I love your smile, the way you smell, and how you make me laugh. I can’t stop thinking about you, you’re always on my mind, and I love you so much.

74. I think about you more than I think about myself. You find your way into my thoughts day and night. I think about what we could be and how good that would be. I imagine the way you’d kiss me, the way you’d touch me and hold me close. I dream of a future together where we are both happy and fulfilled. Most of all, I dream of never having to be apart.

75. I am so thankful for the love you have given me. You are more than a way to pass the time; you are a reason to be happy. I know we have only known each other for a short period, but sometimes things work out that way. I can imagine spending the rest of my life with someone like you.

76. My heart skips a beat the minute you smile. You are the love of my life, my soul mate. I’ll never forget how you pursued and caught me. Thanks for always giving me butterflies and making beautiful memories. I love you!

77. Sometimes, it’s impossible to describe how much I love you. I see you when I close my eyes and smile, and you are there in my dreams and my daydreams. I want to be with you forever, every day. You are the most amazing person in the world, truly incredible.

78. I know I don’t say it enough, but I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Every day with you brings me a new reason to smile. You make me happy and feel so loved. Thank you for being such a loving person, and I miss you so much.

79. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Sometimes I wonder where I’d be if you hadn’t come into my life. You’re always on my mind, always on my soul. I can’t go a day without thinking about you; knowing how much I love you makes everything okay.

80. I think about you every moment of every day. You’re always on my mind and make me so happy. You’re the air I breathe, and without you, I simply cannot function. Whenever I think of your smile or hear your voice, I melt a little inside. I love you!

81. During the day, I’ll be thinking of you; when I go to bed at night, I think of you, and when I wake up, and you are not there, it breaks my heart. You’re always on my mind.

82. You are always on my mind and in my thoughts. No matter how far we may be, I think about you every day. I love you so much and cannot wait to see you again!

83. Being far away from you, I think about you every day. Wishing you were by my side and into my arms, your face the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see before going to sleep. It’s a true love story, one we will share forever and be loyal to each other till death do us part!

84. You are the love of my life. You will forever be in my heart, and I can’t picture myself without you by my side. Every day I love you more and more than the day before.

85. I’m thinking about you—more than I’ve ever thought before. The weeks, days and hours seem to fly by, but our love can’t go anywhere except stronger. I can’t imagine not waking up next to you every day and going to bed every night.

86. I couldn’t imagine a day without you. You mean so much to me, and I miss you when you are gone! I Can’t wait to see what else life brings us!

87. Last night, I wished upon a star and made a wish that someday we would be together. I miss you so much and hope to see you soon. You make life worth living.

88. Dear, I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re always on my mind, and there’s nothing I could ever do to change that. I think about you when I wake up, before going to bed and even in my dreams. It may seem like this is too good to be true, but it’s not because you’re the one for me.

89. I think about you every day, and I love that you’re always on my mind. It makes me so happy to know that someone like you has a place in my heart. I miss you so much it hurts.

90. I want to tell you how thankful I am that you’re in my life. You are always on my mind, and I love how you make me feel. Whenever I think of how far we’ve come together, I get butterflies in my stomach, and a smile spreads across my face. I love you!

91. Thinking about you makes me smile. You are always on my mind, and every day is a blessing because of you. I love you so more than you know.

92. There is never a time when I don’t think of you. There is never a time when my mind doesn’t wander back to something you’ve done or said. There is never a time when the day doesn’t go by quickly because I’m always thinking about you.

93. I’m thinking about you always because you are one of the most important things in my life. All I want is your happiness. You make me laugh, smile and feel wanted. I look forward to spending time with you!

94. You have been on my mind every day, no matter what. I am so happy to have that special man in my life who never disappoints. You are a great guy, I am lucky to have you, and I love you so much.

95. I must confess I think of you every day. I picture you everywhere and anywhere; working at your desk, talking to your friends or sitting quietly at the beach. You are what I imagine my life is like someday, a beautiful family and always surrounded with love.

96. I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know you’re always on my mind. I can’t wait to see you later; it feels like forever since we’ve been together. I love you so much and can’t wait to show you how much!

97. You’re always on my mind; I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re the love of my life. I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you so much and will always be here for you!

98. You are constantly on my mind, and that’s not something I’ll ever change. You being on my mind doesn’t mean I can’t live without you. It means my life without you is impossible.

99. I can’t stop thinking about you; you’re always on my mind. I wake up to your beautiful face and drift off to sleep with you there in my thoughts. You are the reason for my smile and the fire in my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, loving you and only you.

100. Busy with work, or are you having trouble falling asleep at night? Thinking about you keeps me awake. I miss your voice and the way your hands feel on my skin. I miss you, period. Yes, you are always on my mind.

101. I think about you so often that I fear I’m driving you crazy. You’re on my mind, always, just as much as you are always on my heart.

102. I am so glad you came into my life; you brighten it every day. I think about you always and can’t help but smile. Every moment with you is truly a gift. I love how thoughtful and kind you are. Thank you for being my friend!

103. Your love is like a song; it’s beautiful and amazing. I wish I could sing it loud! Your smile is addictive; you’re very charming, witty, and, for me, incredibly handsome. You are one of the kindest people I have ever known, and I love you so much.

104. You’ll always be in my heart and on my mind. Of all the guys in the world, you are the best. You are a very important part of my life. Thanks for being there for me and for always making me laugh. I hope you know how much I care about you.

105. No matter how long we’ve been together, I always feel butterflies in my stomach when you enter the room. There’s never a day when I don’t think about how you hold me tight or how your lips fit perfectly with mine. You mean the world to me, and I hope you know that my feelings for you are deep and true.

106. You are one of those rare guys with whom I can trust my heart. I thank the heavens for bringing us together and making us a part of each other’s lives. I love you more than you could ever comprehend and want to spend every day with you.

107. You are always on my mind. If I could, I’d spend all of my time with you. You are the love of my life, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you.

108. I think about you when I go to sleep, and I think about you when I wake up and to say the very least, you are always on my mind.

109. Even if you are halfway around the world, I feel connected to you with you in my heart and thoughts. No matter the distance between us, nothing can ever pull us apart, for my heart will always think of you. I’m going to hold on to you forever, for you make me feel alive again.

110. I think of you every day, and I can’t help but smile. The world is a better place because you are in it, and it’s hard to believe a year has gone by since we met. I love you more and want to spend my life with you. I can’t wait for the day when your mine.

111. There’s room in my bed for you tonight. There’s room in my heart too. All I ask is that you take the stairs and come on to snuggle. You are always on my mind.

112. You are always on my mind. You are such a great friend, role model and lover. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. Love you.

113. It’s been almost a year since I’ve seen your gorgeous face. The thought of you never leaves my mind, and we have been through so much. Even though we are far apart, you are always in my thoughts and heart. I miss you lots, and I wish you the best in your endeavours.

114. I think about you every day. I miss your smile, the way you laugh, and how you make me feel like a complete person. I hope to cross paths with you again one day because I can’t stop thinking about you.

115. Dear friend, you are always on my mind! Whether I’m thinking about your voice, how your smile lights up a room or even your dorky dance moves. You have made me so happy, and I’ll never forget sharing my time with you.

116. You’re such an amazing person, and I’m glad that you’re in my life. From the moment I first saw you, there was something special about you. You have always been so caring and sweet to me, and I cherish that more than anything. Sending you positive vibes from afar!

117. I miss you. I can’t stop thinking about all the things we used to do together. All the fun and laughs that we had. It’s so hard for me to focus on boring old things when all I want to do is be with you.

118. I hope your day is going great, and I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that you are constantly on my mind. You mean so much to me, and I love you so much!

119. Hey buddy, I thought the other day and realized that I never told you I appreciate you. Friends like you are hard to come by, so don’t forget that this world is a lot better with you in it.

120. I hope you know that you’re never far from my thoughts. I love the memories we made together, and I think about your smile every day. You are one of my best friends because you always know how to cheer me up.

121. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before bed. You’ve always been so close to my heart, and you always will be.

I hope you enjoyed this list of always on my mind quotes for him to send to the man in your life. He could be your husband, boyfriend, dad, or even grandfather. No matter who he is and how long you two have been together, these quotes will always put a smile on his face and let him know how much you love him.

And before you go, I would like to know which one is your favourite by dropping a comment using the comment box, and kindly share this post if you love it. Also, remember to regularly check back here as I will continue updating this page with new and relevant content.

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