Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship

Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship

American poet Amy Lowell died in 1925. The entrepreneur has created the yearly scholarship that assists gifted American-born poets abroad on their travels.

The scholarships are administered through the trustee under a will by Choate Hall & Stewart, a lawyer from Boston, Massachusetts.

This award is available to US citizens born in the United States or born abroad to US citizen parents.

The scholarship is open to all citizens of the United States, regardless of age, and there is no need that applicants have previously published their work.

In the fall of the year for which the scholarship is awarded, the student must agree to travel outside of North America.


Instructions for applying for the Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship

Thank you for your interest in the Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship.

Please read all instructions below before applying.

In order to apply, please mail to:

Charles A. Cheever and William A. Lowell
Trustees under the Will of Amy Lowell
Choate, Hall & Stewart, LLP
2 International Place
Boston, MA 02110

the following:

  1. Two copies of the completed application. You may also, but need not, submit a 2 to 3 page curriculum vitae (again, two copies).
  2. A sample of your poetry, consisting of either
    1. up to 40 typed pages (two copies) or
    2. two copies of a printed volume of your poetry and two copies of no more than 20 additional typed pages.

There is no minimum page requirement, nor any required format, but please be sure to number your pages.

Please send both copies of your sample in a single envelope. Paper copies are required; submission may not be made by facsimile or email.

Completed applications and attachments must be received by us by October 15.

Applications not meeting all these requirements will not be considered.

If you want any of your submissions returned to you after the members of the Selection Committee have finished reviewing them, you must enclose a self-addressed envelop with sufficient postage prepaid.

The Selection Committee will notify the winner of the Scholarship by the end of March.

The large number of applicants unfortunately precludes extending the October 15 deadline. Accordingly, we urge you to apply promptly.

If you have questions about the application or the Scholarship, please address them to us in writing by mail, or by email to

These procedures are subject to review and alteration at any time. If any changes are adopted, we will notify you by posting information here.