An Appraisal Of An Effective Tax System (Assessment And Collection) In A Growing Economy

An Appraisal Of An Effective Tax System (Assessment And Collection) In A Growing Economy.


Title Page
Certification i
Dedication ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Content iv

Chapter One

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of the Study
1.3 Statement of Problem
1.4 Objective of the Study
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Research Questions
1.7 Hypothesis Formulation
1.8 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1.9 Definition of Terms Used

Chapter Two

2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Concept of Taxation
2.2 Principles or Attributes of a Good, Efficient Tax System
2.3 Reason for Imposition of Tax by Government
2.4 Administration of Income Tax-Return Assessment
of and Recovery of Tax
2.5.1 Individuals-Returns
2.5.2 Companies-Returns
2.5.3 Time Limit For Filing Tax Returns, Audited Account
2.5.4 Penalty for Non-Compliance
2.5.5 Incentive Bonus for Aerly Filing of Tax
2.5.6 Other Returns
2.6 Assessment Procedures
2.6.1 Self–Assessment
2.6.2 Tax Authority and Returns Examination
2.6.3 Best- Of- Judgement Assessment
2.6.4 Back Duty Assessment
2.6.5 Additional Assessment
2.6.6 Service of Notice of Assessment
2.6.7 Objection to Assessment
2.6.8 Can A Taxpayer Appeal?
2.6.9 Final and Conclusive Assessment
2.7 Collection Procedure
2.7.1 Provisional Tax
2.7.2 Time Limit for Paying Tax
2.7.3 Currency of Payment of Tax
2.7.4 Penalty for Late Payment of Tax
2.8 Enforcement Procedure
2.9 How Database Management System Can
Help Tax Administration (Collection)
2.10 Structure of Tax Administration
2.11 Factors That Enhance Efficiency of Tax Administration
2.12 Multiple Tax
2.12.1 Nature of Multiple Tax
2.12.2 Types of Multiple Tax
2.12.3 Methods of Collection of Multiple Tax
2.12.4 Federal Government’s Solution To Problem of
Multiplicity of Tax
2.12.5 Assessment and Collection by the three tiers of Government
2.12.5 Assessment and Collection of Tax by the Federal Government
2.12.6 Taxes to be Collected by the Federal Government
2.12.7 Assessment and Collection of Tax by the State Government
2.12.8 Taxes and Levies to be Collected by the State Government
2.12.9 Assessment and Collection of Tax by the Local Government
2.12.10 Taxes and Levies to be Collected by the Local Government

Chapter Three

3.0 Research Methodology and Design
3.1 Sources of Data
3.2 Research Approach
3.3 Research Design
3.4 Identification of Population and Sample Data
3.5 Instruments of the Study
3.6 Hypothesis
3.7 Questionnaires
3.8 Questionnaire Design And Assumption
3.9 Reasons for Using Questionnaire

Chapter Four

4.0 Analysis Interpretation of Data
4.1 Summary of Data Collected
4.2 Testing And Interpretation of Hypothesis

Chapter Five

5.0 Summary, Findings, Conclusion And
5.1 Findings of the Study
5.2 Conclusion
Questionnaire (Specimen)


1.1   Background of the Study

A society comprises of the ruling authority and the ruled subjects. As a social contract them the ruler is expected to perform same roles, be it administrative, social, economic, political, cultural or religious in return.

The ruled subjects that enjoy the benefits from those roles performance are to give something for keeping working this could be in cash or kind. In light or the above, every constituted human society. Primitive or modern, needs fund this necessitates tax and taxation.

Historical reviews of man and society review that tax exists as major source of revenue for government. More so all the religions in the world today encourage such payment.

The Nigerian tax system is a set of rules and regulations and the organs of tax administration that interact with each other to generate revenue for government.

It is indisputable that in development countries tax has not had the desired effect on various aspects of the economy/economic level. Also, effective tax assessment and collection have not reached an appreciable level in developing countries.

This may either be due to the inadequate methods adopted or precisely as a result of inadequate, technical know-how on the rent of tax boards/authority.

Taxation is a dynamic subject, which grows with the constant change in the economic environment in which it operates, hence the need to underscore the importance of an effective tax system in a developing economy.


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The Institute of Chartered Accountant (ICAN) Study Pack-Professional Examination One (PEI) Taxation.Paper 9. VI Publishing Ltd. January, 2006.

OlalekanAlaba (2004): A Handbook of Research Methodology. Lagos: New Wave Publisher. Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection). Decree No. 21 of 1998.

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Sofinwa G.A. (1994): Sofinwa’s Nigeria Tax Handbook Mabadeje Publishing Co. Ltd.
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