An Assessment of Coliforms in the American Univerity of Nigeria Water Distribution System

An Assessment of Coliforms in the American Univerity of Nigeria Water Distribution System.

Table of Contents


Generally, water has numerous purposes: drinking; bathing; washing clothes and dishes; cooking; flushing toilet, irrigation, just to name a few.

Its significance cannot be over stressed. This is on the grounds that every day each individual uses water for one thing or the other.

As water flows throughout the distribution system, microorganisms can contaminate the flow of water through the pipes, air valves, pump boosters, network of piping system and sometimes through the plumbing system.

Inability to attain a water quality as high as feasible can open individuals to the risk of getting diseases that can easily be avoided through percussive methods.


Background Of Study

The quality of water is noted as important not only because it affects health, but also because it has the tendency to improve it as well.

The body is made up of 70% water and the amounts of magnesium and calcium present in any body of consumable water has the ability to improve bone mass and density.

The elements present in water, depending on their quantities, have the ability to hamper the effectiveness of industrial machines by causing rust, brittleness, clogging, bursting, etc.

Hence, to ensure the a good standard water quality, there needs to be an understanding of what pollutants and contaminants upset the balance of water constituents is necessary to ensure that balance is not tempered with.

Trace levels of ammonia, barium, lead, copper, nitrites, radium, selenium, etc. have negative effects on humans if present in large amounts and can only be curtailed via treatment.

There is the point-of-use treatment which involves the treatment of water at the point of consumption using methods such as reverse osmosis, ultraviolet technologies and distillation.


Agriculture. (2014, October 28). Retrieved from National Bareu of Statistic:

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