An Assessment of Residential Housing Problem in the Urban Areas of Nigeria

An Assessment of Residential Housing Problem in the Urban Areas of Nigeria.


Title page                                                              i

Certification page                                               ii

Approval page                                                     iii

Dedication                                                           iv

Acknowledgement                                              v

Synopsis                                                              vii

Table of content                                                 viii


Chapter One                                             

1.0  Introduction                                                   1

1.1  Background of the study                               1

1.2  Problem statement                                        5

1.3  Objective of study                                          6

1.4  Scope of study                                                 7

1.5  Delineation of the study area                       7

1.6  Significant of the study                                 9

1.7  Definition of terms                                        9

1.8  Organization of study                                   10

1.9  Limitation of the study                                  11


Chapter Two

2.1  Literature review                                                                  12

2.2  Economic growth and urbanization in Nigeria              14

2.3  Nigeria’s housing problems                                                16

2.4  Problems of property development                                   21

2.5  Housing policies and programmes in Nigeria                 25

2.6  Economic and social background of Umuahia                42

Chapter Three

3.0  Research methodology                                      46

3.1  Research design                                                   46

3.2  Population of study                                            47

3.3  Sample size                                                         48

3.4  Sampling technique                                          49

3.5  Sources of data                                                   50

3.6  Method of data collection                                51

Chapter Four

4.0  Presentation and analysis of data              52

4.1  Introduction                                                    52

4.2  Presentation of data                                       5

Chapter Five

5.0  Summary of findings, Conclusion and

Recommendation                                             73

5.1  Summary of findings                                73

5.2  Conclusion                                                 75

5.3  Recommendation                                     76





This analysis is a study of an assessment of residential housing problem in the urban areas of Nigeria using Umuahia Urban as a case study.

Background of The Study

From time immemorial, the provision of housing has always giving man concern and worries, since home provides man with some level of comfort and relaxation. The desire and need for the provision of shelter can be traced to the early men who used the caves which provided him with shelter, a place for habitation, relaxation, protection and defence from external aggressions.

Therefore, the provision of housing has been one of the basic requirements for human existence and very vital in the development and growth of any economy of a country. Hence, much effort are being directed towards the provision of decent and adequate housing for the populace.

The provision of decent and adequate housing has been faced with some difficulties which has resulted to the problem of shortage of residential houses leading to; high rent, high cost of building materials, high cost of construction, inadequate supply of amenities.

The revised draft national housing policy 2011 defines housing “ as the process of simultaneous production (building) to target prices of large number of decent, safe, sanitary and affordable residential buildings with secure tenure; on a continuous and permanent basis with adequate physical infrastructure, amenities and social services in a planned, healthy and livable environment to meet the basic and special needs of the population and reflecting their socio-economic cultural aspirations and preferences”.

Decent housing affords man privacy, protection, prestige and dignity. Yet this basic needs eludes a high proportion of the population of this country despite man’s technological advancement.


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Federal Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development: National Housing and Urban Development Policies (2011).

Federal Ministry of National Planning: Nigeria Vision 20-2020 first National Implementation Plan volumes 1 and 2 (2011-2013).

Jude Ojogwu (2012). An Overview of Public Housing Delivery strategies in Nigeria. Journal of Estate management and valuation volume 1 No. 1. 2012.

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