An Assessment of the Role of Information and Communication Technology on Human Resource Development in Ika North-East Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria 2008 – 2014

An Assessment of the Role of Information and Communication Technology on Human Resource Development in Ika North-East Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria 2008 – 2014.


The focus of this study was on the role played by information and communication technology on the social, cultural and economic lives of the people and its impact in areas of public concern such as education, political, cultural and environmental management.

Policy aspect of electronic media was also assessed, for example concerning government plans of action on  “government business”,  improvement  in the lives of Nigerians in general and Ika North-East citizenry in particular.

To accomplish this task, the researcher adopted the descriptive  survey research  design. The simple random, stratified and cluster sampling techniques of the probability sampling were used.

The research adopted Diffusion of Innovations theoretical framework for explanation, and three hypotheses were stated and tested in this  research. Both primary and secondary data were used, and the data were presented in tables and analyzed with simple percentage and Chi-square.

The research findings revealed that information and communication technologies were  not  efficiently adopted in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State and Nigeria  in general as a tool for human resource development.

Therefore the researcher  recommends that the government should put in place wherewithal that  would  make ICT resources available to the people in order to enhance development.


The growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigeria today constitutes major course for concern as it effect socio-economic activities and  development.

The changes owed to revolution of information and communication technology and its consequent expansion affects significantly the labour market which is growing continuously.

This revolution has made information and communication technology to be very important to organizations, state, civil society and the reason why corporate survival is enhanced by information technology revolution (Anderson, and Arrow, 1988). These changes diversify the information and communication technology enterprise, occupation areas and affect the professional profit.

This gradual development of information and communication technology had led to improvement of corporate businesses in the developing countries like Nigeria. The ever increasing challenges of information and communication technology are met by trained and development of requisite skills (Ogunna, 2004).

That is to  say that there is link between human resource development and  ICT since   the introduction of new technology directly affect workforce.

The more skill or technological prowess a staff acquires, the more employable the staff becomes since  the  skilled  worker  have more propensity for greater productivity and consequently increase in the wages of the worker.

Public authorities and policy makers should take into account the  need  to  increase  and improve workers’ training and education as a means of taking advantage of possible benefits which will foster the creation of fertile environment for acquisition of skills and competences.


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