An Assessment of Uses of the Internet by Female Undergraduates of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

An Assessment of Uses of the Internet by Female Undergraduates of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria.


An assessment of uses of the Internet by female undergraduates of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria is a survey that is meant to determine the behaviour of female undergraduates of A.B.U Zaria towards the Internet and the purpose for which they use it.

The study has five specific objectives among which include: to find out the behaviour of the female undergraduates of A.B.U.towards the Internet;

to identify the purpose for which the Internet is used by the female undergraduates of A.B.U. and to determine the frequency of surfing the Internet by the respondents.

Data was gathered using 1,200 questionnaires in the twelve faculties of the University. A systematic random sampling method was used to select the respondents from the faculties.

The questionnaire was administered on the female undergraduates at each of the faculties and the results were collated and analysed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).

The major findings of the study revealed that 74.1% of the female undergraduates of the university have interest, good perception and positive attitudes towards the uses of the Internet;

84.2% identified internet as an integral part of education; 81.7% said it is easier to use than the library and 56.7% said it is more informative than their lecturers.


 Background to the Study

The Internet is a network of hundreds of thousands of computers all over the world, connected in a way that lets other computers access information from them. So if a computer is connected to the Internet, in principle, it can be connected to any other computer on the network.

Today, the Internet comprises more than 45,000 regional, national and international networks, which connect more than 30 million people in over 200 countries.

The networks include organizations, schools, universities, companies, governments, groups and individuals (Gray, 1999).

The Internet began in 1969 as ARPANet (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) by the United States Department of Defense to share military intelligence and research with university sources.

The Internet has since the 1990s become a widely-used civilian tool for communication, research, entertainment, education and advertisement (Hinson and Amidu, 2006).

The history of the Internet has long been linked to university education. This is because the adoption of the Internet in the university system has intensified access to information and communication by providing un-reserved access to e-mail messages, web boards, online services and e-publications.


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