An Evaluation of Customer Care Services in Restaurants

An Evaluation of Customer Care Services in Restaurants.


One of the greatest mistakes which an organization be it production, wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing or services oriented-can make is to neglect the concept of customer care services in its operations.

This is because customers care services are an integral part of any business and is essential to the overall survival of that business in its competitive environment.

In a developing economy like Nigeria, the need for efficient customer care services cannot be over emphasized, as this will ultimately contribute to the growth of the economy and the development of the private sector.

The research work examines “An evaluation of customer care services in Restaurants: “A study of some selected Quick Services Restaurants in Enugu Metropolis”. To carry out this study, both primary and secondary data were extensively made use of.

Copies of questionnaire were administered to select respondents to elicit information about customer care services. Data collected on the course of the study were 10 presented and analysed with the used of tables and simple percentages.

The hypotheses formulated for the study were tested by the use of Chi-square (X2) statistical parameter. Several findings were made in the study.

More so, some recommendations were made by the researcher and we are of the belief that if the recommendations are judiciously applied, the customer care services problems facing Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) in Enugu and Nigeria at large will be drastically reduced. 


Over the years, as evidenced by cumulative experiences acquired through reading and observation, the business environment observed several developments and instrumental to its growth and development.

One of these developments that remains ever fresh and laudable in the minds of business scholars, authorities, thinkers, philosophers, students and perhaps, the world at large is the industrial revolution which sweat across Europe between 17th and 18th centuries, with its wild-fire effects being felt across the nooks and crannies of the globe.

The uniqueness at the development is grossly predicated on its rather immediate effects which among other things, is the upsurges in business organizations (companies, industries and firms) whose mass production of products (goods and services) was not only noticeable and felt across the world, but also, in no small way, sparked off competition among organizations.

Consequently, the major issue then was no longer what to produce but how to sell the products being mass produced.

In the wake of this rather challenging situation, research aimed at ensuring breakthrough in the business cycle prevailed among business concerns and interests spread across the length and breadth of the world’s political systems particularly the developed systems or economies. 

Fortunately, after a protracted research, fruitful results began to emerge. As noted by Arens and Bovee (1995), in order to manufacture and sell a high volume of goods, manufacturers realized the immense value of advertising or promotion in general which helped them sell to the frontier markets in the West and in the growing industrial market in the East. 


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StudentsandScholarship Teams.

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