An Investigation into the Problems of Leadership in Tertiary Institutions

An Investigation into the Problems of Leadership in Tertiary Institutions.

Table of Contents


This research work “AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE PROBLEMS OF LEADERSHIP IN TERTIARY INSTITUTON” looking at the ineffective and techniques which our leaders used so as to inaccomplish the leadership objectives.

Specifically, the work answers questions which bordered on the problems of leadership which the institution is going ontos.

The five chaptered research works limit its scope of study in Federal Polytechnic, Oko using proper information gathering method to obtain data whereas twelve principle officers of the administration and academic sector are used as the sample size.

Also, the interview used for data collection included students. The chapter four led to the chapter summary, recommendation and conclusion.

The research work actually show the most leader ship problems which pull down the bad rapport between the management and the subordinates so as to inaccomplish the set goals.


Title page                                                                 i

Approval                                                                   ii

Dedication                                                                iii

Acknowledgements                                                   iv

Table of contents                                                      vi

Abstract                                                                   ix


  • Introduction                 1
    • Background of the study         1
    • Statement of the problem         7
    • Purpose of the study         10
    • Significance of the study         11
    • Research question         12
    • Scope of the study         13
    • Limitation of the study         14
    • Definition of terms         15


  • Literature Review 17
    • Background information in the study area 17
    • Leadership Definition        18
    • Leadership problems 19
    • Problem characteristics 22
    • Leadership, Management and Bureaucracy 24
    • Functions of a leadership and management 25
    • Tertiary institutions and federal polytechnic 28
    • Techniques of leadership 31
    • Theories and approaches to leadership problems 32


  • Research Methodology        38
    • Design of the study 38
    • Area of the study 39
    • Population of the study 40
    • Sample size/sampling techniques 40
    • Instrument for data collection 41
    • Validity and Reliability of the instrument 41
    • Distribution and Retrieval of the instrument 42
    • Method of data analysis 44


  • Data Presentation and Analysis 45
    • Presentation of Findings 45
    • Discussion/Analysis of findings 53


5.0    Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations       58

5.1   Summary             58

5.2   Conclusion           59

5.3   Recommendations       60

References            62

Appendix              64

Questionnaire       65


1.1  Background of the Study

The work “An investigation into the problems of leadership in Nigerian tertiary institutions has a critical look at the leadership problems at which the Nigerian tertiary institutions are led using as a case study.

Leadership as known is the act of directing people/group of persons so as to accomplish as stated objectives, determines the success and failure of an organization based on the style adopted. Also leadership can be seen as the ability to influence people to strive willingly towards accomplishing groups objectives.

Konnitze and Dr. Donnell (1972) in Umeh (2005:145) define leadership as “interpersonal influence, exercise in situation and directed through the communication process towards the attainment of a specific goal or goals”.

He further describes leadership as directing, coordinating a group people in a specific situation, with the view to attaining the objectives of the group.

It also involves wielding authority over the subordinates giving direction and ensuring that the objectives of an organization are met.

Moreso, leadership is in essence concerned with human energy in organization group. It is a people orientated phenomenon.

It is also a force that can initiate action among people, guide activities in a given direction, maintain such activities and unify effort towards common goals.


Amacon, (1973) A situational: Management, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Chinwere, J.A. (1980) Statistical management studies principle, problems and solution 2nded, Lagos Klaax (Nig) Ltd.

Federal Polytechnic, Oko (2002) Student’s handwork, Federal Polytechnic Oko Press Ltd.

Howard, .K. and Donnel, .C. (1976) Essential of management, New York: McGraw-Hill book company.

Howard, M.G. (1976) Management concept and situation Chicago, SRA incorporated Ltd.

Lewin, L. and White, B. (1939) Leadership studies 1st ed; England Publisher Ltd.

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