Analysis of Magneto Hemodynamics of Blood in A Stenosed Artery

Analysis of Magneto Hemodynamics of Blood in A Stenosed Artery.

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Human body responds to physical activities, external temperature, external mag- netic field, and other factors by homeostatically adjusting its blood flow in order to deliver nutrients such as oxygen and glucose to every organ in the body and allow them to function.

Complications in this hemodynamic may arise due to acute coro- nary syndromes such as stenosis or arteriosclerosis leading to obstruction of coro- nary arteries.

These complications do cause a change in the blood flow to the body organ as well as the amount of glucose and oxygen that is supplied to them, which may have serious effects on the functioning of some or all bodily systems.

Moreover, high grade stenosis increases flow resistance in arteries which means the body has to raise the blood pressure to maintain the necessary blood flow velocity.

Both the high pressure and the constricted vessels lead to high flow velocity, high shear stress and low shear stress.

Thrombus formation, growth of atherosclerosis and plaque cap rupture which leads directly to stroke and heart attack are related to these irregular flows in blood.

How this works is still not well known and under investigation. A Study of how this physiological process works leads to early diagnosis, prevention and treatment stenosis related diseases.

In this thesis, a theoretical study of blood flow through a stenosed artery under the combined action of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, buoyancy force, Joule heating and an externally applied magnetic field is provided.


Background Of Study

This is a cardiovascular physiological study that deals with the forces the heart gen- erates to circulate blood round the cardiovascular system.

Proper blood flow en- sures proper blood supply of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues which is a necessary condition for cardiovascular health which helps survival of patients during surgery, prolongs lifespan and improves on quality of life.

In medical care, blood pressure and blood flow paired values at the nodes of the cardiovascular system are indica- tors of hemodynamic forces. The interest in hemodynamics is obvious:

A significant majority of all cardiovascular diseases such as stenosis and disorders results from hemodynamic dysfunction. Hypertension and congestive heart failure are good examples systemic hemodynamic disorders.


Blood and lymph circulation transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, blood cells, etc through the circulatory system, this helps in fighting diseases, stabi- lizing body temperature and pH, and in homeostasis.

The circulatory system can  be considered to be composed of cardiovascular system, which circulates blood and the lymphatic system which returns excess blood plasma from inerstitial fluid as lymph.

Humans have a closed cardiovascular system, more primitive diploblastic animal phyla lack the circulatory systems.


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