The analysis of this work showed that, there are variations of plant habits, trees were mostly used, accounting for 39.9% and was the least used in application.

Parts of the plant used in preparation of folk medicine very. Leaves being the most often used in preparation for 39.1% followed by roots which accounts for 10.4% come next is the stem bark with

 percentage rate of 12.7% fruit of 9.2%, followed by root bark of 8.2%, then seed accounting for 7.5% respectively, latex which has 4.5% rate, flower and tubes had the same percentage rate of 1.8% each.


The plant kingdom has made itself available for man’s consumption and improvement. Therefore, we have to take care of plants so as to sustain us during this period of good quality, there is need to exercise conation in taking advice on the usage of the medicine as they can cause considerable damage especially to the liver.

Consumes are advised to confirm product registration with NAFDAC and other relevant agencies before patronizing such products. If in doubt consult your healthcare, world health organization (WHO) for assessment of herbal remedies WHO/TRM /ŋ/: 4. European pharmacopia.

Furthermore, without any doubt more effective drugs are found here in our country. Our traditional healers deserve the proper support and workshop from the government and the masses, the scientists, taxonomists,  botanists and phytochemists who are better equipped to handle more effectively and improve in our indigenous medicinal practices should actually reach at the traditional healer to coped tap their talents and potentials for the country and the world at large.

Apart from scientifically proven approaches, holistic practioners strongly believe that the healthy human body is more than just the sum of the bodily holistic healing arts, and that it also involves the spiritual dimensions. In reality, man is a dynamic forces.

Oyekole’s (1992), traditional medicinal approach, the control of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) compile a proposal submitted to the minisry of health and social services, wine hock, Namibia, 21st April, 1992, that such situations, prayer can be of enormous help, especially in those with religious faith (Ifrot why not) the result of this study showed that angiospermous plants are more widely used in traditional medicine. 

Dicotyledonous plants are widely used as account for almost 100% of the total plants studied (table 1 figure). They are likely to contain more active chemical ingredients than most other plants for the treatment of diseases and ailments.

Different parts of plant are used in traditional medicine, leaves, roots, barks and fruits are used in one way or the other in the treatment of diseases, several methods are used in the preparation of traditional medicine. Most commonly used infusion and decoction (Keary, 1989). The adiminsrtration is carried out in several ways, it could either be orally taken or applied externally. 

Roots of Carica papaya (linn) are recommended for a particular ailment such as blood pressure (H.B.P) for indigenous health care have been confirmed by many workers to contain the active principles (Chancore  1939), scientific bases in traditional herbal healing using a name of  plant genera and specie Hibiscus sabdariffa referred “Zobo” in annual herb that is cultivated for its leaves, fleshy calpe, seeds or fibre.

Almost 100% of the total plants studied (table 1 figure). They are likely to contain more active chemical ingredients than most other plants for the treatment of diseases and ailments.

Different parts of plant are used in traditional medicine, leaves, roots, barks and fruits are used in one way or the other in the treatment of diseases, several methods are used in the preparation of traditional medicine. Most commonly used infusion and decoction (Keary, 1989). The adiminsrtration is carried out in several ways, it could either be orally taken or applied externally. 

Roots of Carica papaya (linn) are recommended for a particular ailment such as blood pressure (H.B.P) for indigenous health care have been confirmed by many workers to contain the active principles (Chancore  1939), scientific bases in traditional herbal healing using a name of  plant genera and specie Hibiscus sabdariffa referred “Zobo” in annual herb that is cultivated for its leaves, fleshy calpe, seeds or fibre.


Information relating to medicinal plants and traditional medicine can be found in documents and data bases aimed at readers in a wide range of discipline including botany, ecology, chemistry, medicine veterinary science. e.t.c however, there are few publications reporting current work or severing and analyzing recent advance. Access to relevant information by the public decision makers and local communities is still very limited. 

The convention on Biological Diversity, an international treaty that has been signed by more than 160 member states of the united Nations provides an international legal frame work for the conservation of biological diversity materials. Medicines are used for primary health care needs. Between 25-50% of modern drugs are derive from plants. Demand for medicinal plants is increasing in both developing and developed countries.                  

Information relating to medicinal plants and traditional medicine can be found in documents and data bases aimed at readers in a wide range of discipline including botany, ecology, chemistry, medicine veterinary science. e.t.c however, there are few publications reporting current work or severing and analyzing recent advance. Access to relevant info
rmation by the public decision makers and local communities is still very limited. 

The convention on Biological Diversity, an international treaty that has been signed by more than 160 member states of the united Nations provides an international legal frame work for the conservation of biological diversity materials. Medicines are used for primary health care needs. Between 25-50% of modern drugs are derive from plants. Demand for medicinal plants is increasing in both developing and developed countries.


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