Angel in Human Form Quotes

Angel is a term used to describe someone as good or kind-hearted. It is interesting to note that the word angel was derived from the Latin word “angelus” which means messenger or envoy. It describes an individual who carries a message of God’s love and mercy. So, angels are not just saints and deities, they are human beings who spread goodness and love.

An angel in human form is the gotten from the idea of expressing a purely emotional attachment to another person. When someone touches your soul and does things for you that no other person does, that person is an angel in human form.

These angel in human form quotes allows you to express your emotions about meeting an angel in a human form whom you may or may not be in love with. Therefore, feel free to make use of the ones below.

When I look at you, I feel like I am looking into a mirror. The way you love yourself and others is an inspiration to me. I want to take you on a romantic date. I would love to buy you flowers, treat you to a candle-lit dinner and spend the evening with you. You are just an angel in human form.

1. You are my angel. You are my soul mate. I love you more than words could ever express. You are an angel in human form whose love is pure, warm and unconditional.

2. You’re my angel, my guardian, the best friend I ever had in this life. You’ve made me laugh when I wanted to cry and helped me find strength when I felt weak.

3. You’re always there for me, through the good times and the bad. The times I’ve spent with you have been some of the best days of my life. You make me feel so safe, so secure that I never want us to be apart again. You mean more to me than you will ever know. You are an angel in human form.

4. You absolutely amaze me. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. Your smile and laugh make my heart skip a beat every time. I honestly can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are everything that is right with the world, an angel in human form.

5. You were sent from heaven above to shower me with love. I’ll never be able to repay the feelings you give me. You are an amazing person that deserves the happiest life one could ever wish for and I promise to do my best to help you achieve your dreams. You are the love of my life! You are indeed an angel in human form.

6. I love you so much! The smile that your beautiful face brings to mine is unmatched by anything else in my life. I’m so happy you chose to spend your life with me. We’ve had so many good times, and there are so many more to come! You are an angel in human form.

7. You’re the best person I know. You’ve always been there for me. I can’t trade you for anything because you are an angel in human form.

8. Even though your life has not been easy, I am so thankful that you are with me to share the rest of my life. You must have known just how much I would love you that since the first moment I saw you, you have brought wonder and joy into my life. For all eternity I will hold your hand as we walk together through our wonderful future. I can’t afford to lose you.

9. You are my everything. I love the way your lips move when you talk. I love to picture you there with me by the ocean. I love everything about you, and I never ever want to lose it. You are an angel in human form.

10. I can’t thank God enough for sending you to me. You are everything I have ever wanted and needed! I never knew love could feel like this. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive! I love you for eternity in heaven and beyond my love.

11. Some people say that I am an angel in human form. They may be right! Because when I look in your eyes I see the brightest, happiest and most heavenly light shine from within you.

12. You are an angel in form of a human. You brighten my day when you are around and make me feel like everything is going to be okay because nothing can go wrong when you are holding my hand or hugging me.

13. You’re an angel in human form. You just have to remember to channel it.

14. Nothing can ruin our happiness when we are together. I love spending time with you and will cherish every moment with you

15. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have met you. You have shown me the true meaning of love. Thank you for being my lover, my best friend, and my angel in human form.

16. You’re my angel in human form. You’ve shown me love that I never thought was possible. I can’t wait to spend eternity with you.

17. I still find it hard sometimes to believe you’re real. You are a piece of Heaven that landed in my life and I love you so much. Thank you for your love and loyalty, I will never forget it. All my heart, always!

18. It takes a real angel, to look at a man with hands that have killed and say, “You are not all bad”.

19. Don’t be surprised if you end up changing someone’s day by smiling at them. They might change yours. You can as well be an angel in human form.

20. The more I know you, the more I love you. The more I love you, the more I want to get to know you. The more I get to know you, the more our love grows. You are an angel in human form.

21. You are an angel in human form, and you bring the light wherever you go. The ups and downs we’ve had just prove that we were meant to be because we already made it through the worst and came out stronger on the other side.

22. Treat yourself right. Be your own best friend and love yourself as much as you’d love your best friend. You are an angel in human form.

23. We have something truly special, a bond that is made of such a deep love and respect for one another. It gets stronger every day and I have never ever been happier in my life. Thank you for being a part of my life, baby.

24. The more time I spend with you, the more I realize how lucky I am to have found someone as special as you. Thank you for all the love and support you give me. I feel truly blessed to be with you. You make me happier than anyone else ever could.

25. They say that love makes the world go round, and it is true. There’s no time of day I don’t think of you, and when I do I wish I could stop time itself so we could linger in that special moment forever. I can’t imagine life without you. I don’t do well with monogamy so please stick around for a long time.

26. If someone has hate in their heart and you’re around that person, then they’re going to bring hate right back at you. If someone has love in their heart and you’re around that person, they’re going to bring love right back at you. Be an angel in form of a human.

27. You are the love that surrounds me, you are the hope that keeps me going, and you are an angel in the form of a human.

28. With so many things to wish for, focus on what you have rather than what you don’t. Be thankful and be grateful. Life is short. Love hard. Live free and be as happy as an angel in human form!

29. I have never felt so in love with one person before. You have such a deep understanding of me that it’s almost as if we share the same mind. You make me feel whole and my world brighter. Every time I look at you I feel like I’m falling in love all over again.

30. Life holds so many surprises, and it throws them at you every which way. But sometimes the surprises are good ones, and when they are you need to grab them and hold on tight.

31. There’s no one else in this world that I would see fit to be your mate. We are perfect for each other. You’re my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, and the greatest father a child could have. I love you! You are an angel in human form.

32. You are such an angel in human form. So kind, thoughtful and loveable. Everything that I want and need in a partner, my everything.

33. I am so lucky to have you as a friend. You are one of the most honest, genuine and caring people I know. The way you see the world makes it a better place. You bring happiness to anyone you touch. I am in awe of your spirit, your smile, and how you radiate light wherever you go. You are truly an angel in human form!

34. I’ve never met anyone like you. You are so much more than I ever imagined. My heart skips a beat every time we hug, you’re an angel in human form.

35. You are a true blessing. Your love has touched my life and I am so blessed. We may not have been married but it feels as if we are. You are my angel in human form, everyone needs an angel!

36. You have this angelic beauty about you. Always putting others first and giving until there is no more to give. You make me feel like I can do anything with your love supporting me. You are really an angel in human form.

37. You are my angel in human form! I love you for always looking out for me and keeping me grounded. You have so much to offer this world and everyone should have the gift of your time. I’m so grateful to have you in my life!

38. There are angels among us. You are certainly one of them, and I’m lucky enough to call you mine. Thank you for being you and allowing me to be myself. I love you and could not ask for a better life.

39. You are my guardian angel, my comfort, and my guiding light. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but you are an angel in form of a human.

40. You show us that life isn’t always easy, but that it’s still a blessing. My family and I love you so much, you are the best sister any person could have. You bring joy into our lives no matter what happens. You are truly an angel in human form.

41. You not only make me feel protected, but you make me feel like I can do anything. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You are my other half, the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you. You are an angel in human form.

42. You are truly an angel in human form that shines so brightly on everyone around you. I am so lucky to be loved by such a kind and beautiful person. You’re the best boyfriend, son, brother and friend. I love you with all my heart!

43. You’re my angel in human form. I thank God every day for blessing me with the most caring and loving woman in the world. Every time we are together I fall more in love with you, your smile just melts my heart away. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are an angel.

44. I look at you and I see an angel in human form. You are the most compassionate, loving and accepting person that I have ever known.

45. My heart aches for you because the world has been too harsh for you. The thing that makes me love you, even more, is that when we are together all my worries seem to fade because I am truly happy. You are an angel in human form.

46. You are my inspiration, my love, my angel. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are an angel in human form.

47. I’m so glad you’re in my life. Not a day goes by that I don’t feel incredibly blessed to have your love, support, and kindness at my side. You are an angel in human.

48. You are an angel in human form. Every time I look into your eyes, I know that I am home. You are one of the most loving people I know, and my soul is warmed by your presence.

49. You are always there for me, listening to me when I need you. You are an amazing person, so gentle and kind always seeing the best in everyone. I am so lucky that you are my friend. You are truly an angel in human form.

50. You are my rock, my angel, the love of my life. As long as I have you nothing can go wrong in life. I am so blessed to have you and would never trade you for anything.

51. My love, you are my best friend, the air I breathe, the blood in my veins. You are the sunshine that brightens every day. You have made me a better person and I adore you more than you can ever imagine. You are my angel.

52. I love you so much. Since the day I met you, you have improved my life in so many ways. You are a gift from God that I will never put in jeopardy. You are very special to me and I would do anything to make sure you knew how important you are to me. You are my angel.

53. I’ve never felt so alive and happy as when you’re with me. You were my lifesaver when I was down and ready to give up. I don’t know how I could have made it without you. You are the light of love that brightens up my day with your warm hugs. Thank you for being an angel in human form.

54. You are a ray of sunshine in my life, enjoy the day and be who you are. You make me smile when I am sad and brighten the days I’m having bad luck.

55. I love you. I have found my soul mate and best friend all wrapped in one. You take away my stress, you make me laugh, you make me cry and you make me smile in happiness. I worship the ground you walk on, love of my life.

56. You are an angel in human form. Your love lights up my life like a thousand suns. I am so lucky to have you by my side and you make me whole. You are truly an angel in human form.

57. You are an angel in human form, a blessing sent from above. I hope you know how much I love you and care for you. You are an angel in human form. You are an angel in human form.

58. You mean more to me than you will ever know! I want to be with you until the end of time, and when it ends, I’ll wait with open arms for you in heaven. You are my angel.

59. For all that you are, and all that you have been, I thank you! You are an angel in human form. You have a soul of purest gold. May God bless you and keep you forever.

60. You are the best person I have ever known. You are honourable, full of grace and humility. You are the best in all. You are truly an angel in human form.

61. You would never intentionally hurt a living soul, and yet you heal us all with your love, beautiful smile, and every word you say. I believe that you were placed in my life to heal me, nurture me and bring goodness into my world. You are an angel in human form.

62. The very thought of you brightens my days. You are a shining star in this world. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are an angel in human form.

63. You are my other half. I am not complete without you. You are the most beautiful angel I have ever met, my sweet prince Charming. Looking at you brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. You make me feel warm and safe. I love you!

64. My little sister, how I adore you, you were born an angel and will always be my angel.

65. You are a treasure of mine. I cherish you and what we have. There is no one else in the world whom I would rather share my life with. I’m so thankful for your love and kindness, for our friendship and for everything you do for me. You are an angel.

66. You are amazing. I am so glad to have you in my life. You encourage me to do things I never thought possible and all I want to do is make you feel special. Thank you for being you!

67. It hasn’t been an easy road for you. You’ve had many struggles and problems that I wish never happened. But out of all the misery, there is one thing that has remained. Your smile! It changes my life every time I see it. Your smile is so gracious that it lights up even the darkest days. You are truly an angel.

68. If I had to live life all over again, I’d still pick you. You have been the best human I know. An angel in human form.

69. One of the coolest quotes is by Thomas Merton who said ‘We are angels in human form’ and I think it is so true. You are my angel and really make me feel like one too. I do love you! You are an angel.

70. You mean so much to me. You are the only person I would want to do this with. You are the light of my life, a morning star that guides me every day. I love to watch you sleep and enjoy your company as we spend time just being together. You are an angel in human form.

71. You are the most amazing person, who has made me happy in every way! I love being with you and cannot imagine my life without you. I love your mind, body and soul always willing to spend time to listen, care and really know you better. I’m grateful to have such a loving and caring angel in my life. You are truly an angel.

72. I just want to let you know that I couldn’t love you more! I feel happy and complete when I am with you, and I feel like the luckiest person in the world. You are an angel in form of a human.

73. You are so wonderful and I am grateful every day that we found each other. You are an angel sent from heaven to me, and anyone else would be lucky to have you in their life. Princess, there is no one else on earth who could possibly do all the things for me that you do for me day

74. I need to tell you how special you are to the world. You bring light to everyone around you, not just with your kind soul, but also when you enter a room. You are my little angel on earth. You make my life worth every bit of it. I love you so very much.

75. You are my guardian angel, you keep me safe and alive in my darkest times. You have saved my life more times than I could ever count, you’ve lost all track of them.

76. The light and love in your eyes are so bright and warm that it just makes me melt. I feel pure happiness and joy when I am around you, it’s the greatest feeling in the world knowing I am loved by someone like you. You are an angel sent from above to make sure I never stray away.

77. God must have known that I needed a friend and he sent me a human angel. When we first met I was shy, quiet, and awkward.

78. There are no words to express my gratitude, but I will try anyway. Thank you for the happiness, love and support. You are the reason that my life finds meaning and joy. You mean more to me than anything in this world! And I love you very much. You are really an angel in form of a human.

79. You are a gift from God and I thank him every day for you. You have shown me what love is, you have shown me how it feels to be truly loved. May God bless you and all the angels in heaven for bringing me into your life.

80. You are an angel in human form. You bring such joy and warmth to my heart. I am so lucky to have you as a friend or a loved one.

81. Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never the same. You are a blessing to me, thank you for being my angel in human form.

82. I can’t think of a more fitting title than “angel in human form.” You take care of everyone, you go out of your way to make them happy, and you’ll even offhandedly do things for me without realizing it.

83. You are such an amazing person, I’m so glad I found you. When I look into your beautiful eyes and see how much you love me, it makes my heart melt. You are a shining ray of light in this dark world. You brighten my day just by being around. You are truly an angel.

84. A true angel on earth is you. I always believed in angels and the moment of first saw you a light shined through me. You are my guardian angel and watching over me. Your love is so pure and selfless that it brings me close to my divinity. Your love lights up my life. I’m so blessed that I found you.

85. You are honestly an angel, truly. You were put on this earth to make the people in your life feel special and that’s exactly what you do. You are so thoughtful and caring. I just can’t thank God enough for you always being there for me. My one true love forever and always!

86. You are such an amazing human being and I’m thankful I have you in my life. I care about you so much that a simple paragraph can’t even express the depths of my feelings. You are an angel.

87. To be with you, is like a dream. To hold you in my arms is a blessing. To call you my own, is an honour. You are an angel in human form.

88. You’ve been my light in the darkness, the keeper of my heart. I’ll love you until the end of time. You are an angel in human form.

89. Being an angel on earth means you are there for everyone that needs you, to comfort them in their time of need. To some people, you are their best friend, a shoulder to cry on.

90. Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again. You are an angel in human form.

91. You are an angel disguised as a human being. Others see you as a strong, beautiful, caring person and I see you like an angel in human form.

92. You are an angel in human form. You bring so much love and happiness to me. No words could ever express how thankful I am for you. I love you so much!

93. You are an angel in human form and always will be. You make me want to be a better man every day. You’ve made me feel happier than I ever thought possible.

94. I feel like I’ve known you forever, but that I’m just now meeting you. You’re so wonderful, and kind of perfect in every way.

95. You are the love of my life, the most loving man I know. After spending every minute of every day together, I can tell that you’re an angel on earth and I’m blessed to have you in my life.

96. Your presence lights up a room, your smile radiates in my heart, and you’re as beautiful as an angel I’ve ever seen.

97. You are such a special person. I’m so glad to have you in my life! Every day you surprise me. You are the most beautiful, wonderful and kind person I’ve ever met! If there is such thing as angels walking among us, then you are definitely one of them! God bless you!

98. You are the kindest, warmest, sweetest person I have ever known. You are a blessing. You give so much love and never ask for anything in return.

99. You are an angel. I believe that not everyone has a guardian angel, but I thank God for sending me mine. You’re everything to me and my life will never be the same without you in it. Your beautiful smile brightens even the darkest days.

100. You radiate the same light as an angel in human form. You’re a rare, precious jewel. You’re a shining diamond, polished and perfect.

102. I love you like the star that lights the night, I love you as a river loves its stream. I love you like a flower loves the rain, and I love you as a baby loves his mama. You are truly an angel.

Having an angel in human form by your side is a wonderful gift from above, be sure to appreciate that person with the quotes above. Feel free to share these angel in human form quotes with your loved one. Do not hesitate to leave your comment in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.

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