Apply Now For Social and Behaviour Change Communication Vacancy at NINERELA+

Apply Now For Social and Behaviour Change Communication Vacancy at NINERELA+. Association of Religious Leaders Living With or Personally Affected by HIV/AIDS [NINERELA+] is an international interfaith network working with other national stakeholders and coalitions to achieve the set goals within the national HIV response.

In 2014, Nigeria signed the HIV and AIDS Anti-Discrimination Act into law which was considered as a bold step in the fight against all forms of stigmatization and discrimination targeted at people living with HIV/ AIDS. In response to her mandate on using faith based approach in the HIV response, NINERELA+, with the support of Christian Aid seeks to develop a simplified version of the anti-discrimination Act in a way that captures the religious backing of the message against discrimination and stigmatization as contained in the Nigerian anti-discrimination Act.

Job Title:  Social and Behaviour Change Communication

Purpose of Engagement:

To engage a Consultant to work with Key Faith-Based actors to produce BCC materials for faith leaders and faith-based groups  for Stigma Reduction using relevant sections of the Anti-discrimination Act supported by sessions from the Bible and Qur’an


Tasks for the consultant

  •    Collaborate with NINERELA+ to Identify and work with religious scholars in the different faiths who will provide technical support in the identification of religious verses supporting the anti-discrimination Act.
  •   Plan, organize and facilitate technical meeting for working groups to review  and validate the  draft deliverables
  •  Finalize and submit the final copy of the simplified anti-discrimination Act with religious backings.
  •  Work in collaboration with identified religious scholars to develop the simplified version of the anti-discrimination Act.
  •   Develop final deliverables

Expected deliverables

  • The final copy of the simplified anti-discrimination Act  with backings from religious verses
  •  Final copy of messages developed using the anti-discrimination Act for posters targeting health workers and the rights of PLHIV to be used at health facilities
  • A process report of the consultancy, highlighting the contributors and their backgrounds,
  • Highlights of the achievements, lessons learned, gaps and recommendations for future similar exercises


The Documents produced in the course of this engagement shall be the property of NINERELA+, therefore, extent to which these documentation will be distributed shall be to subject to NINERELA+’s approval.

Experience/Qualification of Consultant

  • Min Qualification BA/BSc/HND plus other professional degree, higher degree will be an added advantage.
  • Experience in developing evidence based behavior change messages and materials )in Nigeria
  • Experience in working with civil society networks and CBOs working on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
  • Knowledge of the challenges of multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS response in the country
  • Availability to undertake the consultancy
  • At least 4 years’ experience in social and behavior change communication work. Experience working with faith leaders will be an added advantage.
  • Experience working on high level advocacy at national level  in Nigeria
  • Good Knowledge of communication and public relations techniques.


The duration will be seven working days spread out in a period of three weeks.  Consultant is to liaise with the NINERELA+ Secretariat in the course of his/her work for information as needed

How to Apply

Application should be addressed to the National Coordinator – NINERELA+ and sent electronically to [email protected] with “CONCULTANCY SERVICE” as the subject of the email. Submission of application closes on 26th May 2016 by 5.00pm. All Cover letter/CV’s MUST be in a single document either word format or PDF.

Also, indicate your consultancy fee in the application.


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