Appraisal of Local Government Workers Perception Towards Taking Life Insurance Policy In Nigeria.

Appraisal  of Local Government Workers Perception Towards Taking Life Insurance Policy In Nigeria.

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This study has been motivated by the public outcry against the poor performance of our country’s administration of Life assurance policies.

It has been viewed by many as a sector whose records have shown no positive result in whatever objective they were set to achieve.

If this public perception about the county’s administration of Life policies are true, then it is an unhealthy development for the country,

in view of the fact that the public sector is expected to play the leading role in the rapid socio-economic welfare and political development of the Nigerian society and should that sector be ineffective for any reason, development pace will be affected.

The aim of the research was to find out whether Keffi Local Government workers of Nasarawa state have favorable attitude towards taking life insurance policy.

Two hundred questionnaires were distributed to workers of Keffi Local Government area of Nasarawa state upon which we made our findings.

The results of the investigation show that in response to positive statements about life insurance, an average respondent has either less adequate knowledge or undecided, this is a trace of not having adequate knowledge of the policy.



Life is full of risks and uncertainties, we are social human being and we have certain responsibilities too to minimize these risks. Nigerians are emotional and rational in their buying decision.

They believe in future rather than the present and desire to have a better secured future. In this direction, life insurance services have its own values in terms of serving as  savings, investment  and  risk protection.

Life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary sum of money (the benefit) upon the maturity or death of the insured person.

Depending on the contract, other events such as terminal illness or critical illness may also trigger payment. The policy holder typically pays a premium, either regularly or as lump sum. Other expenses (such as funeral expenses) are also sometimes in the benefits.


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