Appreciation Quotes for Bus Drivers

Not all heroes wear capes. Some of the drivers that drive you from one place to another aren’t always recognized for their efforts, although they might be living around us and are always ready to help when needed.

You may have never thought about it, but bus drivers are your friend. They don’t just drive you to your house, school or work. They are there to make sure that you get to your final destination safely.

We have drivers who are always ready to render helping hands to anyone in need. And sometimes, these drivers are unseen and go unnoticed by many. If you know someone like that, these appreciation quotes for bus drivers
would be the best idea to thank them. Enjoy them!

You make the school trip to and from smooth and enjoyable for students. We hope you have a great year, and we’re thankful you make our ride so much easier and better. Thank you for all you do!

1. Thank you for driving safely. I am always a little nervous when I ride the bus with you because it means I will see you drive a big vehicle on city streets, but you always make it through safely. Thank you for all of your hard work.

2. Thank you for always being there. Waiting at the bus stop can be boring, so it’s nice to see your smiling face and hear you sing songs and make jokes. I really appreciate you driving the bus every day and making this ride fun.

3. Thank you for always being happy to see me. Every morning when I get on the bus, I wish we could switch jobs because your job sounds so much more hassle-free than mine. I think every morning when I get on your bus, and you smile and say hi to me that you are the best transit driver in the city…I’d pay twice as much to ride the bus just because of the way that you drive it, with enthusiasm.

4. Thank you for driving my kids to school. You make the drive much more bearable. I really appreciate your positive attitude and kindness.

5. I want to thank you very much for doing a really good job and keeping us safe every day. Whenever I think that something needs to change in my life, I always remember you driving through these wintry roads, where I start thinking that nothing is going to happen. Thank you very much for the way you do your job.

6. Thank you for being so kind and helpful. Thank you for taking us places with your big and wonderful bus. I wish more adults could be like you.

7. Thank you for all of the time you dedicate to driving us around the city. I know it isn’t easy, with rush hour traffic and impatient people, but we all appreciate you and what you do. Thank you, and keep up the good work!

8. You are such a blessing to our neighbourhood. You help us look forward to the weekends with your smiles. You make sure we all get home safe every evening.

9. Thank you for helping us cross the street. Your work is appreciated by many and is so necessary in a big city like ours.

10. Thank you for transporting me around. I don’t know what I would do without your service. It sure is nice to have a safe ride that comes so often at a cost-effective price.

11. Thank you for driving me to school every day! The crazy mornings would be a lot harder without you.

12. Thank you for being safe and careful as you transport our children to school. I appreciate that you let us know when a student is not behaving and how seriously you take it.

13. Thank you for driving the bus every day. It is nice not to deal with the stress of traffic and getting to work on time. Not a single bad word can be said about you and your team. I want to thank you for all that you do for the city and its people.

14. Thank you for being patient and kind. I know we can’t predict traffic, but it is hard to keep your calm when the bus is packed, and you are behind schedule. Your patience inspires me to be more understanding to others when things don’t go as planned.

15. Thanks for taking the time to drive us safely to where we need to go. Most of the people who ride your bus are not very nice. We kids always appreciate when you talk to us, or even just smile at us.

16. Thank you for being so kind on the bus. You are very patient and helpful, you have taught me a lot about riding the bus. Without your help I doubt I would be able to ride it alone. Thank you for helping me become more independent.

17. I want to say how grateful I am to all of you bus drivers who transport us students around the country. This would be impossible without you. All of you are making a big difference in our lives and we truly thank you for your dedication.

18. Thank you for your commitment to us. We do not always give you a lot of gratitude for all you do for us. It really means a lot to us, your faithful passengers.

19. Thank you for always being on time, driving safely, and keeping my children safe.

20. I want to thank all the bus drivers, who are not just operating a school bus, but are making a difference in our community.

21. Thank you for helping me bumble my way through a foreign city. I was stressed out and overwhelmed with all of the directions and information, but you made everything easy by being patient and calm. I greatly appreciate your kindness.

22. Thank you for driving the bus. It means that I don’t have to drive in the morning. You’re a great driver, and I always enjoy looking out the window and seeing others on their way to work. I feel like I’m seeing someone else’s life.

23. Thank you for doing your job well. It’s very nice to have a comfortable ride to school in the morning. I feel secure and confident when I see a driver paying attention to his or her surroundings.

24. Thank you for being so patient as you drive around downtown and all these people are trying to get on your crowded bus in the morning rush hour. I appreciate how you give them all a smile of encouragement even when they try to let others in before them. Thank you for being a successful bus driver!

25. Thank you for taking great care of the bus every day. I know it isn’t an easy job when all those little kids are on board, and the traffic can be challenging.

26. Thank you for driving so well. I really appreciate knowing that I enjoy a safe and pleasant ride each time I get on the bus.

27. Thank you for being a safe driver. You are the best because you slow down to let student drivers change lanes and stop at crossings. We appreciate that you let us know where we are. Thank you for letting us off before the end of our route and making sure no one is left behind. Thank you for always smiling and being kind to us when we get on your bus. I appreciate all that you do!

28. Thank you for driving the people who take the 231 bus to work or school each day. We had a stressful week because we kept having problems with the new bus. Thank you for helping us through it so we can get where we need to go.

29. Thank you for all of your hard work. You take us everywhere we need to be, regardless of the weather. On time and safely, we truly appreciate your service and dedication.

30. Thank you for driving safely and surprisingly fast. I’m very glad you are my bus driver. I don’t know what I would do otherwise because no other bus goes that way.

31. Thank you for driving us to school. I know it can be a long, tiring day for you. I appreciate all of your hard work!

32. Thank you for all the times that you dropped me off at work. It’s so convenient. I almost feel like we’re friends now!

33. Thank you for being so patient with me as I get my pass. It’s hard to do every day when we have some slightly modified buses that don’t have a front window at the driver’s station.

34. Thank you for being an amazing bus driver. You’re patient, kind, and understanding. When I’m stressed about school or breakups you always ask me how I am doing and tell be to stop worrying because everything will be alright.

35. I wanted to show my appreciation for all bus drivers. It is not easy to transport a bunch of people from one place to another, especially when half of them are late and disruptive. Even though you know the school campus inside out, you often had to double check for directions because everyone–students and faculty alike–tries to find shortcuts.

36. Thank you for getting me to my destination safely. It is not easy driving a massive bus in heavy traffic and changing routes all the time. You do an amazing job driving and taking care of us passengers.

37. Thank you for driving the bus. When I get on in the morning and as I am going to sleep in the evening, I always think how grateful I am that there are people like you who make my day or night easier and shorter. Thank you so much.

38. Thank you for the wonderful service you provide every day. We do not always know your names, but we can see the way you treat our children and each other. I am sure there is a lot of stress in your jobs, but you make it look easy. If more people were like you the world would be a better place.

39. Thank you for stopping even though I got on after the bell rang. You are a great bus driver.

40. Thank you for making your bus rides fun. Even though you work hard, I love it. One time I was sick and you really went out of your way to help me feel better. That meant a lot.

41. Thank you for driving safely through the city. I am always so thankful when I arrived at my location safely. Thank you for being respectful and considerate.

42. Thank you for providing great service on public transportation. You get me where I need to be at a great cost, which is important because I’m a student and don’t have a lot of disposable income. Thank you so much.

43. Thank you for being one of the first people I walk past when I get on the bus in the morning. You always look at me with a smile and warm up my heart as I drive away to work.

44. Thank you for all you do. I know you have a hard job with all the crazy drivers on the road and trying to avoid traffic, construction and people who are rushing. I know it’s not easy, so thank you for putting up with the madness of public transportation.

45. Thank you for driving the bus. I know you never get much appreciation and stuff because you don’t play a huge role, but thank you anyway. Sometimes I really need to get to places and if it weren’t for you, I may have been late or might not have gotten there at all. So thank you.

46. Thank you for being a great bus driver. I feel so safe with you behind the wheel. You are always very nice, and you tell us wonderful stories about your life. I couldn’t think of anyone better to have as my bus driver.

47. It’s no secret that we have great bus drivers. They are always working hard to make sure we get to where we need to go, but they also take care of us when we don’t feel well. I want everyone to take a second and let them know how grateful they are for everything they do.

48. Dear bus drivers, thank you for all the safe trips home from school, from work, on nights out and for every ride in between. You do such an important job for us every day; we really do appreciate you!

49. Thank you for your service. I know that you don’t get paid very much, yet you are always willing to help the other people on the bus and me whenever we need it. Thank you for how hard you work to make our transportation convenient and easy.

50. Thank you for driving safely, even when the roads get unfamiliar and scary or when they ice over. Thank you for taking such good care of the people on your bus and looking out for their safety. Thank you also for keeping up communication on bad weather days. Your job must be a very important one, and I appreciate how diligent you are in it.

51. Thank you for the kind friendly way you give directions, how you always seem to have a smile and how you are careful no one gets hurt. I’m thankful I get to ride with such nice bus drivers.

52. Thank you for always getting me to work on time. When life is hectic and stressful, I’m grateful to have the bus so close by. I feel safe and secure when the bus driver gets my attention by lightly touching my shoulder.

53. Thank you for doing your job well. I enjoy riding the bus, and you are kind and helpful.

54. Thank you for driving me to and from work. I know it’s a tough job, but I appreciate your dedication and that you get me to and from work in one piece. You are appreciated!

55. Thank you for driving the bus. This ride to school is never boring, thanks to you. Thank you for watching out for us and teaching us how to be good citizens.

56. Thank you for being so safe. I feel confident when I am on your bus because I know you take every precaution to ensure that everyone is safe.

57. Thank you for being the ferry I take across the river of life. You are there to help make sure we get where we need to go.

58. Thank you for helping me get to my job. Thank you for driving me home safely at night. Thank you for answering questions about your route/schedule. I like riding the bus, and it is nice to have all of you as drivers!

59. Thank you for being such a great helpful driver. I would have had a bad day if it weren’t for your friendly personality and funny jokes. I hope everyone has wonderful days like the one you made my day.

60. Thank you to the bus driver for being a good driver and making me feel safe. A lot of people are just not that good at driving, but you are very good at it. Thanks!

61. Thank you to the drivers. You are the most important person in my morning commute. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to get to work and make money so that I can pay my bills and take care of my family. So thank you!

62. Thank you for your profession and passion for your work. Although we rarely talk, I really appreciate you getting me to work and back safely and on time.

63. Thank you for driving us safely. There are other buses that go on the same route, but I prefer to take yours. Thanks for getting us to our destination safely.

64. Thank you for taking me to and from school. I know a lot of people don’t like getting up at 4 in the morning but without you, I would not be able to get to and from school. Thank you so much!

65. Thank you for being so patient with me. Every day I take the bus, and I’m always late, and every day you wait for me. Thank you for being so kind and caring about my work schedule and about my friends who are always on the phone. Thank you for being a wonderful man.

66. Thanks to you, I have a mode of transportation 10 minutes away from my house. You make the time go by quickly and keep me on schedule. I appreciate that!

67. Thank you for giving the community a way to get around. It’s hard to imagine our world without public transportation. I am glad there are people who give us rides and help us get to where we need to go.

68. Thank you for being professional and driving really well. I love sitting in the second seat, but I guess I am just not getting it yet . . . Please keep on trying to explain it to me.

69. Thank you for all of your hard work driving our school buses. You are very busy and have many stops to make. The kids especially appreciate your kindness.

70. Thank you, sir. I always smile when I see you on the bus, whether we are having a good day or a bad day. A smile goes a long way. On a bad day,, it brightens my mood, and on a good day, it gets me ready for another great day!

71. Thank you for driving me home safely every day. You people have a hard job, and I would not feel safe without you.

72. Thank you for driving in bad weather conditions. I’m so impressed that you are able to drive the bus safely on the slippery and wet roads.

73. Thank you for the safe and attentive rides I’ve had this week. I’m used to taking public transportation, and it’s nice to see a friendly face when I get on the bus. Thank you for working hard to keep your passengers safe.

74. Thank you for working so hard driving us to and from work each day. Without you, everyone would be late for their doctors’ appointments, school, and work. Keep up the good work.

75. Thank you for driving the bus. We enjoy travelling on it and appreciate your hard work.

76. Thank you for travelling around the city, doing your job and making an effort to get us to school in the morning. We appreciate your efforts on a daily basis and hope it is a safe and pleasant experience for you as well.

77. Thank you all so very much for driving me everywhere. I know that sometimes it is a difficult job, especially in the winter season, but all of you do a fantastic job and I appreciate it very much. All of you have been so kind to me and I’m thankful for that!

78. This is just a small token of my appreciation for you. Thank you for being the kind, friendly people that you are. Your personality and willingness to help out make the ride much better.

79. Thank you for helping me be safe. I know that driving a public vehicle is very difficult and thank you for staying calm even when you have had a long day.

80. Thank you for driving a bus route. I take your bus on a regular basis, but I never thought I would write and tell you what an impact you have had on my life. I appreciate that you are always cheerful and helpful, even when there are no passengers to guide or direct. Thank you for being a great bus driver, going the distance for your passengers!

81. Thank you for driving my bus. I think it’s fun to be on the same bus every day because I get to see what you do. I often hear that your patience is limitless.

82. Thank you for driving my children’s school bus. You have a stressful job, taking care of so many students every day.

83. Thank you so much for driving this bus to work every day. I know all of the stops, but when you don’t feel well, it means a lot to have someone who knows their route so well drive my ride.

84. Thank you for getting to my job on time. I have a very tight schedule and do not have time to be late. I really appreciate your consistent punctuality.

85. Morning and night, you are a ray of light in the crowded bus. You are always there to help passengers when they need it. Thank you for being so kind and helpful.

86. Thank you for driving me to and from work every day. It’s a real inconvenience to go through traffic in the morning and evening rush hour, but you always manage to get me there on time. I look forward to seeing you every day.

87. Thank you for being there for me, even though we only interact briefly. I am thankful that there are people like you, who work hard every day to ensure that all of us are taken care of. Thank you for putting up with so many obnoxious customers every day.

88. Thank you for driving the bus. It wasn’t my first choice to go to school today, but when I had to consider leaving my car at home AND taking the bus, it didn’t seem so bad. I appreciate you helping me get to school safely!

89. Thank you for driving us safely to and from school all year! We really need your help! Thank you.

90. Thank you for driving so safely. Sometimes I see scary things but know that with your training, you will keep us safe.

91. I’ve been with the highway patrol for years. In our line of work, we witness a lot of really bad things. I’m so thankful that you’re here for us. We can’t do this without you, and we appreciate all your hard work.

92. You’re the best driver I’ve ever seen. I know that you are looking out for me and everyone else on the road, always ready to help if someone needs it.

93. Your meticulous attention to every aspect of your job gives me confidence in your abilities. Thanks for being my chauffer today. I really appreciate not having to drive myself.

94. I want to take a moment to THANK YOU for helping me get this done. I might have been able to do it on my own, but I’m so glad that you were here to help me. It really means a lot to me.

95. Thank you, bus drivers. I always enjoy your cheerful “Good morning” and “Have a nice day”. I appreciate the fact that you are always there to let me in and help those with disabilities or special needs. Thank you for all of your hard work!

96. Thank you for driving the bus on time. It helps me have a good day and keep my life easy. I hope you know how much I appreciate your hard work.

97. Thank you for driving my children to school every day. I appreciate how you get them to school on time and safely.

98. Thank you so much for driving me to and from work. I really appreciate it. Thank you for the safe rides. Thank you for being on time. You help out a lot, and I appreciate it.

99. Thank you for driving well. I know it can be difficult to drive the bus at times, but you do it well and safely. I am very grateful for that.

100. Thank you for getting me to work on time each day. You must be really busy, but you always give me a smile and make sure I am comfortable before you leave. I appreciate what you do for me.

101. I want to say thank you to the bus drivers that I rode in this week. The weather was tough last night, particularly icy and snowy. Thank you for taking me safely to my destination!

102. Thank you for being courteous and helpful to my son. He has autism and can be non-responsive but you are always patient and kind. We really appreciate that. We know it is time-consuming, but thanks for making a bus transfer so smooth

103. Thank you for taking me to work. It is such a long distance, but you get me there on time every morning. It is a long way, and it would not be possible without you.

104. Thank you for driving safely. You always keep your passengers and pedestrians in the community safe.

105. Thank you for the beautiful morning drive to work. It was so nice to ride serenely through the trees and get a great start to my day. There are not many things in this world that put me in such a peaceful mood.

106. Thank you for the nice gesture of first tapping the brakes today. We rarely have such thoughtful drivers. Have a good day, sir.

With these appreciation quotes for bus drivers listed above, you can let that kind driver know that the acts of kindness shown to you and others are unnoticed.

Thank you for taking the time to read these appreciation quotes for bus drivers! I hope it provides a little bit of what you need to appreciate bus drivers. If you enjoy them, perhaps share it with other people you know who might benefit from this post.

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