Appreciation Quotes for Manager – Motivation and Love

Managers are the backbone of every successful organization. They help to guide the team and motivate them to achieve the company’s goals. One of the greatest benefits managers provide is caring for their employees. By providing a safe, inviting place and an environment that encourages collaboration and positive work relationships.

The best managers are always appreciated and admired by their employees. They are respected and trusted because they know how to treat people right. They always provide their employees with the necessary tools to do their job properly, as well as give them freedom and responsibility.

There are a lot of people who take their managers for granted. They think that since they are just bosses, they don’t deserve any appreciation. But this is not true at all.

Managers are the ones who are responsible for our career growth and well-being at work. They help us with our career development and act as a guide during our tough times. So it is important to appreciate them as much as possible.

If you’re looking for appreciation quotes for manager, you’ve come to the right place. I have a wide range of quotes that are perfect to appreciate managers of all levels.

Thank you for being such a great manager. You are very good at what you do, firm but fair and the employees adore you! Thank you for being such a supporter of the employees on their personal goals and dreams, it doesn’t go unnoticed.

1. Thank you for the wonderful job you do, for being so hardworking and for being a good manager. You always make me feel like you care about my well-being in an office setting. I appreciate it so much.

2. Thank you for being a good listener, especially when I had problems at home. Also, thank you for your hard work in making sure I got the best of everything. I’m very happy to be working for such a great manager with great values and love for her employees.

3. Thank you, as a manager and as a person, for being so good at what you do. Without your hard work, we all would not have such great lives! We have no concerns because you are always on top of everything. Thank you for loving us all like family.

4. Thank you for being such a good manager. You have shown me what it takes to be successful, not only as an employee but also as a person. Thank you for loving and caring about your employees. The whole department appreciates that we have someone who genuinely cares about us.

5. Thank you for working hard and being so dedicated to your work. You always want everything done the best and make sure we are happy. Every one likes you because of your caring nature and the fun way you communicate with us.

6. Thank you for being such a good manager. You have helped me improve a lot at my job and you make sure I am taken care of as an employee. I appreciate everything you do for me every day. Thank you for always being there when I need help and for treating us like family!

7. Thank you for everything you do. You have always cared about us and cared about helping us to be good at what we do. I appreciate your trust in me and respect for my work and everything else you do to help me improve.

8. Thank you for all that you do for us. It is a pleasure to make you proud and be able to take care of our families. We appreciate all the sacrifices you make for us. Thank you for being such a good manager for all of us.

9. Thank you for being there for me when I wanted to quit. Thank you for being so hardworking, and thank you for caring about me as an individual. I feel lucky that I am under your wing undergoing my training in this company.

10. Thank you for being the awesome manager that you are. It’s very easy to work with you because you’re organized, easy-to-talk-to and fun. You also care about all of us, making sure we have what we need to do our jobs well while taking into consideration our needs as well.

11. Thank you for all you have done to get the department up and running. Your efforts have been appreciated by everyone here. We are grateful for your hard work and diligence. The way you approach your job makes you a great example to follow.

12. Thank you for being so good at what you do. You handle your business with care, making sure it is handled in the best way possible with the resources you have. Your dedication reassures everyone that they will be taken care of, which makes me feel safe and secure.

13. Thank you for being so good at what you do. Whenever I have a question, even off the clock, you are there to answer them. Also thank you for the interest and concern you show towards your employees. I know that if I were in any type of trouble, you would go out of your way to help me. You are a great boss to work for.

14. Thank you for being a great manager, for being there for me whenever I need you and for all the help you have given me, both professionally and personally. I am glad to call you my manager and friend.

15. Thank you for working hard. You care about your employees’ careers and talk to us about ways for us to grow and improve. You are a great manager and make the office happier because of it.

16. Thank you for the amazing leadership and the care you show us. I am so happy to be working here, you have created a great work environment with a warm and friendly workplace.

17. Thank you for working so hard. I know it’s not easy to be a manager but your effort shows. Thank you for your thoughtfulness; in making me the assistant manager so I can move up in my career.

18. Thanks for being a great manager. If I could work for you forever, I would. After a hard day’s work, it’s such a pleasure to see your face and talk to you about your day, too. All the support and love you show each one of us makes working here a blessing. I am very grateful for it all.

19. Thank you for everything you do for us here. You’re a very good manager. I feel like every day I learn something new, and you’ve taught me so many skills to be able to make my job easier.

20. Thank you for allowing me to work at your store and thank you for being an awesome manager who cares about everyone’s well-being. You are truly a wonderful person and I am lucky to have you as my boss.

21. Thank you for being such a supportive manager. You are very understanding and considerate of my own schedule and needs. When I don’t have enough work to do, you make sure I am alright. Thank you for all the amazing things that you do.

22. Thank you for being a good manager and mentor. You are always there when we need you and you do everything possible to make sure we succeed within the company.

23. I have worked with you for a few months now, but I can tell that selflessly supporting me and my colleagues is your top priority. Let me say, we appreciate it. Well done and thank you!

24. Thank you for being a good manager, for working hard and for your care. I have grown so much as a person since working here and I know that is because of you. You have saved my life more times than I can count and I am very lucky to have you as my boss. Thank you for all you do every single day.

25. Thank you for being a good manager! You are hardworking and you care a lot about your employees. With your guidance and being able to work with you, I have become a better person.

26. Thank you for being so good at what you do. I know it can’t be easy, but you manage to always stay professional and a great boss. Thank you for caring about each employee’s well-being, especially mine. It means a lot that we are a family here.

27. Thank you for being good at what you do because you are always finding ways to make our lives easier. You are always in a good mood and I feel comfortable talking to you. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to your work.

28. Thank you for all the hard work you put in and for giving it your best at work. Even when things were tough and there were long hours, you never gave up. Your hard work has paid off this year with an increase in revenue. I want to thank you and everyone else at the company for making me feel like family, a part of something wonderful.

29. Thank you for being the best manager ever. You are a great person, you are a hard worker and always try to make us feel like part of a family. You always have our back no matter what is going on. You go above and beyond for us and we appreciate that. Thank you for embracing my new ideas with enthusiasm and open arms.

30. Thank you for being a good manager. You managed to nurture and develop our skills, create a sense of family within the company and inspire us to be better employees. Thank you for everything.

31. Thank you for being a very good manager. It is rare to find a leader who knows how to communicate with employees and role models a positive work ethic. You have the ability to treat everyone like family, which not a lot of people would be able to do.

32. Thank you for being a great boss. This is the first job I have ever had, and I have learned so much from it. You have taught me what it means to be a professional and efficient employee. I will take all of your hard work with me as I move along in my career.

33. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. I am so thankful and grateful you’ve invested in me and that I can talk to you whenever I need to. You are a great manager and leader, who cares about every single person in the company.

34. Thank you for reminding me to always have time to relax. You are the best manager and I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you for being a really great friend too.

35. Thank you for always being on top of things and making sure everything runs smoothly. I really appreciate your hard work and understanding during the busy days.

36. Thank you for being good at what you do, for being hardworking and for your love and care for your employees. I admire how you treat us all like a family, from the canteen to the meeting room. I am also blessed that you gave me this job opportunity, allowing me to be with your team!

37. Thank you for being such a good manager. You are always there to help, especially in our busy season. Thank you for being so caring, hardworking and good at your job. I love working here, because of you!

38. Thank you for being a great manager. We haven’t been here too long, but it feels like we are part of your family. Your love and care come through in all you do. We appreciate you and what you do every day.

39. Thank you for being so good at what you do. You are a big help to our company and all of the employees appreciate your hard work and care. I also appreciate your support when it comes to work-life balance.

40. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done. You are a great manager and I love working with you. You are a very caring person, and I appreciate all of the hard work you’ve put into making this job fun, exciting, challenging and an overall amazing experience in my life.

41. Thank you for being an awesome manager. You always treat your employees with love, care, and fairness. You take the time to explain changes to us, encourage us to come up with ideas, and clearly want us to succeed. Thanks for having our backs.

42. Thank you for being a good leader. You are dependable, trustworthy, hardworking and respectful. You inspire me to be the best leader I can be. Thank you for the great life we share at work.

43. Thank you for all of your hard work. I know it’s very hard to do manage people and deal with them when they are upset but you always seem to get it right. You are a great manager, always there to listen to my problems or worries and help me figure out how to better myself.

44. Thank you for being such a great manager. You are always there to support me, talk to me when I am struggling and give me confidence when I need it the most. Thank you for being such an important part of my life.

45. Thank you for being a great manager and mentor. I want to be like you someday, achieving my goals and making sure my employees are happy and working hard every day.

46. I really appreciate the hard work you have put into leading this team. I know it is not easy, but you have done a great job. And for the coffee and muffins, thank you!

47. Thank you for always thinking of us and taking care of us. We don’t have it easy working in the heat, but your efforts to maintain our condition are greatly appreciated.

48. Thank you for being a good manager and making sure your employees are happy and feel valued. You are great at doing your job and know what you are doing. Thank you for caring about us, our well-being, health and behind-the-scenes stuff.

49. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. Good managers are hard to come by and I feel so lucky to be working under someone who is truly amazing at what they do. With your help, I have been able to grow professionally and get really good experience in this field which is exactly what I needed. Thank you for being a great friend and manager.

50. Thank you for being a good manager. You are the best. Everyone loves working at this company because of how much you care, because you are willing to help and because you care about the company’s success. Many of us were able to achieve our goals and dreams because of your support.

51. Thank you for being such a good manager. You are fun to work with and very efficient. I really appreciate how much you care about us and your efforts to make our company grow better.

52. Thank you for being a great manager. I learn new things every day working here. I am very grateful to you and your family for giving me a job and a place to stay in the city!

53. Thank you for being good at your job. Everyone loves you and we all know that you have our best interest at heart. We appreciate the hard work you put into training everyone and keeping track of the company.

54. Thank you for being such a great manager. You set the example when it comes to hard work and you always go out of your way for us. We appreciate everything we have because of you.

55. Thank you for being one of the best managers I have ever had. You are a hardworking person, and I admire that about you. Most importantly, you care about people and how they feel. That is so crucial to me.

56. Thank you for being a great manager. I really enjoy working with you. I feel so motivated when you work with us, and I know it makes us better team members. You always help us out with everything without any hesitation. Thank you so much for caring about us!

57. Thank you for being an amazing manager. I feel very lucky that I caught your attention during the last round of hiring and I’m thankful for all you have done for me since I started working with your team. You made coming to work more exciting. Thank you for the great business advice, but mostly thank you for being such a good friend.

58. Thank you for caring. I know that you care about me and my progress, but I want to say thank you for caring about everyone in the department. The last two weeks have been a blast and it’s all because of the care and love.

59. Thank you for being a great leader. I appreciate how you always treat me well when I come to work and how hard you work to make this company the best it can be. Your love and care for me motivate me every day. Thank you for being the best manager ever.

60. Thank you for being an amazing manager and for always being there for your team. Thank you for loving your job and working so hard. And thank you for caring about your employees, too. I always feel lucky to be part of this company.

61. Thank you for always being there for me: for doing your job well and for caring about all of the people who work with you. You have a unique care and concern for each employee’s life.

62. Thank you for all the years of hard work. I value your opinion and your honesty, and I respect your dedication to your job. It is clear to see how much you care about us here and it makes the work day a lot more enjoyable. Thank you so much.

63. Thank you for being kind and easy to work with. I genuinely love working here. You change our team and company for the better. I appreciate all your hard work and ideas. I am excited to see how far we can go working together.

64. Thank you for being a great manager. You make me feel valued and important, and that means a lot to me. Your tireless efforts in making sure our company is successful make me proud to work here. I also want to thank you for your compassion and dedication toward your employees.

65. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for your company and for working so hard to make sure we are successful. Sometimes I get frustrated, but then I realize how far we have come and how awesome the team is. You truly care about us and I am grateful for that. thank you!

66. Thank you for your love and care. I feel very lucky to have you as my manager. You are good at what you do, and I am grateful for that. As well as being a great leader, you also take time to talk with us about our personal lives and help us find solutions to our problems.

67. Thank you for being such a good boss. You always answer our questions and listen to our concerns. We know that we can come to you if something is bothering us, or if there is a problem. You are always willing to work with us on whatever solution seems best for all of us. Thank you for your hard work.

68. Thank you for always being there for us, for making sure we are taken care of and for being a great person to work with.

69. Thank you for giving us time to reflect on what we did right and wrong. Thank you for being understanding when things go wrong. The best thing about you as a supervisor is that you watch over us in a way that doesn’t make us feel like anything goes wrong, but also makes us feel appreciated. Very much appreciated!

70. Thank you for caring about us. We know that regardless of what happens in our private or work lives, you will have our backs. Thank you for all the new projects and opportunities that have come out of the department this year.

71. Thank you for being a great manager. You are understanding, hardworking, and good at what you do and you love us like your own family.

72. Thank you for being so good at what you do! I feel very lucky to be in the same company as you. Not only are you a good manager, but also a good person, who is working hard to make all of us happy and care about us.

73. Thank you for being a great manager. It’s not just your skills and abilities that I appreciate, but also your sense of care and love for us. Whenever we have problems you are there to comfort and support us. Thank you for being so wonderful!

74. Thank you for being the best manager ever. I know the job can be challenging, but you make it enjoyable. The care you show and the interest you take in your employees is heartwarming. Thank you for giving me a chance to be in this company and making my life better.”

75. Thank you for being a good manager and doing a great job. It really means a lot to everyone that you do all that you can to make everybody’s working experience enjoyable.

76. Thank you for all your hard work. You’re a wonderful manager, always there when we need help. Thank you for giving us hugs and kisses.

77. Thank you for everything that you do for us. You are a great manager and the team loves working with you. We appreciate your professionalism and dedication to all of us at

78. Thank you for being a great manager. I admire your leadership, which always brings out the best in us. You challenge us to do things better and with more care, and I am grateful for that. Thanks for taking my call last night and listening to me vent about something at work.

79. Thank you for being the best manager I have ever had. You are knowledgeable and yet so down to earth. You always take time to listen to us and give us advice but also know when to let us do our own thing. You are a great teacher, mentor and friend.

80. Thank you for your guidance, encouragement, and love. It is not easy to manage employees who are full of ideas and passionate about work, but you make it look easy. I am glad that you are there to help us grow professionally.

81. Thank you for helping me to grow and improve this past year. I am very proud of the team we’ve built during that time and how much you have taught us. I love working with all these great people, so thank you for being the best manager out there!

82. Thank you for coming to see me every day and making sure that I am doing well. Your constant support motivates me and your love makes me feel wanted.

83. Thank you for being a good manager. We all like you because of the hard work you put into making sure everything goes smoothly, from payroll to stress. Thank you for your love and care for us and for this company, because it is not easy to work under you.

84. Thank you for making my job an enjoyable place to work. You always show love, support, encouragement and care for your employees. Thank you for reading this and making me feel like I am part of something awesome.

85. Thank you for always being understanding and so caring. You are always there for me, and that means a lot to me. Your management style is very easy-going, which makes everyone feel welcome, happy and like a family. Also, thank you for your good work with my department.

86. Thank you for being the amazing manager that you are. Your laid-back personality and your ability to be a good listener make working here much more enjoyable. Thank you for keeping us all organized, but yet also letting us make our own decisions. I am very grateful to work under your management.

87. Thank you for being good at your job. You have a hard job, and it’s not easy to deal with a bunch of different types of personalities. Your care for us is the driving force behind our company being successful and everyone working so hard towards that goal.

88. Thank you for being good at work. I really respect the effort and time you put in to make the company what it is today. You are a role model to us all, from the way you conduct yourself, through your honesty and integrity, to your vision of what we can achieve if we pull together.

89. Thank you for all you do. I know it must not be easy to oversee everything while keeping a positive attitude. You work so hard, and I appreciate that. I also love how you make me feel welcomed and like an important part of your team.

90. Thank you for working so hard to ensure that each of us is in our best place at all times. Thank you for caring; it makes work fun and exciting. I couldn’t have found a better group of people to work with.

91. Thank you for all of your support and care. I’m very happy to be part of your team. Your leadership is appreciated every day by everyone on our team. Thank you for treating us like we are a part of your family.

92. Thank you for being a good manager. Your leadership gives me the confidence to try new things, knowing that if something goes wrong it won’t affect my performance review. I know you have my back because you always have.

93. Thank you for all the good work you do. You are great at your job. I also want to thank you for your love and care for all of us.

94. Thank you for your hard work and care. You have grown your business and built a family with us. You are always very creative in your marketing strategies, and the projects and tasks you hand out are challenging, interesting, and fun. We all love working for you, I feel valued and we have so much fun at work.

95. Thank you for always doing what you say. You keep your word and I value that. I also thank you for being a good manager. You work very hard and are committed to your job and I am grateful to have been hired by you.

96. Thank you for always being there for me. You are the one that gave me a chance to work here and you have been my boss and friend ever since. Thank you for showing me how to do things right, training and nurturing me, sharing your thoughts and caring about my performance and love in my job.

97. Thank you for teaching me how to do my job well and for treating me like another one of the team. Everyone is so happy at the office because you and your team treat us well. I really appreciate everything you do for us here.

98. Thank you for being the best manager. My job is great because of your leadership skills. You are always working hard; I feel like the hardest worker in the company because I am working under such a dedicated manager. I’m very thankful to have met you and appreciated what you do for us every day.

99. Thank you for being such a good manager. Every time I approach you with a problem, you always have a solution. You always ask how I am and what’s new in my life. Your company is lucky to have someone like you.

100. Thank you for being good at your job. Thank you for enforcing the rules and making sure we are safe. You are a great leader. We all love you!

101. Thank you for always being patient with me! I know that being a manager can be stressful and hard sometimes, especially when your employees don’t perform to your expectations. Thank you for understanding and always helping me grow in this position as an employee.

102. Thank you so much for everything you have done. For being a mentor, a leader and someone I can always turn to with any kind of problem. You’ve taught me so much during my time here. Thank you for leading this team with good values and taking care of all of us!

103. Thank you for managing us. Your love and jolly nature are an inspiration to us young ones. We learn a lot from you and are always eager to hear your stories, as they are so full of insights.

104. Thank you for everything you’ve done. For giving your employees chances, for teaching us new things and for looking out for us. I just wanted to thank you! I love working here and we are lucky to have somebody like you in charge.

105. Thank you for being so good at what you do. I hope the things we have learned will make us great employees even when we leave. I appreciate the hard work you put in and for caring about us as employees and for wanting us to do well.

106. Thank you for being a great manager. You are always hardworking and I really respect that. You are also very kind and friendly, which makes the atmosphere at work better.

107. Thank you for being a great manager. A lot of people are not very easy to work with, but you always put in your best effort, deal with our problems and make sure we are all happy.

108. Thank you for all your hard work. I’m a better employee because of you, and I know that it hasn’t been easy for you to lead us through tough times. It doesn’t go unnoticed, and I really appreciate it.

109. Thank you so much for doing all you do. You are such a great manager. I know in my heart that without you this company would crumble. You may not think it but I believe in you and your ability to lead us to greatness! Thanks!

110. Thank you for managing our team. We are all very lucky to have you as a manager because you really care for us and for the company. We have had some hard times, but you have given us the push we needed to keep going so thank you very much.

111. I wanted to thank you for all of the work you put into this organization. You make sure we have everything we need to do our jobs, and that we are safe. Thank you for your hard work!

112. Thank you for being such a great manager. You have taught me so much about being a good person and I will never forget it. You deserve all the best. All the best in life to you!

113. I am writing this note to personally thank you for being such a special member of our team. You have made such a difference in all of our lives, inspiring us with your warmth and kindness. We appreciate you more than you know!

114. Thank you so much for taking the time to see me today when I was having a rough day. You know, your daily encouragement and optimism make my workday that much better.

115. Thank you for being good at what you do. You make all the difference in the world to me and to the team. You are hardworking and always there when we need you. You love us like you would love your own child which makes us feel warm, taken care and relaxed.

116. Thank you for being a good manager. I know that we can’t always agree, but you always respect me when we do disagree. You are a good caretaker and I appreciate your love of employees and their well-being.

117. Thank you for always being there for us. You are the type of manager that I wish all managers would be. You care about your employees, and you take the time to show that you care. We appreciate your kind words of encouragement and hope you know how much your love and care mean to us.

118. Thank you for being the best manager I have ever worked with. It is great seeing you on the floor and being able to talk to you about my day. Thank you for always showing care and love toward your team members.

119. Thank you for being a good manager to me. You’ve taught me so much and have guided my career for the past nine years. I will always remember your advice, care and love. You’re an amazing leader.

120. Thank you for always going above and beyond with your managerial duties. Thank you for your guidance and patience, I know it is not easy to manage all of us at once. Thank you for loving us so much.

121. Thank you for your love and care for us. While we are working, we also feel like we are with a family. We are not just employees. We are more than that. May you continue to be successful in the future.

122. Thank you for your love and care. From the moment I joined this company, I felt at home here. You always find time to talk with us and give us feedback on how we can do better. You go above and beyond to help us succeed. I appreciate all you do for us!

123. Thank you for being so good at what you do. I always knew I had a great manager, but you really raised the bar. Thank you for always finding solutions to our problems. You go above and beyond for us and we really appreciate it.

124. Thank you for all that you do. We work in a very competitive industry, which makes being there with such friendly and helpful managers fantastic. Thank you for believing in my potential and helping me to reach it.

125. Thank you for being such a great manager. You deserve recognition for the wonderful job you are doing. Your dedication and care have not gone unnoticed among the staff. I am grateful to have a manager such as you. Thank you for helping the team grow something we take very seriously and are proud to do.

126. Thank you for being there for me and supporting me in my time of need. You have been a great manager and I appreciate all that you do for our team and your care towards us. I know we will only get better with time.

127. Thank you for being so good at what you do, for putting in long, exhausting hours to make this company better and for always showing your love and care for individual employees. Every employee loves and respects you so much.

128. Thank you for all your hard work. Because of you, we have grown from a small group of twenty people to now being one of the biggest companies in our industry. Thank you for all your love and care for each of us.

129. Thank you for being a great manager. I really enjoy working with you. When I come to work in the morning, I always look forward to your positive attitude and how pleasant you are. You go above and beyond for your employees every day, and for that, I cannot thank you enough.

130. Thank you for being a great manager. You are always working hard and thinking of ways to improve the store and make your employees happy. We appreciate it. Keep up the good work!

131. Thank you for working hard. You have a good eye for talent and do an awesome job managing your team. It’s great to work with people I like.

132. Thank you for being a great manager. All of the people on your team love you and genuinely appreciate all that you do for us.

133. Thank you for being a good manager and for caring about us. The new projects I’ve been working on are much more interesting than some of the previous ones. I hope we can continue to work together and accomplish big things!

134. Thank you for being a great manager. I’ve learned so much from working with you and will take all of it with me when I move on to working with someone else.

135. Thank you for being so good at what you do and for leading this team. You are a hard worker, not just to advance in your career, but also to make sure that each of us have a thriving career.

136. Thank you for all that you do for me. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to work with you and for all of the help you lend me when I need it. Working with you is a joy, and I love being around you since we both are a lot alike.

137. I want to thank you so much for everything you have done for me. Your encouragement and support have helped me a lot in these past months. I have grown a lot because of the environment that you have created here at work.

Now that you have gone through this amazing list of appreciation quotes for manager, don’t hesitate any longer to make your choice(s) and send appreciation quotes to your managers. I am sure they will love it and appreciate the gesture. You can share this post with your friends and coworkers at work. You can also surf around this site to get more amazing content. Thank you for reading.

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