Appreciation Quotes for My Daughter

Appreciation is the best feeling. It can reinforce your relationship with others. As a parent, it’s important to recognize and appreciate the efforts of your children. A healthy positive attitude helps promote an increase in self-esteem and strengthens relationships between parents and children.

The best gift you can give your daughter is the gift of appreciation and to let her know how much she means to you. As your daughter grows up, she will go through a lot of emotions. It is important to remind her that she is worthy of love and happiness.

She needs to know that she is capable of creating an amazing life for herself. That’s why I made this list of appreciation quotes for my daughter. Feel free to read through, make your choice(s) and send them to your daughter.

Thank you for being the best daughter ever. I love all of our talks, as they give me a better understanding of what is going on in your life and allow me to offer advice when you need it. I appreciate you, my dear daughter.

1. Thank you for being the most amazing daughter in the whole world. You are smart, funny, and beautiful and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. I love having you as my little girl and one day, as a wonderful wife and I can’t wait to see who you become.

2. Dear daughter, thank you for the beautiful nails you lavished on me yesterday. I was shocked, but also tremendously thrilled. Thank you for today, when you did my hair in such a lovely way. I’m touched to be your mom.

3. Thank you for all the hugs and sweet things you say. I know you are going through some difficult times right now, and I’m sorry. You are a wonderful daughter and I love you very much, no matter what happens.

4. Thank you for being such a good girl. I hope that I can guide you well on the path to being a nice and caring person. You are already such a great girl, but I want you to be even better.

5. Thank you for always being such a good girl. You are kind and caring, and I am so lucky to have you as a daughter. I’m very glad I have you in my life and I feel very appreciative of both you and your brother.

6. Thank you for being the best daughter in the entire world. When I am having a stressful day, you always manage to cheer me up. Thanks for being so silly and funny. Without your love and support, I would not be able to do what I love.

7. Thank you for being the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are so smart and make me feel like a better person when I’m with you. In this busy life, I am so thankful to have you in my life. I am honoured to be your father.

8. Thank you for being the best daughter in the whole world. I’m so proud of you, and I love you very much.

9. Thank you for being such a great daughter. I know it’s not always easy to live with me, but I’m glad that you are part of my life.

10. Thank you for being my little angel and always looking out for me. Thank you for being so mature and wise. I’m very lucky to be your mom, and I’m proud of you.

11. Thank you for your love, support and friendship. You are very special in my life and I appreciate all the things you do.

12. Thank you for helping me understand that life is not as tedious as it seems. This world is such a beautiful place, and you have helped me appreciate that. I love you, baby girl.

13. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made to provide for us. You do so much to help the family and make sure we feel secure. I just want to say thank you again and again. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter.

14. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I want to thank you for all the things you’ve done for me. Thank you for being such an amazing daughter.

15. Thank you for being my sweet daughter. I’m so happy to have such a wonderful girl. You are thoughtful, caring and helpful. You help your dad in the garden and around the house. I’m very lucky to have such an amazing little girl!

16. Thank you for helping out with the housework. Laundry is never complete without my ever-helpful daughter. You are a blessing and I don’t know what I would do without your help. Thanks for being the daughter ever. I love when you say, “I love you!”.

17. I want you to know how proud I am of you. You are doing so well in school this year, and everyone, including your teachers and me, is noticing how hard you’re working. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and daughter. I love you very much.

18. Thank you for being the best daughter ever. I love you.

19. Thank you for being a fun and wonderful daughter. I feel very lucky that you have chosen me to be your mother.

20. Thank you for being such a great daughter. I am so happy we have each other. I love you with all my heart and mind and soul. I’m very lucky to be your mom.

21. Thank you for being so smart and confident in who you are. I love how you make decisions based on what you want and how you feel. You inspire me with the life that we share.

22. Thank you for always believing in me. It means a lot to me that you are proud of what I achieved. And thank you for being my best friend.

23. Thank you for being the most wonderful daughter and friend I could have ever wished for. You are so smart, funny and joyful.

24. Thank you for all the joy and happiness you bring me. I am so glad I have such a wonderful daughter like you.

25. I want to say thank you for being such a lovely person. We have so much fun together, and I feel very blessed that we will be best friends forever. Thank you for always smiling and making others laugh. I love seeing that face when we are in the middle of an argument or have had a bad day. You are a great friend and daughter!

26. Thank you for being my daughter. When I see your face and see the love in your eyes, I know I have created a perfect masterpiece. I could not be more proud of the woman you are becoming and what an incredible future we will have.

27. Thank you for all your hard work! Your mom and I are so proud of you. We know it was not easy to balance everything, but you have done a terrific job. Thank you for all the time and effort you put in day in and day out.

28. Thank you for being a wonderful daughter and my best friend. I’m so glad I get to be part of your life, even though we fight sometimes. Your hugs and little notes always let me know how much you love me.

29. Thank you for being such a good daughter. You are very helpful and I know I don’t have to worry about you even when I am not there with you. I love you.

30. Thank you for the family vacation you planned. I love that we could experience all of these exciting things together. You are a very special girl and I am grateful every day that you are my daughter.

31. Thank you for my beautiful birthday card. I love the glitter and flowers, it was very thoughtful of you. You are always a delight to be around. I am grateful to have such an amazing daughter.

32. Thank you for coming into my life. At times I feel like you are the greatest part of who I am. I hope you know how much I love everything about you and how grateful I am to have a daughter like you in my life, who is beautiful inside and out.

33. Thank you for always looking after me when I need you to. I appreciate that you’re always there for me, and I’m lucky to have such a great daughter.

34. I am truly grateful that we are in this together, with your help and support, I will get through this. Thank you for all of the fun we have together and how much fun I have when I spend time with you. You will always be my little girl.

35. Thank you for being my daughter. I never thought I’d get to be a mom and now that I am, I’m so grateful. You are so kind and thoughtful and have such a beautiful heart.

36. Thank you for being the best daughter, who always makes sure that I’m okay when I am in the hospital. We talk and laugh on Skype and it helps me feel better knowing that I have a wonderful daughter and family that I can count on. Love you.

37. Thank you for being such a good daughter. You are respectful and caring to everyone around you. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. I love you very much.

38. Thank you for being my little girl. I love you so much and always will.

39. Thank you for growing up to be a girl that never means no, always says yes and never tells a lie.

40. Thank you for giving me the gift of unconditional love. Your love makes everything in life worth it. I love you so much.

41. Thank you for being the best daughter. I appreciate everything that you do for me. You make me feel safe, loved and always there to turn to when I need it most.

42. Thank you for calling me every day, even though I miss hearing from you when it’s not. You always have something to say and the stories you tell are entertaining. Thank you for being my daughter and for making me so proud of you.

43. Thank you for being such a great daughter. I’ve always loved you and enjoyed our time together. You are such a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of you. Thanks for making me smile every time I look at you.

44. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter and sister. I love to watch you with your friends and how you treat them. You are an amazing and inspiring person and I am so lucky that you are my daughter.

45. Thank you for being so strong even as a little girl. You were one of the few people who encouraged me when I felt bad about my life and my circumstances. Thank you for focusing on your goals and being honest with yourself. I’m happy to have raised you to be a good person.

46. My dear daughter, I am thankful for all the years we have spent together. You are a joy to me and the best part of my life. I love you and thank you.

47. Thank you for being the best daughter ever. I feel so lucky to be your mom and I am blessed to have you in my life. May God bless you!

48. Thank you for the card you made me. I appreciate all of the time you spent working on it. It was so beautiful, and I enjoyed seeing your artwork. Thank you for all of the special things you do for me. You are a thoughtful and gracious young lady.

49. Thank you for being my little girl. You still like to cuddle with me in bed each night, and I love it so much. We have fun playing with your dolls and playing dress-up, and we love doing ponytails, braids and headbands together. I’m just so happy that you are my daughter.

50. Thank you for always being proud of me. I’m proud of you too. I could never have imagined having such a special and amazing daughter like you!

Thank you for being a great daughter and for all of the things you do for me. I am so proud of you. You are such a role model, even though you don’t know it. I am grateful we can spend so much time together.

51. Thank you for being the best daughter ever. I love that you are always happy and cheerful. I love the colour of your eyes and the way you take my breath away every time we visit the beach together. Thank you for always making me proud.

52. Thank you for being a great daughter. I’m proud of the woman you are becoming and I know that we will always be friends, no matter how old we get.

53. Thank you for all of your hard work and love. I’m so proud of who you are becoming. You are the best choice I ever made, and I’m glad you’re my daughter.

54. Thank you for being the best daughter in the world. You are such a compassionate and caring person. I love you.

55. Thank you for being so smart and good at everything. You never let me down, even when it comes to my expectations of you. You are the greatest daughter.

56. Thank you for introducing me to the world of Twitter. I can now keep up with people I’ve met and talk with people that I’ve been meaning to meet. Thank you for being a great daughter!

57. Thank you for teaching me how to be a good parent. You are always so responsible, so kind and loving. I am so lucky to have you as my daughter. I can’t imagine life without you!

58. Thank you for being amazing, smart, kind and beautiful. I’m so happy God allowed me to be your mom.

59. Thank you for always having laughter in your life. I love that you can tell a joke and everyone giggles. Thank you for being enthusiastic about my art. Thank you for saying thank you to me. I love that you are such a polite child.

60. Thank you for being a very special part of my life. I wish we had more time, but we only have today. I hope that it is a special day and filled with little extras because you are in my thoughts and I am so thankful for the role you play in my life.

61. Thank you for being my best friend. I am so glad that I get to see you daily, even though I have to go to work and leave early in the morning. It is the best part of my day seeing your smiling face and watching you play.

62. I can not begin to tell you just how grateful I am for the daughter that you are. There is no way that I could love you any more than I do.

63. Thank you for being such a kind girl. I am very proud of the woman you are growing up to be, and I hope you always feel loved by me.

64. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. You help me get through the tough times and make me realize that everything will work out in the end. We always have a great time at board game night with the family.

65. Thank you for my birthday present. It was very thoughtful of you and I loved the frame a lot. I’ve put it in my bedroom and every morning I wake up, I see your smiling picture and it makes me feel special. You are the best daughter a mother can have!

66. Thank you for the wonderful day. I’m so happy we were able to spend such quality time together, just like old times. You are such a grown-up beautiful young lady and I am proud of you. You are very dear to me and I love you!

67. Thank you for being my best friend. I am so proud of you and how you’ve grown. But most importantly, thank you for letting me be your mom. You are wonderful.

68. I am very thankful for having you as my daughter. I think about you, pray for you and admire your steadfastness. Always remember that I want you to be happy and that, no matter what happens in life, I will always love you, protect you and guide you along the way.

69. Thank you for being the best daughter in the world. I know that many children are not as fortunate as we are, but I feel very lucky that you were born. When I look at your smile, all my worries go away and I know everything will be all right.

70. Thank you for being such a fun young lady to be around. You bring great joy to my life. I love you so much!

71. Thank you for making my life worth living. I’m very grateful to have you in my life and I’m always thinking about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful girl as my daughter.

72. I love you so much. Thank you for being in my life. I feel extremely lucky to have been blessed with a wonderful daughter like you. You are a shining example of what is right with the world. You light up my days and make me smile.

73. Thank you for always being my little girl. You are so precious to me. I appreciate all of the time we spend together, laughing and having fun.

74. Thank you for making me smile every day. When I think that something bad will happen and nothing’s going right, you make me feel happy, energized and glad to be alive. You make our family a better place, with your laughter and innocence. We love you so much, my daughter!

75. Thank you for being the best daughter a father could ask for. You are kind and thoughtful, soft-hearted and patient. And your face beams with confidence when you tell me I did a good job. I will try harder to make you proud of me.

76. Thank you for being the most wonderful daughter in the world. I hope every day of your life is as happy, exciting and loving as it is with me. Your support, love and encouragement each day keep me going. I love you dearly. Happy birthday to the best daughter in the world.

77. Thank you for always being such a smiley and sunny. You simply make my day, every day. I am so grateful to be your mother and to see your beautiful face during the day. Love you!

78. Thank you for being so amazing. You have the best qualities and make me proud every day. You are my first and only daughter, so I am truly blessed.

79. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. I know I am not the easiest person to live with, but you do it so well and make it all worthwhile. I love you with all my heart.

80. Thank you for being so mature and well behaved. You are always polite and respectful. Thank you, sweetheart.

81. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. You are kind, considerate and thoughtful. When I think about all of the things you do for me and how much I love you, it brings joy to my heart. I love you so much!

82. Thank you for being so kind. You’re always helping me and sharing with me. Thank you for always picking up your toys and keeping your room tidy. Thanks for being the best daughter ever.

83. I want to thank you for being a wonderful daughter. I want to explain that even if I’m not always able to say it, you mean the world to me. Thank you for all you do!

84. Thank you for being so kind and compassionate. You are an amazing daughter. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you.

85. Thank you for being so cute, sweet and kind to me. I am so happy you came into my life at a moment when it was the most difficult time. You brought happiness into my world, and there are not enough words to express how much I love you. Thank you.

86. Thank you for being such a bright, funny, and intelligent young lady. I appreciate all that you do at home and school. I’m so proud of this woman you have become; I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter.

87. Thank you for being my daughter. I wish I could always be with you. I’m so proud of the way you handled that situation at school! You show me what it means to be caring and graceful, things we learn from our mothers.

88. Thank you for being the greatest daughter a mother could ever ask for. You are a wonderful girl, who is smart and pretty and you are my world. I love you so much.

89. Thank you for being a daughter. You are the most important thing to me and I love spending time with you. I appreciate your patience when we do something together and we are getting along, or when we aren’t getting along.

90. Oh, my wonderful daughter, I’m so grateful that you are mine. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. You are the best daughter in the world, always loving and never judging me.

91. Thank you for being supportive of my new job. Your dad and I have been trying to get me out into the workforce again, and he is always telling me how well you are doing in school while I’m working. Thank you for being my biggest motivation and pride.

92. Thank you for being there when I need a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for being the most amazing daughter anyone could ask for.

93. Thank you for calling every day to see how I’m doing. You are the one that reminds me to not worry about tomorrow or what will happen and just enjoy today. Thank you for being my daughter.

94. Thank you for making me feel so special on my birthday as well as every other day. You are always smiling and that makes me happy. I’m so lucky to have you as my daughter.

95. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. I can’t believe how grown-up you are at this point in your life and all I wanted to do was tell you how proud I have been of you the whole time. You are a strong, caring woman who will go very far in life, darling. I love you so much.

96. Thank you for being the sweetest daughter ever. I want every Sunday to be memorable with you and unfortunately, that wasn’t possible because I had so much to do at work, but I will try to make it up next Sunday.

97. Thank you for always wanting to help me and your father in the morning every single day. You are a great daughter, and I hope you always stay that way.

98. My amazing daughter, thank you for being happy, beautiful and full of joy. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day. Wherever you walk, happiness surrounds me.

99. Thank you for being a great daughter. I don’t tell you this very often but I appreciate the love and effort you put into everything that you do. You are one of a kind and I love how sweet you are!

100. Thank you for being my daughter. I love you so much, and I am grateful to have you in my life.

101. Thank you my daughter for always being there for me and for keeping me on my toes. I know our relationship can be challenging, but I still am a lucky mother to have a child-like you.

102. Thank you for always being so loving and happy to be around. I feel blessed to have you as my daughter. You have taught me a lot about being a better person. It is because of you, that I know how wonderful life is. I am so grateful to you.

103. Thank you for always being such a good friend. You have always been there for me, even when things have not gone your way. I am so blessed to have you as a daughter.

I hope that you have found these appreciation quotes for my daughter helpful and inspiring in showing her greater words of love and thanks to her in the most creative ways. After all, a single note or card may be memorable for her for years to come. Thanks for reading.

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