In a report issued by the comparative technical education seminar abroad (1966), the  following  objectives were recommended for a  national plan of vocational and technical education in the federal republic of Nigeria.

1.          To provide the awareness that technology does not only solve problems but creates some as well

2.          To stimulate and encourage creativity

3.          To equip school leavers with skills to earn a living

4.          To provide adequate technological orientation and preparation for advanced professional education in technology   

5.          To help develop the right attitude towards work and the  habit  of mind conductive  to the proper  use of technology

6.          To  provide technological literacy to  all pupils  that is to prepare  every  pupil  for life  in a technological age.   

But to achieve the above objective the report emphasized that: vocational and technical education should form a part of general education for every secondary school pupil irrespective of his or her future career.

            Vocational and technical education should provide an orientation and preparation for those who have the  aptitude and desire  to pursue  advanced technological education   in the polytechnic and universities

            Vocational and technical education should provide orientation and  basic  skills with which to start  a life of work for the vast majority of pupils  who do  not fall under  number  2 above.

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