“But we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, and for those who are called according to a purpose. For whom he foreknew, he predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many  brethren. Moreover those he predestined, he also called: and those he called, he also justified: and those he justified,he also glorified” (Rom.8:28-30 Para.).”For his own purpose he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first-fruits of his creatures”(Jms.1:18 Para.).”For  we  are his workmanship, created in Christ  Jesus  to good works, which God has  before ordained that we should walk in them”(Eph.2:10 KJV). Before

the creation of the world and humanity, the Father predetermined the following two things:

*That specific individuals would be offered the opportunity to  become first-born sons of his new creation. 

* That specific individuals would be created and called upon to conform to his truth  and perform certain tasks for him.

Each person the Father has foreordained to be created and given an opportunity for salvation before his son returns to establish his government on earth has either been called in ages past or will be called before his son returns. If one who is called accepts the Father’s offer of salvation and performs his will in their life (the purpose for their calling), , that person will be glorified as his son in his divine family and kingdom:”Do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord [Jesus Christ], nor of me [Paul], his prisoner. But suffer hardship with the gospel, according to the power of God [the Sovereign Father] who has saved us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according  to his own purpose and grace [favor] given to us in Christ Jesus before eternal times, that is now revealed by the appearance of our Savior, Jesus Christ, making death of no effect and bringing life and in corruption to light through the gospel”(2.Tim.1:8-10 Para.). Before this dimension of time and space came into existence, the Father had decided that the Creator God (Jesus Christ) would come to the earth and sacrifice his life for the salvation of humanity. Moreover, the Father  had decided to favor some people above others with the offer of salvation in order for him to fulfill his purpose for the creation of humanity.


One of the first major responsibilities of  those who participate in the  first resurrection is to assist Jesus Christ in the conversion of humanity (1.Tim.2:4;  2.Pet.3:9). In preparation for  this task, , one is to grow in grace and knowledge (2.Pet.3:18) and come to a clear understanding of God’s will (his purpose) for one’s life and his plan for the salvation of the rest of humanity.If you are one who is now called to salvation, God the Father knew you before the foundation of the earth (2.Tim.1:8); he knew that you would exist, because he had predetermined your existence  and the time that you would be born and  given an opportunity for salvation. He did this, so that you would have an opportunity to become one of the first-born sons of  his new creation in order to fulfill a function and a responsibility in his royal family and holy nation of kings, ambassadors, and priests.


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