Army Brother Quotes – Motivation and Love

To honour one’s country and stand up for it in battle is a courageous act of self-service. Having a brother in the army is an amazing thing, he is not only fighting for his life but he is also fighting for the country which makes him a hero and makes you proud of him.

Having a brother in the army can also be challenging. You have to endure long periods without them. In their absence, they are always on your mind, which means you constantly worry about them.

Not many people who do not have a brother in the military will know what it feels like to have a military sibling. Here are some army brother quotes below that express what it’s like having a brother in the military that will help.

I just want to tell you that I am extremely proud I am to have an army brother. I am so proud of him, his accomplishments and how he serves the country diligently. He represents the very best in our family.

1. I have a brother who is in the army. I am unbelievably proud of him.

2. Having a brother in the army reminds me to appreciate what I have and never take it for granted.

3. I am proud that my brother is in the army, but I miss him like crazy.

4. The only thing that makes me feel better about my brother being involved in military action right now is the fact he’s got your back.

5. My little brother is an army medic stationed overseas and he’s the biggest cutie pie I know. He’s far from home, but our hearts are always with him.

6. There is no feeling in the world like that of knowing you have a big brother in the army who will protect you.

7. I’m so proud of you, my little army brother. I can’t wait to see you again.

8. My brother is a hero. Thank you for being such an amazing role model and soldier.

9. I’m proud of you, brother. You’re the heart of our family. I know that if all else fails and you need help, my brothers will be there for you.

10. Nothing can prepare you to miss your army brother as much as being apart from him.

11. You can’t touch me I have the magic hands. My little brother is in the army.

12. It’s amazing how proud I am of you, brother. I wish I could join you in the army.

13. Brothers are the best. And in this life, there is nothing better than having a brother who protects our country and can save your life.

14. Brothers are the best. In this world, there is nothing more important than having a brother who will protect you from harm.

15. There’s nothing better than having a brother in the army. The support and safety he provides are like no other.

16. Dear brother, thank you for serving our country. Here’s to your safe return and good luck on your next mission.

17. How does it feel to have a brother in the army? It feels awesome.

18. It’s National siblings day, and we’re celebrating our gratitude for brothers in the army.

19. I can’t put into words how amazing it is to have a brother serving our country. Thank you for everything you do, and I will see you soon!

20. I have my little brother who’s in the army. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me other than God, my parents and…well you get the point!

21. Brothers aren’t just born, they’re made. There’s nothing like the bond between this brother of mine in the army and his siblings.

22. Lucky to have you as my brother. Thank you for your service in the army. Keep on being a hero.

23. A brother in the army is a soldier who likes you for yourself. An army buddy is a soldier who likes you because of your rank.

24. My brother is currently in the army and has been deployed twice. I’m truly grateful and proud of my brother who serves our Country with such honour and distinction.

25. My brother is currently in the army and has been deployed twice. I’m truly grateful and proud of his service to our country with honour, distinction, and bravery.

26. My brother is currently in the army and has been deployed twice. I’m so proud of my brother who serves our country.

27. My brother is in the army and has been deployed twice. We are extremely proud of the service and sacrifices that he makes for us daily.

28. My brother serves our country in the army with honour and distinction. I’m grateful and proud of him.

29. I have a wonderful brother who is in the army. He was deployed twice while serving and I am so very proud of his service. I couldn’t be more thankful.

30. My brother serves our country with honour and distinction. I’m proud of him and thankful for his service to the nation.

31. My brother is a hero. He serves our country with distinction and honour. I’m grateful to him and proud of him every day.

32. My brother, who is a veteran, is active in helping out our community. I’m proud of him for giving back and truly humbled by his quiet, selfless nature.

33. I’m very proud of my brother for his service to our country. This is the kind of leadership it takes to ensure the prosperity of our nation and its people

34. My brother is one of our nation’s heroes. He’s an inspiration for those of us who want to help make a difference in the world and I am proud to call him my brother.

35. I asked God for my brother and here he comes, my brother back from the army.

36. A brother in the army is a wonderful thing. If you don’t have one, go get one.

37. I have a brother in the army. He’s such a brave soldier; he never makes fun of me for having to wear a helmet when I drive.

38. I don’t know why God made brothers, but I’m glad he did. My brother is my hero and my best friend.

39. To my brother in the army; I love you more than the ocean, sky and all the other oceans.

40. Hey brother, we salute you, and the sacrifices you have made for our country by serving in the armed forces. We’re proud of you.

41. Happy Veteran’s Day to my big brother! Thank you for risking your life so that we can live ours.

42. Take it from me, brother—you will always be my hero. You are the bravest person I have ever known.

43. A brother in the army is a soldier who protects your freedom.

44. Missing my brother but so glad to hear he’s doing well. The army is the best!

45. I miss my brother so much, but I’m so glad to hear he’s doing great in the army.

46. The army is the best place for my brother, and though I’m doing well, I miss my brother!

47. I miss my brother, but I’m so glad to hear he’s doing well at the barracks.

48. Thinking of my brother, so proud to hear he’s doing well in the army.

49. It’s great to hear from you. I’m so happy to hear that your brother is doing well. But I’m still missing him a lot.

50. You’re a true inspiration! I love that you follow your dreams and are so good at everything you do.

51. The army may end up being a man’s life, but for us, we still feel that family bond. Thanks for everything, big brother.

52. A military family may be a man’s life, but it’s a family’s bond. Thank you for everything, little brother.

53. I sent my brother a care package in the mail and he sent me back a box full of army stuff. So I sent him my new bromance cologne, having a brother in the army is awesome.

54. The army is where a man’s life begins. And where a family’s future takes shape. Thanks for everything, brother.

55. The army is a way of life that brings families together. Thank you for all that you do.

56. So, the army was so impressed by my brother’s work that they sent him away to fight in a war. I’m here missing him.

57. Brotherly love is the best thing that I have. My brother is away in the army and I miss him a lot.

58. I love my brother, who is in the army. He’s not here, so I miss him.

59. My brother is away in the army and I miss him. I love my brother and cannot wait to see him again.

60. Growing up with my brother was the best experience in my life. He’s the one that taught me how to be a man, and how to respect him and others. Unfortunately, he’s now away with the army but we still keep in touch.

61. My brother is the best person to have by my side. He’s in the army and not with me right now and it’s hard, but I’m very proud of him.

62. Brothers are the best thing in life. Take it from me, I miss my brother when he’s not here.

63. I miss my brother. He’s in the army and he’s very busy, but I can’t wait to see him again.

64. I’m so glad my brother is mine. He’s awesome, strong, and brave, even though I miss him when he’s away in the army.

65. I am so proud of you, my brother. Keep on protecting us from all threats. I love you.

66. Brothers, it was an honour serving with you in the Army. I will miss you dearly.

67. No matter how far apart we may be, you’ll always be right here in my heart. Happy birthday, military brother.

68. Can’t wait to see you, bro! I can’t wait to be there and give you a big hug. Stay safe out there, we all love you!

69. I’m proud of you. I want you to know that. I don’t always say it, but it’s true.

70. A brother in the army is a family member you can always count on.

71. To my brother, who is serving in the army. I’m so proud of you and I love you!

72. My older brother is gonna be deployed soon, and it’s gonna suck for a long time. I love my big brother.

73. My brother could be anywhere in the world right now, but I feel him near me when I’m at home.

74. I am proud to serve my country and be engaged in the community. I’m also proud of my brother who is currently serving as well.

75. Today, I’m grateful for my brother, who is currently serving in the army. He’s an inspiration to everyone he meets and a true hero.

76. Today, I’m grateful for my brother. He’s an inspiration to everyone he meets and a true hero.

77. Today, I’m thinking of my brother, who’s currently serving in the army. He’s a true hero and an inspiration to everyone he meets.

78. Today, I am grateful to my brother, who is a hero and an inspiration to everyone. He’s in the army now and it makes me so proud of him.

79. I am grateful for my brother, currently stationed in the military, he’s been a hero to everyone he meets and is a great friend to all.

80. I’m thankful for everyone who has served our country, especially my brother. He’s a true hero and inspiration.

81. Today, I’m grateful for my brother. Thank you for everything that you do to keep us safe!

82. I am grateful for so many wonderful things in my life, but today I’m especially grateful for my brother. He is a hero and a soldier, and he is also kind, generous, and funny.

83. Having a brother in the army can be a lot of different things. It can be frustrating, difficult and sometimes really hard. But it can also be the most rewarding relationship in your life.

84. We are very proud of our brother in the army. He’s doing an amazing job and we wish him all the best.

85. Dear brother, I love you and miss you so much. I’m so proud of you. After these hard days you’re going through in the army, we’ll celebrate many more together.

86. Sending you a big hug today. It must be hard to have a brother in the army, we’re always thinking of you.

87. Thank you for everything you do and sacrifice for the country. I know it is not easy to be away from your family, especially when you have a brother in the army.

88. Thank you for all that you do and sacrifice for the country. I know it’s not easy to be away from your family when your brother is in the army.

89. Thank you for your service and commitment to our country. It is never easy to be away from everyone you love, especially when you have a brother in the army.

90. Thank you so much for your service. My brother is also in the army and I know it’s tough being away from your family, and I’m sure you miss them terribly.

91. Dear brother, being away from your family is never easy and I truly appreciate the sacrifice you make for our country.

92. Not being able to be at my brother’s wedding because he’s in the army is one of the many difficult sides of being in the army.

93. My brother’s in the army. I think it’s cool because he can shoot guns and blow things up.

94. I love you and miss you more than words can say. There is no other brother in the world I would rather have.

95. I have a brother in the army. I love him and I’m so proud of him.

96. I’m so proud of you, my brother in the army. You’ve become the mI love you, soldier. There will be a moment when you think no one is watching, but I am always watching you.

97. Dear brother, you make me see that there is no impossible. You are my inspiration and my hero. I’m so proud to be your sister.

98. As long as you have food in your stomach, ammunition at hand, and a few good men beside you, victory is never impossible.

99. You’ve just gotta keep going. You’ll make it happen. Don’t ever give up, don’t ever give in. I am proud of you. and I’ve always known you could be.

100. My brother is serving in the army, I’m so proud of him. He has kept me safe and I will never forget it.

101. My brother is in the army—I say this in awe, pride, and gratitude. As he serves our country, I am reminded of the benefits and freedoms our military ensures.

102. My brother is in the army—something I am so proud of. Our military ensures many benefits and freedoms for us all, something that I frequently take for granted.

103. My brother is in the army! I’m so proud of him. I want to make sure he knows it. He works hard for our country, and I hope he has a safe deployment.

104. Being in the army is not easy, but my brother does it with pride. My family and I are grateful for all he does for our country.

105. I am so proud of my brother who serves in the army. Because he fights for our freedom, we can live a peaceful and happy life in our country.

106. When I introduce my brother, I do so with the greatest pride. He serves in a role dedicated to the sacrifice, honour, and freedom of his people.

107. My brother is in the army being a hero, he is so strong and so caring. He watches out for his family, his friends, and our country. I love him.

Brothers that are in the army are the best friends you could ever have as they are always there for you no matter what the situation is. Though you may be constantly worried about his safety, having a brother in the army is amazing.

I hope you found this collection of quotes helpful. Please let me know how you feel about this post in the comment section. You can send these quotes about having a brother in the army to your brother to show how cool they are and give them due respect for serving our country. Thank you.

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