Art School in France: All You Need To Know About Studying Art In France


Studying Art in a school in France could be one of the best experiences. This article will expose you to all you need to know, including the advantages and privileges one stands to gain by studying the arts in France.

Why Study Art In France?

France has got a very rich history when it comes to playing home to famous artists in history. This has always put the country in the eyes of the world when the need to appreciate arts arises. Aside the having a cordial relationship with many famous artists in the past, the country is home to so many artistic sites.

The various art galleries and museums do serve as inspiration to many who wish to create lasting works of art. From the foregoing, it is clear that studying art in France, definitely, holds some serious appeal.

It exposes one to some of the best artworks in history. It also creates an atmosphere for such works to be replicated. This is because being presented with the opportunity to see what others had achieved firsthand, rather than reading in a book or seeing on screen, arouses a sense of determination.

This could be to do something worth a mention too or just the sheer joy of it. As such, it is highly advisable to study the arts in France. In fact, the country is so rich in arts that it has its separate artistic styles which one could study in school.

French Arts: History And Development

French art comprises different dimensions of art. There is the visual dimension which consists of the cinema and painting. The two categories of arts are very essential to French history and artistic heritage. It is why some of the best cinemas and historical paintings are stationed in the country.

For one, Leonardo Davinci’s portrait of the Monalisa is believed to be in Paris. According to History, France had been the central focus of European art during the modern period. It is equally held that France had pioneered the development of Roman and Gothic arts.

This was before Italy took over the driving seat during the Renaissance period. From these histories, it is definitely worth saying that France has more to offer in the arts than most countries. So what historical art courses could one study in France?

Types of French Arts


Neoclassicism is an artistic movement that reigned in France between the 1760s and 1830s. The Neoclassical arts cut across architecture, design as well as fine arts. This form of art might have been usurped by another, but it remains a very rich and important artistic style till now. One could therefore study the neoclassical arts in France and gets to benefit greatly from the knowledge.


The Romantic arts were developed in reaction to the rigidity of the Neoclassical Arts. It emerged in the late 18th century. The movement was predominantly found in literature, music, architecture, and in the fine arts. In other words, the movement found expression in literary writings such as poetry and other forms of writings. It was also expressed in music, paintings, among others.


The arts of realism emerged in France after the French Revolution. It was more of a reaction to the social and political situation of the new France. Emphasis was shifted from the emotional tendencies of the previous movements to more political themes. Equality became more pronounced in the Realist arts.


Impressionist arts emerged in the 19th century. The movement is often regarded as a radical art movement due to its approach. The impressionists were able to capture the evolution of society with their loose depiction of scenes and public life with lights and colour. This art remains of high intellectual value to this day and studying the impressionist arts in France is a plus for any person who has an interest in the arts.


The post-impressionist movement emerged from about 1886 to 1905. It was a reaction to the impressionist arts. While the movement is more or less an extension of the Impressionist arts, it did not abide by the limits of the former. Instead of focusing on abstract ideas, the movement gave more life to real-life situations. Yet, the place of colour was still very much reserved.

Modern Art

Modern French arts is more diverse compared to the aforementioned. The most pronounced style of art developed in the modern period is the Surrealist arts. While Paris is considered as the centre of French arts when it comes to art displays and places of artistic value, the South of France is equally worth an honourable mention in modern French arts and beyond.

Contemporary Art

French contemporary art is understood to bear scars from the previous eras. Although there have been evolution or changes in the media and styles of expression, the art still emphasizes the themes of the past movements.

Where To Study Arts In France

Supposing you have chosen to study art in France, then you can rest assured that you would have so much to gain from the experience. First, you would, definitely, be in a position to visit the many museums and galleries in Paris as well as other locations with significant artworks.

Some of such places include but are not limited to the Louvre, Musee d’Orsay and Musee Rodin, the Notre Dame Cathedral, Eiffel Tower, Montmartre, and Versailles Palace. The courses offered are very likely to afford the opportunity to visit some historical sites.

These could take the form of excursions or guided tours. With such exposure, there is every tendency that one would definitely get to learn a few extra tricks when it comes to the arts than without such experience.

Other Considerations Before Choosing Where To Study

In some cases, certain categories or kinds of study programs or projects could demand that the students be provided with the chance to explore some arts outside the confines of France. Therefore, there is a very good point to considering studying art in France as the best option.

The country’s history and affinity with the arts could so easily be imbibed by students studying art in France. Such would go a long way to sharpening the students’ artistic skills. It would also expose the students, firsthand, to the histories and evolution of the arts from the earlier centuries to the contemporary times.

That could be invaluable to a  better understanding of arts in present times. But before making the choice to study art in France, there are a few things to put into consideration. Such consideration might include: what would be the duration of such studies, the preferred locat
ion for the studies, the exact school to study in, and what course to take.

It is necessary to point out that the latter question would ultimately decide the answers to the previous ones. Below, we will provide you with the contents you might need to make a more informed decision regarding each of the questions.

Art School in France: A Selected List of French Schools of Art

Below are selected schools where one could study art in France. The resource will equally provide reasons why studying those courses in particular schools puts one at a greater advantage.

Superior School of Audiovisual Production

The first art school in France we will be discussing is called the École supérieure de production audiovisuelle in French. The school is a French educational institution which specializes in training such as, sound and digital arts, cinema, television, and photography courses.

It has urban campuses situated in Paris, Nice, and Rennes. It offers diploma programs as well as a graduate diploma in certain courses. As at 2007, the school approved that students could take up the option of furthering their studies to the fourth year in New York.

The same year, the school also established a two-year specialization course which is equivalent to a Master’s program. This is only obtainable in Paris. Find out more about the school .

The European Academy of Art in Brittany

In French, the name is the École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne (EESAB). The school was founded on December 27th, 2010. It is the largest school in France as an art school. There are four campuses which are situated in Rennes, Lorient, Brest, and Quimper.

The school is accredited to offer National Diploma courses in Art. It is also a Higher National Diploma awarding institution in Visual Expression. To find out more, follow this .

The Villa Arson

The school is also referred to as the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts à la Villa Arson in French which translates to the National School of Fine Arts at the Villa Arson. The school was established in 1972 by the .

The institution is an elite school as well as a research institute for contemporary studies of the arts. It is also a museum. The school is located in Nice. To find out everything about the institution, visit the school’s official .

There are certainly so many other resources that would expose you to the discourse of art school in France and you could get to find out about them via this . However, the above-mentioned schools hold special appeal to prospective art scholars or seasoned artists who wish to further their knowledge.

Their locations, as well as courses, offered present the opportunities which others scarcely do. That is not to say that other schools are inferior to them. But they represent the most interesting options for international students especially.

Now that you have learnt of the special appeal of studying art in France, you might be interested in finding out if such schools do offer scholarships and other incentives to candidates who wish to study there. All you have to do is visit this page regularly to be availed of any new updates.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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