Brazil Visa Lottery Application Form 2023/2024 and How to Apply

– Brazil Visa Lottery Application Form –

Applying for a Brazil Visa lottery application form takes almost the same procedures as applying to other countries. Special attention must be given to the fact that there may be other additional documents requested. See more details below.

Table of Contents

Brazil Visa Lottery Requirements

The following document will be required of you: to this, you need to be informed beforehand, but with any additional requirement, they will notify you when you apply for your visa.

Passport Requirement: Photo must not be more than 2weeks old and valid for the next 6 months of the stay with at least one blank passport page available for the Brazilian visa stamp.

Brazil Visa Application: Brazil visa application containing a genuine reason why you desire to travel to Brazil and for what purpose.

Photo: A recent 2*2 white background photograph with plain color side by side. You can also upload the photo by placing an order.

Letter Of Authorization: minor applicants will need the signature of both parents.


Letter Of Intent: revealing the purpose of travel, for tourism, study business or transit, etc.

Residential Proof: Address and ID of resident and permit

Proof Of Arrangement: Signed letter from the airline or travel agent showing the time of departure.

Medical Report: For children less than 6 years old, a report of polio vaccination should be provided. Medical reports of adults indicating fitness should also be included as specified.

Financial Capabilities: This could be your bank statement for the last 3 months.

Birth Certificate: The document must not be torn, frayed or fake.

Certificate Of Origin: This must contain your state and LGA of origin.


How to Apply

You could apply online @ or visit the Brazil embassy in your country for more info.

To fill the online form,click “Visa Request” then answer the questions accurately without leaving out any detail.

Confirm your details in case of any error.

Click submit.


You will be notified of the date and location for the appointment which you will endeavor to attend. There. Orientation will be done to educate you on the country you are about to step foot in.

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