Christmas Messages – Motivation and Love

I looked around and I saw lights of many colours
but I noticed they went on and off.
And so is the joy they bring.
A thought of you this Christmas brings more than that.
Merry Christmas.

It’s not Merry if it’s not Christmas
and neither is it Christmas if it’s not merry.
It’s best done when you have someone special to share it with.
I choose you as that special person.
Merry Christmas.

This is the time of the year when everyone give gift.
May you be among those that will receive heavenly gift this year.
Be expectant and enjoy the season. Merry Christmas
Merry harvest is here again.
In this season, you shall reap in hundredfolds.
Merry Christmas and H N Y

Every Christmas comes with the thought of trees, fireworks,
and more but it wouldn’t be complete without the thought of you.
And that comes soothing than anything in the world.
Thanks for being a part of my joy.

This is a season of love and sacrificial giving.
Above all, Lets key into the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas and happy new year.

It’s Christmas but I wouldn’t have seen anything special in it
had I not have you in my life.
Thank you for staying with me this far.

For every season there’s a reason.
We remember Christ who came to die
and I also remember you for you’ve given me more than I wished.
Merry Christmas

May this season bring the the fruits of the spirit to you.
And the blessings of God rest with you and your family.
Merry Christmas

More than the beaming lights,
More than the jingled bell
More than the rhythmical sounds
More than the felicity…
You are more than them all this Christmas.
I therefore choose you over them all.

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