Cost of Studying in British Columbia 2022 Tuition, Cost of Living and Visa

– Cost of Studying in British Columbia –

There are Certain costs you will need to be made during your before and during your stay in British Columbia as a student, The cost of studying in British Columbia differs and as well varies in amount from school to school. While studying and obtaining a degree in British Columbia, you would like to consider some cost you would make during your stay.

This cost ranges from your tuition fee to accommodation, transportation, medical insurance, and Visa and all these you will find spelled all out elaborately for you all in this article.

Education System in British Columbia

The education system in British Columbia covers elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Education throughout Canada Is governed by each provincial and territorial government, so there are slight differences between each provides education system.

With the exception of Quebec. all provinces provide universal, free elementary and secondary schooling for
12 years.

Education is compulsory to the age of between 15 and 1 8 depending on the province: In British
Columbia. education is compulsory to the age of 16.

The purpose of the British Columbia school system is to enable the approximately 553,000 public school students, 81,000 independent school students and over 2,200 home-schooled children enrolled each school year, to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to contribute to a healthy society and a prosperous and sustainable economy.

Elementary: Children usually enter kindergarten at age 5. An elementary school generally includes grades 1
through 6 in regions that then have 2 years of middle school or junior high school, and in areas without these. elementary school goes up to grade 8.

Secondary: Secondary school–usually called the high school—encompasses grades 9 through 12. In regions without middle school and junior high, it also includes grades 7 and 8.

Post-secondary: Post-secondary education In British Columbia includes career college (also known as vocational school), community college. university and grad school.

Language programs: Language programs (English or French as a second language) are offered at middle schools, high schools, colleges, universities and private language schools throughout British Columbia. You can read more on these school types In the appropriate sections of this website.

Cost of Tuition Fee in British Columbia

• Undergraduate Tuition Fee

Tuition is calculated on a per-credit basis, Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and between 2% and 5% for continuing international students.

The British Columbia tuition fee differentiates the Canadian citizen’s fee from that of the international student. The undergraduate Canadian citizen fee ranges from $5,399.10- $16,762.59 depending on the course while that of international students ranges from  $38,051.70-$49,650.04

• Postgraduate Tuition Fee

For most programs, graduate tuition is assessed as an annual program fee, which is divided into three equal installments due at the beginning of academic terms starting in September, January, and May.  This fee is the same regardless of how many courses credits the student is registered in.


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Every student enrolled in a master’s program is required to maintain continuous registration by paying tuition installments according to Schedules A or B, plus authorized student fees.

Failure to pay fees will result in a financial hold and an interest penalty.

• Doctorate Tuition Fee

Every student enrolled in a doctoral program is required to maintain continuous registration by paying tuition installments, plus authorized student fees according to the appropriate tuition fee schedule.

All students are “full-time” for the assessment of tuition and authorized student fees. Authorized student fees apply to all doctoral programs regardless of credit load or place of residence.

Students who have paid more than the minimum for the degree (the first six (6) installments) will have their tuition fees prorated to the end of the month in which the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies confirms that all degree requirements have been completed.

Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and between 2% and 5% for continuing international students.

Cost of Accommodation in British Columbia

It’s common for most students to live on-campus in their first year; these are referred to as your halls of residence.

You will usually share a dormitory (or ‘dorm’) with another roommate, sharing facilities like a kitchen, social area, and laundry room with other students.

It’s suggested that you budget between CAD 3000-7500 per year for on-campus accommodation in Canada, although this will depend on which region you choose.

After the first year of university, students will usually share a house or apartment with their peers to split the cost. Here you’ll rent a room and share a kitchen, bathroom, and social area.

Rent prices will vary from city to city with larger areas like Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver being most expensive (though considerably less expensive than the likes of New York City or London, on average).

It’s suggested you budget CAD 750-2200 per month for renting off-campus accommodation.

There is also the option to live as part of a homestay where you stay with a host family in Canada.

On top of an initial placement fee of CAD 200, students can expect to pay a monthly fee of CAD 750 – 950 per month in return for meals and a room.

However, you’ll also be participating in activities with the host, improving your English, and learning about the culture, all of which are valuable experiences.

Cost of Health Insurance in British Columbia

All international students are required to have health insurance but coverage will vary depending on the province you’re studying in.

If you choose to move to either Alberta, Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Labrador or Saskatchewan, you will be covered under their provincial health plans depending on the length of your stay.

However, in other provinces, you will have to arrange private health insurance.


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Cost of Transportation in British Columbia

Although Vancouver, Victoria, and their respective airports offer British Columbia’s biggest vehicle rental selections, getting a car is literally the only way to travel between Vancouver and the smaller Abbotsford International Airport, situated in a distant suburb with no public transportation to Vancouver.

All British Columbia fuel purchases must be pre-paid prior to using gas pumps and all motorists must exercise special caution while driving in winter, at night, through the mountains, or in isolated areas.

Many islands off British Columbia’s west coast, including Vancouver Island, are accessible only by ferry.

BC Ferries operates most of the routes between British Columbia’s islands and the mainland, the busiest of which run between Victoria and mainland Vancouver

Victoria and Kelowna are among the handful of North American cities whose public transportation systems include double-decker buses.

Day passes valid for one hour aboard Victoria’s BC Transit buses are easily available, and children five years old or younger travel free, the average daily price for traveling in British Columbia is CA$152 ($115)

Cost of Visa in British Columbia

Typically, the visitor’s which includes a super visa costs 100 SCAN per person. If you are traveling with your family you need to apply at the same time and place.

A super visa allows parents and grandparents of residents in Canada to visit Canada for extended periods of time.

These visitors can stay in Canada for up to 2 years on Initial entry and 6 months on subsequent entries

If you intend to work during your visit, you will have to pay the work permissions (prolongations Included) fees. This fee Is 155 SCAN.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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