Cost of Studying in Lithuania Tuition Fee, Living and Visa Fees

Cost of Studying in Lithuania Tuition Fee, Living and Visa Fees.

Cost of Studying in Lithuania: Lithuania is a country that you can easily love. It has been through some amazing history, and quite a few interesting places, facts, and traditions have survived.

The education system of Lithuania is defined by the “law on education”. As per the law, the education system of Lithuania comprises of formal and non-formal education.

Formal education encompasses primary, basic/lower secondary and upper secondary education, formal vocational education and training, and tertiary education.

Non-formal education encompasses pre-school education, pre-primary education, and other non-formal education for adults.

According to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, each and every child has the right to primary, basic/lower, and upper secondary education in Lithuania. Education in Lithuania is free of costs.

Lithuania has a long-standing tradition of higher education and offers a warm environment for foreigners. A wide variety of Lithuanian universities and schools of applied science offer more than 350 study programs, taught in English, that foreign students could choose from.

  • Undergraduate (Bachelor)
  • Graduate (Master) and/ or specialized professional studies
  • Postgraduate (Doctoral; residency; postgraduate in Arts)

All three degrees are offered at universities, while undergraduate degrees and professional qualifications can also be obtained at schools of applied sciences.

The academic year:

  • starts in September
  • ends in mid-June
  • is divided into spring and autumn semesters

Cost of Studying in Lithuania

Tuition fees at Higher Education institutions in Lithuania vary depending on each institution, specific study program, and the academic stage the student is at. Universities and schools of applied science announce their tuition fees annually. On average, the studies in Lithuania cost:

  • from 1.300 EUR per year for Bachelor studies;
  • from 2.300 EUR per year for Master studies;
  • from 8.400 EUR per year for Postgraduate studies.

Cost of Living While Studying in Lithuania

The cost of living in Lithuania is lower than in many other European countries. This makes Lithuania a perfect place to study abroad if you’re on a student budget, or want to save money and take full advantage of everything the country has to offer.

All universities offer the opportunity of living in a hall of residence. Some of the halls of residence are situated near the universities, others – further away, so you will have to use public transport to get to the university.

Most halls of residence have been renovated and equipped with modern appliances and internet access. Living in shared accommodation is a part of the student experience. Expect the rent to be about 50-100 Euros a month.

You can always rent an apartment or live in a shared apartment with other students. Here, you should expect to pay between 150-300 Euros a month for a room.

Cost of Visa to Study in Lithuania

If you are a citizen of one of 28 European Union countries – you do not need a Visa to study in Lithuania.

If you are not a citizen of the European Union  – you must apply for a visa.

In order to study in Lithuania you need:

  • National Visa (D)
  • Temporary Residence Permit

National visa (D) is a visa allowing an alien to enter the Republic of Lithuania and stay in it for a period longer than 90 days.

A single entry national visa shall be issued to an alien who has been granted a temporary or permanent residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania.

A multiple entry national visa shall be issued to an alien whose purpose of entry into the Republic of Lithuania is long term stay in the Republic of Lithuania.

Temporary Residence Permit is a document granting an alien the right to temporarily reside in the Republic of Lithuania for a period specified in the permit.

You must apply for BOTH before you come to Lithuania.

You can apply at an embassy, diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Lithuania.

Cost of Transportation Lithuania

The transport system of Lithuania is well-developed and it satisfies the needs of permanent residents and persons coming there for a short time; they can use both private vehicles and public transport.

The prices of tickets depend on the duration of the service and the applicable discount. In other towns of Lithuania where the urban transportation system exists, it includes only buses.

Both permanent residents and visitors of towns may buy a single ticket for a bus and (or) a trolleybus or acquire a long-term transport card that may be replenished with tickets of the chosen type and price.

The average monthly cost of public transportation in Lithuania is 100 Litai (€29) for adults and 20 Litai (€6) for students.

Cost of Medical Insurance in Lithuania

Third countries students are those who’s nationality is non-European Union or non-European Economic Area country.

Prior to your arrival in Lithuania, you need to purchase private health insurance. This insurance must cover the minimum requirement of the European Union and is necessary for the intention of the Student visa in Lithuania. The Ministry of Health is responsible for the healthcare system in Lithuania.

Healthcare centers in Lithuania provide primarily outpatient care and a wide range of specialist services. Medical services offered by healthcare centers include, but are not limited to, general practice, maternity care, child healthcare, and dental care. Health centers are staffed with qualified doctors and medical professionals.

GBP 1,700,000 / EUR 2,125,000 / USD 2,890,000

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