Global Greengrants Fund (GGF) 2022 Check Application Detail Update

– Global Greengrants Fund –

The Global Greengrants Fund (GGF) is a non-profit organization that mobilizes resources for environmental and social justice by giving small grants to civil society organizations and indigenous federations around the world. See details below

About Global Greengrant Fund

Global GreenGrants help communities to protect, restore, and transform their environments for a sustainable future. Since 1993, it has made more than $45 million in grants to local groups in 163 countries.

The Global Greengrants Fund is a charitable foundation that makes small grants (typically $500 to $5,000) to grassroots environmental causes around the world.

These funds are used to support community-based groups outside the United States and Western Europe working on issues of environmental justice,sustainability, and conservation.

However, since its establishment in 1993, Global Greengrants Fund has made over 14,000 grants in 168 countries, giving over $100 million.

To protect the environment, we invest in the people who eat from the land, who drink the water, and who want to see a better life for their children and generations to come.

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In contrast to other international organizations, the Global Greengrants Fund does not strive to impose an agenda from afar.

Instead, they put our faith in residents to propose solutions and tactics that will best meet their needs, and we provide them with the tools they need to make their visions a reality.

Global Greengrants designed a grant-making approach that allows us to locate and invest in ideas without the use of bureaucracy or red tape in order to get money into the hands of those who have the most effective answers.

Our ability to connect to frontline solutions that other companies can’t identify or support is unrivalled. Global Greengrants Fund was founded on this flexible, time-honoured method.

For more information, visit the homepage


Global Greengrants Fund Application Process

The Global green grant fund application process varies depending on the advisory board in question but generally involves the following:

1. Advisors identify promising projects through their networks and invite them to present proposals.

2. These proposals move to the board for a grant-making round.

3. Advisors on the board review and rate proposals. Then conduct interviews via mails, teleconferencing, or face-to-face.

4. The advisory board unanimously concludes which proposal to fund and for how much.

5. The Administrative staff meets to review additional due diligence materials from grantees.

6. Administrative staff finally allow grant payment, then notify grantees and advisors.

7. Advisors remain available to grantees for mentoring, questions, and other global green grant-related assistance.


i. Applicants’ proposals must fall under the six focus areas for the Global Green Grant Fund.

These areas include climate justice, local livelihoods, healthy ecosystems and communities, women’s environmental action, right to land, water and resources, and the right to defend the environment.

• All grant proposals must be invited by an advisor, who will present them to the advisory board for screening.

How to Apply for Global Green Grant Fund

a. Prepare a detailed proposal under any of the focus areas.

b. Submit your proposal to any Global Green grant advisor in your region

c. Stay glued to your email for updates.

For more information, visit the homepage

Global Greengrant Fund Action Areas

The global greengrant fund actions in the following areas:

1) Climate Justice

Climate change is the greatest danger humanity has ever faced. However, there are solutions on the frontlines to save our planet.

● The Challenge

The climate crisis has emerged from a reality in which those who profit from our globalized economy and energy production are not the ones who endure the consequences.

 Many of the proposed solutions continue to favour the wealthy while denying others access to natural resources, forests, and energy.

Climate change is being addressed at the global and national levels by organizations, governments, and funders.

Although resources are available to solve the climate catastrophe, people most affected by the upheaval continue to lack access to funds to develop local solutions to the difficulties they face daily.

● Solutions

The real solutions to climate change will come from frontline communities resisting unsustainable fossil fuel development.

Also, the work of traditional farmers practising soil conservation, the rights of indigenous peoples to defend their forests, and ever-resilient communities with diverse economies and networks.

Global Greengrants Fund supports projects that restore forests, prevent damaging development, and advocate for wise climate policies through our grantmaking.

However, we put our money into those who have the most to lose—and who are taking action right now.

2) Healthy Ecosystems and Communities

Local people are the best stewards of their own environments. We make sure their voices are heard.

● The Challenge

Growing global economies and a greater reliance on resources have altered people’s attitudes toward the environment.

The quality of water, soil, and the air is being harmed by an increase in pollution, poisons, and extractive industries.

Indigenous and local groups that have lived in harmony with the planet for millennia are now facing threats to their customs and the natural areas they rely on.

● Solutions

The Global Greengrants Fund is the only organization in the world that puts community confidence and decision-making authority in their hands to protect and restore their own land, biodiversity, water, and family health.

They listen to community needs and then invest in locally-led action to track polluters and demand that toxins and garbage be cleaned up, important habitats are restored, and air and watersheds be protected for future generations.

3) Local Livelihoods

When local people can support themselves and their families, the environment wins.

● The Challenge

People have lived in harmony with the environment for ages all over the world, cultivating their own food, fishing small, and drinking from nearby rivers.

Traditional ways of life and the environmental resources that people rely on are jeopardized by the rapid growth of industrial development, resource reliance, and urbanization.

With people struggling to survive and provide for their families, we must address the question: How can at-risk populations continue to protect deep cultural livelihoods and respect natural places while also finding a fair wage?

● Solutions

Local livelihoods are not just about income, but rather economic independence—a form of resistance to boom-and-bust development and the dehumanization of indigenous communities and cultures.

We partner with farmers, fisherfolk, beekeepers, and artisans and invest in diverse local economies that are committed to restoring the environment, establishing a fair wage, and showing great resilience in the face of hardship and disaster.


4) Right to Land, Water, and Resources

Indigenous rights to land and resources are a long-term investment in the environment.

● The Challenge

Governments and corporations around the world support mining operations, oil development, hydroelectric dams, and other large-scale projects that threaten the environment, access to clean water, and land treasured by local people.

Policies of resource extraction, land grabbing, and privatization have put basic human rights to life-giving resources at significant risk and led to unprecedented deforestation, loss of freshwater, and the displacement of countless communities.  

● Solutions

They assist activists in resisting destructive development projects, getting legal help, and raising awareness of the threats these projects bring by providing resources directly to local groups.

However, because indigenous and local communities are powerful forces for change when they have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources.

Donate today to help people defend their basic human rights to land, water, and resources.

5) Women’s Environmental Action

Women are at the frontlines of action to protect the earth.

● The Challenge

Climate change and subsequent damage to water, land, and clean air impacts women disproportionately

They walk farther when water and firewood run out, work harder for less when erratic weather patterns wreak havoc on crops and die at higher rates when natural disasters strike.

To confront these pressing environmental challenges, women must have their voices heard. Astonishingly, less than 1 percent of international philanthropy goes to women’s environmental initiatives. That must change.

● Solutions

Solutions to climate change exist on the frontlines of the battle to save our planet. Grassroots women leaders are already stepping up to the challenge.

Global Greengrants stand in solidarity with these leaders and promote their rights to, and solutions for a safe, healthy, and clean environment.

Global Greengrants Fund supports over 300 women-led projects per year to protect the planetmaking us one of the top organizations in the world supporting women’s environmental-action initiatives.

Since 2014, we have increased grantmaking to projects that address the unequal and gendered impacts of environmental damage. 71% of our general support budget goes to these ends, and we aren’t stopping there.

We work to protect the rights of individuals and communities to defend the environment.

6) Right to Defend the Environment

The Challenge

Throughout the world, it is increasingly dangerous for people to take a stand for the environment. Widespread restrictions, repression, and outright attacks put the work and lives of many environmental activists at risk.

The stories often follow a similar pattern – land and natural resources are threatened by corporate and government interests in unsustainable development – projects that will bring pollution, poverty, and the destruction of community and cultural practices.

The goal is simple: intimidate environmental defenders into silence and leave other members of their community too afraid to raise their voices.

In a survey conducted in 2017 of our grantees, nearly half of grantees acknowledged receiving some type of threat to their work.

Types of restrictions and threats included increased bureaucracy, fabricated criminal charges and other legal challenges, limitations on funding and activities, surveillance, and threats, as well as actual violence.

● Solutions

Individuals and communities may safeguard the environment, and Global Greengrants fights to protect that right.

Environmental defenders’ ability to organize, express themselves, have access to environmental and social information, protest, and meaningfully take part in choices affecting their environment and lives is critical to a functioning civil society.

We support environmental defenders in multiple ways. One is through our traditional grant-making method, funding environmental defenders at risk identified through our global network of advisors.

More Solutions

The second is by housing the Environmental Defenders Collaborative (EDC) a pooled fund of 14 funders, including The Cold Mountain Fund.

Also, The Overbrook Foundation, Wallace Global Fund and others, aiming to support environmental activists by increasing access to funding and strategic resources.

The network of volunteer advisors at Global Greengrants Fund, combined with funding from the EDC, ensure that the environmental defenders at risk have improved access to resources and strategic assistance.

Global Greengrants and the Environmental Defenders Collaborative support environmental defenders through grants using the following strategies:

• Addressing root causes of violence and threats

• Building resilient communities and organizations

• Supporting those under threat through urgent funding and other means

• Holding perpetrators accountable

Where They Operate

Global GreenGrants invest in change-makers with the biggest ideas and impact in more than 80 countries each year. Below are a few lists of the countries; they include:

1. Africa

We advance grassroots activists tackling climate change impacts, extractive industries, and pollution, and defending their rights to resources and land in the west, east, south, and central Africa.

2. Asia

We collaborate with local leaders all around Asia to help them protect natural ecosystems, maritime regions, and mangroves, as well as manage the negative effects of pollution and natural catastrophes.

3. Latin America

We support community-led efforts throughout Latin America to protect indigenous cultures and rights to resources, combat extractive industries, tackle climate change issues, and protect forests and biodiversity.

4. The Middle East and North Africa

We support the growth of grassroots movements across the Middle East and North Africa region that aim to address issues related to a changing climate, access to clean water, air pollution, and food insecurity.

5. North America

We invest in activists throughout Canada and the Arctic to mitigate the impacts of climate change and natural disasters, protect traditional ways of life, and promote healthy long-term use of forests, water, air, and soil.

6. Pacific Islands

We help local communities across hundreds of islands in the Pacific with solutions to climate change, while also protecting access to clean water, local food supplies, and sustainable, time-honoured livelihoods.


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