I Miss You Messages for Him or Her

Romantic I Miss You Messages for Lover

1. You’re always in my dreams till the fields are green to see you once again. I miss you so much honey.

2. You’re always in my dreams till the fields are green to see you once again. I miss you so much honey.

3. Once in a lifetime you know there are people you can’t do without, I never knew how important you are until now. I miss your presence.

4. My heart is empty from the space you left behind, my eyes cry all day to see your pretty face. I miss you so much.

5. My heart beats faster to see you as I long to hold you again holding hands and kissing tenderly. Hope to see you soon. I miss you baby.

6. When the presence of people you love are memories meant to be kept then their absence is like sugar missing in a tea. I miss you so much baby.

7. My day has been filled with bored moments since you left and my nights with nightmares, I miss you badly, my love.

8. The only place I can see you now is in my dreams, I long to see you again till then stay cool and know I miss you like never before.

9. The presence of loved ones can never be felt until they leave for a trip like you, I just realize I can’t do without you. I miss you too much.

10. Confusion has made my heart a lying place since you left, my heart is filled with wishes and wishes to see you again. I miss you honey.

11. My freedom has been restricted to your presence, I realise you are the reason behind my joy. I miss you too bad and need you here soon.

12. Life can be a paradise when the people we love and care for are always around to make it a better place to live but your absence had make my heart grow weary. I miss you so much, honey.

13. I know how it feels to be in love but not how it feels to miss those we love until you leave. I miss you now like never before.

14. How I let you walk away without a trace still remains a misery to me, you are the only one who can fill the void left in my heart. I miss you, baby.

15. What i feel is more than depression, I wish i can explain how life has been without you by my side. I’ll tell you more when you return. I miss you so much.

16. A lot has happened since you left, many dreams, many nightmares, no one to talk to, how I wish you are here to hold hands together while you whisper into my ears everything is gonna be alright. I miss you so much my lover.

17. Now I can explain what the word DISTANCE means. I miss you so much.

18. I never knew what it means to miss a loved one until you left. I think of you every day and wish you are here by my side. I miss you so much my mate.

19. Every seconds and minute you’re here in my thoughts roaming about like a sheep without a shepherd I need you to return here safely. I miss your lips baby.

20. What else can be this hard to deal with, I never knew it will be this difficult to do without you after stealing my heart away. I miss you so much dear.

21. A day with you is worth a million $$$$$. I hope you return soon my love. I’m missing you every second.

22. If a star will drop each time i miss you then no stars will be in the sky tonight because even in my dreams I still miss you. I miss you so much baby.

23. I know how it feels to be in love, I know how it feels to be loved, I know how it feels to love someone but how it feels to miss someone you love I know not until now. I miss you so much.

24. There are times I close my eyes trying to sleep but all I see is you roaming in my thoughts, it’s been long I felt this way. I miss you so much, baby.

25. Saying I miss you will not verbally express how I feel, singing I miss you will not romantically express how I feel neither will writing I miss you poetically express how I feel, so all I’m gonna say is get here soon. I want you home.

26. I miss the way you touch me, the way you amuse me with your sweet voice and the expression I get each time I stare at your pretty face. I miss everything about you.

27. I miss all we shared together, when we talked till we cry, when all we do is smile and laugh even when there’s nothing to laugh at. I miss every bit of the time we spent together my love. I miss you too much.

28. Now I realize how special the time we spent together were, now I know how it feels for you to be far away, now I want you more than ever before. I miss you so much.

29. I might not have the cutest of face nor the smoothest of palms but I do have the heart that misses you the most. I miss you baby.

30. I miss those times you’ll kiss me in the forehead assuring me of how much you love me, those songs you sang and every bit of what you did. How I wish you are here baby. I miss you so much honey.

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