IATA Customer Portal Check Latest Update

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is a professional organization for trade. It now has an IATA Customer Portal that handles customer complaints. Continue reading to learn more about this gateway.

IATA supports many areas of aviation activity. And it helps plan industry policy on critical aviation issues.​

About IATA

IATA was established in Havana, Cuba, on the 19th of April 1945. And it is the prime vehicle for inter-airline cooperation in promoting safe, reliable, secure, and economical air services – for the benefit of the world’s consumers.

Also, the internationally scheduled air transport industry is over 100 times larger than it was in 1945. And few industries can match the dynamism of that growth.

However, this would have been much less spectacular without the standards, practices, and procedures developed within IATA.

Additionally, at its founding, IATA had 57 members from 31 nations. And these were mostly in Europe and North America. However, today it has some  from 120 nations in every part of the globe.

In April 2020, it celebrated 75 years of working together with member airlines to make aviation the business of freedom.

IATA’s Structure

A guiding idea of IATA’s structure is “Global Development, Regional Delivery”. Here, the Head Office divisions drive the development of global standards, systems, and advocacy positions.

The regional and country offices handle implementation. See the high-level .

Also, IATA’s senior management, formed of regional and subject experts, sets the strategic direction of IATA under the leadership of IATA’s Director General & CEO. See who’s who in IATA’s team.

For more information about the association, please see IATA structure


The Vision of IATA Customer Portal

The vision is to work hand in hand to shape the future growth of a secure and sustainable air transport company that connects and captivates our world.

The Mission of IATA Customer Portal

IATA’s mission is to lead, represent, and serve the airline industry.

Some Functions of IATA

1. Representing the Airline Industry

IATA improves the understanding of the air transport industry among decision-makers. And it increases awareness of the benefits that aviation brings to national and global economies.

Also, it advocates for the interests of airlines across the globe. It challenges unreasonable rules and charges. And it holds regulators and governments to account for and strives for sensible regulation.

2. Leading the Airline Industry

For more than 70 years, IATA has built global commercial standards upon which they build the air transport company.

Also, the aim is to assist airlines by simplifying processes and increasing passenger convenience while reducing costs and improving efficiency.

3. Serving the Airline Industry

IATA aids airlines to operate efficiently, safely, securely, and economically under clearly set out rules.

Also, professional support is given to all industry stakeholders with a wide range of products and professional services.

IATA Brand Values

define what it values and how it behaves to help deliver the IATA mission and vision. Also, it believes that we all have unique personalities, styles, and areas of expertise.

More so, these personalities are at different levels of the organization and play different roles.

But it believes you will recognize us in the consistent way in which it acts and behaves. Thus, it lives its values and embodies the supporting behaviors to make IATA a great place to work:

1. It builds standards through expertise

2. Also, it champions the global big picture

3. Additionally, it partners for mutual benefit

4. Plus, it acts with a simple human touch

IATA Customer Strategic Partnerships

The Strategic Partnerships Program is a rostrum for aviation solution creators. And it is to build as well as strengthen relationships with key industry stakeholders.

Also, through participation in several IATA work groups, Strategic Partners gain a unique knowledge of airlines’ priorities.

And there is the opportunity to be recognized for working together with IATA in serving the air transport industry.

Importance of IATA Customer Strategic Partnerships

1. You will gain a unique perspective on airline priorities

2. Also, you will take part in the development of new airline initiatives

3. you will interact with global decision-makers and other influential leaders

4. Also, you stand to enjoy promoting solutions that are critical to the future of the aviation industry

5. Also, it positions your company for success

IATA Customer Portal

Log on to the IATA Customer Portal and navigate through the page to learn more.

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