Insanely Fun Would You Rather Questions 2022

– Would You Rather Questions –

Would you rather questions are a great way to get a conversation started in a fun and interesting way. And it’s easy to get into some amazing conversations by just asking “why” after a would you rather question. You’ll get some very interesting answers and probably learn a lot more about the person you are talking to.

Many people’s first introduction to the classic game “would you rather” was some time around 10 years old and probably focused on gross food, gross drinks, gross body noises, and generally the grosser things in life.

But the game can be so much more than that. “Would you rather” offers the opportunity to know your friends better and start healthy debates among them.

Questions are a good way to get to know people and provoke interesting conversations.

Would you Rather Questions

We’ve gathered together 300 would you rather questions to make your game and family and friends night fun.

Best Would you Rather Questions

1. Would you rather make funny sounds all of the for would you rather have a tree growing out of your head?

2. Would you rather have webbed feet or webbed hands?

3. Would you rather have rainbow-colored skin or a voice that sings every time you speak?

4. Would you rather have a body that is shaped like a candy cane or shaped like a lollipop?

5. Would you rather giggle every time you spoke or would you rather everyone you spoke to giggled in response to what you’ve said?

6. Would you rather have to sleep hanging upside down or sleep in a bed of garbage?

7. Would you rather see the world in black and white or glow in the dark?

8. Would you rather have to use a little box to go to the bathroom or be walked like a dog?

9. Would you rather have very smelly feet or hair that smell like lasagna?

10. Would you rather be tickled by a vampire or licked by a werewolf (every single day)?


11. Would you rather have a bad body odor or bad breath?

12. Would you rather turn into a purple bear or a heart-shaped pillow every time you felt happy?

13. Would you rather have wheels for feet or crab claws for hands?

14. Would you rather only be able to get around by bouncing like a kangaroo or leaping like a ballerina?

15. Would you rather have four arms or four legs?

16. Would you rather have to wear a clown nose or clown face paint for the rest of your life?

17. Would you rather smell like rotten eggs or sour milk all the time?

18. Would you rather dance like a monkey or dance like a bear?

19. Would you rather look like a skunk or smell like a skunk?

20. Would you rather have eyes all around your head or noses all around your head?

21. Would you rather burp or fart all of the time?

22. Would you rather lick a dirty trash can or moldy food?

23. Would you rather have rainbows or flowers shoot out of your eyes?

24. Would you rather smell like onions or have to eat onions every day?

Would you Rather Questions Dirty

25. Eat a spider or be eaten by a spider?


26. Find poop and not be able to smell it or smell poop and not be able to find it?

27. Wear dirty underwear every day or wear wet underwear every day?

28. Pull off your own toenail or fingernail?

29. Eat food that’s five months old or food with no expiration date?

30. Drink your own blood or your own snot?

31. Live inside a grave or inside an urn?

32. Clean the toilet with your hand or with your foot?

33. Eat a booger or leave it on your face?

34. Wear raw meat or rotten vegetables?

35. Would you rather sweat slime or honey?

36. Would you rather have fast food every day or have to cook your own food?

37. Would you rather have a giant tongue or giant feet?

38. Would you rather stick your hands in a bowl of eyeballs or a bowl of brains?

39. Would you rather hold slugs or spiders in your hands?

40. Would you rather rub ketchup or mustard all over your body?

41. Would you rather sleep in a pigsty or snuggle with a skunk?

42. Would you rather ride a farting horse or kiss a burping dog?

43. Would you rather eat sardines or snails?

44. Would you rather drink blood or spit?

45. Would you rather have the teeth of a shark or the neck of a giraffe?

46. Would you rather burp up soap bubbles or worms?

47. Would you rather have hair made of snakes or hair made of caterpillars?

48. Would you rather jump into a vat of slime or a vat of sour milk?

49. Would you rather roll in mud or a pile of ladybugs?

50. Would you rather smell vomit or fart?


51. Would you rather have an extra ear or an extra nose?

52. Would you rather have extra fingers or extra toes?

53. Would you rather explore or shrink into the size of an ant?

54. Would you rather eat rotten eggs or drink sour milk?

55. Would you rather swim in pudding or ice cream?

56. Would you rather feel itchy every day or get tickled every day?

57. Would you rather smell bad or have walrus teeth?

58. Would you rather lick a used toothbrush or chew old gum?

Dream Big “Would you Rather?” Questions

59. Would you rather have the power to heal or the power to fly?

60. Would you rather be a scientist or an artist?

61. Would you rather travel to every continent or only get to travel to your favorite place once a year, for the rest of your life?

62. Would you rather spend the day at the museum of your choice or spend the day at the store of your choice?

63. Would you rather be the President of the United States or Bill Gates?

64. Would you rather only be able to visit National Parks or only be able to visit amusement parks?

65. Would you rather be an expert in bird watching or an expert in horseback riding?

66. Would you rather know everything there is to know or not know anything for the rest of your life?

67. Would you rather go on the ultimate vacation ever and then not be able to go on vacation again or go on one vacation every year that is just okay?

68. Would you rather always lose or never play?

69. Would you rather ride in a hot air balloon or a helicopter?

70. Would you rather create a famous piece of art or invent a famous invention?

71. Would you rather win a gold medal at the Olympics or be a famous singer?

72. Would you rather be a celebrity or be a doctor?

73. Would you rather design a video game or design a tall building?

74. Would you rather be a doctor for people or a veterinarian?

75. Would you rather visit space or the animals of Madagascar?


76. Would you rather be a scuba diver or an airplane pilot?

77. Would you rather live in a zoo or in an aquarium?

78. Would you rather live on a farm or in a fancy building in a city?

79. Would you rather live in Europe or Asia?

80. Would you rather be a teacher or a police officer?

81. Would you rather run a marathon or bike the Tour de France?

82. Would you rather swim every day or dance every day?

83. Would you rather be great at a musical instrument or excel at a sport?

Daily Life “Would you Rather?” Questions

84. Would you rather live somewhere that was hot all the time or cold all the time?

85. Would you rather stay up late every night, or wake up early every morning?

86. Would you rather be an only child or have lots of siblings?

87. Would you rather go to the doctor or the dentist?

88. Would you rather live without a TV or without a computer?

89. Would you rather live in the city or in the country?

90. Would you rather have no sight or have no hearing?

91. Would you rather wear your clothes backward or inside out?

92. Would you rather clean the bathroom or your bedroom?

93. Would you rather take a cold shower or brush your teeth with hot water?

94. Would you rather travel by bus or by bicycle?

95. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?

96. Would you rather go to the zoo or the aquarium?

97. Would you rather sleep in a tent or under the stars?

98. Would you rather fly in an airplane or helicopter?

99. Would you rather have no social media or video games?

100. Would you rather write with your non-dominant hand, or with your eyes closed?


101. Would you rather sleep on the floor or on the couch?

102. Would you rather have to walk everywhere or ride a skateboard?

103. Would you rather have no Netflix or no YouTube?

104. Would you rather it be Halloween or Valentine’s day?

105. Would you rather do the cooking or the cleaning?

106. Would you rather buy 10 inexpensive toys or one expensive toy?

107. Would you rather vacuum or wash the floors?

108. Would you rather be the smartest person or the strongest person?

109. Would you rather get the hiccups or have to sneeze

110. Would you rather have 20 good friends or 1 best friend?

Out of this World “Would you Rather?” Questions

111. Would you rather be able to speak every language on earth or communicate with aliens?

112. Would you rather be able to understand what animals are saying or have the ability to be invisible?

113. Would you rather be a superhero or an astronaut?

114. Would you rather make your dreams come true or make other people’s dreams come true?

115. Would you rather be able to meet your favorite book character or meet someone famous from history?

116. Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or heal people’s bodies?

117. Would you rather be able to slide down rainbows or jump on the clouds?

118. Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish?

119. Would you rather be able to touch the top of the sky or the deepest part of the ocean?

120. Would you rather have a treehouse or a hideout under the ground?

121. Would you rather work for a company that makes movies or a company that makes toys?

122. Would you rather be a professional athlete or an actor in the movies?

123. Would you rather be a farmer or an author?

124. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or go skydiving?

125. Would you rather be very smart or very athletic?


126. Would you rather have a koala or a panda bear for a pet?

127. Would you rather be able to visit the stars or discover a treasure on earth?

128. Would you rather go on a camping vacation on the moon or a beach vacation on a newly discovered planet?

129. Would you rather win a million dollars or be able to read people’s minds?

130. Would you rather get to read and write books all day or make and look at art all day?

131. Would you rather be Spiderman or Superman?

132. Would you rather live in a science museum or an art museum?

133. Would you rather be on a famous TV show or on a national sports team?

134. Would you rather live in a jungle or in a zoo?

135. Would you rather be lost on a desert island or lost in the Amazon rainforest?

Would you Rather Questions for Kids

136. Find Waldo or be Waldo?

137. Watch a movie with no sound or listen to a movie with no picture?

138. Ride your dog or ride in a car driven by your dog?

139. Eat nothing but candy or nothing but cake?

140. Go to school all year long or go to school for longer each day?

141. Teach an adult how to be a kid or be taught how to be an adult?

142. Take pictures of animals or let animals take pictures of you?

143. Drink melted ice cream or a melted popsicle?

144. Have wheels on your feet or have feet instead of wheels on your bike?

145. Be the principal of your school or have the principal become a student?

Clean Questions

146. Wash your hair with bar soap or wash your body with shampoo?

147. Take a shower outside every day or never take a shower?

148. Get a pedicure or give a pedicure?

149. Read a book with no pictures or a book written in a different language?

150. Watch a foreign film with subtitles or a silent film with subtitles?


151. Only watch animated movies forever or never watch an animated film again?

152. Combine breakfast and lunch or combine lunch and dinner?

153. Sleep standing up or walk lying down?

154. Always be looking in a mirror or never look in a mirror again?

155. Live in the same house for your whole life or live in a different house every day?

Would you Rather Questions Funny

156. Have your great-grandfather’s name or his haircut?

157. Look like Donald Trump or talk like Donald Trump?

158. Have a fake tan only on your face that’s too orange or too brown?

159. Switch bodies with your mom or your dad?

160. Trade heads with the person on your left or the person on your right?

161. Accidentally walk into a glass wall or a brick wall?

162. Store all your food in your cheeks or in a hump on your back?

163. Sound like a sheep or a chicken when you laugh?

164. Believe you have a spider-sense or are a wizard?

165. Bring a wand or a marshmallow gun to a fight?

Good Would you Rather Questions

166. Become a centaur or a mermaid?

167. Be terrified of pillows or terrified of blankets?

168. See a squirrel wearing a scarf or an urchin wearing underwear?

169. Slap a seal or get slapped by a seal?

170. Become a pet rock or own a pet rock?

171. Be made of silly putty or made of play dough?

172. Get literally lost in a book or lost in a maze?

173. Get caught in an ant trap or a mousetrap?

174. Eat a banana with the peel on or peel a banana and find it has already been eaten?

175. Revert to being a baby or advance to being 100 years old?


Questions for Tweens

176. Shave your head or have hair down to the floor?

177. Get tagged by your parents on social media or tag your parents on social media?

178. Make your own bed every day or make your own dinner every day?

179. Drink only soda or drink only juice?

180. Be stuck as a tween forever or skip the tween years of your life?

181. Only be allowed to watch Disney Junior or only be able to watch the news?

182. Be your sibling for a day or have them become your twin for a day?

183. Be famous at your school or be famous in another country?

184. Eat cookies for breakfast or for dinner?

Questions That Might Be Embarrassing

185. Live with your mom forever or live with thirty cats?

186. Marry the person on your left or the person on your right?

187. Spend all day on the toilet or spend all day in the shower?

188. Smell like an onion or smell like garlic?

189. Skip cleaning the bathroom or skip cleaning the kitchen for a month?

190. Have an extra finger or have an extra toe?

191. Marry a stranger or never get married at all?

192. Save your pet or save your important financial documents?

193. Have really loud gas or really stinky gas?

194. Walk around with your pants zipper down or two middle shirt buttons undone?

Questions for Teens

195. Get banned from Twitter or Instagram?

196. Be able to only send text messages or only receive them?

197. Be grounded for a month or not be allowed to come home for a month?

198. Get nose hair extensions or armpit hair extensions?

199. Have a huge pimple on your face on senior picture day or at prom?

200. Graduate but not have a ceremony or not graduate but be required to attend the ceremony?


201. Take an extra math class or science class each semester?

202. Get an internship or get a job?

203. Communicate only by hand signals or by smoke signals?

204. Be a teenager forever or never get the chance to be a teenager?

Questions for Your Girlfriend

205. Know me for only one day or never meet me at all?

206. Get married or have children?

207. Be stuck together in a hug or in a kiss?

208. Wear ugly clothes on a date or go to an ugly place?

209. Wear no makeup around me or too much makeup?

210. Have an expensive promise ring or an expensive vacation with me?

211. Have the same haircut as me or wear the same clothes as me?

212. Have a long beard or a curly mustache?

213. Be called my girlfriend/boyfriend or my partner?

214. Tell everyone every detail of our relationship or tell them nothing about our relationship?

Questions for Your Boyfriend

215. Have two simultaneous relationship partners or no relationship partners?

216. Not be able to hear me or not be able to see me?

217. Every day was our anniversary, or every day was your birthday?

218. Go to a sporting event or snuggle with me?

219. Watch a rom-com every night or never be able to watch movies?

220. Wear matching shirts every day or let me dress you every day?

221. Every picture in your house includes me or your celebrity crush?

222. Never be able to stop saying how much you like me or never be able to say it at all?

223. Live with me or live alone on a deserted island?

224. Ask me to marry you or wait for me to ask you?

Family Questions

225. Have your own bedroom or your own bathroom?


226. Trade places with a parent or the sibling closest to your age?

227. Live together forever or never live together?

228. Be mean to everyone or have them all be mean to you?

229. Take turns making dinner or cook together every night?

230. Add a person or a pet to your family?

231. Share a phone or share a TV?

232. Do you all have the same face or the same body?

233. Be like the Brady Bunch of the Adams Family?

234. Love each other and not be related by blood or be related by blood and dislike each other?

Would you Rather Questions for Adults

235. Lower the federal drinking age or retirement age?

236. Raise your salary or lower the hours you work?

237. Never go to work or never clean your house?

238. Let your kids cook dinner every night or order takeout every night?

239. Build your own house or your own car by hand?

240. Turn back into a teenager or turn back into a baby?

241. Have an unlimited bank account or unlimited vacation time?

242. Look like you’re older or look like you’re younger?

243. Take advice from your 15-year-old self or your 115-year-old self?

244. Commute to work on a tandem bike or a skateboard?

Questions for Guys

245. Have a woman’s body or head for a day?

246. Wear a pink shirt every day or only be able to wear white head-to-toe?

247. Never be able to play sports or never be able to watch sports?

248. Have emotional conversations with your friends every day or never be able to talk to them?

249. Have only girls for friends or have no friends?

250. Have a great job and live with your parents or live on your own and be broke and jobless?


251. Be Deadpool or Ironman?

252. Read-only children’s picture books or women’s fiction?

253. Listen only to feminist rock or female country singers?

254. Look like your mother or your sister?

Questions for Girls

255. Have a man’s facial hair for one day or his muscles?

256. Be bald or get a surprise haircut?

257. Always have to wear 6-inch heels or never be able to wear shoes?

258. Be a 1950s housewife or a modern career woman?

259. Have equal rights with men or have more rights than men?

260. Live in a country of all women or all men?

261. Not have breasts or not be able to have children?

262. Only be able to shop for clothes at yard sales or at a thrift store?

263. Be a bridesmaid 20 times or never be a bridesmaid?

264. Be a real princess or the president of a country?

Questions for Couples

265. Cheat or be cheated on?

266. Be together every second of every day or only be together virtually?

267. Have a long-distance relationship or a rocky relationship?

268. Lookalike or sound alike?

269. Hate each other’s friends or hate each other’s family?

270. Share a toothbrush or share a pillow?

271. Make every night a date night or never have a date night?

272. Take a vacation together or start a business together?

273. Star on a couple’s reality show or watch a couple’s reality show?

274. Be completely honest with each other or completely loyal to each other?

Questions to Send In a Text

275. Be able to respond only in emojis or only with misspelled words?


276. Use every auto-correct suggestion or let your mom create your texts?

277. Accidentally send your boss or your grandma an offensive GIF?

278. Text messages or emails that self-destruct after reading?

279. A message that contains a secret code or a transmission from aliens?

280. Have your phone stopped playing videos or have the keyboard broken?

281. Have a screaming sound or a crying sound for your ringtone?

282. Does your phone randomly takes pictures or send texts?

283. Has your screen broken or your keyboard broken?

284. Be able to store only one app or every app available?

Questions That Go Deep

285. Have world peace or stop famine?

286. Know everything and not be able to speak or know nothing and unable to stop talking?

287. Make a new friend every day or make one perfect friend in your lifetime?

288. Live without a soul or without a brain?

289. Be a bad person who looks beautiful or a nice person who looks unattractive?

290. Save all the animals of the world or save all the children of the world?

291. Step in when you see bullying or be the person getting bullied?

292. Has society reverted to ancient times or skipped a thousand years to the future?

293. Win a billion dollars and give it all away or have to spend it on yourself all in one day?

294. Only be able to talk to people in person or not be able to speak?

295. Jump out of an airplane or off the top of a mountain with a parachute?

296. Swim with sharks or swim with narwhals?

297. Be a ghost or a zombie?

298. Be broke and happy or rich and depressed?

299. Get flushed down the toilet or thrown in the trash?

300. Be a woman or a man?

We hope you’ve enjoyed our variety of would you rather questions for your game night. Please endeavor to share with your family and friends.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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