Fundamental Problems Facing Modern Society In General And The Nigerian Society

 – Fundamental Problems Facing Modern Society In General And The Nigerian Society –

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Violence can be seen as the , threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which results in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development, or deprivation.1

“No one concerned with history and politics can remain unaware of the in human affairs”.2

In Nigeria, it is a fact known by experience and authenticated by history that the quest for political power through violence is prevalent.

People no longer know the , and they tend to resolve issues with violence, and violence is repressive.

Philosophers and social theorists over the decades have tackled the problem of political violence; Charles Wright Mills, states that “All politics is a struggle for power, the ultimate kind of power is violence”3,

Frantz Fanon, who advocates justified violence by colonized people against the foreign colonizers,4 Festus Iyayi, conveys as a result of frustration and division between the down-trodden masses and the government,5 Jean Paul Satre


Violence can be used in both negative and positive ways. It can be used to achieve power. However, many people confuse power with violence.

In Nigeria, many people see the one who can inflict violence as the most powerful. This problem is from the mind set and orientation of people of the which tends to draw our state into totalitarianism.

Understanding the distinctions between violence and power will go a long way in the development and strengthening of Nigerian politics and democracy.

However, Hannah Arendt is of the view that we have to make clear distinction between violence and power, therefore in understanding what she means can go a long way in re-orienting the youths who are ready made and veritable tools for violence and the general public.


H. Arendt, On Violence. New York: Harcourt Brace, P. 14, note 19.

H. Arendt, On Violence. P. 178.

H. Arendt, On Violence. P. 105.

H. Arendt, On Violence. P. 105.

S. English, On violence: A Reappraisal of Hannah Arendt’s General theory of violence, [electronic version], last updated: 03:16:2007.

H. Arendt, On Violence. P. 143.

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