International Grants for individuals in Africa – Check Application Details

– International Grants for individuals in Africa –

Try not to miss these ongoing International Grants for individuals in Africa! This article contains the best list of international grants to apply for. Scroll through carefully

Here are the list of international grants for individuals in Africa

1. Women for the Environment (WE) Africa Leadership Program

The application period for the 2022 Women for the Environment (WE) Africa Leadership Program is now open.

The program will work in a horizontal flat structure, with mutual respect for ideas and opinions influencing choices rather than hierarchy.

Women leaders can revolutionize the way conservation and environmental preservation are done in Africa by taking seats at decision-making tables and using their power to develop a community of practice that strengthens resilience and attracts others to join them.

This will have a stronger influence on the ecosystem in the long run.

Eligibility Criteria

The Africa yearlong transformative leadership journey is for women who meet the following criteria:

1. African people, existing citizens of an African country, or individuals who have lived permanently in Africa for at least 15 years

2. Minimum of 15 years of working experience in the environmental space in government, NGO, or private sector in Africa, including at least 5 years serving in a senior leadership role

Must invest in personal growth and participation for the full 12-month program

3. Should have a record of mentorship and the desire to support future environmental leaders

4. Access to trusted internet

5. Should be able to speak and understand English conversationally

6. A commitment to:

i. Willingly contribute USD $500 toward the cost of the course to secure your place; and

ii. Cover your travel costs to two in-person retreats for an estimated $1,500. Together your contribution represents approximately 15% of the course value.

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2. The Afri-Plastics Challenge

Tackling marine plastics in Sub-Saharan Africa is the focus of the Afri-Plastics Challenge. In Sub-Saharan Africa, there is a campaign against marine plastic garbage.

By developing and deploying creative solutions to plastic mismanagement, the Challenge aims to eliminate marine plastics in Sub-Saharan African countries.

It entails a public competition to recognize the best ideas for addressing marine plastic litter in developing nations while also promoting gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment.

Also, the Challenge will help communities throughout Sub-Saharan Africa to prevent plastic waste from entering the marine environment by minimizing reliance on plastic, new ways of managing plastic waste, and/or new uses for a plastic that has been discarded.

Eligibility Criteria/ Requirements1

  1. Any Applicants must be formally constituted and operating in Sub-Saharan Africa as either a registered business or non-governmental organisation (NGO).

Therefore, applicants can be a single entity, an African partnership or an international partnership. For partnership applications, the nominated lead applicant must be operating in Sub-Saharan Africa.

2. Applicants could be a single entity, an African partnership or an international partnership. For partnership applications, the nominated lead applicant must be operating in Sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Applicant can submit up to three ideas and be named as a partner on over one entry. Each idea must be submitted separately and need to differ from the other ideas you have already submitted.

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3. Innovative Approaches to Enhance Poverty-Related Diseases 

Applications are now open for Innovative Approaches to Enhance Poverty-Related Diseases Research in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Eligibility Criteria

Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from non-associated third countries or international organizations (including international European research organisations), is eligible to apply

To be eligible for funding, applicants must be established in one of the eligible countries.

4. Operational Support Grants

The Africa No Filter is asking for applications for its Operational Support Grants to not-for-profit organizations aligned to their mission.

They can utilize funds to cover operating costs so that the organization can continue to operate while carrying out its mission.

Creative hubs, narrative transformation organizations, media houses, festivals, galleries, internet platforms, and other organizations that help individual storytellers are eligible for Operational Support Grants.

This can be through program delivery, job vacancies, residences, networking opportunities, training and capacity building creative, artists, journalists, etc.

Eligibility Criteria

Not-for-profit organizations aligned to their mission.

Applicants must be Africa based and the Diaspora (work must benefit African creative, artists or storytellers).

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5. Project Support Grants

Africa No Filter is now taking applications for its Project Support Grants, which will assist storytellers and media platforms throughout the continent in developing innovative projects.

However, this employs art, innovation, technology, and creativity to challenge conventional narratives about Africa.

Grants must be for a specific project, with a clear start and end date and project milestones.

Eligibility Criteria

In Africa and the Diaspora, individual storytellers and arts, cultural, and media institutions.

Individuals and organizations can apply for the funding to support initiatives in theatre, comedy, literature, digital animation, film, and visual art.

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6. African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship Program

The African Union (AU) is pleased to announce the African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship Program, which aims to identify and deploy highly qualified tech innovators across the African continent as ‘resident fellows’.

Also, it is to understand the system within those organs, identify challenges within the system, and propose solutions to these challenges.

The fellows will be required to co-create and implement innovative, tailored productsand processes to help the African Union fulfil its purpose, particularly in the areas of good governance and public engagement.

In addition, the initiative will work to create favourable conditions for the long-term development of the host African Union organs’ internal capability.

The fellowship program is implemented through the GIZ Data Cipation initiative of the BMZ Commission, which assists the African Union and its institutions in fulfilling their mandate on citizen participation.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Must base in Africa and must be a National of an African Union member state;

2. Should be under the age of 34 prior to the time of application;

3. Should hold a tertiary education degree or its equivalent;

4. Must have the capacity to gather comprehensive information on complex problems or situations, and the ability to evaluate and analyze information accurately in order to identify key issues and proffer solutions;

5. Must have experience and technical know-how in designing innovative technology products/solutions;

6. Should be available to travel in late October 2021 to participate in an induction workshop during the AfriLabs Annual Gathering in Abuja, Nigeria;

7. Should be willing and available to dedicate 12 months from November 2021 to September 2022. The candidate will be required to take a break from current obligations and move to Addis Ababa, Ethiopiain November 2021.

8. Applicants who speak and understand over one AU official language (Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Swahili) are strongly advised to apply.

7. Biodiversity Media Grants for Journalist Networks

As part of the Earth Journalism Network’s (EJN) Biodiversity Media Initiative project, we’re excited to announce the second round of grant opportunities for journalist networks, media organizations, civil society organizations.

Also, academic institutions working to improve media coverage of biodiversity and conservation issues in countries where information is most threatened and urgently needed.

Projects focusing on conservation in biodiversity-rich regions of the world, such as the Amazon, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia, particularly interest EJN.

The Biodiversity Media Grants will fund initiatives that focus on training and capacity building, with flexible spending restrictions that allow local networks to invest in strategic possibilities, strengthen their members’ capacities, and respond to community needs.

Eligibility Criteria

The Biodiversity Media Grant Opportunity is created to promote biodiversity and conservation awareness and capacity building, as well as network building, content production, and the creation of digital or other media outlets.

Applicants should list any existing media affiliations or submit clear ideas for how this initiative will aid in the formation of a new network or organization.

Although they will examine proposals from NGOs or environmental groups seeking to improve the capacity of journalists to cover conservation issues, professional journalists, media organizations, journalism schools, and the like will be given priority.

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8. African Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge

Under the African Adaptation Acceleration Program, the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) has teamed on a collaborative mission to expedite climate adaptation action (AAAP).

The AAAP’s African Youth Adaptation Solutions (YouthADAPT) Challenge will inspire and encourage the commercialization of climate change adaptation solutions in Africa, which will be driven by the entrepreneurial spirit of African youth entrepreneurs.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant should be Youth-led with applicants aged between the ages of 18 and 35 years

Must deliver climate adaptation or resilience solutions addressing real-life challenges

Should legally be registered and operating in Africa

Must be able to show revenues for at least two years

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9. Strengthening Youth’s Mental Health

IREX and Youth Excel are looking for ideas to help marginalized, key or vulnerable youth in East and Southern Africa improve their mental health.

This grant competition will support youth-led and youth-serving organizations that are working to improve youth mental health and psychosocial support. 

This could include, but is not limited to, the following activities: programs to support youth well-being; raising awareness of mental health issues; addressing the stigma surrounding youth mental health; non-medical youth

Support services; training for non-medical service providers, such as youth workers and teachers, to support youth during or after traumatic events; access to services, particularly for marginalized youth.

Eligibility Criteria

Youth Excel will fund either of:

Applicants must be local youth-led and youth-serving organizations that meet the minimum criteria and share Youth Excel’s goals.

Organizations led by or serving marginalized groups, which may include age, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other identities, are encouraged to apply.

Eligible countries include Eswatini, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

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10. Small Research Grants Program

The Spencer Foundation is glad to launch the Small Research Grants Program, which aims to fund education research projects with budgets up to $50,000 for projects lasting one to five years.

This initiative is “field-initiated,” in the sense that proposals are not being submitted in response to a specific call for a certain research topic, discipline, design, or approach.

This program’s purpose is to fund rigorous, intellectually ambitious, and technically competent research that applies to the most pressing challenges and compelling opportunities in education.

Also, they want to encourage research that creates new basic knowledge that will have a long-term impact on the educational debate.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications for the Education Research Grants program must be for academic research projects that focus on education.

Also, applications for activities that are not related to research are ineligible (e.g., program evaluations, professional development, curriculum development, scholarships, capital projects).

Suggestions for research studies that are not related to education are not eligible.

Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs applying for a Small Research Grant on Educationmust have a PhD in an academic or professional field or equivalent experience in an education research-related profession.

Graduate students may be part of the research team, but they cannot be named as the proposal’s main investigator (PI) or co-principal investigator (Co-PI).

If the grant is awarded, the PI must be linked with a non-profit organization or public/governmental entity that will serve as the grant administrator.

Applications from both the United States and other countries are welcome; however, all proposals must be written in English, and budgets must be proposed in US dollars.

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