Letter of Resignation Template, See 2022 Guide With Updated Samples

Letter of Resignation Template

Securing that job position can be tough, but leaving for a better opportunity is even tougher. A letter of resignation and template is an official document that records the end of your employment with an organisation. Sometimes all it takes to maintain a clean record while leaving is in a simple letter of resignation.

Yes, trust me, I’ve felt it. The idea of discussing your resignation after formal vows to be married full-time to the company- yes, married! Now it feels like cheating and you need to get a divorce. What matters now is what your ex would say to you.

As awkward as it is to discuss resignation, it is unfair there’s so much information on how to land that 8 figure salary position, littered all over the internet, and not enough information on resigning.

Strong guess is, no one truly thinks about coming down from the ladder while going up.

Resignation is more than leaving an “I quit” notice at your employer’s desk. Professionalism comes into play in resignation when several formal factors are considered.

This article will inform you of everything you need to know about writing an effective resignation letter. But before we discuss the letter properly, let’s talk about a few guidelines.

Table of Contents

Guidelines to Follow When Writing a Letter of Resignation

In order to leave the company with a clean record, the following guidelines should assist in forming a compact letter;

➛ Identify Yourself

For the sake of documentation as is required of every formal establishment, every formal document having a title and an address must have a name. This includes the resignation letter which should bear your official name, the position occupied, and date.

➛ Precision

Your first sentence should inform of your intention to quit. Your first paragraph should emphasize this. It is normal to delve into flattery at first instance but contain your excitement to give your vote of thanks. 

Naturally, quitting sounds negative and disappointing. I mean who wakes up one morning and decides to break his marital vows, “together forever” remember?

It is very necessary to create fine reassuring constructs as you’ll find out further down this article.


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➛ State Your Reason(s) for Resignation

Although it is allowed to not want to state the reasons for resignation, it is important to hint at these reasons. This all depends on the work environment and the profile of your position.

As is noticed in some company cultures, the employer-employee relationship is one established upon morality, respect, and friendliness. Know this; the reason will not be demanded, but stating your reasons gesticulates respect.

Give only a surface description if you feel the need to state a reason, but do not include details of your reason!

These reasons should be stated in the first paragraph of your statement and should include your last working date.

➛ Show Appreciation for Past Experiences

As is in marriage before divorce, no matter the terms of your separation- happy or sad, it has brought you experience and if just in case you decide for a re-run, you can add this experience to your portfolio- “a practical husband with 25 years of marriage experience”.

Truth is, you can never truly deny experience no matter your reason for resignation. It is these experiences you are expected to show appreciation for.

Thank your interviewer for the opportunities which have brought you experience. Describe the lessons you learned from those instances.

➛ Indicate Your intentions to close all Unfinished Businesses

Often in most marriages, just before a happy divorce (if ever there’s happiness in separation), the court ensures that whatever lawful businesses which had existed between both partners are terminated or concluded before termination of such partnership. 

Likewise in an enterprise where you work, it is necessary to include in your letter, your intentions to conclude on all open projects (UFOs} and descriptions of your current role.

This will produce a positive report should your current transfer need a referral or report from your previous employer. 

➛ Proofread for Errors

A letter filled with errors can be a major turn-off most especially from high office position holders. A badly written resignation letter would make your employer look forward to letting you go.

Be sure to proofread thoroughly the letter before submitting it to make sure all information is accurate and there are no grammatical errors.

➛ Include your Signature 

For authentication, the signature is a formal method for identification. It is important to include a signature if your resignation letter is a hard copy.

Although some establishments support a signature in a soft copy, but your signature should be the last item on your letter unless your signature comes with a full-stop at the end. 

What Really is The Purpose of a Resignation Letter?

Let’s get this straight, your resignation letter is not a legal document that should be kept in the company’s archives. The purpose of tendering in a resignation letter serves as preparation for smooth transitioning.

It provides the company adequate time to find a suitable replacement depending on how early your letter was mailed.

It also serves as an official document for HR and to activate exit benefits – if any.


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Two Week’s Notice and Resignation Letter, Any Difference?

Essentially, a resignation letter is no different from a two-week notice letter. The two-week notice letter serves the purpose of pre-informing your employer of your intentions to resign on a specific date.

When offering a two weeks’ notice letter, your date of departure should be two weeks from the date you turned in that letter.

Meanwhile, a resignation letter is different in that your intention to leave on the selected date is indicated. This is usually between five days and four weeks. 

What to Avoid in Writing a Resignation Letter

You might be tempted to pour out heart and soul into your letter, reminding of ill-treatments in the past or re-emphasizing gratitude. This is still a formal document and as such the following should be avoided;

➛ Leave out all reasons for your resignation.

➛ Employers are not “formally” interested in your new job. Do not hint at it.

➛ Don’t sound negative about your managers or coworkers.

➛ Do not show disrespect to the company.

The Letter of Resignation Template

Templates are tools for efficiency. Resignation letter templates are simple tools to help you come up with the perfect quitting letter.

The internet has templates littered everywhere, but to use them effectively, the following steps must be considered:

➛ Copy and paste the resignation letter template into an MS Word Document, Google Doc, or email

Add all your personal details and contact information

Rewrite the paragraphs with your own words describing your situation

Proofread and spell check

➛ Submit the letter via email, mail, or in-person

Sample of Resignation Letter Template

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Please accept this letter as a formal notification of my intention to resign from my current position as [job title] with [company name]. In accordance with my notice period, the final day of work will be [date of last day].

My sincere gratitude to you for the opportunity to have worked in the [job title] position for the past [duration of employment]. It has indeed been a learning experience during my time here and have enjoyed collaborations with my team and outside.

All I have learned in my career here will serve as a valuable tool to achieving set goals and beyond in my professional life. During the next [notice period in weeks] I will do all I can to ensure a smooth transition and will render support to the best of my abilities in whatever way I can.

However, To resolve probable issues during replacement, I’ll make myself available to monitor his induction and to give a proper orientation of his duties. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist in this process.


[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template Providing an Advance Notice

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from [company], effective [date]. Search for a new replacement will require some time, I understand, as a result,  I would like to assist with more time as possible until this replacement is acquired.

During my time at [company], I have gathered much knowledge and experience to grow professionally. Thank you for all of your tutelage and support during my employment.

Granted that, please feel free to contact me with any questions or open projects I have been working on. I offer my assistance to ensure a smooth transitioning. 

I wish you all the best for your continued success.

[Your Name]


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Resignation Letter for a New Opportunity

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to notify you formally of my intentions to resign from my current [job title] position with [company name]. In accordance with this notice period, my final day of work here will be [date of last day].

For reasons as proximity, I have accepted another role that will halve my daily commute and allow me time with my family outside working hours. 

However, it has been a remarkable experience here at [company] over the duration of [years and months of service]  of my employment and I appreciate you for all of the opportunities I have been afforded here.

In the coming weeks before [end date], I am fully committed to providing assistance in ensuring a smooth transition. 

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template for an Unfitted Role

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally inform you of my resignation from the position of [job title] at [company name]. My last day with the company will be [date].

During my time at [company name], I have realized that the scope of the role is unfortunately not at par with what I had anticipated, and as such, I would like to explore other opportunities. 

Thank you for understanding, and I truly appreciate all the support and guidance you have provided in the time I have worked for the business.

Furthermore, please let me know how I can help to support a smooth transition over the next [notice period in weeks].

[Your Name]

Other Resignation Letter Templates

Example 1

[Your Street Address]

[Your City, State/Province, Country]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Today’s Date]


[Employer Contact Name] [Employer Title] [Employer Company Name]

Dear [Employer Contact Name],

[First paragraph: I am writing to notify you of my intention to resign from [job title] in [company name]. My last day will be August 18, 2022, two weeks from today.] [Second paragraph: This was not an easy decision to make, and I appreciate your support over the course of my employment at The Company. However, I truly value the experience, training, and knowledge I gained over the past 5 years. It has been a pleasure working with you and the team. [Third paragraph: Even so, please let me know how I can help during this transition. I wish you all the best as the company continues to grow.]


[Image of Signature] [Your Name]

Example 2; Two Week’s Notice Resignation Letter Template


James Griffin [Supervisor’s Name] ABC ZYX [Company Name] 144 Up North street, Ohio 12345 [Company Address]

Dear Mr. Griffin,

This letter is to notify you of my official resignation from ABC ZYX in two weeks. My final day as a sales representative with ABC ZYX will be [two weeks from today’s date].

It is a pleasure to have worked with ABC ZYX. I appreciate the time and commitment the company has shown me in helping to develop the experience and skills necessary for higher opportunities.

I intend to continue providing ABC ZYX with the same high-quality work from now until my last day of employment. If there is anything I could assist with during this transition time, please let me know.

Sandra Stone

Example 3; Basic Resignation Letter for Just about Anyone




City, State Zip Code

Phone Number




Company Name
City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Please accept this letter as notification of my intention to resign from my position with ZYX on September 20.

If I can be of assistance during this transition, please let me know.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Name (Typed)

Example 4; Formal Resignation Letter Template



City, State Zip Code

Phone Number



City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]

This letter is to inform you of my intention to resign from my position as [position occupied] for the [Company name], effective [Month/day, year].

Thank you for the support and opportunities you have provided me during past years of working together. I have truly enjoyed my tenure with [insert Name of Company], and I am grateful for all encouragement in pursuing my professional and personal growth objectives.

If I can be of any assistance during this transition in order to facilitate the seamless passing of my responsibilities to my successor, please let me know. I would be glad to help however I can.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Typed Name


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Example 5; Resigning for a New Job

 123 ABC Street 
Somewhere, CA 12345 
+91 55-666-777 
[email protected]


Dean Powell
123 Business Rd. 
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Powell:

I am writing to formally notify you of intentions to resign from my position at ABC. I was recently offered a new opportunity with a company headquartered very close to my home and have decided to take their offer.

Currently, I spend several hours a day commuting and this new opportunity will allow me more time with my family outside of work. My last day of employment with ABC will be [date]. 

My years at ABC have been really a learning experience. I will miss my job and the incredible team members I was privileged to have worked with through the years.

Thank you enough for the opportunities and experiences you have provided me during my time with the company.

I appreciate your support and understanding, and I wish you all the very best. Please let me know if I can render assistance during the last few weeks of my time here.


Name (signature hard copy letter)

Example 6; Resignation Letter Template for Personal Reasons

123 Gold Street
Somewhere, CA 12345
someone’[email protected]


Fredrick Hubert
Sales Director
Golf Inc.
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Hubert

I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving Golf Inc. in about one month. Although I have truly gained experience working with you and working for the company, personal reasons demand that I vacate my position and seek solutions to resolve such matters.

My final day will be [date]. Despite having to leave, I am truly grateful for the opportunities you provided me with during my stay here as the sales director.

To facilitate the process, I will do everything necessary to ensure smooth transitioning before and after my departure. Although, I have several eligible candidate whom I recommend for such promotion. Where an external replacement is required, I would be happy to assist with the grounding and orientation of this job’s description. Please do not hesitate to be in touch about any assistance I could offer.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of Golf Inc. I do hope to maintain the connection we have established over my past working years here, and I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Many thanks for your understanding.


(signature hard copy letter)

Name (typed name)

Example 7; A Simple Resignation Letter Template

City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number


City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I’ve recently been accepted to occupy a position at another company, therefore, I’m writing today to notify you that I’ll be leaving my current position here at XYZ Inc. My last day will be August 18.

It has been a fun experience here at XYZ Inc. and I thank you for your assistance over the past [duration]. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to smoothen this transition.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Name [typed]

Example 8; An Email Letter of Resignation Template

Email Subject Line: Resignation – Insert your Name

Dear Mr./Ms. [Employer’s Last Name],

This email is to notify you of my intention to resign in [date] from my position here as [position title].

My appreciation for all the opportunities you have provided me over my work years here. It has been an enjoyable time here, working for this company and also an educating one. Gratitude also for your kindness and encouragement and that of the team, shown during my stay here.

Over the next [2 weeks minimum], I will make sure all my open projects are completed and will make myself available to train a replacement for my position. Please let me know if I can offer any assistance to make the transition easier. In the future, I hope to maintain that already established business relationship with you.

[Your name].

Example 9; 24Hours Notice Resignation Letter Template



City, State Zip Code

Phone Number



Employer’s Name




City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Please accept this letter as notification of my intention to resign from my job effective tomorrow (date). I apologize for not being able to give notice beforehand. However, I regret that, due to circumstances beyond my control, I need to resign right away.

If possible, I would be grateful if my final paycheck is forwarded to my home address.

Thank you for the support that you have provided me during my stay at the company.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Typed Name

Example 10; An Abrupt Notice Resignation Letter Template

123 Main Street
Somewhere, CA 12345
[email protected]


Flora  Smith
Business Development Manager
XYZ Consultants
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Smith:

I regret to inform you that I will be resigning from my position here immediately as a Business Development Consultant for personal reasons. My last day will be tomorrow. I apologize for the timing but I am happy to assist in ensuring the replacement process is successful and to help alleviate the transition also.

Thank you for the opportunities this company has provided me. Working here for the [duration] has been incredibly instrumental to my personal growth, and I will never forget the colleagues and friends I have made here.

If there is anything I can do to assist in a smooth transition, please let me know. Where I do not intend to inconvenience you with this news, I hope you will accept my most sincere apologies in making [expected date of resignation] my final day here.

If necessary, I will be available for phone and email inquiries from home on a limited basis for the weeks following my departure date.

Thank you for your understanding.


Sharon Stone

Example 11; Resignation Letter Templates with no Prior Notice

123 Main Street
Anywhere, CA 12345
[email protected]


Jerry Scott
ABCD Company
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Scott:

Please accept this letter as notification that I will be resigning from my position as [insert position] with ABCD Company on [date]. I apologize for not being able to provide any prior notice. I regret that, due to circumstances beyond my control, I need to resign immediately.

Please let me know the process for receiving my last paycheck and remaining benefits. 

Thank you so much for your support and understanding. I greatly appreciate my experience with you.


Shelly Duke (signature hard copy letter)

Example 12; Resigning  for Higher Salary Letter Template 

123 Main Street
Anywhere, CA 12345
[email protected]


Josephine Lisbon Director, Human Resources 
BKY Office Supplies 
123 Business Road 
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lisbon:

I am writing to notify you that I have accepted a position with an organization that is offering better compensation and benefits than this company. My last day of work will be [date].

Although I have greatly valued the opportunity to work with you, unfortunately, this is an opportunity I cannot refuse. It is a responsibility I owe myself and my family and would be a disservice to turn down an increased salary and a complete benefits package that includes paid vacation, health insurance, and dental /vision insurance.

I am thankful for your understanding and for the opportunities you have granted me so far. I am willing to assist in the transition period and available for any further questions you may have as you look for a replacement.

Thanks again for your understanding.

Kind regards,

Signature (hard copy letter)


Example 13; Template for Career Growth 

123 Main Street

Anywhere, CA 12345


[email protected]



(Name), Human Resources

ABC Inc.

9876 Queens

Dear Sir/Madam,

This resignation letter is to inform you of my intentions to leave this company. It has been an enjoyable experience working here at ABC. Thank you for the privileges granted. However, a time has come that I should resign due to my aspiration for a selective career choice.

However, from past awards and testimonies, it is clear I have been able to assist the company to achieve several goals. There’s little or no competition here at ABC Inc., as is my yearning for a more competitive environment. Hence, my decision to leave for a more competitive firm.

Before leaving, I however am working towards training the team and possible replacement to enable a smooth transition.

Please feel free to contact me should my opinion and advice be needed. My stay with you will be a memorable one and I do hope to maintain this relationship here from where ever I may be. I wish you well.

Thank you



Example 14: Resignation Letter Template to accept a Promotion



City, State Zip Code

Phone Number



Name of Employer and Title

Company Name

Company Address

City, State, Zip Code

Dear Employer’s name,

With some regret, this letter informs of my decision to resign from Beaver Development. I have accepted a managerial position at a non-competitive firm. This was a timely offer since I am ready for the next step forward in my career.

I had determined, after talking with you about the possibility, that such a promotion would be unavailable here for several years. I really wanted to take all of my team leader experience to the next level and have reporting staff members.

This was a tough decision to make as I have been a beneficiary of great learning and exposure from the team here. I’m sure it will be different, where I’m going- better or not, I will sure miss working with this group of industry experts.

I will prepare for the exit interview as I understand and support the company’s policies. There is no complaint whatsoever, as I’ve got the best of treatment here in terms of work environment hence I leave with no regrets. I am pursuing my next opportunity.

My final day will be on November 28, and corresponding to the exit standard, you have the full two weeks’ notice. I’ll be happy to assist in the replacement processes and training if a suitable replacement can be found quickly. I will ensure nothing slips from my fingers by leaving a full job description for the new guy at my desk.

Please contact me for any further information you may need, I’ll be selectively available for phone calls if needed after my last day.

Once again, thank you!


Your Name.

Example 15: Resignation Template for Relocation

123 Main Street,

Somewhere, CA 12345


[email protected]



Perry Steeps

Director, Human Resources

ABCD Office Supplies

123 Business Road

Business City, NY 54321


Dear Mr. Steeps,

The purpose of this letter of resignation is to inform you of my decision to resign from my position with ABCD Office Supplies, effective two weeks from now on November 30. I will be relocating to Mexico City in the near future.

I appreciate my experience with the human resources team and the opportunities that have been provided to me during the last several years. It has been a pleasure to work within the supportive and stimulating environment of our department, and I will surely keep the fun memories of success we made here.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance during the transition. You can reach me at the above address if you have further questions or information.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Name

Example 16: Resignation to Return to School (email Template)

Tracy Goodness
Education Manager
Company Name
Company Address

Dear April,

Please consider this letter to be my official resignation notice as a [Your Position] at [Company name]. My last day will be Wednesday,[Date]. [Company name] has rekindled once more my professional aspiration for education and I have decided to continue my education by attending graduate school to study [Fairly optional to include specific details].

My time here and experience have been of utmost value and I will miss working here, but unfortunately, I cannot balance graduate school and also fully dedicate myself to this position if I am to excel in both areas.

Although I will miss working with our team creating engaging lessons for students, I am excited to apply the knowledge and best practices I learned here to my education as I pursue additional qualifications as an educator.

Thank you for your devotion to me here. I appreciate the possibilities of education you have shown me. The connections I established here will not be severed. Before leaving, I intend to conclude on all untouched areas of our curriculum. I also offer my help to train my replacement or create a descriptive document labeling this position.

Please contact me if there is anything else I can do to ensure a ready exit. I have the utmost respect for the amazing culture at [Company name] and do hope to stay active in the team even at my departure. Thank you again for the opportunity to grow.

All best,
Your Name.

Example 17: Resignation Letter Template for Health Reasons

Your Address

City, P.M.B and Country

Telephone Number

[email protected]

Formal Date

Mr. [Name of Employer]

Director of Human Resources

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City and P.O. Box]

Dear Mr. [Name of Employer],

It is with regret that I must inform you of my intention to resign immediately from my position as [insert your position] for [Name of Company], Inc. due to my failing health. At this time, I have been advised by my physicians to do stay clear from the workplace as a measure of regaining my health.

It is an honor to have worked with you here at [Name of Company], and I am deeply disturbed that for these reasons, I will not be associated with the company in the future.

I understand that prior notice of my resignation would have been expected, but unfortunately, my diagnosis came in suddenly hence, I will be unable to complete the notice period, thus my request for immediate release.

For proper settling in of my replacement, I have decided to leave a few notes on the job description and will be virtually available to assist in his/her orientation.

Thank you for your enormous contributions to my professional career, and please feel free to keep in touch.


Your name (signed)

Your name (typed).

Example 18: 

Your Address

City, P.M.B and Country

Telephone Number

[email protected]

Formal Date

Janet Thompson

Director, Human Resources

ABC Office Supplies

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Thompson,

This letter is to inform you of my intention to resign from my position as [insert your position here] with [include company name here] and I will be leaving in 30 days.

It has been very much a revealing experience, one in which I have been exposed to so much knowledge and career opportunities amidst the fun of working with my team, but happy circumstances dictate that it is now time to show higher commitment- much more than I did here.

In six months, I will get married which would call for relocation.

Therefore, for this reason, it is best I vacate the position now, as I will not have time to work full-time while I am planning the wedding, so as not to drop the productivity records of the company.

I am truly grateful for your understanding, and I appreciate all your efforts in past years to ensure that I had a comfortable work environment. I am most grateful for the experiences with my team and hope to store up cherished memories with them.

Please, if there is any help I can offer in finding a suitable replacement for my position to ease the transition, inform me. Also, I will be available for orientation and screening of qualified for this position.

I will be happy to help in any way I can.

Thank you once again for your understanding, and for the opportunity to work with you. Do not hesitate to be in touch if you have further questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Your Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Name

More Information

However, in summary, the list goes on for separate categories of resignation letters. Categories as a resignation for conflict resolution which should be written diplomatically;

letters as short-term resignation, and resignations from specific positions can also be written if you followed the format as in the above templates.

When writing a resignation letter, bear in mind that where good employers will be able to see through spammy appreciations, you want to keep things neutral while still gaining support for future recommendations. 

Be kind to share this article with your loved ones who find it hard to draft up something simple, professional, and direct.

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