List of Schools that Require Vaccinations for Freshman 2022 Update

– Schools that Require Vaccinations –

It has been a policy for schools that require vaccinations for every student and staff on campus to upload their proof of COVID-19 vaccination or letter of exemption for medical, religious, or personal beliefs that they could not get vaccinated before arriving on campus.

Colleges across the U.S. are desperately demanding COVID-19 vaccination for students on campus.

The first institutions to bring to notice that the mandate was private, with Cornell University and Duke University leading the way for schools that require vaccinations. Many universities, private and public have also followed this policy. 

We have noted Cornell University and Duke University as the first two schools that require vaccinations in the United States.

Recently, over 1,000 colleges and universities require that the COVID-19 vaccine to be given to their students must undergo a successful trial prior to administering it to schools that require vaccinations.

Most colleges have already required on-campus students to be vaccinated against viral diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella. Government agencies have made suggestions that these schools may probably require the COVID-19 shots as well.

The First College in the US to Receive COVID-19 Vaccines to Students

At a school in San Francisco, Governor Newsom discloses notice of plans to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of vaccinations necessary for all students.

The vaccine receives full approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the middle and high school grades, thus making California the first state in the nation to announce such a measure to schools that require vaccinations.

Following the other first-in-the-nation school masking and staff vaccination measures, Governor Newsom also announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will be for in-person school attendance just very much like vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, among others.

We appreciate the state’s bold public health measures for this in such a way that it has made California continue to maintain the lowest case rate in the country’s entirety.

Additional Information

For more information about schools that require vaccinations, click here.

Most school districts have reported that over 95% of students have returned to in-person instruction this school year as seen on the state’s Student Supports and In-Person Dashboard.

We also appreciate the unprecedented resources and public health measures about this.

It is noteworthy that California is leading many national trends in preventing school closures, hence keeping kids in classrooms, accounting for only 14 out of over 2,000 school closures nationwide, or roughly 0.7%.

Although, California educates about 12% of the nation’s public school students.

If California’s rates had aligned with national trends, the state would have seen upwards of 240 school closures.

In order to keep on protecting students and staff and continue supporting a safe return to in-person instruction for all students.

More Details

It is important to schools that require vaccinations to adhere to the Governor’s statement as he gets to direct the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to follow the protocols established by the Legislature.

They propose to add the COVID-19 vaccine to other vaccinations such as measles, mumps, and rubella necessary for in-person school attendance in line with the Health and Safety Code.

The protocols set for COVID-19 to vaccinate students on campus will be in phases by grade span, and which will also get to promote smoother implementation to all schools that require vaccinations.

Upon full FDA approval of certain age groups within a grade span, CDPH will consider the fair recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the following sectors below:

1. The United States Department of Health and Human Services

2. The American Academy of Pediatrics

3. The American Academy of Family Physicians

Following the existing statute, full approval of ages 12+ corresponds to grades 7-12, and full approval of ages 5-11 corresponds to grades K-6.

Students who are under the age of full approval, but within the grade span are liable to receive the vaccine immediately after they reach the age of full approval (with a reasonable period to receive both doses) in line with existing protocols for other vaccines.

The policy for schools that require vaccination will take effect at the start of the recent session following full approval of that grade span. The effect will begin on the proposed date.

Based on sources of information, the COVID-19 vaccination will also apply to grades 7-12 starting on July 1, 2022.

However, local health jurisdictions and local education agencies have been told to implement requirements ahead of a statewide requirement depending on their local circumstances.


What to Know about COVID-19 Vaccines the Fall

Given different approaches to covid-19 vaccine requirements, it can be much difficult for fresh and returning students to know what to expect from their respective schools that require vaccinations.

Besides, checking with individual colleges for their respective policies, students will surely find a list of colleges mandating vaccines through the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Once vaccinated, students will probably have to upload proof of immunization through college websites as emphasized by experts to individuals and schools that require vaccinations.

Given the availability of vaccine supply in the U.S., college students are now eligible to get immunized. Some colleges are distributing vaccines themselves to ensure in-house records.

For students who previously contracted the coronavirus, Malani asserts that “it’s still unknown if the prior infection results in definite immunity” to COVID-19 and that the full vaccine dosage is preferable. Given ongoing studies, that could change, she says.

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“From a practical standpoint, it’s easier logistically to just vaccinate someone,” Malani adds.

While the U.S. has widely distributed three vaccines, similar shots developed by several pharmaceutical manufacturers are being offered in other countries.

U.S. colleges will recognize international students with limited access should contact school officials for more information and familiarize themselves with CDC travel guidance, experts say.

Malani encourages students to think about vaccines through the lens of overall community safety.

“With public health, what I do affects you,” Malani says. By keeping the entire community safe, we all need to behave in a certain way and make excellent decisions about health.

And having a highly vaccinated community makes sure that someone who is more susceptible, or who doesn’t respond to the vaccine, is still safe.

Why Colleges are Requiring Coronavirus Vaccines

When the covid-19 pandemic spread across the U.S. in spring 2020, all colleges closed till further notice.

Online learning at this period of pandemic continue in their learning, though wasn’t effective.

“Campuses really want to get back to normal operations as quickly as possible,” says Chris Marsicano, an education professor and founding director of the College Crisis Initiative at Davidson College in North Carolina.

Now the establishment of effective COVID-19 vaccines raises hope for a return to the traditional college experience, which implies that in-person lectures, study groups in the library, social gatherings, and attendance at campus athletic events can now begin effectively.

“If you can ensure a highly vaccinated community, you can get back to a lot of those things safely,” says Dr. Preeti Malani, a professor and chief health officer at the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor.

Malani emphasizes vaccines offer protection that is beyond an individual level as it helps to keep the entire communities safe.

More Details

Given the data and the millions of Americans already immunized, she describes the existing COVID-19 vaccines as “safe and effective” and therefore encourages students to give an insight into a useful thought of others when considering the injection.

A careful analysis by Johns Hopkins University in Maryland puts the mortality rate at 188 deaths per 100,000 COVID-19 infections in the U.S. or less than 2%.

Those fatalities skew the elderly, with CDC data making up only 2.8% of coronavirus deaths to those under age 45.

Despite high survival rates for much younger generations, some experts emphasize that student inoculations are key to avoid a repetition of the last spring.

While many students are safe, those experts say that it’s important to stop the transmission and further mutation of the coronavirus by vaccinating everyone.

“Vaccination is the quick game for getting colleges open … and the long game for keeping society open,” Sheldon H. Jacobson, a computer science professor specializing in public health data at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, wrote in an email.

Breakthrough cases of COVID-19 instances where vaccinated individuals get infected with the coronavirus have created additional concerns for colleges this fall.

Despite this uncertainty, Malani suggests that it’s worth important than ever for colleges to urge inoculations.

As with much of American higher education, how colleges approach the case of coronavirus vaccines varies.

To get a sense of how schools are navigating this issue, U.S. News included a question about coronavirus vaccine mandates in its Best Colleges survey administered in spring and summer 2021.

How Colleges are Encouraging Students to Get Vaccinated

Colleges and schools that require vaccinations are making sure that students must get vaccinated before arriving on campus. Mandates may limit the opportunity to even register for classes without proof of immunization.

Malani says a greater number of younger Americans aren’t getting vaccinated, however, incentives matter.

Some colleges that cannot get the mandates are motivating students. Efforts to convince students to get vaccinated involves doling out gift cards, T-shirts, and other freebies.

One college, Rowan University in New Jersey, is both demanding all students to be vaccinated and also offering monetary incentives up to $1,000 in credit toward tuition and housing.

Conversely, West Virginia Wesleyan College has recently announced plans for unvaccinated students or those who have not provided their proof of inoculation, to pay a non-refundable fee of $750 for the fall semester which the school says will go toward weekly testing costs.

Additional Information

They will charge $250 from the students living on campus that get infected with the virus but cannot quarantine off campus, thus using college facilities to do so.

College leaders also hope to return motivated students to a normal college experience that isn’t interrupted by the pandemic.

“The students are getting a benefit by being vaccinated, even though they personally may not have the health risks,” Jacobson says, noting that COVID-19 seems to be less fatal and severe for young people.

“It’s enabling the campuses to open up in a manner that benefits their education and their social interactions. And that has value.”

Giving away free college gear, event tickets or even money makes financial sense for some colleges if it increases the vaccination rates among the student population, Marsicano says.

COVID-19 prevention strategies have cost so much, and a return to full residence halls and dining facilities would mean more money flowing into college bank accounts.

“They highly financially motivated colleges try to get students to get the vaccine,” says Marsicano, enumerating that in the long run, it’s cheaper to provide something valuable than to test students every week for the coronavirus.

Experts expect peer influences to play their part in driving up vaccination rates among students, especially if there are fewer restrictions on events and social gatherings because of participants and attendees getting immunized.

Sequel to this, then there is a convenience factor for immunized students who can skip the weekly testing that necessary for their unvaccinated classmates.

Malani also adds that parents should consider the risks and safety issues that students are facing in college.

“When you send your student off to college, there are a lot of risks that you have to think about. And COVID-19 is one of many,” Malani says, adding that parents can mitigate the coronavirus risk by getting their child vaccinated.

Schools that Require COVID-19 Vaccinations

National Universities and institutions that are research-oriented and offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees require COVID-19 vaccines for their students arriving on campus.

Below are the schools that require vaccinations for their fresh and returning students:

1. University of Nevada, Reno – Vaccination Requirement

The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health approved COVID-19 vaccine requirements for the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) students. 

They require all undergraduate and graduate students to provide documentation of a completed vaccination series against COVID-19 before enrolling for the Spring 2022 semester. 

This means that students must receive both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine or precisely a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine before they can enroll in their academic activities on campus.

Just like other vaccinations that are required to attend the University, students also will not enroll in Spring 2022 classes until they get vaccinated.

They will also get to upload their documentation of completed COVID-19 vaccination series or approved medical or religious exemption as well.

How to Submit the COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation

The management of the University of Nevada requires all undergraduate and graduate students who have enrolled in their academics on campus for the spring 2022 semester to upload their proof of full vaccination.

It also required them to provide their NSHE ID number when submitting their proof of vaccination.

The Office of the Admissions and Records will validate and process these submissions within 5-7 business days.

After this, students will be eligible to enroll in their academics for the spring 2022 semester within MyNEVADA as their enrollment time is available. 

Keep in mind that it is mandatory to upload documents as soon as possible in order to remove enrollment holds on the user account. 

Medical and Religious Exemptions

Just like other required immunizations protocols, there are certain exceptions for medical or religious reasons.

Students should allow 2-3 weeks so that they will get to process their exemption requests dependent on committee meeting schedules or clarifying documentation requests.

The management will notify individuals who have submitted a request for an exemption through their email.

2. Vanderbilt University – Vaccination Requirement

To keep the VU community safe and help ensure the capability to continue to conduct in-person teaching and learning,  all they will require the new and returning students to get vaccinated against COVID-19 for the next academic year. 

The university also requires all Vanderbilt University-employed faculty, staff, and postdoctoral fellows to get vaccinated as well against COVID-19 for the next academic school year.  

For Faculty, staff, and postdocs: it required also that All VU Staff and postdocs get vaccinated against COVID-19 for the new academic school year.

All faculty, including those who received their vaccine from Occupational Health, VUMC, or a VUMC clinic, must ensure they submit their vaccination record using the vaccine tracker submission form.  

Faculties looking forward to an exemption from the vaccination requirement as a medical or religious accommodation must ensure to submit a request of accommodation to the Equal Opportunity and Access office as soon as possible. 

How to Submit the COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation

Vanderbilt students, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and staff must also submit their vaccination records via the vaccine tracker submission form to the Public Health Command Center with the use of a password-protected, self-service portal.

Keep in mind that the command center will maintain and treat as confidential these records. 


Students can request accommodations for medical exemptions via the Student Access office and religious exemptions via the Equal Opportunity and Access office.

3. De Anza College – Vaccination Requirement

If students are planning to be on campus for classes or any other purposes, they must get vaccinated against COVID-19. 

They should submit proof of their final vaccination at least three days prior to planning to register for any on-campus class during this season.

It is worthy to note that students cannot register for on-campus classes until they approve their vaccination record.

Also, here are some other things for every student to keep in mind:

➛ They must wear a face mask at all times. The management also has recommended masks for outdoor gatherings. Check here for the type of safety face mask to wear.

➛ They must learn how to check in with Optimum HQ before coming to campus.

➛ They must practice social distancing and follow every instruction.

➛ They should not come to campus if they are feeling sick. 

➛ They should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer as one of the safety measures.

To Staff:

All Staff has a separate procedure for uploading their proof of vaccination. They are also advised to check the information posted here for more details.

How to Submit the COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation

Students should submit proof of their final vaccination at least three days before they plan on registering for any on-campus class.

The school management has made it easy to upload a copy of every student’s vaccination card by using the PyraMED online health system. This system is a secure medical records system to be relied on.

Keep in mind that students must upload their vaccination records at least three days before they plan to register for any on-campus class this season.

Note that students will not register for on-campus classes until they verify their vaccination records.

Also note that:

➛ Students cannot register for any class that has any meetings on campus until the college has verified their vaccination record

➛ After successful upload of their record, verification will take up to three days before they may register for on-campus classes.

➛ If students have already submitted their vaccination records for fall, they don’t need to submit them again for winter.

➛ Vaccination proof is unnecessary for online classes.

Medical or Religious Exemptions

You may request an exemption from the vaccination requirement based on verified medical reasons or sincerely held religious beliefs.

Requests for exemption take at least three days to evaluate and process. You’ll find instructions and forms for submitting a request on the Vaccination Exemption Webpage.

4. American Jewish University – Vaccination Requirement

California and the nation have opened a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic with cases declining and vaccination rates simultaneously increasing.

Intending to safeguard our community, American Jewish University has implemented a compulsory vaccination policy.

The COVID-19 vaccination policies apply to all the students of this University. This is an exemption for those who are studying in completely remote programs and will not be visiting either AJU campus.

They do this in line with the American Jewish University’s duty to offer and maintain a decent learning environment and workplace that is free from the pandemic.

The school management is adopting this policy to safeguard the health of their employees, students, and their families as well.

In making this decision, the executive leadership team has reviewed certain recommendations from the California Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and local health officials.

How to Submit the COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation

All students returning to campus this semester must ensure to submit their proof of vaccination sooner than August 9, 2021, as a condition of enrollment for their academics.

To give students the maximum time to meet this requirement, we recommend they get to receive their final vaccination for at least two weeks before commencement of academics.

Any students or staff who do not observe the University’s COVID-19 infection control procedures, regardless of their vaccination status, will certainly be subject to disciplinary action including termination of its academic enrollment.

Proof of vaccination includes a physician’s note, a pharmacy receipt, a copy of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, or a copy of the vaccination consent form that shows that they have received all the required doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

They will save separately the records of vaccination from the general student files and will get protected from unauthorized disclosure.

Exemptions for Medical or Religious Reasons

Individuals looking for an exemption from this requirement should ensure they have completed a Religious Accommodation or Medical Exemption COVID-19 Vaccination Form and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs at [email protected].  

They should attach the form in PDF format for ease of reference.

5. Chapman University – Vaccination Requirement

The healthcare team will contact students that are infected with Covid-19 for an open investigation and subsequent administration of the pandemic. 

Unvaccinated students who thought they got exposed should go to the Student Health Services Testing Center and get tested immediately for the covid-19 symptoms.

They should also wait for the results of the test before coming to the campus. Students should notify the faculty of their suspected exposure.

How to Submit the COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation

The school management has required the students to submit their proof of vaccination or declaration of vaccine declination for certain reasons. 

They required students that have submitted a declaration of vaccine declination to undergo twice-weekly testing to maintain access to campus facilities.

A non-vaccinated individual with an exemption, including those working offsite but who come in contact with students or Chapman staff and other employees.

They must ensure to complete the twice-weekly COVID-19 testing (or once per week for those that access campus once in a week) to maintain access to campus facilities.


6. The University of San Francisco – Vaccination Requirement

Intending to have a mostly in-person fall semester, the University of San Francisco requires all undergraduate and post-graduate students including all faculty and staff employees to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

The school management of the University of San Francisco has announced that the requirement will go into effect beginning from the new semester.

These vaccines are important to having a healthy lifestyle in the environment and in a broader community. They also encourage students to get vaccinated as soon as they can. Keep in mind that all students should:

➛ Schedule their first vaccination appointment as soon as possible. 

➛ Make a plan for the second dose at the same time.

➛ Protect and duplicate vaccine documentation cards.

How to Submit the COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation

The University of San Francisco (USF) is partnering with Med+Proctor to track proof of vaccination. Students who have received one or both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are told to submit the results through Med+Proctor.


With proper documentation, USF will accept medical, religious, or personal beliefs exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine requirement.

The medical exemption will require a letter from a health care provider stating that they have medically contraindicated the immunization. 

They will also accept religious or personal beliefs exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccination. This exemption will require a signed written statement from the student describing the prime reason for the exemption. They must include also:

➛ An explanation of the reason for the exemption in your own words

➛ A description of the religious principle that guides your objection

➛ A sign of whether this religious belief makes up an objection to all immunizations or only this vaccine.

If it is not an objection to all immunizations, then students must explain the religious basis for not receiving this vaccine.

The students must sign the statement and have it submitted to the USF Health Promotion Services using this form.

7. University of New Haven

The University is taking detailed measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

The University has announced that the COVID-19 vaccination would be mandatory for all students, faculty, and staff who do not have the exemption.

The University has aligned exemption categories for all employees including remote employees and student employees that these vaccination requirements will take effect immediately. 

How to Submit the COVID-19 Vaccination Documentation

Students will get to submit their vaccination records to CoVerified after their last dose.

If they have already submitted their vaccination record, they should ensure they have verified their record successfully.

Also, new students should be sure to check out the Road Map for details about signing in to Coverified for the first time.


Students, Staff, and community members can request an exemption from the vaccination requirement by successfully submitting a request for it. 

Students can apply for this exemption from the vaccination for medical reasons or based on religious or other reasonable personal beliefs.

They will grant unvaccinated students excluded from these requirements to wear a face-covering on campus and complete weekly COVID-19 testing.

8. Stanford University – Vaccination Requirement

All Stanford faculty, staff, and postdoctoral scholars are to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and upload their proof of their vaccination status on Health Check on the proposed date.

They will give exemptions to only those with vital medical or religious reasons.

Previously, the school management has had an additional allowance for those choosing not to be vaccinated for any reason, though this accommodation is no longer permitted under the new federal mandate.

This requirement is also mandatory to all university employees including those working remotely in the United States, and applicable subcontractors.

They will deprive staff and students who do not comply with this requirement into the university unless present a medical or religious exemption. 

Also, the school management will provide additional guidance on a central process for requesting accommodations in a separate communication on the proposed date.

More so, the management has open opportunities to colleagues with questions to contact the University Human Relations at [email protected].

It is very important to note that the process of vaccination needs to begin well in advance for individuals to get vaccinated fully and also provide the proof of vaccination on Health Check. Timeframes will vary based on the vaccine manufacturer.

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has fully approved the Pfizer vaccine and has issued emergency use authorization for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Click here for resources and links to vaccination providers.

9. Trinity College – Vaccination Requirement

A COVID-19 vaccine, designed to prevent the COVID-19 disease, is the only hope for ending the pandemic.

Trinity College will require all faculty and staff of the college to get vaccinated against COVID-19 unless they have been approved for an exemption for medical reasons or a genuine religious belief.

They should also ensure that they upload their proof of vaccination to the school website for verification.


Students and Staff can find the exemption request forms on the HR Share Point site. Note, you may need to be logged into the network in order to access the exemption forms on the SharePoint site.

Students and Staff must complete all the required information on the form. For medical exemptions, ensure that your medical provider completes and certifies section 2 on the medical exemption request form and returns the form to Human Resources.

Send completed forms to [email protected] or Trinity College Human Resources, 300 Summit Street, Hartford CT  06106.

A health care provider designated by the Health Center staff will review medical exemption requests. Human Resources will review religious exemption requests and will work with employees for medical and religious accommodations.

We will notify employees and students whether they approved the exemption. The health care providers will also advise them of any required protocols relative to the decision.

They will make everyone aware of decisions revolving around the approved exemptions so that they can ensure all staff and students follow all required protocols.  

10. Chamberlain University – Vaccination Requirement

As an organization dedicated to graduating extraordinary healthcare professionals, the health and well-being of all our students, colleagues, and our community are the top priority for us.

To ensure we’re doing our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as variants emerge and cases continue to rise, the management has adopted a new policy requiring students1, faculty, and staff to be fully vaccinated2 against COVID-19. 

In order to comply with this new policy, all students with programs listed in the policy must log in to the Chamberlain Safe App to either submit proof of vaccination.

Campuses will continue to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected following CDC guidelines.

The management of Chamberlain University requires that all colleagues and students must wear a mask on campus at all times regardless of their vaccination status. Check here for the safest kind of face mask to use.

Uploading of Proof of Vaccination

After vaccination against COVID-19, students can quickly and easily submit proof of vaccination via the Chamberlain Safe App available on Google Play and the Apple App Store. Those who do not have a mobile device can use the website here.

Chamberlain University’s testing requirement applies to all unvaccinated students entering campus, including those who are unvaccinated.

This is because they have applied for or received accommodation from the vaccination policy (based on accessibility, religion, or disability) or have a location exception.

Unvaccinated students who would like to be considered for accommodation from testing can apply by reaching out to:

➛ Accessibility and religious accommodations: [email protected] 

➛ Disability accommodations: [email protected]

As we ensure to get you clarified on the policies for schools that require vaccination, would you still pose questions regarding this, you can use our comment section box below and we would be sure to respond to you as possible.

You can also keep checking here for more schools that require vaccinations.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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