Mother and Daughter Best Friend Quotes

The relationship between mother and daughter is one of the most beautiful and unique relationships in the world. It is like no other friendship in the world. Mom and daughter are two beautiful people that are forged together by the love they have for each other.

There is a great deal of pride that is derived from having a daughter. You want to show her off and also make sure she knows that she is loved. The bond shared by mothers and daughters is carefully maintained and one that is an inspiration for all.

Fortunately, the love of a mother towards her daughter is something that can never be replaced. Mothers and daughters share a special bond and this in turn helps them to build great friendships too.

These mother and daughter best friend quotes below explain the extent of the love between a daughter and her mother.

I love my daughter. She is my best friend and there’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with. Even though she drives me crazy sometimes, and we surely bicker a lot, I know that we’ll get through anything as long as we stick together.

1. My daughter, I’m so glad that we have always been best friends. You’re my favourite person in the world and I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re the most amazing daughter any mother could ask for.

2. Dear daughter, I love you. You are my best friend and the only one who understands everything about me. Without you, I would be lost forever. We have always been there for each other. I love our time together, just us two. To me, that is perfect and those memories will always be with me.

3. To my dear daughter, I am so happy that we found each other. You are not only the best daughter I could ask for but also my very best friend. Your laughter brightens up my world and your hugs warm my soul. I truly value our relationship and love you both as a mother should.

4. It’s amazing how each time I get a message from you that says things that are just so wonderful and make me feel so good. I just want to thank you for making me special, for telling me what I mean to you, and for being my best friend. I love you, daughter.

5. I thought about you all day. I love you so much. I am so grateful that you are my daughter. I am thankful for you every day. Keep being the wonderful person that I know and love.

6. You’ve been my best friend for as long as I can remember, you are the greatest daughter in the whole world – and I’m not just saying that. You make me feel like a great mom. I love you so much, daughter.

7. Never forget how much I love you because I won’t. Every day I am blessed to have you as a best friend and confidant. As you journey through life, remember that it is important to always stay true to yourself and know that my love for you will be as long as the moon and stars are above us.

8. I want to tell you what a joy you are in my life. You bring so much happiness to me just by being yourself. I never knew how much love a mother could have for her child until you were born. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming, and can’t wait to see what amazing things you do.

9. Daughter, you are my favourite person in the whole world. When I am with you, time stands still and everything is right in the world. You bring me so much joy and happiness that I can’t stop smiling. I love you to the moon and back, infinity and beyond.

10. Daughter, thank you for always being there for me. I love you so much. You have meant the world to me for my entire life. You are so strong and independent, there’s nothing that you can’t do.

11. Thank you for always being my best friend. I am so glad that we have each other. We can make it through anything with our love, support, and faith. I am so glad we are a team, and that we can always be there for one another.

12. We look the same, we do everything together. We fight over the same thing. I feel like I know you forever. You are my best friend and daughter all in one.

13. I am so lucky that I have you as my daughter. You’ve grown up to be a beautiful, intelligent, creative and funny girl. You are a good friend and an inspiration to those around you. I hope that we never let anything come between us, that we always stay the best of friends and family. I love you, baby girl.

14. Being my daughter, your words will always be the best. I love you more than everything in this world. You mean so much to me, even the stars couldn’t count how much.

15. Daughter, I love you so much. You are the greatest person in the world and I am so proud to be your mother.

16. To my beautiful daughter, you are a sincere, caring, and loving person. I am happy and proud to call you my best friend. I love you.

17. You are one of the most amazing people I’ve ever known, and one of the greatest things about having you as a best friend is when we can just sit together and not say anything, but still have fun and enjoy each other’s company. I love you so much, daughter.

18. You have always been in my life. We are so alike, it’s incredible! I love everything about you and don’t know what I would do without you. I am so glad to be in your life, my girl.

19. Your life would be empty without me. I brought certain happiness to your life and every day you live it better because of me. Please remember that I love you more than anything in the world.

20. Daughter, I love you so much. You’re smart and funny and do know something about everything. I’ve always wanted a daughter like you. Whenever I’m sad, all I need is to hear your voice or to see you smile and my day brightens up.

21. Dear daughter, as you walk through life, I hope you have the courage to follow your heart. I hope you never have to deny your true emotions. At times, it will be hard but keep on fighting for what’s right. It’s always darkest before the dawn. The morning comes after a night of restful sleep.

22. The way you love and care for people is inspiring. You are my best friend. You are my life; you are in everything I am and do. I love you always and forever, no matter what.

23. Daughter, I love you with everything I have and more. You mean more than the world to me, it’s impossible to put into words exactly how I feel about you. You are my best friend, confidant, and soulmate. I love you.

24. You have always been there for me when times get tough, even when I haven’t been the easiest mother or person to be around. I just want you to know that no matter what happens in the future, I will always be your mother.

25. Daughter, thank you for being my best and most trusted friend. I love you so much and would never know where I would be without you at my side. You mean everything to me and I will always be your loving mother.

26. To my best friend, my daughter. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You are such an amazing woman. You are sweet and thoughtful, hardworking, independent, and caring. You bring smiles and laughter to those around you. I love you.

27. I love my daughter with all my heart, and she is the best friend I have in the whole world. I hope she continues to make me happy.

28. Daughter, you are the most amazing person I know. I hope that your kids can be like you when they grow up. You have been my best friend ever since and will always be. I love you more than you know.

29. Dear daughter, I love you so much. You are my best friend and the best daughter in the world. I hope that you have a fun day at school today.

30. You are always there for me and I just want to say thank you. You are the best daughter anyone could ever have. I love you so much and wish that I could always be a great mom to you.

31. The love you have for me is the fluffiest thing ever. I wish I could give you as much love as you give me. I love you with all of my heart and don’t know who I would be without you here. I hope we are best friends for a long time, even when I don’t have teeth anymore.

32. The day I gave birth to you was the day my life began; the day you were born. Your eyes that gleam with curiosity, your kisses that taste of sweetness and love, your voice that warms my heart in a way no other has. Every time I hear you cry, feel you moving inside me, or I see your face light up with a smile, it just makes me fall more in love with you and so grateful to be your mother.

33. I will love you forever and ever and ever, no matter how long I live. I’m happy to be your mommy.

34. You are one of my best friends and I love you. You are always there for me no matter what and I don’t know what I’d do without you.

35. Daughter, you are the most amazing friend a mother could ever hope for. I love your infinite and unconditional love. You never cease to amaze me with your kindness. I love all of you.

36. Even when I make mistakes, you still find something in me to compliment. You are an amazing daughter, friend, lover, and person. I couldn’t ask for anyone better in my life.

37. Dear daughter, I love you so much. Through the good and bad times, we have been there for each other. You are always there for me, helping me with everything. You are my best friend and to know that you will always be there for me makes me feel safe.

38. Daughter, you are my best friend. You always know how to make me smile and how to cheer me up. We are both so lucky to have found each other. I cherish the love we share. I’ll cherish it forever. I love you.

39. Daughter, you are the best daughter a woman could ask for. I will never forget how much you love me and how much you have done for me. You were there through everything. Thank you so much for all the times you were there to cheer me up when I was upset.

40. Dear daughter, I want to thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being the sweetest girl and support system. I love you more than you think.

A mother and her daughter always feel so lucky to have each other. They look forward to spending the rest of their lives side-by-side with each other.

41. At the end of the day, your mother is all you have because you’re best friends. Love her and always make sure she’s happy.

42. A daughter is her mother’s pride and joy. She thanks God every day for blessing her with such a wonderful daughter. She’s always happy because her daughter is.

43. A mother is her daughter’s best friend. She will always be there for her when she needs her the most. She sees only the good and ignores the bad in me. The love is forever and always there.

44. A mother always wants to be with her daughter till the end of time. To her, she’s the most amazing daughter a mother could ask for, and she loves her so much.

45. A daughter means the world to her mother. She’s her mother’s best friend and is loved beyond words. If you still have your mother, take good care of her.

To a mother, her daughter is the most amazing person in the world and she always feels lucky to be her mother. She is here my best friend, parent and so much more.

46. A mother is the only best friend a daughter has. She loves her so much and no matter how old she gets, she will always be her little angel.

47. A mother is the most amazing person a girl could ever ask for. Every day feels good because she has the love of her mother. She’s inspired to grow, learn, and do her best.

48. A mother’s love for her daughter is priceless. A mother is her daughter’s best friend. They both feel lucky to have themselves. I love, live, and laugh together.

49. A mother is her daughter’s best friend and confidant. She is the greatest gift God has ever given her. She’s the reason behind all her happiness, and her love is what keeps her going.

50. A mother would give the world if it meant making her daughter happy. Words can’t express the love of a mother for her daughter. They both feel lucky to have themselves.

To a daughter, her mom is the best mom anyone could ask for, and she always feels lucky to have her as her best friend. She knows the true worth of a woman through her mother, and she does anything to make her happy.

51. A mother’s strength and determination help her daughter grow into a strong woman. A daughter can always count on her mother for love, support, and a good laugh.

52. A daughter is her mother’s best friend. With her, she feels safe, protected, and loved more than anything. Even when they fight, she knows deep down that they both love each other.

53. The love between a daughter and her mother is priceless. To a daughter, her mother is the best anyone could ever hope to have. A daughter is a mother’s best friend.

54. A daughter never fails to make her mother smile, and she always knows how to cheer her up in her darkest times. A mother will always be there for her daughter, no matter what.

55. A daughter is her mother’s best friend. Her mother supports and encourages her. They both treasure every day they spend together and are grateful to God for giving them the best.

Mother and daughter are the best friends in the world. They feel so happy, safe, and special when they are with each other. No one is as important as a daughter is to her mother.

56. A mother and her daughter are the best friends in the whole world. They are closer than any two people could ever be. Life is full of ups and downs, but they get through them together.

57. A mother and daughter are ultimate best friends and can’t do without each other. Whenever a daughter feels down, her mother gets her back on her feet.

58. A daughter is her mother’s best friend. Whenever she needs encouragement, her mother is there for her. Whenever she’s scared, her mother pushes her to fight. Whenever she’s confused, her mother helps her find the answers. This is undoubtedly the best relationship ever.

59. A mother makes her daughter great, even when she has no idea what she was missing. She’s always by her side and her mom is there to listen. When a daughter needs some advice or just wants to talk, her mom is right there helping her through whatever she’s facing. A mother is her daughter’s best friend.

60. A mother’s words of wisdom and friendship mean so much to her daughter. To a mother, her daughter is one in a million.

You are the best daughters and friends a mom could ask for. You surprise me every day with your kind and loving hearts. We’ve had our ups and downs, but no matter what, you will always still be my little angels. I love you so much.

61. You are so beautiful, my daughters. It is so amazing to see you grow into whom you are today. You have huge hearts, your kindness and compassion know no bounds. I’m so proud of you, sweethearts. I will always love you.

62. Dear daughters, you are the love of my life. You are my best friends. Thanks for always being there for me. I would be lost without you. You have touched my heart in so many ways and above all else, I truly value your friendship.

63. As time goes on, I’m so glad to have you for my daughters. The bond that we share is like no other and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love you always.

64. I love you so much. You are my best friends and the best daughters one could ever have. Everything I am and everything I have is because of you. Thank you for all that you do for me and all that you mean to me.

65. My daughters are the best friends I could ever ask for. They mean more to me than anyone else in my life. The times we have together are invaluable and I am so glad to have them in my life. They love me and I love them too.

66. If I had it all to do over again, I’d do everything and anything the same way. Becoming your mom is the greatest thing to happen in my life and I wouldn’t trade it for a thing. I love you with all my heart.

67. My dearest daughters, I love you beyond measure and could not possibly be any more proud of whom you have become. Through all your ups and downs and the times you made me cry with worry, you still pulled it all together to become beautiful ladies inside and out. I am very lucky to have you in my life.

68. I just want you both to know how much I love and appreciate you as my daughters. We will be together always, even if we live far away.

69. I want you to know how proud and happy I am of the women you have become. I love you now more than ever and am so lucky to have such beautiful daughters.

70. Being your mother is one of the greatest joys in my life. I love you with all my heart and miss you terribly when we’re apart. You are my sunshine. With you by my side, I can do anything.

71. Never change, my children. You are the light of my life. I love you so much. People say you can’t choose your family, but I’m glad that I chose mine. I’m so lucky to have you as my daughters.

72. I love you my sweethearts and I love having you in my life. You let me get it all out, smile when even I can’t, and make me laugh when I feel like crying. Thank you for being wonderful daughters and friends. I’m so lucky to be your mother and best friend!

73. It’s not easy being a mom sometimes, but it’s always worth it. You have been my best friends in life and I look forward to growing old with you. The love I have for you cannot be put into words, but hopefully, these words will do just fine.

74. Becoming a mother has opened my eyes to just how wonderful you are. You both are honest and loving and everything I could have asked you to be a role model for my daughters.

75. I love how we are best friends, how we tackle life’s curveballs together, and how we can always make each other laugh. I love you girls so much.

76. Thanks for always being there for me and for loving me unconditionally. You are the best daughters a woman could ask for and I am so lucky to have you by my side. I love you both.

77. Your love means everything to me and I will love you forever. You are the greatest daughters in the world and I am so proud of you both.

78. My dear daughters, you are the most wonderful people in my life. I am so proud of who you have become and I just can’t believe how much you have grown since I had you. You make me smile every day and you bring so much joy and happiness to my life. I love you.

79. You are my amazing friends and wonderful daughters. I promise to always be there for you and support you no matter what.

80. You are my friends and confidants; my shoulders to lean on, my biggest fans, my partner in crime, and most importantly, my daughters. We’ve always been able to understand ourselves without saying a word. Our lives are inseparable and beyond description. I love you.

81. I love you so much, my daughters. I couldn’t ask for better daughters You’re always there for me when I need you, and no one will ever compare to how special you girls are.

82. You have taught me so much and I’m sorry if I don’t say it enough. You have shown me so much love that words can barely do you justice. You girls are my strongest supporters. love you mom, babies.

83. My daughters, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You are the best friends I’ve ever had, and I can’t imagine the journey of life without you. As your mother, I want nothing but happiness for you.

84. I love you. You are my life, my greatest lesson, and my best friends. I can’t wait for our next adventure together. I love you, girls.

85. We are going to be best friends forever. I am so glad that we can share everything together. You are my best friends and the place where I can always pour my heart out. You remind me to constantly stop and smell the roses because life is too short. I love you.

86. My daughters are by far the best thing that has happened to my life. They are my hardest critic, but always there when I need someone to talk to. I could not have asked for more understanding daughters. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me. I love you so much.

87. Thank you for being my best friends and daughters all at the same time. I love you so much sweethearts, more than you will ever know.

88. To my daughters, you are such a treasure. I remember seeing you for the first time and I felt this overwhelming feeling of love for you. You are so witty, humorous, smart, and beautiful. You make everything more fun and I am so glad we share this mother and daughter bond. I will always be here for you no matter what.

89. I just wanted to tell you I love you and thank you for being great daughters to me. I know that probably sounds weird, but it’s true. You have always been by my side when I needed you and supported me in everything I have done. Thank you.

90. Even at this age, you have always been so kind and caring with me and running errands for me as well. Just know that I am so lucky to have you as my daughters. You are the best daughters a woman could ask for. I love you.

91. You’re my daughters and I love you more than words could ever express. You girls have become smart, confident, and beautiful young women. I adore you.

92. You are more than ordinary daughters to me. You are my best friends to who I can tell everything, who always have the right thing to say. I am so glad I am your mother. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.

93. To my daughters, thank you for being the best daughters a woman could ask for. Thank you for inspiring me every day to be a better person. I love you, sweethearts.

94. Thank you for all the moments, big and small, that make my life so perfect. You are the dearest thing in it and I will be grateful for every second we spend together. I cherish you, my babies.

95. I love you so much, my baby girls. Every day, it surprises me how happy I can be when I am with you. You are loving, smart, and beautiful. Every time we talk, whether on the phone or in person, I leave our interaction happier than before. After all this time, I still love spending time with you more than anything.

96. I am so proud of the women you are becoming and I love being there with you every step of the way. You make my life so much better. I just can’t stop thinking about how much joy you bring me. I love you.

97. My daughters, I love you so much. You have always been my best friends and you have always understood me. I am a better mother because of you. Thank you for being the best daughters in the world.

98. I want to thank you for being great friends and the best daughters a mom could ask for. I love you.

99. The day you were born, I knew a gift from God has been given to me and you. You are my best friends and I am the happiest mommy in the world.

100. You are my dear daughters; you always will be. You’re the greatest gift I ever received, as well as many other happy things. I’ll love you forever, as long as I live, and when we’re far apart, I’ll keep you in my heart forever.

Hey there. I hope these beautiful mother and daughter best friend quotes were able to make you know how deep and beautiful a mother-daughter love and friendship is.

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