Job Interview Research Points That Will Land You that Job in 2022

– Job Interview Research Points –

The first step to preparing for an interview with a company is to do some research. Here we will give you job interview research points that will land you your dream job. But do you know what to research before the interview?

When you interview with a company, preparation is vital. The knowledge you gain before an interview can give you an advantage over other applicants and determine your overall success.

Job Interview Research Points

If your interviewers see that you have done your research, then they will appreciate that you have a genuine interest in working for them.

1. What does the Company do?

It may sound obvious, but knowing what the company actually does is key. Hiring managers almost always ask what you know about the company to gauge your interest level and industry knowledge.

If you don’t have a good answer to this question, it tells the hiring manager you don’t really care about the company – you just want a job.

2. What Will the Job Entail?

While the interview gives you a chance to learn more about the intricacies of the role, try to understand as much as you can about the role before the interview.

This will give you a chance to find out where you can contribute and prepare to discuss why you would be the ideal person for this role.

3. What are the Company’s values?

It’s not enough to know what the company does, but also why they do it.

Not only will you learn more about the company and get information that will impress the hiring manager, but you will also see how it aligns with your own values and further assesses whether this is the right company for you.

4. Who are the Clients?

A big part of understanding the company – and your potential in it – is understanding the company’s customer base. Who uses the company’s products and services?

What audience does the company market to? Showing you understand the company’s customers and their needs will further set you apart as a knowledgeable and enthusiastic candidate.

Most companies will list their notable clients on their websites. You can also check the company’s blog, case studies, and white papers to find out more.


5. What’s New and Noteworthy?

Most hiring managers will already expect you to have an initial understanding of what the company does, but if you show that you’re on top of news and trends, you’ll make an even bigger impression.

Take the time to find out what the company has been up to lately, and you’ll get a better understanding of where the company is going and its place in the industry.

For instance, is the company launching any new products or services? Has it received any recognition or awards recently? Has it received any other recent press that is worth noting?

6. Who are the Leaders?

Knowing a bit about the company’s leadership team can help research and prepare for an interview.

Not only is it one more way to show the interviewer you’ve done your research, but you’ll get more insight into the company’s values and culture.

Plus, depending on the size of the company and the position for which you’re interviewing, you may meet with one of these leaders in person.

7. The Person Interviewing You

You should also find out who the interviewer will be. This will give you an advantage during the interview because you’ll have a better chance of connecting with them and sparking a meaningful conversation.

Now it might be a little tricky trying to find out who the interviewer is, but you should be able to locate the person’s name with a little investigation.

First, try locating the person’s name from the email you received regarding the interview. If you can’t find any information, reply to the email politely requesting the name of the person who’ll interview you.

Once you gain the interviewer’s name, do some research on LinkedIn and Twitter. This will help you learn about the interviewer’s background, their position with the company, and even some common interests you both share.

Where to Carry Out Your Research

The following resources can help you dig deeper and get the insight you need for your interview.

1. The company website: The Company’s website is the obvious starting point to learn about what the company does its mission and its values (usually found on its “About Us” page.

Most companies also have a dedicated “Careers” section where you can learn about what it’s like to work there, the culture, and the benefits.

Check out the company press room to learn about new or upcoming product launches, awards received, or other company news.

2. Social media: Browse the company’s social media pages for more up-to-date news and exciting happenings at the company.

Seeing how the company interacts with fans and followers on social media can also help you get a closer look inside the culture and values.

3. Company review sites: Third-party sites allow current and former employees to rate and review the company. Learn more about what it’s like to work there and what you can expect from leadership.

4. Google News: Doing a Google news search for the company will help you find information the company might not post on social media or its website.

You may also find interviews with leadership, which will give you further insight into the values of the company.

Frequently Asked Questions

Therefore, the following questions and answers are meant to give you proper directions and answer most questions that will be of great concern to you.

1. What are the 5 basic interview preparation points?

Before going into the interview, research the company along with its history, values and mission. Check their official website first, then move onto other sources.
If there are any client, customer or employee reviews, study them and identify any recurring themes that might alter your decision to work with them.

2. How do you score points in a job interview?

An interview scoring sheet typically includes:

Specific questions aimed at evaluating a candidate’s skills, traits, qualifications and experience. Clearly defined criteria specific to the position.
Criteria related to how a candidate would fit into a company’s culture. A comments section.

3. What points we should consider while interviewing the candidate?

Look for clues about the candidate in arm movements, gestures, handshakes, and eye contact. The candidate’s body language can give you insight into how they’re feeling, what kind of person they are, and how interested they are in your opportunity.

4. How are structured interviews scored?

Scores for a structured interview are based on the proficiency levels, where each interviewer will record the score he or she gave a candidate for each competency (content area).

5. Should interview questions be scored?

Each member of the panel should make notes (on a separate sheet) and score each candidate. Scores should then be added up and used when deciding.
The panel should also decide each member of the panel will ask questions. No answer was given or the answer was completely irrelevant.

6. How do you weight an interview score?

HOW IS IT DONE? The easiest way to assign weight to various assessments is by starting with 100 points (100%) and then allocating a portion of this total to each of the assessments you are using; e.g., 30 points or 30% to the written assignment, 70 points or 70% to the interview.

7. Why is research important in applying for a job?

Research is probably the single most important element when doing an internship or job search. 
Research provides focus and can steer you in the right direction. Be flexible in your search, and try to be open to several career or employer options to increase your chances of finding something that works for you

8. What is the most critical part of the interview?

Thank-you note after an interview are terrific, but what really counts is the interview. Two-thirds of hiring managers say the questions you ask on an interview are extremely important. So, candidates need to research the prospective company and the role to craft insightful questions.


​Other important things to learn about a company include the skills and experience the company values in their employees, as well as their clients, products, and services – so you can tailor your responses and questions accordingly. Share this article with your friends on social media so they too can learn.

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