Powerful Prayers for My Brother to Get Well Soon

It is not a gainsaying that relationship goes a long way in shaping our lives. Relationships with our loved ones are some of the relationships we cherish a lot and we always want the best for them in all spheres of life.

So also, the will of God for everyone is to be hale and hearty because he always wants the best for us but most times, we face challenges that are far beyond our imaginations as humans and being sick is one of the challenges and this can happen to anyone regardless of the age.

Sickness is the last thing you will ever wish for a loved one, especially your brother but most of the time, you don’t have the power to control it when it happens because it is beyond human control.

But there is always a way forward for the people of faith and that is prayer and it is not the last resort but the best. It is very important to let your brother know that even on their sickbed, he is still loved by God and those around him.

Doing this will help fast track their healing process and make his recovery from the sickbed speedy, and your prayer may be the balm to soothe his wounds and give him hope and comfort.

Send any of these soul-lifting powerful prayers for my brother to get well soon to your brother and his healing is going to be perfect.

You’ve become a part of me, dear brother and that is why I pray for the healing hand of God to locate you and heal you from any form of sickness. Get well soon, dear brother.

1. My dear brother, I pray for you the healing hand of God will rest upon you and he will restore you and take away any form of sickness in your life. You are healed in Jesus’ name. Get well soon, brother.

2. I pray for you in the name of Jesus, all forms of sickness in your life are destroyed and divine restoration is yours in the name of Jesus. The loving care of God is coming upon you. Get well soon, brother.

3. I declare into your life divine healing from above in the name of Jesus. Your body, soul and spirit are free from all shackles of sickness in the name of Jesus. You will not die but live.

4. Because your body is the temple of the Most High God, I decree into it now that every sickness and disease should hear the word of the Lord and leave your body right now in the name of Jesus. It is well with your soul, brother.

5. I pray for you as you read through this message the healing hand of God will rest upon you and take away all forms of sickness tormenting your life in the name of Jesus. You are healed in Jesus name; Amen.

6. I pray for the mercy of the Lord to locate you on your sickbed and heal you from all forms of sickness in your body and soul in the name of Jesus; Amen.

7. I declare into your body perfect healing like never before in the name of Jesus and every form of afflictions in your body I come against them in the name of Jesus; Amen.

8. Because you are God’s elect, all forms of sickness and diseases in your life are destroyed by the blood of Jesus and perfect health is yours in the name of Jesus.

9. I say to your life the mighty and healing hand of God is locating you and it will heal you from any sickness and diseases in your body, soul and spirit in the name of Jesus. It is well with your soul, dear brother.

10. I pray for you, dear brother, no disease or sickness will have power over you because God is your shield and buckler. Get well soon, brother.

My dear brother, I want you to know that this illness is not to take your life. You will come out of it with a song of victory. Divine healing will locate you and we will all rejoice afterwards. I love you, brother. Get well soon.

11. This your sickness is not unto death, I, therefore, declare into your life, perfect health from above in the name of Jesus; Amen.

12. Dear brother, I pray for quick recovery in the name of Jesus. Your health is perfect in the name of Jesus and nothing will stand against it. Get well soon, brother.

13. Fear not for I will be with you until the end of time says the Lord, your health is restored in the name of Jesus and nothing will be able to change it. Get well soon, brother.

14. The healing balm of Gilead will take away every form of sickness and diseases in your life in the name of Jesus and your health is going to be perfect in the name of Jesus; Amen.

15. The great physician from above will restore your health and your strength will be renewed like that of the eagle. Get well soon, brother.

16. All infirmities in your life, I come against them and send them packing from your life in the name of Jesus. Your health is perfect. Get well soon, brother.

17. I speak life into your body, soul and spirit in the name of Jesus. Divine health from above is locating right away in the name of Jesus. Get soon, brother.

18. Declare a thing and it shall be established, I, therefore, declare in your life divine healing and perfect restoration from above in the name of Jesus. Get well soon, brother.

19. As you are trusting God for that perfect healing from the sickbed you are, I key into it and decree to your life healing that is beyond human comprehension is coming upon you in the name of Jesus.

20. I pray for you the sickness you see today; you will see it no more in the name of Jesus. Your health is perfect and your strength renewed in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

Having you as a big brother is one gift I am always grateful for. It hurts me to see you this ill. I pray that God will visit you with mercy and hasten your recovery. Get well soon, big bro, I love you.

21. He said it is finished and I also declare into your life that sickness is finished in your life, afflictions are finished in your life in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

22. On that sickbed, I pray for you, all things will work for your good and your healing shall be permanent in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, big brother.

23. I pray for you; the healing of God will find you and you will be made whole in the name of Jesus. Your health is restored in Jesus name; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

24. No sickness or disease will be able to overcome you in the name of Jesus. Fear not for God is always on your side. Get well soon, brother.

25. The Lord is faithful, he will never fail, I, therefore, decree into your life, strength like never before to come upon you and the healing wind of God to locate you in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

26. As you go through this message, you will be made whole in the name of Jesus and your healing shall be permanent and nothing will be able to go against it. Recover quick, brother.

27. Every afflictions and disease holding you down, I come against them right now in the name of Jesus. You are set free from every bondage of sickness. Get well soon, brother.

28. On that sickbed, you will not die but live to proclaim the testimony of God in the land of the living. Recover quick, brother.

29. since nothing can stand against the day from breaking, nothing both on earth and in heavens will be able to stop your healing in the name of Jesus; Amen. Recover quick, brother.

30. Because you believe that God will never give up on you, I pray for you, healing beyond human knowledge is locating you right away and you will be made whole in the name of Jesus: Amen. Recover quick, brother.

Dear little brother, your healing will be perfect and your recovery will be speedy beyond human comprehension in Jesus name; Amen. I hope this prayer quote meets you well. Get well soon.

31. I pray for you all the weak bones will receive strength in the name of Jesus. The healing wind of God is locating you in Jesus name; Amen. Get well soon, little brother.

32. If God be for you, who can be against you? I, therefore, pray for you, my dear brother, the mighty hand of God will perfect your health in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, kid brother.

33. I pray for you, the power that revived the dry bones in the valley of dry bones, will revive you and make you whole again. I wish you a quick recovery, brother.

34. I pray for you; the precious blood of Jesus will flow through your body and perfect your health in the name of Jesus; Amen. Heal quick, brother.

35. Because you have Jesus and I pray for you, every sickness holding you at ransom are destroyed in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

36. I declare and decree to your life, the perfect healing of God from above to work through your life and restore you in Jesus name; Amen.

37. The precious blood of Jesus will cleanse you and set you free from all forms of sickness in the name of Jesus. Get well soon, dear younger brother.

38. Fear not, dear brother because the healing hand of God is locating you and you will be free from every sickness and diseases in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

39. I pray for you, may God the healer heals you from all your infirmities in the name of Jesus. You are restored in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

40. Dear brother, I pray for you, the great restorer will restore you and your healing will be perfect and so shall it be in the name of Jesus; Amen.

May your healing be fast beyond expectations, darling brother. You will come out of state stronger than before and the protection of the Lord will be upon you. I wish you a speedy recovery, bro.

41. I pray for the mercy of God to locate you on your sickbed and set you free from the bondage of sickness you are right now in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

42. God is faithful and will always keep his words so I pray for your divine healing from above is locating you and setting you free in the name of Jesus. You are healed in Jesus name; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

43. Dear brother, I pray for instant healing for you as you read through this message in the name of Jesus; Amen. I wish you a quick recovery in the name of Jesus.

44. The hands of the Lord is resting upon you and taking away from your life any traces of sickness and diseases in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

45. I pray for divine strength from above to fall on you and empower you in the name of Jesus. Your healing is perfect in the name of Jesus; Amen. I wish you a quick recovery, dear brother.

46. Because you are a chosen of God, no evil will before you, and your healing shall come from above in the name of Jesus; Amen. I wish you a quick recovery, dear brother.

47. Since healing of God alone, I pray for you, may your healing from God locate you as you read through this text in the name of Jesus; Amen.

48. I pray for you; the blood of Jesus will wash away every form of infirmities in your life in Jesus name; Amen. I wish you a quick recovery, brother.

49. I declare into your life that the voice that calm the storm will calm every storm of sickness in your life in the name of Jesus; Amen. Get well soon, brother.

50. I pray for you; the hand of God is locating every source of sickness in your life and they are been heal in the name of Jesus; Amen. I wish you a quick recovery in Jesus name; Amen.

Love is magical so they say and it is also capable of speeding up a healing process. And prayer is one of the ways to show we care for our loved ones not only when they are hale and hearty but also when passing through a challenge like been on a sickbed.

Your prayer will go a long way to encourage them that they are loved and this will help them in their recovering process.

It gladdens my heart that you stick with me till the end and I’m sure I’ve been able to meet your need on the powerful prayers for my brother to get well soon which you can send to that your brother and also sister and you will never regret doing so.

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