Things you didn’t know about Mediatakeout: in Details 2022

– Things you didn’t know about Mediatakeout –

There are things you didn’t know about Mediatakeout (also known as MTO News) is a blog-style gossip website focused on entertainment, lifestyles, activities, and ordeals of African American celebrities. 

It is an urban news platform widely known for its timely publication of the happenings in African-American entertainment industries with a wide emphasis on music, movies, fashion, comedy, lifestyle. 

Unarguably, Mediatakeout is currently the most popular media platform developing around the lifestyle, private and social lives of African-American celebrities. 

However, one needs to be reminded that Mediatakeout is by far the largest and most visited urban gossip site in the world, with an estimated number of 16 million readers monthly. 

Nevertheless, Mediatakeout is widely known for its capturing of exclusive, breaking stories that are scooped up by the likes of CNN, TMZ, and other popular media outlets in the world.

Table of Contents

Additional information

Since its inception in January 2022, the news blog has recorded a series of milestones achievements, including its ability to place the African-American Hip-Hop culture on a wider and larger map. 

This, to a very large extent, shows that the platform has not only brought its founder money and fame but has also promoted the underground and mainstream African-American entertainers. 

The news blog publishes exciting stories developing around entertainment yet instructing the world on the essence of morality. Thus, I refer to it as the ‘giant of African-American Entertainment Gists and Gossips. 

Who is the Founder of Mediatakeout?


Fred Mwangaguhunga is the founder of Mediatakeout. He was born in Queens, New York to a couple of African descent who originally held from Uganda in the Eastern region of Africa.  

It is believed that his parents migrated to Africa in their prime and settled in Washington DC, the capital of the USA, in the north-eastern part of the United States. 

I originally trained him as a lawyer at where he also got a degree certificate in Business Management. He specialized in business law and worked on Wall Street as a corporate lawyer where he advised companies on financial matters. 

After a few years of working as a lawyer, Mwangaguhunga ventured into a business to fulfill his dream of being an entrepreneur. The couple started with a clothing store and subsequently included an online laundry in their chains of business. 

At the onset, families, and friends who were quite skeptical about the success of the business vehemently criticized his choice of abandoning the legal profession for a business venture. 

Fred Mwangaguhunga Net Worth

Mediatakeout founder is an American entrepreneur and former corporate lawyer who has a net worth of $10 million.

Fred Mwangaguhunga’s Wife

Noya Green is Fred Mwangaguhunga’s wife and deputy editor at 

Just like her husband, she abandoned her legal profession for their business ventures and later delved into blogging. She has three kids and just like her husband; she is African-American. 


What Happened to Mediatakeout?

Mediatakeout had sometimes suffered attacks from individuals like the rapper Kanye West and the most serious one happened in 2016 with Facebook.

1. Mediatakeout Facebook Page was Pull Down

In 2016, MediaTakeOut’s Facebook page was unpublished. At the time they took it down, the page had 5.6 million followers as of t

MediaTakeOut reaches over 30 million people each month. Along with its Facebook reach, they are the most viewed African American news agency in the world. 

After the 2016 election, the platform made the editorial decision to include more political and social impact stories on MediaTakeOut.

Often the stories went viral, and many resulted in social change. For example, as a direct result of their reporting on police brutality, at least 3 police officers were removed from their jobs for misconduct. 

But this editorial change had consequences. The site and social media pages were under constant attack – by a coordinated and calculated effort by White supremacists to shut it down.

Additional Details on Mediatakeout Facebook Pull Down

The vigilant group of White supremacists, who coordinates online, were flagging the website’s articles hundreds of times each day on Facebook and Twitter.

Their goal was to allege false “Community Guidelines” violations until Facebook would be forced to remove the page. 

The efforts worked, and Facebook unpublished page. They resorted to working with Facebook to get the page reinstated, but it was not clear that it will be successful. 

After the creation of the new page, Mediatakeout resolved that at least 50% of their content will be news that has a positive social or political impact. 

 2. Mediatakeout got Sued by Kim Kardashian West for Libel

The lawsuit in Manhattan federal court seeks unspecified damages from It said Kardashian West, traumatized by the act.

The 3-armed robbery was victimized a second time when the website reported hours afterward that she faked the robbery and lied about the assault. 

The website’s owner, Fred Mwangaguhunga didn’t answer his phone when the comment was sought on Tuesday. A message left with the website wasn’t immediately returned. 

Police said armed robbers forced their way into a private residence where the reality TV star was staying, tied her up, and stole $10 million worth of jewelry. She was in Paris for fashion week. 

The lawsuit said the website lacked factual support when it published a series of articles referring to her as a liar and alleged that she faked the robbery.

Concluding Details on Kim’s Suite against Mediatakeout

The lawsuit said the “malicious publication of the articles, which paint the victim of a serious crime as a criminal herself, is libelous.” 

The website also ignored her demand that it publishes a retraction and apology for calling her a liar and a criminal, the lawsuit said. 

According to two masked men who put a gun to her head, duct-taped her hands, legs, and mouth assaulted and robbed the lawsuit, and left her lying helplessly on the bathroom floor while they left with the jewelry. 

After the attack, her husband, Kanye West, cut off his New York concert, announcing that he had a family emergency.

Mediatakeout Lies

There have been a lot of unconfirmed stories published on Nonetheless, there are also lies told by people against Mediatakeout too. You see, the issue of lies in the media space is a two-sided thing.  

1. Kim Kardashian West Rumored Fake Robbery

One of the most popular Mediatakeout lies was their publication of a series of false stories about Kim KardashianWest.

The news blog suggests she faked the robbery in Paris, lied to authorities, and then filed a $5.6 million fraudulent insurance claim for her stolen jewelry. 

2. Ariana Grande has Seven Rings, Zero Pregnancies

It seems like a very long time ago, but in the summer of 2018, Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande were going so strong, the often-discredited gossip blog ( claimed Davidson had gotten Grande pregnant.

The site, quoting an “anonymous entertainment insider,” claimed the singer had pushed back the release of her album because of the incoming baby.

Grande took to Twitter to clear up the rumors, nearly two years later, the world was still waiting on that Davidson/Grande baby.  

3. Kim Kardashian isn’t Green around the Gills

In August 2018, MediaTakeOut claimed that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
were heading for divorce because she was wearing green. 

As odd as this rumor seemed, the platform argued it had its reasons for posting such an absurd story, though the explanation doesn’t make much more sense than the claim.  

The site argued that Kardashian revealed the news at her younger sister Kylie Jenner’s 21st birthday party. The party supposedly used color-coded cups to denote the drinker’s relationship status, with green being the color for “it’s complicated.”  

After she was spotted wearing a green wig one day and a green dress the next, the gossip blog published the rumor, writing, “People are saying that hiss Kim’s subtle way of telling the world [sic] — that her marriage to Kanye is now ‘complicated.’ 

Though the world had known the truth already, other blogs investigated the matter and rendered Mediatakeout claim false.

Further on the Uncensored Divorce Saga

Kardashian’s Instagram postings from that week revealed that while the reality star was on a green kick, it was not the only color she wore. The entire story was a stretch. 

Though the couple split some years later, research still claims that Mediatakeout was lying because the divorce incidence happened about three years later. 

4. The Juice isn’t Loose on Twitter

When O.J. Simpson joined Twitter in June 2019, Mediatakeout found an opportunity to spread more misleading gossip for its usual cheap popularity.

The outlet published that Simpson either tweeted “I killed her” or they had hacked his Twitter account. This sinister message seems to hint at Simpson’s involvement in the grisly murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown. 

The site took the message as either a taunting brag or proof the former NFL star’s Twitter account was hacked. The story was investigated and subsequently found to be one of the lies the mischievous website is known for. 

Further investigation proved that the account that tweeted the message was a fake account set up to trick users into thinking it was the real Simpson tweeting.

The site didn’t even bother to check the handle attached to the post before it published the claim. What a mess and display of unprofessionalism! 

5. Beyonce isn’t hiding her age

Later that same year, Mediatakeout claimed that Beyonce’s mom had inadvertently revealed Beyonce’s true age.

In an Instagram post celebrating Beyonce’s 38th birthday, the singer’s mom, Tina Knowles, wrote, “39 years ago today you came into my life…” 

The gossip blog ran with this line, claiming that this was proof that Beyonce had been lying about her age for years — never mind the fact that if one were to lie about their age, they will probably make the difference over one year 

The story was investigated and revealed that Beyonce’s mum made the comment counting from the period in which the singer was conceived. 

This dealt a deadly blow on Mediatakeout putting its credibility on gossips and story publication under question.

Questions about Mediatakeout

People have asked so many questions about Mediatakeout. In this section of our discussion, we will be examing some of those questions.

1. What Led to the Start-up of Mediatakeout?

Fred Mwangaguhunga had a laundry business called Laundry Spa that was essentially a web-based business. Clients logged on, scheduled a pickup time and delivery time, chose a fragrance for their clothes.

Business took off after he got a write-up on the Daily Candy blog site. At Laundry Spa, he spent his ad budget on blogs.

At the time, the idea of blogs was that they were really a niche only for the ultra-techie. Afterward, he sold his laundry business, looked at the blog world, and saw the growth they have had.

He thought this could be something bigger than a fad, or even if it is a fad, it’s a fad that could last years. He had nothing else to do, so he thought he just needed to try it. 

In addition to this, Mediatakeout was launched in 2006 to completely shatter the stereotype that Black people do not use the internet. In the same year, the site generated more than one million page views in a single day. 

2. How much did it Cost Fred Mwangaguhunga to Startup Mediatakeout?  

According to the founder of the website, the startup cost for the blog was minimal. It cost him $19.99 for the Yahoo account and about $7.99 for the domain name.

Being a man from a small business backgrou
nd, he operated the blog as a small business at the initial stage. They judiciously utilized the funds in order to maintain profitability and grow organically.

3. How is Different from Every Other Gossip Blog? 

In the urban space, there is an avalanche of gossip blogs, but none have the traffic, influence, popularity, or audience appeal of

Like Twitter, YouTube, and several other tech start-ups, the founder said they spend most of their efforts building’s brand equity and gaining readers instead of focusing on revenues.

However, that decision was right as the platform has been cash-flow positive since the sixth month of operations and revenues are growing strongly.

4. How do Mediatakeout Attract People to their Site? attracts viewers to their site by breaking big urban trending news stories.

Examples of such news are the Chris Brown-Rihanna assault, Rapper TI’s arrest, and the Jennifer Hudson family tragedy.

With this standard, people become conscious of the fact that Mediatakeout is the best place for breaking news in the urban community.

Another huge part of their success is their active audience. They have over 650,000 registered users who actively comment on their articles.

Their comments, often humorous and usually insightful, give readers that “extra” that they can’t find anywhere else.  

5. How does Generate Traffic Compare to Other Entertainment Sites?

While focuses heavily on African American-oriented content, their traffic is on par with some of the largest mainstream sites on the web.

According to September’s Comscore numbers, received 87 million page views, making it the sixth most visited entertainment website in the United States behind only TMZ, MSN’s Wonderwall, Yahoo’s OMG, People Magazine, and TV Guide.

It was ranked ahead of Perez Hilton, E! Online, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Weekly, and Us Magazine. AOL Black Voices received 75 million page views and received 38 million. 

6. Is Mediatakeout App Available on Google Store?

Mediatakeout is a free app for Android published in the Newsgroup Clients list of apps, part of Communications. The company that develops Mediatakeout is NewsEnterprise. The latest version released by its developer is 1.0.  

The app was launched on the website in May 2012 and was downloaded 88 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however, for your own protection, we recommend you scan the downloaded app with your antivirus.

The app was launched on the website in May 2012 and was downloaded 88 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however, for your own protection, we recommend you scan the downloaded app with your antivirus.

7. How to Install Mediatakeout on your Android Device? 

Visit your Google Play Store and type the app name. Once the Mediatakeout shows in the Google Play listing of your Android device, you can start its download and installation. Tap on the Install button below the search bar and to the right of the app icon. 

A pop-up window with the permissions required by Mediatakeout will show. Click on Accept to continue the process. 

Mediatakeout will be downloaded onto your device, displaying progress. Once the download completes, the installation will start and you’ll get a notification after the installation. 

8. Is Bossip Related to Mediatakeout?  

A lot of persons have asked this particular question. Some suggest that Mediatakeout is the same as Bossip or the former is owned by the latter as with Facebook and Instagram or WhatsApp.

That is not really the case here. Mediatakeout and Bossip are two different news blogs though with a similar mode of operation and focus.

9. What is Bossip? 

Bossip is an online gossip and entertainment magazine with a focus on African American celebrities. The site is owned by iOne Digital (an Urban One Inc. company).

They base Bossip in AtlantaGeorgia. Thus, both focus on the lives and activities of African-American celebrities.

Popular Celebrity Gossips on Mediatakeout in 2021

Mediatakeout has published a lot of stories and gossip developing around the African-American entertainment industry.

It gleans its updates from friends and relations of the celebrities and sometimes engages them in a live interview. Other news outlets like CNN, also serve as a source of related materials for Mediatakeout.

These are some of the popular celebrity gossips in African-American Society as published by Mediatakeout. 

1. Keefe D Alludes to DJ Quik Setting Up Biggie Smalls Murder! 


Keefe D, the uncle of Tupac Shakur’s alleged killer, says that DJ Quik may have been partially responsible for setting up Biggie Smalls’ murder. 

Death Row Records artist Jewell is accused of murdering Pac, but when this theory was put to him, Keefe D had a different opinion. 

I don’t think Jewell would do that. I myself, I think Theo and them did ’em, the DJ dude. That’s who I think did it. Him and Quik.

That’s what I think. I just think the set-up went down in that type of way, but I don’t think homegirl did it ’cause Puff told me that they were there to sign with his label,” he said. 

“I saw Tha Dogg Pound dudes. They used to come to his events. And that’s a cold mixture that Suge [Knight] had gone down. He was a Blood and all his artists was all Crips. That’s a trip. That was a hell of a mixture.” 

He said DJ Quik was at the event. 

More Details on Biggie’s Murder

He showed up with them Blood dudes. My homies were out and was like, ‘Them n*ggas are here.’

I went and relayed the messages that DJ Quik and the dude Theo, he was a radio personality back then, were down there with them dudes. That’s where the sh*t went down, he says.

2. Brian Laundrie ‘Probably’ Killed Himself Before Police Manhunt

They found his remains in Florida’s Carlton Reserve on October 20 after five weeks of searching for him. 

“We talked probably 20 times during that situation and obviously we supported them out in the preserve looking for Brian Laundrie,” Sarasota County Sheriff Kurt Sheriff Hoffman said, according to the Herald-Tribune. 

“That guy went out there and probably committed suicide and he was right out there where we thought he was,” Hoffman said. “There was four feet of water out there at the time.”

Police went to the home of Laundrie to interview him. He lived with his parents. When they returned, he had fled. Chief Garrison refuted backlash against his team for letting Laundrie getaway. 

“I can tell you one thing,” Garrison said, according to the Herald-Tribune, “The amount of work that was done, behind the scenes, 24 hours a day, from our team and the FBI team working on the second floor of the police department, was phenomenal work.” 

3. TikTok Prank Gone Wrong: Chicago Teens Shoot Paintball Gun, Goons Shoot Back!!

A 16-year-old boy is in stable condition after he was reportedly hit with gunfire while doing a TikTok prank in Chicago.

MTO News has learned to accord to multiple reports, a group of teen boys tried a new “TikTok Challenge”, where they would prank unsuspecting Chicagoans – by shooting them with a paintball gun. 

The teens pulled the prank in a high-crime area of the city, where the people “pranked” would mistake the paintball gunfire – for real gunfire. 

That was a big mistake. MTO News confirmed that amid the prank, a person pulled a real gun out, and shot at the teens – hitting one of the young men. 

4. Parents ‘Protest’ NJ Teacher … Say Her Big Butt Is Distracting Students! (Pics)

A New Jersey art teacher is coming under fire across social media after parents claim that her body is “too distracting” for her students, MTO News has learned.

The art teacher – who goes by the Instagram handle @toyboxdolls – teaches children as young as 5 years old. When in the classroom, she’s always fully covered, and the teacher wears no intentionally inappropriate clothing. 

But that hasn’t stopped parents from criticizing the New Jersey teacher – and saying that she is being “inappropriate.” The parents claim that it’s not the teacher’s dress – but her BODY that is inappropriate. 

5. TikTok Comedian Huey Haha Dead at 22!!

The comedian and TikTok star Huey Haha died on Monday. “Huey Ha passed away October 25, 2021. He loved and appreciated every single one of his supporters,” an Instagram post read alongside a screenshot of a GoFundMe campaign. 

Huey’s first video entitled “How to not Get Robbed” which was posted in 2019 went viral on YouTube. The comedian gained close to half a million YouTube subscribers and received over 113 million views. 

“Used to saying RIP, but this hurt the most … They already took the fun for the comedy but now it’s not gon be the same without you. We love you brother see you in the future,” a GofundMe page to raise funds for his two-year-old daughter’s needs. 

6. Baltimore Man Brags about Stealing Woman’s Money!! (‘wasn’t Robbery, it was a Finesse!’)

A Baltimore man is admitting publicly to stealing more than a thousand dollars from a woman, who believed she had met the man of her dreams, MTO News has learned.

But the man is claiming that the alleged theft shouldn’t be considered a robbery. According to the Baltimore man who calls himself “a street dude,” it wasn’t a robbery… it was a “finesse.” 

Here’s the story: A woman named Denise met up with an old friend from Baltimore, whom she’d long had a crush on. Denise traveled from her home state in North Carolina, to meet the man – whom she admitted had street ties. 

But it wasn’t just romance that Denise was looking for. Denise came upon a large packet of drugs, and she needed help selling it. So, she reached out to the man and asked him to broker the drug transaction for her, MTO News has learned. 

Denise claims that her old friend promised to help her sell the drugs, take her out on a date and show her a good time. 

Concluding Details

On the first night that Denise arrived in Baltimore, things were magical. The two went to a casino, a club, and then to a hotel, where the couple made passionate love all night long, MTO News has learned. 

The next day, the two went to the mall – to complete the drug transaction. That’s when things went left. Denise claims that the man slipped away with her drugs and left her stranded at the mall. 

Shortly after the video went viral, the man responded – telling his side of the story. He told his viewers, “I didn’t rob that lady, it was just finessed.” 

7. 55-Year-Old Mike Haugabook Marries God Daughter… Days After Her 18th Birthday!


Mike Haugabook married Deyjah Evans this weekend, in a private ceremony in Florida. Deyjah turned 18 last week. In Florida, where the couple lives, the legal age for consent/adulthood is 18.

Mike and Deyjah told Facebook that they will be “raising” their 4 kids together. It’s not clear how many of the children are Deyjah’s (biological), and whether any of them are biologically both Deyjah’s and Mike’s. 

Under Florida law, Deyjah legally could not consent to sexual relations with an adult male until she turned 18. 

But it’s not just the age difference that has people upset with Deyjah and Mike’s marriage. It’s also the fact that Mike is her God-father and appears to have known her since she was a child. 

Deyjah’s mom went on Live yesterday and confirmed that the Florida 55-year-old has known his new wife since she was a toddler.

Further details on This Story

And an image (top image above) began circulating online which purportedly shows Mike and Deyjah embracing when she was a toddler.  

Deyjah’s mom is NOT in support of the marriage. Deyjah’s mom – who is a recovering drug addict – claims that she slept with Mike in the past, in exchange for a cell phone and a “couple of dollars.”

We know for certain that Mike considered Deyjah his Goddaughter 4 years ago when he posted about the then troubled teen running away from her adopted home. 

Many on social media claim that Mike may have “groomed” his now 18-year-old goddaughter. So far Mike has not explained the timing of their relationship, nor has he explained to his followers when the newlywed’s relationship changed from paternal to romantic.  

8. Will Smith Throws Shade at Jada on TikTok … Suggests she is a Gold Digger

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s marriage may come to an end, MTO News has learned. Over the weekend, Will liked a video that portrayed Jada as a “fake gold digger” on TikTokTok. 

9. Jennifer Lopez Hits Wesley Snipes w/ #MeToo: I Was ‘Violated’ During Love Scene

Well, Jennifer didn’t specifically mention Wesley’s name – but given that it’s the only graphic love scene that she’s ever done in her career, it’s pretty clear she’s talking about him.

In a recent interview, J Lo claimed that her “leading man” pressured her into an inappropriate love scene: “He was a big star with a lot of clouts, and I was just starting out,” she said. “It was my big break. 

And he really pressured me. He told me if the scene wasn’t hot enough, my part would end up on the cutting room floor. And that it would be bad for my career like I’d get a reputation as difficult to work with. 

She says she felt uncomfortable.”So, we did i
t, and it was horrible. We were both completely naked, with nothing between us except a sock on his boner! I was so naïve then.

Now I would have pillows and covers and whatever to prevent contact, but I didn’t know any better. ” She added.

The Gist Continues

So, here’s this famous actor, basically humping my leg and pawing away at my breasts and kissing them. It was awful. I felt violated.

I swore I’d never work with him again. He’s not done too well lately anyway…so maybe that’s karma! 

Now, people across Twitter clamor for the cancellation of Wesley Snipes should for his alleged behavior.  

What do you think?? 

10. Rick Ross’ Baby Mama Hit with Restraining Order by Ex-BF

Her ex-boyfriend has hit with a restraining order Tia Kemp, one of Rick Ross’ baby mamas.

According to court documents got by Radar Online, back in July, Tia Kemp and her 16-year-old son William Roberts III, whom her ex, Jason Highley sued her shares with the rapper. 

Highley says he allowed Tia to stay at his Fort Lauderdale home with her two kids. He said when they broke up; she refused to leave.  

“The romantic relationship deteriorated and Highley asked the Defendants to move out of the property several times, to no avail,” the suit read. 

He then filed for a temporary domestic violence injunction against Tia to stop her from going into his home but she continued to enter the property to “steal and destroy items.”

Further Details

After suing Tia and William, he dropped his claims against Rick Ross’ son because he is underage. Tia agreed to stay away but asked for the court’s help to retrieve her property. 

Current News in Mediatakeout Nigeria 

There are many things you probably did not know about Mediatakeout Nigeria. Below are some of the trending stories on Mediatakeout Nigeria in 2022. 

1. African Nation of Nigeria Agrees to Give Cardi B Nigerian Citizenship

Cardi B may be a citizen of the African nation of Nigeria soon. The rapper took to Twitter last weekend and announced that she would file for her citizenship in Nigeria. 

She tweeted, “Naaaaa these memes are fuckin [crying emojis] but shit ain’t no joke! Especially being from New York. It’s sad this man is putting Americans’ lives in danger. The dumbest move Trump did to date … I’m filing for my Nigerian citizenship.” 

Well, now she may have her citizenship. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, a chairperson of Nigeria’s diaspora commission, responded to Cardi’s tweet and invited her to come back to Nigeria. 

“@iamcardib as one in charge of the Diaspora for Nigeria, we can’t wait to receive you again. Our doors are open, sister. And you need to talk a walk through the Door of Return in Badagry. It’s an indescribable experience.” 

More on Cardi B’s Proposed Nigerian Citizenship

And the Dominican rapper fell in love with the country. She visited an orphanage in Lagos, Nigeria, and donated diapers, bottled water, and feminine products for women at the orphanage.

Music executive, Brooklyn Johnny, who was with Cardi on the trip, told fans they loaded up as many supplies they could to take to the orphanage. 

 “We spent our only free time in Nigeria shopping for children in need,” he wrote. “We literally bought as the vehicles we had in our convoy could carry… Today was a good day.” 

2. IG Scammer Hushpuppy’s Snitching … may Bring Down Entire Nigerian Gov’t!

Now Hushpuppi is snitching – and trying to bring down the entire government of Nigeria, MTO News has learned. The first person down is Nigeria’s top police officer.

Yesterday, Nigeria’s police chief has denied involvement in what a U.S. indictment describes as an elaborate scheme to defraud a Qatari businessperson of more than $1 million, masterminded by a celebrity fraudster known as “Hushpuppi.” 

Abba Kyari, a high-ranking officer and receiver of multiple honors, was one of six people who were indicted over the alleged scheme, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Central District of California.  

Hushpuppi has been in U.S. custody in Los Angeles ever since, and the Attorney’s Office announced this week that he had pleaded guilty to charges relating to schemes that cumulatively caused more than $24 million in losses to their victims. 

Kyari, who is in Nigeria and faces a U.S. arrest warrant, denied any wrongdoing in a statement on his Facebook page on Thursday. The Nigerian police force said in a statement it had ordered an internal review of the allegations.

Additional Details on Hushpuppi and IG Saga 

A newly unsealed federal grand jury indictment details a scheme whereby Hushpuppi and his accomplices allegedly faked the financing of a Qatari school by playing the roles of bank officials. 

The US police accused Kyri of taking money from Hushpuppi as payment for arranging for one of his accomplices to be locked up in Nigeria after a dispute among the conspirators. 

Mediatakeout is the most popular and consistent urban news blog carrying gossips and exciting facts about African-American celebrities.

Its sources of information include closed-relations and friends of celebrities, the latest gossips of popular media outlets like CNN. Founded in January 2006, the blog has recorded milestone achievements that no urban entertainment website has.

Finally, you can download their mobile App in Google stores or follow them on the social media platforms available.

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