United Nations Grants, Funding and Development Programmes 2022

– United Nations Grants –

The United Nations (UN) specialized agencies launch various programs every year that provide grants to different organizations and individuals to make strong partnerships for bringing about social and economic change. Keep reading!

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that was founded in 1945.193 member states currently make the UN. The requirements and principles in its founding Charter guide Member States, the UN and its work.

The UN has developed over the years to stay pace with a transforming world. The UN is one place on earth where all other nations can gather, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all humanity.

List of United Nations Grants

Below is a list of different United Nations grants you can apply for, although all applications are closed already, but mark this page and stay updated for more united nations grants for this year and years to come.

1. United Nations Global Climate Action Award- United Nations Grants

Application Deadline: 30 April

Lead by the United Nations Climate Change’s Momentum for a Change initiative, the UN Global Climate Action Award shines a light-weight on the foremost innovative, scalable and replicable samples of what people around the world do to tackle global climate change. “United nations grants”


1. This involves applications that include the subsequent three areas of focus:

2. The Women for Results: Recognizing the critical leadership and participation of girls in addressing climate change;

3. Financing for Climate Friendly Investment: recognizing successful financial innovations for global climate change adaption and mitigation;

4. Climate Neutral Now, recognizing efforts of individuals, companies and even governments that are achieving real leads to transitioning to climate neutrality.

Why you Should Apply for these United Nations Grants

1. If they select your project as a winning activity under the Women for Results or Climate Neutral Now categories, you will receive a wide range of benefits, including;

2. Fully covered attendance to the UN global climate change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, in November 2020

3. Access to policymakers and potential funders during the conference; public recognition by the UN global climate change secretariat.

4. Public relations support and media training; marketing materials, including promotional videos.

5. A dedicated page about your project on the UN website; and professional photography.

Winning projects under the Financing for Climate Friendly Investment category will get to be self-funded to the conference and supply their own video and photo materials.

What benefits do UN Global Climate Action Award winners receive?

1. Award winners receive the following benefits package:

2. Engagement with Policy Makers

3. Recognition of the UNFCCC secretariat

4. Funded attendance at UN global climate change Conference (apart from winners under the Financing for Climate Friendly investment category, which requires to be self-funded to attend the Conference);

5. Opportunities to present work to policymakers during the UN global climate change conference.

6. Public Relations Support: Concentrated media engagement effort before and through the UN global climate change conferences, including placement of opinion pieces and earned media;

The ongoing digital campaign, including social media, email marketing and promotion on the UN global climate change website.

7. Marketing Support

i. Promotional videos

ii. Dedicated webpage on the UN global climate change website

iii. Interactive annual reports

iv. Professional photography.


Your activity must meet the eligibility criteria for its respective area of focus. In order to meet the basic eligibility criteria, the activity must:

1. Address climate change mitigation or adaptation

2. Be already implemented, or in implementation

3. Be scalable and/or replicable with potential for long-term impact

4. Be innovative and/or show potential for long-term transformational change

5. Deliver verifiable social and environmental benefits

6. Not to be registered or have intentions to register as a clean development mechanism (CDM) or joint implementation (JI) initiative in the next two years.

7. Organizations, communities, cities, businesses, universities, governments and others that are taking concrete action on climate change can apply to have their projects recognized by the UN Climate Change secretariat as a 2020 Lighthouse Activity.

Note: Each of the three areas of focus has its own criteria.


In order to access the application portal, you will need to create a username and password. You can create log-in credentials through the website below;

After you have created log-in credentials, you will be able to create a new application.

Visit https://momentum.unfccc.int/ to Apply.

2. Call for Nominations: World No Tobacco Day Awards 2021

Application Deadline:  6 March

The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for nominations to the World No Tobacco Day Awards of individuals or organizations in each of the six WHO Regions for their performances in tobacco control.

WHO headquarters will announce the awardees at WHO Tobacco Free Initiative’s website site five days before 31 May.

The theme for this year’s award is: Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use.


There will be a maximum of six World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) awards per WHO region. Two of the awardees might be granted special recognition through a WHO Director-General Special Recognition Award.

Who can make Nominations?

Anyone can submit names for consideration.

Who Can be Nominated for United Nations Grants?

The nominee can be an individual or a collective (e.g., a non-governmental organization devoted to tobacco control) or a government department/Ministry that has contributed outstandingly to tobacco control.

The nominee must have contributed outstandingly to the advancement of the policies and measures in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its guidelines, particularly in relation to the theme of World No Tobacco Day.


Who Cannot be Nominated?

1. WHO or other United Nations staff and their relatives.

2. People or collectives employed by or involved with the tobacco industry and their relatives.

3. People or collectives who had received a World No Tobacco Day award in the two previous years.

Reasons for Nominations are:

1. The nomination can be for a particular action, or for a group of actions, or for the body of a nominee’s work in tobacco control at any local, national, regional or international level.

2. The nominee may have set a meritorious (or distinctive) example for others in the tobacco control movement.

3. The nominee may have overcome an enormous obstacle in achieving the aim for which he or she is worthy of a World No Tobacco Day award.

4. The nominee may have shown outstanding leadership or commitment or have been innovative in his or her approach to tobacco control.

5. The nominee may have brought particular resources, or knowledge or expertise to bear on tobacco control.

6. The nominee may have contributed outstandingly to tobacco control as a crucial measure to rolling back noncommunicable diseases to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages).

7. Nominations for reasons based on the regular parliamentary or administrative work of nominees (in an official or personal capacity), e.g. the hosting or chairing of meetings, will not be considered.


On each nomination form, you will need to provide the following information:

1. Complete name of the nominee.

2. Title of the nominee, if a person.

3. Gender of the nominee, if a person.

4. Address of the nominee, including email or phone.

5. Language to be used in the correspondence with nominees and on the certificates.

6. Complete name of the nominator.

7. Title of the nominator, if a person.

8. Address of the nominator, including email or phone.

9. A detailed description of the reason for the nomination, including the dates of the actions.

Besides the description of the achievement, WHO also strongly encourages testimonial letters from up to two individuals (other than the nominator) who support the nomination.

These testimonial letters are an integral part of the nomination process since they help to paint a complete picture of your nominee for the members of the Selection Committee.

Note: WHO does not contact the originators of the testimonial letters.


Nominations should be written in one of the six WHO official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, or Spanish).

The nomination form should be typed, up to 200 words (maximum) and no handwritten forms will be accepted.


3. Dubai International Best Practices Award for Sustainable Development

They have launched Dubai International Best Practices Award for Sustainable Development in partnership with UN-HABITAT and Dubai Municipality to recognize excellence and support urban best practices to improve the living environment. “United Nations Grants”


US$1M in prizes to be awarded at Expo2021.


Getting to its 25th year, the award recognizes the world’s best practices that show valuable contributions to sustainable urban development, because of effective partnerships between public, private, and civic sectors.

Awards are given under the following categories;

1. Best Practices Award in Urban Regeneration and Public Spaces

This category caters for addressing the cities of the future; finding ways in which cities ensure to provide affordable housing and access to food, water, clean air, mobility, public life and nature for continuously more many urban populations.

2. Best Practices Award in Construction of Sustainable, Innovative and Smart Buildings

This category caters to finding sustainable, innovative, and smart projects for the development of smart buildings in order to limit environmental impact, increase human well-being and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

3. Best Practices Award in Sustaining Urban Food Systems

This category caters for systemic change and much-improved access to food by all people while maintaining a strong connection between food production, storage and supply to local, regional and global beneficiaries, showing an impact on human settlements.


4. Best Practices Award in Addressing Climate Change and Reducing Pollution

This category caters for solutions addressing climate change, pollution reduction, and protecting thriving biodiversity, including long-term governance mechanics, stakeholder participation and circular economy.

5. Best Practices Award in Urban Infrastructure Planning and Management

This category caters for finding adaptable, local and resilient solutions that will enable a longer life cycle of infrastructure, because of the fast-paced transformations in line with the 4th industrial revolution relying on innovative, futuristic and sustainable projects improving living conditions.


  • National and local governments
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Corporate and Private sector companies Academic institutions
  • Media entities
  • Individuals (Researchers, professional teams, etc.).


1. The project, subject of the application, shall be implemented with tangible results for a period of at least one year (project launch should not exceed five years from the date of application);

2. The applicant should comply with the award eligibility criteria

3. The applicant should submit all requirements within the announced deadlines

4. The applicant should not take part in over one project per category. They cannot use the submitted a project in over one category.

5. By applying for the award, the applicant gives full authorization to the award management to archive the submitted content and use it for specific publications.

6. It is not of his/her right to request the recovery or restrict the team to publish or share some of the submission contents.


The applicant should complete the online application form and submit all requirements on the official award website;

The applicant must provide official documents to prove his status in relation to the submitted project as an individual, organization or corporate (ID documents, authorization letter, Commercial / Registration license, etc.);

They must submit applications online through the website below;


4 ILO Announces Skills Challenge Innovation Call

Application Deadline: 30 April

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is calling on individuals and organizations to share innovative ideas and solutions to address the skills mismatch challenge.

The ILO Skills Challenge Innovation Call will recognise and support the development of solutions that aim to address the different forms and dimensions of skills mismatch.

Aims of International Labour Organization (ILO)

The ILO Skills Challenge Innovation Call aims is to;

1. Support the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4.

2. Ensure inclusive and fair quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and SDG 8.

3. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, by enabling new solutions for workforce development that deliver relevant skills for productive employment and decent work.

These can include proposals to:

4. Enhance the effectiveness of vocational education and training programmes through innovative delivery and assessment partnerships

5. Improve the development and recognition of knowledge, skills and attributes of employees through innovative work-based learning initiatives

6. Empower enterprises to better utilise the skills of their workers.

7. Improve the collection, analysis, management and use of data and information on skill needs and labour market trends;

8. Improve the training and employment of under-represented groups including migrants and refugees, people with disabilities, young people and women;

9. Improve the provision of active labour market programmes through the integrated provision of vocational and job search help, training and work placement for the unemployed; and

10. To establish new and innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships to address skills mismatch at the regional, sectoral, or local levels.

What are the skills Mismatch Challenge Call?

The challenges of skills mismatched are:

1. The need to respond confronts the skills systems to increase dynamic and fluid labour market, including societal conditions.

2. Climate change, technology, demographic shifts, migration and globalization are causing increasing disruption in the world of work while making skills development more complex, fluid and unpredictable.

3. The concept of skills mismatch covers different issues and requires targeted solutions. Skills mismatch continues to be a challenge in today’s labour markets.

Studies have reported that in 2018, up to 45 percent of employers could not find people with the right set of skills, an increase from 31 percent in 2008.

Over one-third of workers experience qualification mismatch, with a sizable wage penalty of 20 percent compared to their well-matched counterparts.

Skills mismatch can take different forms. It can refer to the problems faced by employers to fill vacancies (skills shortages), where employees lack the skills necessary to do their jobs effectively (skill gaps); and when individuals have qualifications above or beyond those required for their job (over/under qualified).

It also covers the concept of skills obsolescence, where workers lose skills over time due to lack of use.

What Prize is for the Winner?

The winning entry will receive substantial support comprised on:

1. Financial support: The winner receives a cash prize of $50,000 grant to implement the proposed solution.

2. Six-month innovation lab: The winner will also receive technical support to transform the idea into a prototype ready to be piloted, including through boot camps and remote mentoring via a virtual platform.

3. Worldwide visibility: The winner will definitely receive support through awareness-raising of the idea and solution, including an invitation to a global event to present the innovation concept to potential partners and sponsors, press articles in media channels, videos, among others.

4. Extended network and partnerships: Finally, the winner and shortlisted entries will join the ILO’s Global Network of Skills Innovators. They will exchange with other innovators and share their solutions with ILO’s stakeholders.

Requirements Before Eligibility

To receive the grant, the applicant must sign a Grant Agreement with the ILO, which includes:

  • standard clauses on intellectual property rights
  • financial reporting requirements,
  • criteria for the disbursement of funds
  • dispute resolution and
  • details of the proposed solution implementation

Naturally, grantees are expected to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement.

As a pre-condition, before being permitted to sign a grant agreement with the ILO, the winner must, within three weeks, produce a detailed work plan and budget that will form the basis for the milestones that must be achieved. The final award is subject to the satisfactory completion of this detailed work plan.


1. Any individual or any formally made up and registered organisation/company in existence for at least two calendar years prior to the deadline

2. By organizations, ILO means education and training institutions (including schools, public and private training providers and universities), government agencies, NGOs and civil society organizations, public and private enterprises, regional and sectoral bodies, cooperatives, and research organisations;

3. ILO are open to all ideas and solutions at any stage of development;

• They can be at an early stage or more mature innovation.

• They can be a one person’s idea or involve a collaborative joint effort from different actors, such as governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations;

4. An expert evaluation panel will evaluate all proposals and the winner will receive support to turn the idea into reality and cement their role as innovators in skills development.

What I Can Submit for the United Nations’s Grants?

One or more ideas and solutions to tackle the skills mismatch challenge. ILO embraces innovative approaches, projects, tools, technologies and partnerships that seek to rethink and redesign the way they work to match skills and labour market needs.


To submit your idea or solution, applicants should:

1. Go to the ILO Skills Challenge Innovation Call webpage

2. Review the eligibility criteria and terms and conditions of the competition, as well as the Grant Agreement with the ILO;

3. Develop the proposal and secure support from partners

4. Complete the application form given via the website.


5. CFPs supporting Youth Employment and Social Inclusion in Underdeveloped Areas (Serbia)

Application Deadline:  8 March

Call for proposals (CFPs) is a project financed by the Government of Norway and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), has announced a Call for Proposals (CFPs) to support initiatives aiming to enhance social cohesion through the enhancement of the business environment.

The Purposes of CFPs

1. To give support to business support entities (BSEs), public institutions, endowments, and foundations.

2. To contribute to the increased provision of specialized services for local businesses and to support them in improving their ability to grow and increase their market share, competitiveness and employ more young people, vulnerable and marginalized groups.

3. This Call supports every project that aims at improving youth employability and their business environment at the local level.

4. The Project proposals should encompass concrete activities that directly address (priority) needs of local businesses while revealing links to the priorities identified in local or national development policies.


Aims of Call for Proposals

1. Overall Aim: To contribute to employment for youth and social inclusion of vulnerable and marginalized groups through improving the business environment in Serbia’s underdeveloped areas.

2. Specific Aim: Contribute to the improved business environment by making local businesses more sustainable and competitive and employ more youth through support provisioned by the beneficiary BSEs.

3. This call for proposal is particularly aimed at contributing to the achievement and goals addressed within the Overall and Specific Objective: Contribute to the improved business environment by making local businesses more competitive, sustainable and able to employ more youth.

The proposals contributing to Specific Objectives that would be considered may include but are not limited to:

• Interventions contributing to the enhancement of processes and/or quality of products and/or services. This includes but is not limited to introducing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, development of new products and/or services, improvement of production and/or service delivery systems, procurement of equipment for (joint) usage, improvements in design, packaging and branding, etc.

• Actions contributing to market expansion. This includes, but is not limited to, networking activities, preparation and joined participation at foreign and domestic fairs, support in a joint performance on the market, collaborative research and development projects, etc.

• Interventions of relevant standards and getting certificates. This includes, but is not limited to;

i. Introducing relevant industry standards.

ii. Introducing standards required for market expansion.

iii. Introducing group standards.

iv. Improvement of quality management systems.

v. Introduction of quality control measures, etc.

• Actions that improve employee ability of youth. This could include activities related to vocational training, skills change training, career counselling and preparations for labour market (re)entry, etc.

• Proposals that enhance the business environment at the local level. This may include enhancement of local employment policies, introducing local self-government measures/schemes to support local businesses, improvement of municipal administrative services that are provided to businesses, reduction of mismatch between demand and supply at the local labour market, enhancement of data management of business information, etc.


1. The indicative overall amount available under this CfP is USD 550,000 (in RSD).

2. The Project reserves the right not to allocate all the funds.

3. The Budget should be planned and filled-in in USD only.

4. The minimum value of the grant per project is USD 22,000 (in RSD) and the maximum is USD 110,000 (in RSD).

5. The maximum duration of the project is twelve (12) months, while the minimum duration is eight (8) months from the signing of the Grant Agreement.


Eligible to apply are:

• Business Support Entities

Following types of business support entities are eligible to apply:

i. Business Incubators including co-working spaces and hubs

ii. Endowments

iii. Clusters

iv. Accredited Regional Development Agencies

v. Business Associations

vi. Science or Technology Park

vii. Chamber of Commerce and Research Institutes

viii. Academic Organisations (Academies, Universities).

In order to be eligible to apply, business support entities must comply with the following criteria:

• Legally registered with the Serbian Business Registration Agency (SRBA) and seated on the territory of the Republic of Serbia;

• Legally registered at least one year before submission of the project proposal;

• To have a minimum of one employee for the year 2019 (as evidenced by the relevant document);

• Legally registered to perform activities for which they will realize the objectives of the proposed project;

• Proven track record of successful realization of projects that are dealing with the issues that are subject of the CfP and of the proposed action;

• The applicant has not been issued with the prohibition of performing their activities within two years before submitting the application.

• The applicant owns a business premise or has a valid long-term leasing agreement.

• An organisation is not in the process of enforced collection of claims, bankruptcy, closure or liquidation, has a clean record in fulfilment of contractual obligations undertaken based on previous grant agreements and no cases of funds misused, illegal activities or criminal charges/convictions.

• It has expertise, organisational and financial capacities to successfully carry on implementation of the proposed action;

• There are no criminal proceedings against the person(s) authorized to represent the organisation (legal representatives and assigned project managers);

• The applicant is not producing anything that infringes copyright, trademark or intellectual property laws.

Domestic Endowments and Foundations for United Nations Grants

Endowments and foundations that are registered in the Republic of Serbia (RS) according to the Law on Endowments and Foundations must comply with all the following criteria in order to be eligible to apply:

1. Domestic endowments and foundations registered at the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) within the Register of Endowments and Foundations.

2. The goals for which a domestic endowment or foundation was founded, same as the regulations of the founding act and the statute, must be consistent with the objectives of this call, with particular emphasis on contributing to the achievement of the common good.

3. Legally registered for at least one year before submission of the project proposal.

4. To have a minimum of one employee for the year 2019 (as evidenced by the relevant document).

5. Legally registered to perform activities for which they will realise the objectives of the proposed project.

6. Proven track record of successful realisation of projects that are dealing with the issues that are subject to the CfP and of the proposed action.

7. The applicant has not been issued with a prohibition of performing their activities within two years before submitting the application (if applicable).

8. The applicant owns a business premise or has a valid long-term leasing agreement.

9. Endowments and foundations are not in the process of enforced collection of claim, bankruptcy, closure or liquidation; has a clean record in fulfilment of contractual obligations undertaken based on previous grant agreements and no cases of funds misused, illegal activities or criminal charges/convictions.

10. It has expertise, organisational and financial capacities to successfully carry on implementing the proposed action.

11. There are no criminal proceedings against the person (s) authorised to represent the organisation (legal representatives and assigned project managers).

The applicant is not producing anything that infringes copyright, trademark or intellectual property laws.

Note: The Project will accept for consideration only proposals that are consistent with the applicant’s organisation statute and mandate. This Note is relevant for many applicants listed above.


I must submit applications through e-mail at the address given on the website.


The united nations grants application portal is closed for now, so you know the United Nations grants is always open for any applicant in the world from all the member states to apply, you can always be a part of it if you mark this page to get updated each time we update an article.

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