US Citizenship Through Naturalization – How to Apply for US Citizenship Through Naturalization

– US Citizenship Through Naturalization –

Want to learn about US Citizenship through Naturalization, the timeline for applying for citizenship in the United States, the costs, the qualifications, and the rewards and responsibilities of being an American citizen.

the US Citizenship Through Naturalization – Less you have a claim to Citizenship based on ancestry you will probably have to apply for in one of the following two categories:

‣Naturalization after Six years in the US

‣. And Naturalization after Five to Six years of ‘Green Card‘ Usage

Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Table of Contents

The US Citizenship Through Naturalization – Naturalization Eligibility Requirements

Before an individual applies for naturalization, he or she must meet a few requirements. Depending on the individual’s situation, there are different requirements that may apply. The general requirements for naturalization are below.

‣Must be at least 18 years old at the time of filing Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

‣ You must be a permanent resident (have a “Green Card”) for at least 5 years.

‣Must show that you have lived for at least 3 months in the state or the USCIS district where you apply.

‣ Also, must show continuous in the United States for at least 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing Form N-400.


the US Citizenship Through Naturalization – How to Apply for the US Citizenship Through Naturalization –

‣Show that you have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing Form N-400.

‣ Be able to read, write, and speak basic English.

‣Have a basic understanding of U.S. history and government (civics).

‣ Be a person of good moral character.

‣Demonstrate an attachment to the principles and ideals of the U.S. Constitution.

N/B: If you are not married to any the US Citizen you will need to meet the following residence requirements over the last five years.

The US Citizenship Through Naturalization – Naturalization Process

The naturalization process includes the following steps:

‣Determine if you are already a U.S. citizen.

‣ Determine your to become a U.S. citizen.

‣Prepare Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

‣ Submit Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

‣Go to the biometrics (fingerprinting) appointment, if applicable.

‣ Complete the interview.

‣Receive a decision from the USCIS on your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

‣ Receive a notice to take the Oath of Allegiance.

‣Take the of Allegiance to the United States.

‣ Understand your rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen.

the US Citizenship Through Naturalization  – How to Apply for Naturalization

By following the guide below you will apply for the US Citizenship Naturalization;

‣ Fill Form N-400 with Adobe Reader using this

to the US Naturalization Instructions

‣ the US Document Checklist, Current Fees, Naturalization Eligibility Worksheet –

‣the US Naturalization Requirements Information –

‣ Get Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance – to Get Form

the US Citizenship Through Naturalization – How to Know if You’ve Been Qualified for Naturalization

‣You have been a permanent resident for at least 5 years and meet all other eligibility requirements

‣ Must have been a permanent resident for 3 years or more and meet all eligibility requirements to file as a spouse of a U.S. citizen.

‣You have qualifying service in the U.S. armed forces and meet all other eligibility requirements.

‣ Your child may qualify for naturalization if you are a U.S. citizen, the child was born outside the U.S., the child is currently living outside the U.S., and you meet all other eligibility requirements.

‣You may qualify through other to naturalization if you do not qualify through the paths described in the links to the left.

The processing time for the US Citizenship and Naturalization applications is currently about three to six months. If you would like help with a naturalization application made based on having permanent residency, please contact our office on (202) 272-1280 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Note: If you are already a U.S. citizen, no need to apply for naturalization if your biological or adoptive parent(s) became a U.S. citizen before you reached the age of 18.

Naturalization Process and Coverage 

Naturalization records began in Social times. The conditions and process of naturalization have changed many times over the times.

The introductory conditions have been occupancy in the country for a period of time, good moral character, and a pledge of fidelity or constancy given in a court of record.

 Colonial Naturalization (Pre-1790)

 British emigrants were automatically citizens of the colonies (British Empire).

Seven of the original colonies had their own laws for naturalizing nonnatives as citizens of the British Empire colony.

After the Revolutionary War, the individual countries established their own naturalization laws and procedures.

 3 Types of Colonial Naturalization

‣Denization– A type of naturalization used to gain land. You could buy and vend land, but your inheritors couldn’t inherit your land.

There were limited political boons associated with denization-you could bounce but you couldn’t hold a public office in the government.

‣ Pledge of Allegiance– This type of naturalization during the social period was used to renounce all former country commitments.

This gave the full boons.

‣Collaborative citizenship– This naturalization process was used to acclimatize a group of people with no supporting documents being created.

Collaborative naturalization happed when the United States came a country in 1776 and all those living in the country.

 This is exceptional to Native Americans and African Americans) were inclusively and automatically made the US citizens.

 Naturalization From 1790-1906

 They legislated the first naturalization law in 1790.

Over the times, naturalization laws changed multitudinous times.

 But generally, the process needed a protestation of intention and a solicitation to be filed to come to a citizen.

The emigrant also had to be an occupant in the United States 5 times and a 1-time occupant in the state before getting a citizen.

 In 1795, the law stated there was a 3-time occupancy demand. In 1798, they changed it to 14 times.

Still in 1802, they changed the law back to a 5-time occupancy demand in the United States and remains a demand to this day.

 They completed t
he naturalization process in a court of law.

The process needed several way to complete and colorful documents related to naturalization maybe plant in the court records described below.

 The Typical Naturalization Process Involved Three Way

1. Protestation of Intention.

The emigrant filed a protestation of intention ( also called first papers) to renounce constancy to foreign governments and to latterly prove he or she had abided in the country long enough to apply for citizenship.

Still, generally, an emigrant filed a protestation of intention up to two times after he immigrated to the United States.

The emigrant could declare any time after he arrived after fulfilling the occupancy demand.

Some emigrants waited as late as 20 times after coming to the United States to begin the process to become a citizen.

There are some exceptions to the naturalization process where the emigrant wasn’t needed to file a protestation.

2. Solicitation.

The emigrant had to stay anywhere between two to three times after he filed his protestation to file his solicitation for citizenship (also called alternate or final papers).

Most frequently the solicitation was filed in a court nearest to the city where the emigrant settled.

A Pledge of Allegiance was also inked to pledge the emigrant’s constancy to the United States and subscribe to a written pledge.

3. Certificate. After all, conditions were completed, the emigrant was sworn in as a citizen and issued his or her instrument.

The instrument is given from the same court the solicitation is filed in.

It’s called the Certificate of Citizenship or Certificate of Naturalization.


 Report And Registry, 1798-1828

 From 1798 to 1828, a new emigrant was needed to appear before an original court and register his appearance in the United States.

This was generally recorded in the court twinkles. Occasionally a separate document, a report and registry or aliens register, was created rather.

The emigrant could gain an instrument showing that he’d registered in order to prove his occupancy latterly when he applied for citizenship.

The Report and Registry could take place at a different time and different court than the emigrant’s protestation as a protestation was still needed.

 The Report and Registry may include the following information depending on the court recording the information

‣Name of emigrant

‣ Motherland


‣ Nation of constancy

‣County of migration

‣ Place of the intended agreement


 Naturalization After 1906

 When the INS was created in 1906, other naturalization records were created during the process of naturalization to keep track of emigrants in the United States.

Clones of these documents are only in the possession of the former INS, now United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (the USCIS).

A summary of some of these documents is listed below

‣ Certificate of Appearance, 1906 to the present After 1906 an emigrant was needed to submit an instrument of appearance when he solicited for citizenship in order to prove the length of his occupancy.

This document gives the place of entry, manner of appearance, and date of appearance. This was kept in the train with the solicitation.

‣Certificate of Registry A instrument created by the INS to validate emigrants who arrived previous to July 1, 1924 to the United States where no original appearance record could be located.

‣ Visa and Application Began with the Immigration Act of 1924.

All aliens had to have a Visa to enter the United States. Visas were attained at the US Delegacies and Consulates abroad.

Visa Files contain birth information, parents, children, former hearthstone, and a snap beginning in 1929.

‣ Alien Registration The Alien Registration Act of 1940 needed every citizen of the United States, age 14 times and over, to register and fill out the Alien Registration form.

The Alien Registration Program created a specific form, AR-2, that were used from 1 Aug 1940 to 31 Mar 1944 during World War II.

All original alien enrollment forms were microfilmed and are at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The originals were destroyed after rephotographing.

The Alien Registration Form

 An enrollment form contains the following information

 ‣ Name

 ‣Name at time of entry to the US

 ‣ Other names used


 ‣ Date of Birth

 ‣Citizenship/ Nation

 ‣ Gender

 ‣Connubial Status

 ‣ Race

 ‣Height and Weight

 ‣ Hair and Eye Color

 ‣Port, date, boat, and class of admission at last appearance in US

 ‣ Date of first appearance in US

 ‣Times lived in US

 ‣ Intended stay in US

 ‣Usual occupation

 ‣ Present occupation

 ‣Present employer, including address

 ‣ Club, association, or society enrollments

 ‣Military service (Country, branch, dates)

 ‣ Date and number of Protestation of Intention (if filed), and megacity and State where filed

 ‣Date of Petition for Naturalization (if filed), and megacity and State where filed

 ‣ Arrest history


 ‣ Hand

 ‣Date and place of enrollment

 10 Top Ways To Become A U.S. Citizen

 Remember, getting naturalized and getting a U.S citizen is a dream for numerous people.

Correctly so, because U.S. citizenship subventions new rights and benefits to those lucky enough to gain it.

 In this composition, we’ll explain how to get naturalized in 10steps.

However, also U, If you follow these steps, being a U.S. citizen might not be that far out in the distance.

 Step 1 Check Eligibility For U.S. Citizenship

 Before you consider getting naturalized, you need to check whether or not you’re eligible for the process.

The USCIS has set criteria for determining your citizenship eligibility.

 If you were born in theU.S. or born abroad toU.S. citizens, also you’re automatically granted U.S. citizenship.

If anyone of your parents areU.S. citizens or are naturalized.

Also, you’re needed to fill out Form N-600 or Form N-600K, which is the Operation for Certificate of Citizenship and the Operation for Citizenship and Allocation of Certificate, independently.

 Still, if you don’t satisfy any of the below conditions and are applying for U.S. citizenship, you need to meet the ensuing conditions

You must have a valid green card to prove that you’re a legal endless occupant.

 Must  a partner of aU.S. citizen for at least three times.

 You have served in theU.S. service.

 Click then for a full list of conditions and fresh details regarding.S. citizenship eligibility.

 Step 2 Complete Form N-400

 After you’ve gone through the eligibility check, go ahead and train Form N-400, Operation for Naturalization, handed by the USCIS.

 This form will ask you to give your particular details, past details (both particular and domestic), parents, employment (both once and present), education, time spent outside theU.S.

while on a green card, connubial history, and information about your partner and children (if any).

 Remember to download the most recent and streamlined dupe of Form N-400 from the USCIS website and fill out each and every question that applies to you.

Deficient forms frequently face detainments and rejection.

 Follow this link for the form.

 Step 3 Gain Two Photos

 Along with Form N-400, you also need to submit two photos of yourself.

They must
be recent ( immaculately taken within a week’s time frame and no latterly than 30 days) and should match your current facial characteristics like a hairstyle, beard, mustache, etc.

Your face must be easily shown in the print from your chin to the top of the head with no covering on your head (except for religious reasons).

 Also, these photos should be passport-sized with theU.S. standard dimension of 2 X 2 elevation or 5 X 5 cm.

The color scheme can be full color or black and white with a light or white background accompanying the print.

 Step 4 Photocopy Documents

 You need to submit multiple documents along with Form N-400.

All of them should be photocopies and not originals.

Don’t use your original documents since be transferring them via correspondence because there’s a chance they can get lost or destroyed in the process.

 You will, still, be asked to bring in your originals with you for verification purposes.

The primary documents needed are photocopies of your green card (both front and back), passport, visa, birth instrument, etc.

However, you should get them restated first and submit a photocopy, If you have documents in any language other than English.

Step 5 Shoot Your Operation Package

 After you’ve filled out Form N-400 and gathered all the documents, it’s time to shoot them to the USCIS office.

When transferring, make sure to enter the correct address.

Also, you need to shoot an operation figure of around$ 725, which includes the biometric verification figure. You can produce a plutocrat order or write a check for this purpose.

 Step 6 Get Fingerprinted

Your operation, supplied documents, and the check you wrote will be examined by USCIS officers.

After everything is in place and your surgery has been approved, you will be summoned to a USCIS office for biometric verification.

It will be necessary for you to provide your fingerprints. Colorful US law enforcement authorities will utilize these to conduct a criminal history check on you.

If they discover a big crime, though, your operation will be denied outright. However, your procedure may be delayed, but if a small crime is discovered, you are likely to pass. At your first appointment, you’ll be requested to provide your original documents.

 Step 7 Attend Naturalization Interview

Following the point session, you will be scheduled for an interview with the USCIS, during which you will be asked a series of questions.

Once it’s listed, you’ll be notified of the date, time, and location.

It is recommended that you appear to the specified office 30 twinkles ahead of time for the interview.

A portion of the interview will resemble the duration of the typical session. Canvassers will go over your N-400 form one last time and verbally confirm your responses.

They will also assess your values, attitude toward US laws and policies, and willingness to take the pledge.

Answer all questions honestly, factually, and in accordance with the answers you provided in the form.

 Step 8 Take the English And Civics Test

Officers from the USCIS will assess your abilities to comprehend, read, write, and speak English.

Although this has no direct impact on the operation, it is nonetheless critical for officers. The civics exam is more crucial.

You’ll be quizzed on anything from levies to traffic laws in the United States.

As a result, it’s critical to prepare for the interview by reading a variety of literature on the subject and building your knowledge of US legislation.

And with that, the operation will come to a close.

 Step 9 Stay For A Decision

Following the interview, the USCIS will make a decision about whether or not to give you citizenship based on the facts you provided and the questions you answered.

There are three possible outcomes.

First, you may be accepted and become a citizen of the United States.

Second, your procedure could be turned down, and you’ll be ordered to leave the country when your visa runs out.

Third, the case could go on, and they’ll either ask for more information or schedule a lot more movables.

 Step 10 Take The Pledge

If your operation is approved, you will be required to fill out a pledge form and recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States.

After that, you’ll be given your Certificate of Naturalization, indicating that you’re now a U.S. citizen.


 10 Tips to Prepare For the Citizenship Test

 Still, it means you have been an endless occupant of the US for at least three times and have family, musketeers. If you’re planning to take the Citizenship Test.

During that time, you have clearly learned about the , politics, and general customs of the country.

 But, passing the test that will give you the right to come a citizen might bear some trouble to learn further about the country and its introductory institutions.

There will be an English test that includes reading, writing, and speaking, plus a Civics test.

 The Civics test consists of 10 questions that a the USCIS officer will ask you during the interview process.

These aren’t multiple-choice, and you should give at least 6 correct answers to pass the test. So, the first needful is to have the right position of English.

 You’ll only have two openings to pass the test. However, your operation for citizenship will be declined, If you fail both times.

So, take note of these tips, do your schoolwork, exercise your English chops, and go for it!

1. Find and Download the Study Accoutrements

 On this the USCIS website, you’ll find a plenitude of coffers to exercise for your Civics test, to ameliorate your English chops, and indeed the Pledge of Allegiance.

Have them published or downloaded on your mobile device.

 2. Use Every Occasion to Prepare

 Yes, that new season of your favorite show on streaming could be tempting.

But reading, rehearsing your English, and taking practice tests is a much better use of your time than binge-watching vids.

You’ll have a plenitude of time when you’re a the US citizen.

3. Take Practice Tests

 On this website, you’ll find the most common type of questions you’ll be asked during the interview. Visit the point as frequently as you want.

You can indeed make a trivia game out of it and play it with your family. The final thing is to learn.

Although these practice tests are multiple-choice, remember that won’t be the case during the interview.

 4. Divide Your Study By Subject

 The Civics test includes questions on five subjects history, government, terrain, symbols, and leaves.

Take each of them as a separate subject.

This will help your brain to organize this knowledge in different “ boxes,” and make it easier to find it during the test. It works!

5. Speak English!

 Settlers tend to hang out with others who speak their language.

So, you may spend entire days, indeed weeks, not demanding to communicate with other people in English.

But when it comes to citizenship you might want to make trouble, take classes, watch Television, read papers, and communicate with other people in English.

The better your English, the advanced your chances of passing the test are.

 6. Seek Help

 There are numerous and companies that will help you prepare for the citizenship test.

However, ask for recommendations, If you’re willing to pay for it.

Do not go for the first bone that appears on your Google search.

However, you can always meet with other people preparing for the test, or indeed ask your kiddies for guidance, If not.

They’ve been studying Civics since the first day they entered academy.

7. Read, Watch, Hear

 Indeed if it’s the same content, you’ll train different senses, and your brain will reply to different stimulants by using colorful media.

 Remember you’re preparing to come a the US Citizen, not just to give six right answers out of ten questions.

And you’ll be perfecting your English without indeed realizing it.

 8. Follow The News!

 Due to choices or other political events, certain names may have changed between the time you studied and the day of your test.

Being up to date with the most recent events will show that you’re a concerned citizen and greatly increase your chances of passing the test.

9. Don’t Overrate Your Capability

 One of the main reasons for failing the test is assuming it’s just about general knowledge and effects every sprat should know.

Depending on the time you have lived in the US, your study position, or indeed your type of job, you may find some of the practice questions too easy or way too .

But it’s better to eat your humble pie, do your schoolwork, and give it your stylish to achieve citizenship.

 10. There’s Always An Alternate Occasion

 Still, for any reason, you fail your test, If.

The bad news is that if you do not succeed the alternate time, your operation can be denied altogether, and you’ll have to start the whole process again.

So, if you’re given an alternate occasion, do not miss it!

Remember to always work with an immigration attorney.

They’re professionals in these issues and will guide you every step of the process.

Take your practice tests, study hard, and be proud of getting a US citizen.

If you need us to help you with more updated information at the right time about this post, kindly provide us your phone number and email address in the comment box below. Also, feel free to ask any questions pertaining to this guide.

for more information about Naturalization.

Frequently Asked Questions On US Citizenship Through Naturalization

Below are some of the US Citizenship through Naturalization questions asked by our online users and answers to them.

1. How long does it take to become a U.S. citizen through naturalization?
 The national average processing time for naturalization (citizenship) applications is 14.5 months, as of June, 2021. But that’s just the application processing wait time 

2. Is naturalization the same as citizenship?
Naturalization is the act of applying for citizenship for those over 18. Acquisition of citizenship is for someone who attains citizenship because they are: Born in the United States or a U.S. Territory. Born to parents who are U.S.

3. Can you become a citizen through naturalization?

 If you meet certain requirements, you may become a U.S. citizen either at birth or after birth.

4. How Much Will It Cost To Become A U.S. Citizen?

As of February 2021, the total application fee for naturalization is $725. This fee consists of the processing fee of $640 and the biometrics fee of $85.

5. What are the 5 requirements to become a U.S. citizen?

Be of the minimum required age (typically, at least 18) Continuously and physically live in the United States as a green card holder for a certain number of years. 

6. What are the 6 requirements for naturalization?
All naturalization applicants must meet a number of filing requirements, described below.

1. Age
2. Residency
3. Residence and Physical Presence
4. Good Moral Character
5. Attachment to the Constitution
6. Language

7. Who helps an immigrant become a citizen?

To become U.S. citizens, immigrants must first become permanent residents—green cardholders. The International Rescue Committee helps refugees and immigrants obtain green cards, a costly and lengthy process in itself.

8. Can you buy a U.S. citizenship? 

If a person wants to get another citizenship after the American one, he will lose his US passport. Details about the difference between second and dual citizenship.

9. Do I need a lawyer to become a U.S. citizen?

 No. You can file USCIS forms yourself, including Form N-400, and Application for Naturalization, which can be submitted online.

10. Do you have to take a test to become a U.S. citizen?
Immigration law requires both an English and civics test for all those requesting to become citizens of the United States. English is the official language of the United States. All the documents you need to interact with the government are in English, as is all business.

I hope the article was helpful, if yes do make use of the social media sharing button below to spread the news to your friends and love ones.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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