Asian Development Bank Scholarships Program 2022

Asian Development Bank Scholarship Program 2022

Overview of the Scholarship

Applications for the Asian Development Bank Scholarship Program 2022-23 are now being accepted. This is the Asian Development Bank’s Huge Scholarship. Each year, the ADB awards 300 scholarships to international students wishing to pursue a full-time Master’s degree program. Under the ADB Scholarship Program, you can study at one of 25 universities in nine countries. The ADB Japan Scholarship Program is one of the most prestigious in the world.

The ADB Japan Scholarship does not require an application fee. Hong Kong, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States are all eligible for the ADB Scholarship. The countries in which you can apply for an ADB Scholarship are listed below.

There are many academic fields to choose from. The ADB Masters Degree Scholarships are for a period of two years. Annually, the (ADB–JSP) enrolls around 300 students. As a result, you have a better chance of receiving an ADB Scholarship. Below is the complete information about the Asian Development Bank Scholarship as well as the ADB Scholarship List for 2022.

Benefits of the Scholarship

The Asian Development Bank Scholarship program is a fully funded international student scholarship program for students who want to study in another country. The Asian Development Bank will bear all of the costs.

  1. Tuition Fees
  2. Housing Allowance
  3. Subsistence Allowance including housing allowance
  4. Student Medical and Accident Insurance.
  5. Books
  6. Economy Class Air Travel Tickets.
  7. Visa Fees, Airport Taxes, Luggage Allowance.
  8. Thesis/Research Allowance. Photocopying, School Supplies, Typing and Computer Charges, Postage, Communications, Binding Charges, Local Travel Costs and Accommodation for out-of-town trips.

Eligibility requirements

  • be a national of an ADB borrowing member country and Japanese ODA scholarship-eligible country
  • not hold dual citizenship of any developed country;
  • have gained admission to an approved master’s course at a Designated Institution.
  • hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with superior academic record;
  • have at least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application. The candidate must have proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies;
  • not be more than 35 years old at the time of application, unless waived in exceptional cases with the expressed endorsement of the Government of Japan;
  • be in good health;
  • agree to return and work in his/her home country for at least two (2) years after completion of studies under the Program in order to contribute to its development;
  • not be an Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management, staff and consultants of ADB, or the close relatives of the aforementioned by blood or adoption with the term “close relative” defined as: spouse, mother, stepmother, father, stepfather, sister, stepsister, brother, stepbrother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew;
  • not be staff of ADB–JSP Designated Institutions;
  • not be living or working in a country other than his/her home country; and
  • not be already enrolled in graduate degree programs.

Available to citizens of the following countries/areas:

  • Afghanistan
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Cambodia
  • Cook Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Fiji
  • Georgia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kiribati
  • Kyrgyz Republic
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Nauru
  • Nepal
  • Niue
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste
  • Tonga
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tuvalu
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Viet Nam

Major Fields of Study

Science and Technology

Agriculture, Biological Science, Computer Science, Energy, Engineering, Environment, Forestry, Genetics, and Health

Economics, Business and Management

Accounting, Business Administration/Management, Commerce, E-Business, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance, International Cooperation, and Social Sciences

Development Studies

Asia Pacific Studies, Development Management, and Development Studies

Law and Public Policy

International Business Law, International Environmental Law, Policy Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, and Public Policy

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Scholarship Program: List of Academic Institutions

The ADB–Japan Scholarship Program (ADB–JSP) enrolls about 300 students annually in academic institutions located in 9 countries within the Region. Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.

Hong Kong, China



New Zealand






How candidates are selected

The academic institution will screen and rank the applicants, based on its own selection criteria, keeping in view the eligibility requirements and selection criteria of the ADB. In the evaluation process, the academic institution may contact the candidates for further information. The academic institution will then submit its ranked list of applicants to ADB, including a description of the score/grading system which is the basis for the ranking.

ADB will review the submission from the academic institutions and recommend awardees based on the selection criteria of ADB to the Executive Director of Japan for formal approval.

Upon approval by the Executive Director of Japan, ADB will advise academic institutions on the successful candidates.

The academic institution will inform all applicants of the outcome of the selection process and begin to make arrangements for the awardees take up their scholarships.

The academic institutions will arrange for the signing of the acceptance of scholarship award by awardee wherein the scholars agree that after completion of their study, they will return to their home country.

ADB will send an appropriate congratulatory letter to scholars through the university.

Important to note

  • No separate application to ADB is necessary.
  • The duly accomplished applications form together with all copies of academic records should be sent to the institution at least six (6) months before the commencement of the intake that you wish to join.
  • Only candidates who have been offered admission and endorsed by the academic institutions will be considered for the scholarships by the ADB.
  • The ADB-JSP does not cover expenses for the scholar’s family; extra-curricular courses or training; additional travel during the course of the study program; additional expenses related to supplementary educational materials, field trips, or participation in workshops, seminars, or internships while at the academic institution or purchase of educational equipment such as computers.
  • Completion of the application form or admission by the academic institution does not mean that you have been accepted for a scholarship; accordingly you should not take any action with respect to your current employment or otherwise, until you have been informed by the institution that you have been awarded a scholarship.

Scholarship Program: Procedures for Applying

Request information

Applicants should request information and application forms from the chosen academic institution(s). Applicants are encouraged to access various resources, including the institutions’ websites and handbooks, and institution information sessions held in-country, to assist them in making an informed decision on the academic institution and course they wish to undertake. List of Academic Institutions

Apply for scholarship

Applicants should indicate to the academic institution that they are applying for admission and that they would like to be considered for the ADB–JSP Scholarship. The completed institution application form and required documentation, including the ADB–JSP application sheet form, should be submitted to the academic institution. Applicants must ensure that they submit accurate and complete documentation. Failure to do so may result in an application not being processed or to an award being terminated if documentation or information provided is later determined to be false. Applicants are required to submit their latest Income tax return or certification of their annual salary/monthly salary, whichever is available. They should also submit a certification of family income (parent’s income).

Applications for scholarships should be sent at least six months prior to the planned time that you wish to commence studies.

 Application Form (MS Word)

 Application Form (PDF)

DISCLAIMER : All Contents Here Were SOURCED FROM The Asian Development Bank Official website and Scholarshipunion.

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