Asking For Too Much Quotes

People often get disappointed because their expectations were too high. In most cases, it’s better to be a little bit pessimistic than too optimistic since you usually end up being surprised in the opposite direction.

Asking for too much is just as bad as asking for too little. You need to find that sweet spot, where you’re not asking for so much that people get annoyed, but also not asking for so little that they don’t take you seriously.

If you can find that sweet spot and master it, then you’ll always be able to ask for what you want without being perceived as a pushover or a haggler. I have compiled asking for too much quotes that express the gain and pitfalls of asking for too much from people and manage your expectations from people so you don’t get disappointed always.

Never ask for, or give more than you can. Don’t set the bar so high you can’t reach it, or be unreasonable and expect people to treat your requests with respect. Everyone has limits, and it is better to find out those limits before asking or offering anything.

1. Asking for too much, never asking for too little, then never asking for too much, always giving more than you expect.

2. Never ask for too much from anyone, because you can never have enough.

3. Asking for too much, won’t get you anywhere. If you want to feel loved by your loved ones, just give them peace.

4. Never ask for so much from anyone, never ask for too much from anyone, because love has no limits, only limits are human imagination.

5. I never asked too much for much, because each night I sleep soundly, secure in the fact that, my beloved and I, are the best of friends.

6. Asking for too much, if it’s not necessary, should be dropped. Don’t give it any more time. Don’t keep asking, don’t keep pleading just be happy with what you have, just be happy with who you are.

7. Never ask for too much from anyone, never give too much love. Don’t be greedy, the things you want are.

8. They say you should never ask for too much, they are too kind, but I’m not afraid, to ask for too much.

9. Never ask for too much from anyone. Never ask for more than what you can give, never ask for more than you can bear, and never ask for more than you can comprehend.

10. Never ask for too much, but never ask for too little either. Be smart about it.

11. Never ask for too much from anyone. Never dwell on your needs, for they never end.

12. Never ask for too much from anyone in a relationship, for they can never be enough.

13. Never ask for too much. Never say “give me, give me, give me”. You’re just being greedy.

14. Never ask for too much in a relationship, You’ll end up alone.

15. Asking for too much from anyone is demeaning.

16. Never ask too much from anyone, for love, friendship, or good.

17. Asking for too much, never asking for love, so don’t be so blind, to what the answer is.

18. Never ask for too much from anyone, a kind word, a laugh, a smile, a kiss, a hug, that’s all I ask.

19. Never ask for too much from anyone, never ask for too much. Just ask for a little, just ask for a little, then ask again for more.

20. Never ask for too much, from anyone you’ll always end up hurt.

21. Don’t ask for too much, don’t ask for too little, don’t ask for too much, don’t ask for too little.

22. Never ask for too much from anyone, Always give more than you receive. In return, you will receive love galore.

23. Never ask too much from anyone, Never accept less than you deserve. Never be gentle with your feelings, never be soft and gentle, never be gentle with your feelings.

24. Always ask for less, 99% of the time you won’t hear the answer, that you want to hear.

25. Never ask for too much from anyone, because if they don’t give, you will never know if they give all.

26. Never ask for too much from anyone, with your uncontrollable love.

27. Never ask for too much from anyone, because you may never get it.

28. Let’s not ask for too much from anyone, for better or for worse, let’s be happy, and content.

29. Never ask for too much from anyone. It’s simply bad manners.

30. Asking for too much is never a good thing, it is always a bad thing.

31. Asking too much from anyone is a mistake because it’s greedy. If you expect too much, you’ll be disappointed.

32. Never ask for too much, from anyone. You end up being disappointed, always trust your heart because you will never get enough.

33. Asking for too much, always puts you in a bad place. Never ask for too much, and never be held down by too much.

34. You ask for too much, forgive me, but you ask for too much and I’ll always give. And that’s all that matters to me like I love you, and that’s what matters to me.

35. People who are intelligent and not exceptionally lazy can often seem to ask for too much. It’s not that they aren’t satisfied with a lot; they just aren’t satisfied with the same things most people are.

36. There’s never too much to give. Just give, not try to receive. You’ll never be told no.

37. Never ask for too much from anyone you end up being disappointed.

38. You may not ask for too much, but you may ask the wrong thing.

39. Never ask for too much from anyone You end up disappointed, don’t hold a grudge.

40. Never ask for too much from anyone you end up being disappointed. I know you may think we will always care, but time begins to fade and we do forget.

41. The grass is always greener on the other side, but that’s always where you find it when you ask too much and don’t get enough.

42. Asking for too much, you end up with little, asking for too little, and you find yourself unsatisfied.

43. Don’t ask for more than you can hold, don’t ask for more than you deserve.

44. Too much you say? Never ask too much also give too little, because it’s what you do that counts.

45. Asking too much, what’s the harm there?

46. Never ask for too much from anyone you end up being disappointed, asking for too much is a crime, asking for too much is like asking to lose.

47. Asking for too much, falling in love was too much, Wanting her was too much, wanting to be with her was too much.

48. I say ask no more from me, for there’s only so much I can give, so please don’t ask for too much, for I’ll give what I can.

49. Don’t ask for too much, trust too much, fall too deeply, or stubbornly keep your heart closed off.

50. Asking for too much, Is never a good thing because you end up getting less than what you asked for.

51. Love should be measured slowly, not thrown like a hand grenade. Demanding is never good, but asking for too much, never gets the answer.

52. Never ask too much from anyone, For, in the end, they will leave you, thinking about all the love they gave.

53. Asking for too much was my biggest mistake. For the rest of my life, I’ll love you, always.

54. Asking for too much, when you give, your heart is filled with pain. Giving always leads to losing, asking always leads to pain, and always give more than you ask.

55. Never ask for more than you can bear.

56. Never ask for more than you need, never ask for more than you want, and never ask for more than what you’re willing to give.

57. Asking for too much, never asking for more than you can give. You give me everything, you give me your all.

58. Asking for too much, when you ask too much, you never get what you need.

59. Asking for too much is greedy because too much is never enough.

60. Asking for more Is never gonna happen. Because you never ask for more. Always give more than you expect.

61. Asking for too much It should not be like that, asking for too much It shouldn’t be like that.

62. Asking for too much, a hundred things I want it my way, asking for too much, a hundred things I want it my way.

63. Don’t ask for too much, don’t expect too little, give all you have and give all you get.

64. It’s not that successful people ask for too much. It’s that they’re not satisfied by the same things as most people.

65. Never ask for too much, always give more, and expect less. It’s a principle of life.

66. If I ever ask for too much, it’s because giving more is what I do.

67. If you ever ask for too much, always give more, and expect less. Try to balance it out.

68. The hardest problem to solve is figuring out what a ‘satisfying’ life is. That’s why you end up asking too much.

69. You need a good grasp of what something is worth to ask for it, but at first, you won’t know.

70. Asking too much, giving too much, expecting for little in return. This is how life works.

71. Taking, but never giving back, never asking for too much, giving more is what I do. Expect little in return.

72. Asking for too much, giving more is what I do, except for little in return.

73. Never ask of others what you would not ask of yourself because it’s not a weakness.

74. Asking too much of others, it’s a little selfish. Don’t let your shortcoming become another problem for someone else.

75. Go after what you want, but not if it requires you to trample over those you care about.

76. Demanding too much, I expect more from you than you are willing to give. Expecting things I cannot give you, asking for more from you than you ever will be able to give.

77. When you ask for too much, You’ll never receive more than you give.

78. Asking too much, giving more is what I do. Expecting little in return.

79. Asking for too much, I give more in return than is asked of me. If it’s a yes, it’s all a yes, no questions asked.

80. Know your limits. Just because you want something, doesn’t mean you can get it at any cost.

81. Be mindful of the fact that expecting too much from people can harm your relationships.

82. Don’t push the people you care about aside to get what you want.

83. Why do you demand so much? Giving only a little, for what you did to me.

84. Don’t ask for too much, don’t give less, give your best, and never expect, it all back.

85. Know your limits. Just because you want something, doesn’t mean you can get it at any cost.

86. Don’t push the people you care about aside to get what you want.

87. Don’t expect others to do things for you that you must do yourself.

88. Never asking for too much, giving more is what I do and expecting little in return.

89. If you give someone too much, you take away their pride, If they give you too much, you take away your pride.

90. Don’t give me too much, and don’t ask for too little, just give me what you have, always give more than you ask.

91. Asking for too much isn’t good, giving more is better. It’s easier to give instead of asking for it.

92. Giving smiles, giving hugs and kisses, giving your time and talents, asking for nothing in return.

93. Me asking too much ain’t love, never asking for too much, giving love, that’s all I do, expect little in return.

94. You never know when miracles will happen. Life is full of surprises, Never ask for too much.

95. Asking for too much, giving more is what I do, except for little in return, although I’m not perfect, I do more than my share.

96. You demand a lot from me, You expect me to be the perfect man. You’re asking for too much from me.

97. You demand a lot from me, you expect me to be the perfect man, I can only do my best, never ask for too much.

98. They say never ask for too much, I’m asking for too much, Please help me, as I took it for granted, that I have you in my life.

99. You never ask for too much, that’s what I like about you.

100. I’ll always be there for someone, and I’ll never ask for too much from that person.

101. My love, my love, I know how much you care. But asking too much is rude.

Asking for too much from anyone will just push them away. And no matter how bad you want something done, you can’t expect someone to read your mind. So, when asking for things, try to find a middle spot where you get what you want and you don’t offend anyone.

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