Assessing “Noma Tushen Arziki” Television Programme For Small-Scale Farming Development In Du District, Jos South Local Government, Plateau State

Assessing “Noma Tushen Arziki” Television Programme For Small-Scale Farming Development In Du District, Jos South Local Government, Plateau State.


This dissertation assesses “Noma Tushen Arziki” television programme for small-scale farming development in Du district of Jos South Local Government of Plateau state.

Acknowledging the fact that the programme was initiated by Plateau Radio Television Corporation (PRTVC) to help farmers with useful information that will educate them on new and improved systems of farming, government incentive available for them, new technology and seedlings so as to improve their farm yield and productivity.

However, there is still poor farm yield and hunger within the state; and a recent survey conducted by the National Bureau of statistics, placed Plateau state among the 10 poorest states in Nigeria.

This study therefore seeks to assess „Noma Tushen Arziki‟ television programme with a view to determining the efficacy of its communication strategy for small scale farming development in Plateau state.

Through the use of both the quantitative and qualitative research methods and tools, this study discovered that inconvenient timing of the programme,

lack of awareness creation and farmers preference for watching films and other free cable network channels to watching the local channels available (PRTVC);

and lack of feedback mechanism and participatory platforms of “Noma Tushen Arziki” has resulted to low viewership and subsequently lack of impact of the programme on farmers.


Title Page ———————————————————————————– i
Declaration ———————————————————————————-ii
Certification ——————————————————————– ————-iii
Dedication———————————————————————————— iv
Acknowledgements- ————————————————————————–v
Abstract ————————————————————————————– vi
Table of Contents ————————————————————————— vii
1.0 Background to the Study———————————————————— 12
1.1 Statement of the Research Problem—————————————————– 14
1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study————————————————————–17
1.3 Research Questions——————————————————————————18
1.4 Significance of the study————————————————————————18
1.5 Scope of the Study——————————————————————————-19
2.0. Introduction—————————————————————————————20
2.1. Perspectives on Communication and Development Communication———————20
2.2 Agricultural Development Communication—————————————————26
2.3 The Potentials of Television in Agricultural Development ———————————32
2.4 Importance of Television in Communicating Agricultural Development—————–35
2.5Participatory Approaches to Agricultural Development————————————-37
2.6 Small Scale Farming——————————————————————————39
2.7 Noma Tushen Arziki Television Programme————————————————-42
2.8 Review of studies on Noma Tushen Arziki —————————————————45
2.9 Media Mix —————————————————————————————-47
2.9 Theoretical Framework————————————————————————–47
3.0 Introduction————————————————————————————–49
3.1 Research Design———————————————————————————49
3.2 Research Population—————————————————————————-51
3.3 Sample size and Procedure———————————————————————52
3.3.2 In-Depth—————————————————————————————-53
3.3.3 Key-Informant Interview———————————————————————53
3.4 Procedure for Analysis————————————————————————–54
4.0 Introduction—————————————————————————————55
4.1 Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents —————————————56
4.2 Farmer‟s Accessibility to the Programme “Noma Tushen Arziki————————–59
4.3 Efficiency of “Noma Tushen Arziki” Programme in Helping Farmers improve their
4.4 Opinion of Farmers on If “Noma Tushen Arziki” programme can Enhance Farmers
4.5 Ways in which the Programme “Noma Tushen Arziki” can be Improved to Enhance
Farmers Productivity—————————————————————————-68
4.6 Discussion of findings————————————————————————–70
5.1 Summary of the Study———————————————————————-77
5.2 Key Findings———————————————————————————78
5.3 Conclusion————————————————————————————79
5.4 Recommendations—————————————————————————79
5.5 Contributions to the Body of Knowledge————————————————–80


Background to the Study

From inception of mankind, agriculture has been the main source of food supply. In the same vein, people all over the world, especially in developing countries, are engaged in agricultural activities as such agriculture is one of the most important primary activities of man and it guarantees basic food supply.

However, according to the Regents of the University of California (2002), agriculture is defined as the science, art and occupation of cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock.

Furthermore, it is the very basis of civilization; the food we eat, the clothing we wear, the material of our homes, the gardens around us, and of course many of our traditions and values.

Although the activity of agriculture is defined variously in different parts of the world, it most commonly includes, planting of crops and raising of animals for the purpose of food consumption.

Agriculture plays a crucial role in the life of an economy being considered as the backbone of our economic system. It does not only provide food and raw materials but also employment opportunities to a large number of people (Agriculture goods 2016).


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