Assessment of Determinants of Insurance Companies‘ Performance in Nigeria

Assessment of Determinants of Insurance Companies’ Performance in Nigeria.


have undergone reform in 2004 in order to enhance their performance and to make them stronger players nationally and internationally.

Besides, in 2014 available statistics revealed that the performance of insurance companies in Nigeria still remains below average.

The statistics further indicated that the companies contribute only 0.3% of overall GDP in 2014 in terms of the written which was very minimal if compared to 16% of South African insurance contribution to GDP.

This among others provides a cause for assessing the in Nigeria. In this view, this study assessed the determinants of insurance companies’ performance in Nigeria.


1.1 Background to the Study ……………………………………… 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ……………………………………… 5
1.3 Research Questions ……………………………………… 7
1.4 Objectives of the Study ……………………………………… 8
1.5 Research Hypotheses ……………………………………… 8
1.6 Significance of the Study ……………………………………… 9
1.7 Scope of the Study ……………………………………… 10


2.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………… 12

2.2 The Concept of Insurance ……………………………………… 12

2.3 Historical Background of Insurance Business in Nigeria ……….. 16

2.4 Insurance Industry and the Nigerian Economy ………………….. 21

2.5 The Concept of Performance and Performance Measurement…… 25

2.6 Review of Literature on Financial Performance (Dependent Variables) 31

2.7 Review of Literature on Determinants (Independent Variables) …. ……. 36

2.8 Empirical Studies on Internal Determinants of Performance …….. 64

2.9 Empirical Studies on External Determinants of Performance …….. 73

2.10 Theoretical Framework ………………………………………. 77


3.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………. 88

3.2 Research Design ……………………………………………………… 88

3.3 Population of the Study ……………………………………….. 89

3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Techniques ……………………………… 89

3.5 Methods of Data collection ……………………………………….. 91

3.6 Techniques of Data Analysis ……………………………………….. 93

3.7 Justification of the Methods and Techniques ……………………….. 106


4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………… 108

4.2 Some Important Statistical Tests ………………………………….. 108

4.3 Descriptive Statistical Analysis …..………………………………… 130

4.4 Percentage Analysis of Questionnaire Responses …………………. 133

4.5 Correlation Test ……………………………………………………. 134

4.6 Test of Hypotheses ………………………………………………… 136

4.7 Discussion of Research Findings ………………………………… 147

4.8 Major Findings of the Study ……………..………………………… 151


5.1 Summary …………………………………………………………… 156

5.2 Conclusion …………………………………………………………. 159

5.3 Limitations of the Study ……………………………………………. 160

5.4 Recommendations ………………………………………………….. 161

5.5 Suggestion for Further Research ……………………………………. 163

References ……………………………………………………………….. 164

Appendix ……………………………………………………………….. 191


Generally, in developed economies, insurance business contributes significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

is also seen as the backbone of any country‘s risk management system, since it ensures financial security, serves as an important component in the financial intermediation chain, and offers a ready source of long term capital for infrastructural projects in Nigeria (Augustine & Nwanneka, 2011).

Similarly, insurance business plays a vital role in the through risk bearing, employment of labour, , providing vehicle for investors and other financial investment services, (Hamadu & Mojekwu, 2010). Therefore, it is important to ensure that insurance companies‘ in Nigeria are performing efficiently and significantly.


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