Assessment of Facility Needs in Public Primary Schools in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State

 Assessment of Facility Needs in Public Primary Schools in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State.

Table of Contents


This study was designed to assess the facility needs in public primary schools in Onitsha education zone of Anambra state. To achieve the purpose of the study, five research questions were posed and two null hypotheses were formulated. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study.

The population for the study  comprised one hundred and twenty three (123) head teachers in the public primary schools in Onitsha education zone of Anambra State.

All the 123 head teachers constitute the sample size of the study. This implies that no sampling technique was carried out in this study because the population was small and manageable.

The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire titled “Facility Needs of Public Primary Schools” (FNPPS) developed by the researcher. The instrument was validated by experts in Science Education.

The FNPPS was trial tested to determine the reliability using twenty five head teachers in Nnewi education zone of Anambra State who are not part of the study and reliability coefficient of 0.90 and 0.93 were obtained for cluster C and E respectively.

The data obtained for the study were analyzed using percentage and frequency for answering research question one, two and four while research question three and five were answered using means and standard deviation. Chi-square (X2) and analysis of variance were used to test the null hypothesis one and two respectively.

The findings of the study revealed that: all the facilities in the item statement are needed in public primary schools in Onitsha education zone of Anambra State; only 22 facilities needed in public primary schools in Onitsha education zone were available.

The findings also revealed that the available facilities needed in Onitsha education zone of Anambra State are fairly adequate; only three (3) available facilities needed in public primary schools in Onitsha education zone are functional.

Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that; government should develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation system to enhance quality assurance in all public schools in the state;

Government and other proprietors of schools should equip schools with adequate facilities required for the implementation of stated objectives of primary school and government should provide adequate quality assurance funding at primary school level.



APPROVAL PAGE         ii

CERTIFICATION                   iii

DEDICATION         iv




ABSTRACT       xi


Background of the Study       1

Statement of the Problem       7

Purpose of the Study         8

Significance of the Study      8

Scope of the Study          9

Research Questions  9

Hypotheses               10


Conceptual Framework                   11

Concept of Education                       12

Concepts of Primary Education       19

Public Schools                      36

Facility Need        37

Assessment             39

Theoretical Framework       40

Maslow’s Theory of Need Hierarchy     40

Empirical Studies         42

Summary of Literature Review                 48


Design of the Study       49

Area of the Study    49

Population of the Study               50

Sample and Sampling Technique  50

Instrument for Data Collection             50

Validation of an Instrument                   51

Reliability of the Instrument       51

Method of Data Collection         51

Method of Data Analysis     52


Research Question One     53

Research Question Two         55

Research Question Three      56

Research Question Four      58

Research Question Five     59


Discussion of Findings    65

Conclusion       73

Implication of the Study74

Limitation of the Study       74

Recommendations 75

Suggestion for Further Studies        76

Summary of the Study     77


APPENDICES        85


Education is a conscious and purposeful effort directed towards the transmission of accumulated abilities, knowledge and attitudes from one generation to the other with ultimate intension of producing men and women who will be relevant and useful to themselves and the society.

It can be regarded as the key that unlocks the development of personal and national potential and all kinds of rights and powers (Akindutire & Ekundayo, 2012).

The increasing awareness of the importance of education to the upliftment of the individual and societal standards has awakened in people and nations a conscious effort at devoting their meager resources to acquiring qualitative education.

Balogun (2010) opined that education is the light, without which, the whole world would be in darkness. It is the basis of scientific and technological breakthroughs and the basis of modernity, which have made all nations of the world accord immense priority to it.

Therefore, the kind of education operated should bring about skill development as this will enable individuals to live and contribute meaningfully to the overall development of the society in which they live.

Okolo (2010) asserted that education make individuals to function and be relevant not only to themselves but to their society irrespective of place, time and circumstances.


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